HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1992.03.18353 CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COI'NCII., STUDY MEETTNG wednesday, March 18, 1992, 7:30 P.m.city HalI conference Roon A Mayor Frank Pagtiaro convened the study session of the city council on the above date in conference Room A of city HaI1 at 7:30 p.n. Burl ingane Burl ingarne PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS STAFF PRESENT: ARGYRES, MASS AND BULK OF SINGLE EAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP- MENT/EXTERIOR ILLU}IINATION Council reviewed with staff the rnaterial prepared for both council and the planning cornmission on current regulations concerning height, setbacks at grade, second story setbacks, Iot coverage, and possible additional controls on structure size such as floor area ratio and design revj.esr. councifwoman Knight stated that she wished to start a dialogue on the issue of mass and bulk prior to the council's April study rneeting with theplanning commission. she was interested in expanding the declin-ing height to rear setbacks and evaluating floor area ratio. She felt vre needed to tighten up on our current controls because soneof the existingr projects such as the house at Paloma and Lincoln were built within current code and appear very much over sizedl and she has received numerous complaints from the public. Mayor Pagliaro asked that we try to define the problern. Is thecurrent development envelope too large? Councilman Harrison thought the term rrnans j-oni zationrr was descriptive. He alsoindicated that there appears to be a problem when an o1d house istorn down and the large previously subdivided Iot allows three houses to be built. I"layor Pagliaro stated that the probJ.ems of house size are very difficult to address with a broad brush. Councilwoman Knight thought that some of the current remodels arenot compatible with the existing neighborhood. They appear to betoo massive, but they are sti11 within the code. Councilman Lembi indicated that since the city adopted, in 1988,the declining height regulations, he has received very fewcomplaints. He questioned whether the cornplaints we hrere nowreceiving are on projects built before the existing regulations. He thought we needed to review the declining hei.ght to see ifitts working. Ee did see problens in certaj.n areas not currently covered by the hillside construction regulations. He describedthe view inpact problems of second stories with properties oncoronado and Easton where the lots are terraced, as an example. Councilman Harrison noted that he has received cornplaints on lotswith houses v/here the house had been demolished and totally ne!, houses built to the maximum allowable regulations. Councj,lwoman O'Mahony said she had received only a few complaints on newhouses. After additional discussion, staff was asked to revie$/the possibility of expanding the area covered by the hiLlsidearea construction ordinance to address impacts of second storyadditions. Council asked that this cover only second storyadditions and not the expanded review currently in place in thehillside area that also addresses decks and other expansions. Councilman Harrison stated he would like to Look at the possibil-ity of applying sorne declining height type regulations to theback of properties. council agreed that staff should also lookat this matter. Councilman Lenbi noted that we need to besensitive to construction costs so vre are very careful aboutadding cost to projects. CounciLwoman OrMahony stated she wouldlike to protect the declining height regulations along sideproperty lines in their current form. She felt they ire working HARRISON, COLEI4AN, KNIGHT, LEI{BI , O II.{AHONY, PAGLIARO l'{oNRoE 1 354 s/eII and they are effective in regulatinq additions andtating the ability of ner^, families noving into the area expand. faci 1i -to Council$/onan Knight and other council members indicated that they do not support the idea of design review. They complinented thecity of Millbrae on some of its hand-outs. After additional discussion, council continued this rnatter to the April 25 joint neeting with the planning cornmission. It was decided that priorto this meeting, and at their own convenience, each council member and commissioner would take the tour of recent projects outlined by staff. In discussing the matter of exterior iLlurnination, council indicated that it $/anted to extend the existing ternporary ordi- nance to october. Fina11y, counciL discussed exterior lighting and its role in the perception of mass and bulk. They looked atpictures of a development on Lassen Way with under-eave lighting and discussed the lighting and mass impact on the adjacent propery to the rear at 1649 coronado way. Additional itens for discussion at the April 25 rneeting are uses in the M-1 district and transition zones bethreen commercial and residential uses such as on chula Vista. councilwoman orMahony asked that the matterof annexation of unincorporated areas also be considered. NEW OR ADDITIONAL The city Manager reviewed the current revenue and expense trend lines in the general fund. Revenues are statj.c or decliningr and expenses are increasing. The city dipped slightly into fund balances last year in addition to reducing capital improvernent expenditures. For this fiscal year, with the exception of our 28 increase in hotel tax and one-tine PERS credits, we will againdip into reserves by alnost $800,000. The picture appearssimilar for 1992-93, and this assumes no change in funding frorn the state. The city needs to look either at reducing programs, increasingT revenues, or using the 28 hotel- tax. In reviewing the three suggested revenue sources, council indi- cated that it supported an airport parking business license tax. Councilrnan Harrison and Mayor Pagliaro suggested that the tax be at a 5& gross receipts 1eve1 effective JuIy 1. Council concurred and directed staff to prepare the necessary code amendments for consideration at a later rneeting. The next suggested revenue source discussed was increasing the garbage franchise fee for dump closure fron the existing 2\Z Eo 108. This would raise approxinately $250,000 a year to fund approximately 508 of the closure and rnonitoring costs for the bay front landfiLl. City Manager explained that the State Integrated Waste Managernent Board has returned our closure application requesting additional financiaL assurances prior to further review. councilvroman Knight expressed concern that while she sees the need, she would rather use the 2? hotel tax than cause a general increase in sewer service charges. Council directed that staff proceed with the implenentation of this increase as recotnmended. The final suggested revenue source was the inflation adjustnent on the current flat rate business license tax. Council supported the phased approach for an increase and directed that staff prepare the necessary code anendments for a $75 business license fee for 1992, and a $100 business license fee for 1993. Mayor Paqliaro asked that staff al-so come back at a future date with some method of trying to tax those car rental businesses which do not currently generate revenue for the city. 3. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilrnan Lenbi indicated that the Criminal Justice Council will shortly be sending to the city the final plans for the North 355 county drop-off facility. The city Manager indicated that we may not want to participate given the availability of our current holding facility in the police station. FROM THE FLOOR A merchant indicated that the proposed $100 fixed business license fee is not unreasonable compared to rnany other cities. Dave Dornlas shared with council some of the naterial that hevil1 be circulating in opposition to the proposed Business Improvenent District. He asked council why they were listed on formation committeers material as supporting formation of thedistrict; He felt council should be neutral on this matter. council agreed, and directed the manager to send a letter to the formation comrnittee indicating that it is not appropriate toindicate either councj.l's support or opposition at this tine. Tim Auran discussed the benefits of the city distributing andpresenting drafts of any changes to the zoning code to various cornmunity groups and clubs in advance of public hearings. ADJOI'RNMENT The neeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.n. udith A. MalfattiCity Clerk