HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1992.05.04376 CALL TO ORDER 1 9gfy noticed regular meeting of the Burlingarne City Council washeld on the above date in the City HaIl Counail Charnbers. Themeeting was cal1ed to order at 7:31 p.n. by lIayor Frank pagliaro. BURLINGAIiIE, CAITITORTIA Uay l, L992 PLEDGE O F ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Pledge was led by Park Director Rich euadri. ROLIJ CALL COT]NCIL PRESENT: COI'NCIL ABSENT: HARRISON, KNIGHT, LEMBT, O'MAHONY, PAGLTARO NONE 20, 1992 and the L992 were approved on Counci lwoman POSTPONE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU UPDATE Mayor Pagliaro said because Bureau president Cannizzaro could notbe present, the update would be postponed until the next rneet j-ng. TREE REMOVAL AT L247 P AVENUE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular }{eeting of Apri1Joint Counci I/ Planning Meeting of April 25,rnotion of Councilwornan Knight. Seconded by O rMahony, carried unanirnously. Park Director reviewed his memo of April 29 which reconmend.ed.council approve removaf of a tree aL L247 paloma. In 1988 staffrnet with PG&E to develop a cooperative venture to reduce theincidence of tree related power failure and to assure citystandards were met when pruning trees in proxinity of powerl-ines. PG&E agreed to assist the city in replacing delIiningtrees by removing selected trees under power lines; this resultsin savings of up to $2o,ooo a year for the city. The park Departnent deterrnined the Black Acacia species was appropriate tobegi.n replacing because this tree is second onl-y to Eucalyptus inincidence of tree and lirnb failure and property damage; thesetrees are short lived, brittle trees. fn 1991 fifty-threeAcacias were inspected and 23 were designated for replacement;eleven !/ere removed in October 1991 and the rest are scheduledfor renoval this summer. When the residents at 1245 and, 7247 Pal-oma learned of the plan for removal they appealed to counci]and are requesting the city delay removal until replacement treesare planted. The resident at L247 Paloma asked for a cornpromise,. that thereplacement tree be planted nos/ and the renoval of the Acacia bedelayed until a later date to give the repLacement tree a chanceto grow. Mayor asked staff when the city planned to repl-acetrees. Director said PG&E would be removing trees in June orJufy; trees would be replanted afmost imrnediately; the property owner can choose from a list the variety of tree to be replanted. Council-wonan Knight asked if the nev/ tree would be replanted in same l-ocation; staff said no, the Acacia is too close to adriveway. Council understood the homeownerrs desire to save thislarge tree, but having seen darnage done by fal-Ien trees, councilsaid it had no choice but to support staff; inspection has shownthis tree has heart rot. The Mayor asked that staff try toschedule removal and replacenent as close together as possible. Councilman Harrison noved to support staff recommendation. Seconded by Councilwonan OrMahony, carried unanimously by voice vote . INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1459 - AMENDING BUS]NESS LICENSE CODE AND FEES. ADDTNG DEFINITIONS AND ADDTNG GROSS REVENUE TAX FOR AIRPORT PARKI NG FACTLITIES City Attorney reviewed his memo of April 27 which recommendedcouncil introduce this ordinance to raise business license taxes $25 on JuIy 1, 1992 and another $2S on July 1, 1993; raise otherfees and charges sinilarly; add a 5 percent gross revenue tax onairport parking facilities; consolidate severaL sections andclarify sone procedures. A public hearing rrould be held at thenext meeting, May t8, 1992. Staff responded to council questions regarding charges forclosing out sal-es and gross revenue tax anount in South SanFrancisco. Councilman Harri-son moved to introduce oRDINANCE1459. seconded by councilnan Lenbi, carried unanimously. TNTRODUCTTON OF ORDINANCE 1450 - AI,IENDING ZONING CODE , ADDING DEFINITIONS AND REORGANIZING SECTIONS CONCERNING WINDOWS AND SIMILAR ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES IN RESIDENTTAL DISTRICTS, AND REMOVING VARIOUS SUPERSEDED AND OUTDATED SECTIONS city Planner reviewed her meno of April 17 which recommendedcouncil introduce this ordinance and set public hearing for I"Iay]-a, :-992. At the April 13 PJ,anning Commission meeting, the cornmj,ssion reviewed these proposed changes to the zoning code and recommended some additional changes which are incorporated in the ordinance sent to council; structures over 30 inches in height would be counted in lot coverage; greenhouse and bay $rindohrs would be excepted from side and rear setback requirernents; all items referring to a districtts regulations are now incfuded in each districtts section, rather than having to refer to other sections; parking is still a separate section; some sections were found to be better covered in fire or building code regulations, so were removed frorn the zoning code; she responded to questions. councilr^ronan otMahony suggested sone technical changes. Councilwonan Knight moved introduction of oRDINANCE 1460. seconded by Councilwonan orMahony, carried unaninously by voice vote . CANCELLATION OF MA Y 20 STUDY MEETING Mayorcilts Pagliaro canceled the study meeting of uay 20 with coun- approval. RESOLUTTON 39-2 ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF DOWNTOWN RECY- CLING ENCLOS s cP 119 Public worksthis projectof 99,7L4. neno of April 28 recommended council accept as completed by Ace Fence company in the amount DENIAL OF CLAII.