HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1992.02.12331 CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COI]NCIL STUDY MEETING Wednesday, february L2, 1992, 7z3O Pcity HalI conference Roon A PRESENT : coLrNcIL!4EI"lBERs HARRISoN, KNIGHT, LEMBI , STATF PRESENT: ARGYRES, COLEMAN, KIRKUP, QUADRI , Mayor Frank Pagliaro convened the study session of the cily councit on tne above date in conference Roon A of city HaI1 at 7:3L P.m. m BurlingTane Burlingane O IMAHONY, PAGLIARO TOWNS, WAGNER 1. GREYIIOI'ND DEPOT ARCHITECT PRESENTATION John Matthews, archi.tect hired by the city, presented t$/o alterna- tive proposals to refurbish the Greyhound bus depot as a community rneeting iacility. PIan A was a basic plan refurbishing the building at an estimated cost of $65,000 plus a 10 percent contingency. Plan B was a more arnbitious Plan which included adding a rear access to the building; the estimated cost was 9a7 tzoo with a 10 percent contingency. I,tayor Pagliaro asked the architect to outline the pros and cons of tha t$ro proposals. council felt that the addition of the rear access woutd greatly add to the future developrnent of the sma11 park area. Councilmernbers orl"lahony, Knight, and Lembi all favored Plan B. councilman Lernbi felt that this is not a priority which needs to be accomplished imrnediately, but we should budget the necessary additional funds in the 1992-93 fiscal year. Ron Burks of the Park and Recreation Commission explained why they favored and recommended Plan B. He also stated that we should try to seek comrnunity donations for the project. It was the council consensus that we proceed e/ith PIan B and that the Manager be directed to budget an additional $60,ooo in the capital improvernent program for L992-93. 2 PROPOSED MILLB E AVENUE DETOUR Public works Director revj-ewed the proposed construction on I'Iillbrae Avenue by the city of Millbrae. construction is anticipated to begin in L994. currently, 44,ooo vehicles daily use Millbrae Avenue; and during construction, traffic wilL be diverted to Burlingarne. Millbrae is currently reviewing three different alter- natives for detours. Millbrae public works director commented on the impact and cost of the various alternatives. They nay try to keep four lanes of Millbrae Avenue open. After additionaL discussion, council asked that they be kept in- forrned of Mitlbraers consideration of a preferred alternative. 3 MAINTENANCE / IMPROVEMENT S OOL RECREATION FACILITTES Councilman Lembi briefly outlined the prior discussions he had with school officials regarding Franklin fie1d. The Recreation Director reviewed the current usage of Franklin field as a practice facility and its poor condition; all regular games are played at other fields. Ron Burks of the Park and Recreation Commission stated that if there is additional saturday football at Burlingarne High school, there will be a need for more playing facilities at other areas. CounciLman Lenbi indicated that the school district is not in aposition to fund any irnprovements to Franklin field. A Park and Recreation Commissioner reviewed that the Franklin field was a highpriority on their recent list of projects which need to be under- taken, and that the current field is in almost unusabl-e condition. Council revj-ewed the Park Directorrs alternatives for improvements. The $25,OOO t'band-aidrr approach would only Last for possibly one 332 year and lrould stil1 have the need for increased maintenance over inut tft" school district is currently providing; other alternatives range fron $1oo,ooo to $2oo,oo0. Councilman Lenbi thought the city did need to seei outside dollars to make this work. Uayor Pagliaro believed that additional discussion with the school is necessary. Councilwoman orMahony stated that given the demographics of the city, there are more young people.and we needed to find sone uay to aaaiess the problem. -After additional discuss!on, council agreed that they coirld not support the g25,OO0 band-aid approach and there needed t; be additional- discussion vrith the school district and interested cornmunitY grouPs. council next changed to the request fron the Burlingarne Eigh school ailt-ih" city con€ribute towards rnaintenance and irnprovement of high scnoof tacil-ities used by the comnunity. Larry Teshara, principal, ind his staff reviewed the past history of cooperation between the frign scft"of and the city and the current inability of the high scfloof district to adequately fund maintenance and improvement of their facilit1es. It was stlted that the connunity uses some of the facilities at the same level 0r more than the schools. He felt that i= r.r necessary for the city to set uP some type of fund to share ttre cost of comironly used faailities. Recreation Director gave his teispecti.ve on the -city use and agreed that we needed to keep the Eool^erative approach, Lut we needed to develop an agreed method of sharing costs. Mayor Pagliaro indicated he would rather see the district ask for ;;ii;t;-;;; specific projects as necessary' The athretic director ;i-ah; rrigh s'choo1 st;tea that we needed a philosoplv of what the .".r""i.[V-rants and that possibly we.needed to develop use fees for conmunit! lrroups. Counciinan f,eirfi inaicated that we have a unique i.iii:.""irrlp .-.,d trt" school is f aced with . great hardship; he f ert ge """a"a to c-omnit f""a= "" an on-going basit. Councilmernbers Harri- ="" ."a Knight agreed that we ne6ded-to look at on-going cornnitment ;;e ;;;"i;;'comninications with the school, but we needed to develop ;";"4;;a:-- councilwoman orMahony felt we needed a conprehensive plan and i;dicated last yearis need ;tudy which showed the swinning pool as a top prioritY. After additional discussion, it was agreed that a study group would ue torrnea to further revier,, this natter. It vrould be represented by two members of council--Lenbi and llarrison, -two members of the Park ana necreation cornmj.ssion, the Recreation Director, and representa- tl;";-i;;; irr" hiqt schooi. After this.group meets to review the *iii"r,-.""ncil w6uld address meeting with the elementary school separately during the falL. 4 MILL CANYON IRE CLE CE The Park Director reviewed his recommendation that h'e enter a contractwiththeCaliforniaconservationcorpsatacostof$10,000irrr,rr.ffy to have then clear brush and fire breaks to fire department .t""J.ii.-"n ifre city portion of Mills canyon. . Councilman- Harrison asked how ," .pproucir lrivate property. Staff indicated that over one-half of the area i-s in the county. Council requested that the fire chief contact th- county antl try to solicit their cooperation. co.lr".ifrorn"n Knight also askLd that we check with the county on where they stand on other fire issues raised by the oakland fire' 6""".ii iSreed in concept to the conservation -orps project for fire trail and brush clearance. Frances Medeiros and another resident of MiIIs canyon court ex- ;;;;;;a ih.it "on""rn to councit about the fire danger from trees in ih" u.... They are not pleased with the standards that have been rec"*lnenaea by the fire inarshal. After additional, discussion, ;;;;ri i.ai"it"a it would be wirling to consider a proposar from the neighbors. rt asied that they. sr]rnit a Proposal to the Beauti- ;i;"Ii;; Cornrnission, and the Beautification commission review the .iti"r and report to council, Beautification Coumission should also Lonsider whetirer there are any similar situations in other areas and what environmental effect it may have on tbe cityrs property ' 333 5. WATER STORAGE/SUPPLY IMPROVEMENTS Ralph Kirkup reviewed the consultantrs report concerning water storage. City currently has 2.7 nillion gallons of storage and the report indicates we should have 6 nillion gallons. He reviewed the various alternatives including a connection to a line served by the san Andreas treatment plant and various sites for possible addition- a1 storage. As indicated in the report, the cost of these improve- ments are in the $2-3 nillion range and this wouLd affect waterrates. Council authorized further study on the staff recommended alternatives in the report. 6. LEAF BLOWERS Councifr^roman Knight indicated that she favored the hours that Palo AIto has adopted for regulating leaf blowers. Councilwoman o'Ilahony did not see the need for additional regulations in this area, and noted that we get cornplaints about them at all hours. Uayor Pagliaro thought it night be possible to give a phase-out period so that older and noisier leaf blowers would be replaced with newer andquieter equipment. councilnan Lembi stated he did not favor any more regulations although he disliked leaf blowers. Council decided to review this natter at a later date if we receiveadditional complaints. 7. COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Pagliaro noted that there is a Council of Cities meeting February 28; and he asked that council- endorse placing his nane in nomination for a vacant seat on ABAG. Council concurred. Councilhroman OtMahony reviewed the four different alternatives to be discussed at the upconing C/CAG neeting concerning regional govern- ment. Council concurred that the fourth alternative suggested seemed to be most appropriate for Burlingarne. Mayor Pagliaro asked that staff check on the letter we received concerning a parking ticket for a disabled citizen and that staff Look at 709 Linden per a resident's cornplaint. Mayor said thatthere would be a Busj-ness Improvenent District rneeting at 6 p.n. inLibrary on Thursday, February 13. FROM THE FLOOR Dave Constantino reviewed with council a letter he had sent themconcerning additional, Broadway parking and the availability of 1133 Chul-a Vista Avenue. Staff indicated that this would be consideredi,n closed session on f'ebruary 19 at the request of Councilwoman O rMahony . ADJOURN}4ENT The neeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.n. Judith A. Malfatticity clerk