{ OF TED FISHER city Attorneyrs memo of April 29 recommended council deny this cl,airn for damaqe to a vehicle from a tree branch falf- ing . b. 377 a. CONSENT CALENDAR Regarding (c) councilman Harrison vrondered about appointing a Library Board trustee lrhose tern is about to expire to the PLS two year term; he suggested reappointing cannon to the Library Board at this time; council inquired of status of applications to Library Board; staff responded only one incumbent has applied. Mayor Pagliaro suggested just going ahead with the PLs appoint- ment. llayor was pleased to see completion of the recycling enclosures (a) and asked when they r.rould go into use; staff responded BFI is doing a survey to see how restaurants wouldparticipate, should start use within few weeks. 378 c APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVTSO Y BOARD Library Boardrs memo of Aprit 21 recommended council appointKristine Cannon for a two year term. d. APPROVAL OF CITY TELEPHONE CONVERSION Finance Directorrs nemo of April 27 reconmended council approve conversion of the city hal1 telephone system toPacific Be1I Centrex system under the terns of the State ofCalifornia contract at a cost of 98,957. e APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE VEL FOR POLTCE TRAINING Police Chief's neno of April 27 reconmended council approveout-of-state travel for our parking meter repairman for oneweek in Arkansas; the school is free; travel, housing andmeals would cost about 9900. f. SPECIAL CROACHMENT PERMTT FOR FENCE AT 15 56 EASTMOOR Publ-ic works memo of April 27 recommended council approvethis pernit with conditions for a wood fence between- fSSZand 1556 Eastmoor; the section in city right of way would bethree feet high. cqENP h NT OR Councilman Harrison moved approval Seconded by Council_rroman Oruahony,vote. OLD BU S INES S SCHED E APPEAL INGS I,to T2 of the Consent Calendar.carried unanimously by voice Public Works neno of April 28 recommended council approvethis pernit, with condition that they relocate the tlnce tocLear the city meter box, for an iron fence with concreteposts . o Public works memo of April 29 recommended council approvethis.permit subject to conditions for five 36 inch Liee potson sidewalk fronting stores for beautification purposes. COIJNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Airport Roundtable3 council,wornan orMahony will attend a meetingto discuss Federal opposition to reevaluate the feasability ofPFCsr' she did not think charges were worthwhile. Second Hirvest:councilnan Harrison had attended a di,nner for this organizationwhich does amazing job collecting food for needy. aAi.r: coun-cilwoman Knight attended the san Carlos hearing on BART to theairport; she enjoyed the youth in Government Oiy last week. Senior Lunches 3 Councilwornan OtMahony mentioned a ne$rs articleregarding senior Iunch progran which gave impressj.on council wasconsidering eliminating this program; Recrealion Department hasreported that 60 percent of participants are nurlingane seniorsand most are over 75 years of age. Council members agreed thisis a worthwhile program and it lhould be continued. BID: CounciLnan Harrison took exception to a letter to theeditor from Dave Dornlas regarding council rs d.ecision to delayBID until both sides taIk. Council agreed.. After consj-derable discussion, Mayor pagliaro scheduled appealhearings for the June 15 neeting ior faOe Cabril1o, ana f?iOShermanl Councilman Lembi said he would be late to the June 1 379 meet in meetin appeal was sefor re Ro11in cons id on Ro1 on sit otherpernit RESOLUTION 40-92 - I'RGING WITHHOLDTNG OF FI,JNDING FOR BART-SFO EXTENSTON UNTIL DOWNTOWN CALTRATN EXTENSION IS ASSURED AND URGING NETGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION Council discussed several letters received frorn citizens regard-ing BART extension to the airport, and the Caltrain extension in San Francisco. Council- supported a resolution to be sent to UTC,1ocaI city councils and legislators about not allocating funds to BART until the Cattrain extension is funded, and also to preserve neighborhoods during BART extension. Council unanimously ap-proved adoption of RESOLUTION 40-92. g at which BfD $rould be discussed; the l{ayor set thatg to start at 8:00 p.n. rather than 7:30 p.m., there is analready set for that neetinq. An appeal for 27OO Surnmitt for the Uay 18 meeting. Councilman Harrison called upview the embalning and cold storage facility at 12gosr' it was scheduled for the May 18 rneeting. Mayor pagLiaro ered calling up the Mike Harvey auto dealer sign perrnitslins, noting this permit would increase signage 25 percente. Since the l"layor would be absent at the next meeting andcouncil rnembers were not overly concerned with this sign , he did not call it up for review. NAW BUSINESS Rodney King Verdict Riots: Council complinented our police department for providing extra coverage during the recent unrest;it was reassuring to see police officers walking the businessdistricts on Saturday. a ACKNOWL DGEMENTS b Several letters regarding BART and Caltrain. FROM TH E FLOOR No comments fron the floor. CLOSED S SSION - ADJOURNME NT TN MEMORY OF TO NY MALLAMO Commissj,on l.{inutes: Traffic, Safety and parking, Park and Recreation, April l-6; Senior, April 16;Board, April 21; Planni"ng, Apr il 27, 1992. Proclamations: public works Week, May 17-23;Historic Preservation Week, llay 1O-16, 1992. April 9iLibrary Nationa I At 8:17 p.m. Mayor Pagliaro adjourned to a closed session onlabor negotiations and noted the meeting s/ould be adjourned innemory of Tony I'Iallamo, city employee and son of Shop Supervisor Bob Ma11amo. The closed session was adjourned at B:54 p.m. 1" udith A. Malfacity clerk