HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1993.06.21s69 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on tshe above date in Ehe City Hal-f Council Chambers. The meet.ing was cal-l-ed to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Bud Harrison. PL,EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE F]-,AG I-.,ed by Myron Moskowitz, Senior Commissioner. ROI.,,L CA]-,L COLINC]L PRESENT: COUNC]], ABSENT : IIARRISON, KNIGHT, LEMBI, O I MAHONY, PAGLIARO NONE MINUTES The minutes of the ReguLar Meeting of ,fune 7, 1-993 were approved unanimousl-y on motion of Councilwoman o'Mahony, second by Coun- cilwoman Knight. The minutes of the Study Meeting of .fune 9, 1-993 were amended to show that. Mayor Harrison asked how Ehe duties of the eliminaEed position of assist.ant. librarj-an were redj-stributed. With that change, the minutes were approved unanimously on motion of Council-woman O'Mahony, second by Coun- cifman Pagliaro. PTI N OF 1993-94 BUDGET - RESOLUT]ON 4O-9 ADOPTING 1.993-94 APPROPRIATION ]-,IMIT AND RESOLUT ION 41- 93 ADOPT- ING BUDGET FOR 1993-94 FI SCAL YEAR Cj-ty Manager reviewed his memo of June 11, 1993 which recommended council hold a public hearing and then adopt the budget and appropriation fimit by resolutions. The proposed budgets outlines a cont.ingency plan for adjusting the budget for any state propos- al to cut the property tax. He suggested the council review the budget. in early ,Ju1y when the fevef of stat.e cuts are known. The budget affocated funding of $31,460 for community groups, el-imi- nated the assistant city librarian position which had beenrrfrozen, rr and revised telephone and photocopier charges to allo-cate $2 ,625 from the general fund to water and sewer enterprises. The t.otal- budget is $30,552,51-4 (General Fund - $19,791-,262;Water Enterprise - F2,726,375; Sewer Enterprise - $4,708,876; and Capital Projects - $3,425,000). The general fund is up 1.5percent over t.he prior year; water and sewer enterprise is up 5percent and capital j-mprovements are down 15.2 percent; the total- budget is up .2 percent over last year. Councilwoman OrMahony noted hotels are requesting reassessmentfor propert.y tax purposes; wondered how this refund would behandled. Staff said they would be given credj-t against future bi11s if t.hey were reassessed. Mayor Harrison opened the public hearing. Helaine Darling. 3100 Margarita, took issue with a planned capital improvement expenditure of $200,000 for renovations toFranklin School Field; she could not. underst.and why in thesetimes t.he city would make a contribution to the school disErict and was concerned about taking funds away from city project.s. Councif explained that the city has only 50 percent of theathletic facifities it needs for a city of our size; by improvingthis field the city does not have to purchase property and canreach an agreement with the school district for use of the f j-el-d for recreation purposes; this issue has been under considerationfor several years and is one of the top priorities of t.he park &Recreation Commission; some 1,100 children are playing in orga-nized sports in our city. Darling noted many of the children whotake part in these sports programs are not residents. Council- woman Knight agreed city should give priority to residents; she BIJRI,INGAITIE, CAI,IFORNIA ilune 21, 1993 encouraged staff and councj-1 to talk to school- board which was noE aware of tshe city's plan to renovate the fieId. Mayor Harrison closed t.he pubfic hearing. Councilwoman Knight did not favor eliminating Ehe assisEant librarian position, she woul-d prefer Eo keep it "frozen;' she also wanted ciEizens to be aware that the cit.y's donatsions !o communj-ty groups come from t.he general fund, noE from redevelop- ment funds Iike other ciEies. Regarding the assistants librarian position, Mayor Harrison saj-d eliminating it gave tshe city librarian an opport.unity to show some ingenuity with staff and construction development . Councilwoman O'Mahony moved adoption of RESOLUTION 40-93 Adopting the Appropriation Limit for f993-94. Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. Councilman Pagliaro moved adoption of RE Sol-,uT I ON 41-93 Adopting Budget for 1993-94 Fiscal Year. Seconded by Councilman L,embi, carried unanimously by roll call vote. ING-S SPACING OF NEWSRACKS EAD ING ORDI REG City Attorney reviewed his memo of May 18, 1993 which recommended council- hold a public hearing and take action. our current ordinance limits altached newsracks to a maximum of four and requires Ehem to be 18 inches from other newsracks; iE states nodhing about Ehe grouping or disEance apart of free-standing newsracks. We have several locati.ons where there is a virtual- waff of racks. Thi.s ordinance would l-imit racks to a maximum group of four and requj-re separaEj-on of 35 inches beEween racks. ihis-wi11 make more convenient and handicapped accessibl-e access between street parking and the sidewalk. Councilman l,embi suggested a change to require Ehe 36 inch gap between racks be l-ocaEed wi-thi-n the area of the lines between parking spaces so that when a person exits a car they have access Lo tshe sidewalk. CiEy AEt.orney will change wording. Mayor Harrison opened the public hearing. There being no com- ments, the hearing was closed. Mayor Harrison showed an advertising magazine which he observed in racks at three locations, he wondered if it was considered a newspaper. City Att.orney said the supreme court has rul-ed t.hat such a publication had the same righE.s as newspapers. Council-man Lembi moved adoption of ORDINANCE 1-485 with tshe change noted. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, carried unanimously by ro11 call votse . 570 PI]BI-,I C COMMENTS Helaine Darling, 31oo Margarita, expressed concern about fire safety in the ttilLs Canyon area, particularly in light of possi- ble c6nsolidation of oui fire department wit.h Mil-lbrae and/ or Hillsborough; she said our first prj-ority should be for our community, ot.her ciE.ies should have tso contribute financially and to the sime leve1 as Burlingame residents; she would like to see more communicat.ion with residents about this proposal . Mayor Harrison said that an automatic aid agreement wou]d be worked out with Millbrae which wil-1 offer added protect.ion for residents of both citsies sj-nce t.he cl-osest station personnel would respond to emergencies; discussions are just beginning with Hillsborough; he assured her that Ehe public would be kept informed. REPORT FROM DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REGARDING C].,EAN WATER ACT REOUIREMENTS Public Works Director reviewed hi-s memo of ,June 9 which informed council thaE on ,June 29, 1993 Ehe San Francisco water Departsment and its suburban water users wiff technically be j-n noncompliance with the Clean Water Act regulations requiring all surface water 57r to be filtered; there is a requiremenE to install continuous disinfectant residual monitoring devices by ,June 1, 1993 which was noL possible,' the Depart.ment of Heal-th has been notified that we will- meet the monitoring requj-rements by signing an agreement wit.h SFWD to monitor their suburban system. we are also required to notify customers abouE noncompliance; this will be accom- plished wj-tsh an ad in a newspaper of general circul-atj-on. Council wanted to reassure public that there is no problem with Hetch Hetchy wat.er; it is the mosE purei Director noted various tests have never shown a problem; Director reviewed testing requirements and sites for monitoring devices and he notsed if a f ilt.rat.ion plant were required, it wou1d cosE over $500 mj-1Iion. COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Mayor Harrison stated council teams had interviewed several very well qualified applicants to Ewo commissions. the Civil Service Commission and the L,ibrary Board. Mayor and Councilwoman Knight interviewed for Civil- Service; the Mayor and Councilman Pagliaro had intervj-ewed f or l-,ibrary Board. Councilwoman KnighE. nominated Gerald Hipps to Civil Service for an unexpired term to December L, !994. There were no other nominations and Hipps was duly appointed Eo the Civif Service Commission. Councilman Pagliaro thanked Commissioners .Tohn Benson and I-,oreEta Bfevins for their service on the Library Board, they had done a fj-ne job, Blevins had served for three terms; he hoped they would bot.h stay actsive in city affairs. He nominated Jane Dunbar and Mary Herman to the Library Board for terms Eo expire ,fune 30, 1996. There were no other nomi-nations and Dunbar and Herman were duly appointed tso the I.,ibrary Board . REVIEW OF TEMPORARY SIGN COVER FOR RADISSON/SHERATON HOTE]-,, AT 1177 AIRPORT BOULEVARD City Planner reviewed her memo of ,June 15 which recommended council review this proposal . The franchiser at the hotel site has recentfy changed from Sheraton to Radisson; they need tso remove the sheraton signage to commence business; the existing sign on the roof is nonconforming and under our code the letter- ing cannot be changed; any new sign will have to be located belowthe roof 1eve1; the franchiser proposes to cover the words Sheraton on the roof with a heavy duty nyl-on reinforced vj-nyI banner with the words Radisgon and Ehe corporate logo; the bannerwiff not be lit; the banner will- be in place approximately six months until- a new sign program has been approved and the newsigns have been install-ed on the hotel-. Mayor Harrison not.ed Ehe applicanEs were present, Jon Rubin cameforward. Council-man Pagliaro said he could vote in favor of this wi-th a time limi-tation of six months for the banners. Councifman Lembi said this is an opportunity to assist. t.his hot.el and hefavored it.. Councilwoman Knight hoped the two unattractive pole signs would be removed. Councilman l,embi moved to approve this request for a period ofsix monEhs. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, carried unani- mously by ro11 call vote. REPORTS F ROM DI RECTO R OF PUBLIC WORKS ON AB 97 AND PROPOSED RAKER AIVIENDMENT Public Works Director reviewed his memos of ,fune 16, 1993 re-questing council to authorize fetters asking support of AB 97.which will help us obtain water from agencies lhat have surpluswater durj-ng drought periods. and opposing a proposed amendmentto the Raker Act to increase t.he fee to San Francisco Water Departmen! for j-ts sale of water and power. 572 Councilman Lembi- moved approval of sending letters in supports of AB 97 and in opposj.tion Eo Ehe amendment to Raker Act. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, carried unanimously, CONSENT CALENDAR Regarding "arr Councilman Pagliaro commented on bicycle of f j-cers needing permission tso ride on sidewalks and Councilwoman KnighE hoped the patrols would not cause problem on sidewalks as bicy- clists can do in business districE. Police Chief and City At.t.or- ney responded to council questions. Councilman Pagliaro said he would abstain from voEe on item *b." a INTRODUCT]ON O ORDINANCE 1487 EXEMPT ING OLICE OFFICERS FROM BICYCLE REGULATIONS Cj-Ey Attorneyrs memo of ,fune 14 recommended council intro- duce this ordinance and set hearing on ,Ju1y 7. Our polj-ce department wilI soon initiate bicycle patrols of Broadway and Burlingame Avenue; apparently ciEations of bike riders for offenses l-ike riding on sidewalks have been dismissed in court because t.he officers who gave the citatsion were al-so riding on the sidewalk. This ordinance exempts our officers and al-so eliminates a similar allegaEion if there is a claim or suit regarding an accj-dent involving a bicycle officer. b Cj-ty Attorney's memo of ,June 11 recommended council approve an agreement with ABAG for workers compensation administra- tion. Gates-McDonald has been our adminisErator since 1979 and he had concern about the annual 15 percent raise in fees and lack of communication with superiors. ABAG's base fee is $38,000 as compared to $44.000 for Gates-McDonald and their annual increase woul-d noE exceed 4 percent per year. c RESOLUTION 43-93 CALLING A G ENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR NOVEMBER 2. 1993; AUTHORIZIN AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY C].,,ERK FOR ELECTION SERVICES; LIMIT NG CANDIDATES I STATEMENTS TO 2OO WORDS IN L TI{ AND REOUIRING CAND IDATE TO PAY COST O F PRINTING STATEMENT IN VOTER PAIVIPH]-,ET Citsy Clerk's memo of .Tune 15 recommended council adopE this resolution calling the next regular city election for Tues- day, November 2, !993, auEhorizing a contract with tshe County Cl-erk for election services and requiring candidate statsements be Limited to 200 words in l-englh and t.he candi- date Eo pay cost of printing. Three council members, Harri- son, o'Mahony and Lembi are up for efection as is the City C1erk. The costs of the election is estimaEed to be $8,800. d DENIAL OF CLAI (1) LEoNCIo CO; (2) ESTELA FABRIS : ANDS:(3) SrE KOSKA C j-ty AtEorneyr s memos of .Tune 3 , ,June l-5 and June 15 recom- mended council deny these cfaims for (1) vehicle damage from colliding with culverE; (2) landslide damage t.o property, and (3) alleged personal injury during arrest. TENTAT]VE AND F INAL PARCE]-,MAP FOR LOT COMBINATION AND ND MINIUM MAP FOR TEN UN]TS AT 101 AN]TA RO Public Works' memo of ,June 15, 1993 recommended council concur wiE.h the Planning Commission and approve the subject maps with condition that at feast one house be demolished before the map is filed. f. AUTHORTZE RENEWAL OF EXCESS WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE City Attorney's memo of .Tune 1-7, 1-993 recommended councilauthorize renewaf of excess workers compensat.ion insurance with Generaf Reinsurance at $275,000 levef retention at acost of 21 cents per $100 payro11. RESOLUTION 42-93 - AGREEMENT WITH ABAG FOR WORKERS COMPENSA- TTON ADMINISTRATION 573 COUNCIL COMM TTEE REPORTS Legislative Committee, and TSM Board: Counci]woman Knightreport.ed on TSM meeEing and shuttle dj-scussions; legislative committee requested council take a stand on SB 13 regarding smoking controls, councif chose not to act on it. Regarding SB529 (Kopp's airporL noise bill-) ; after considerable discussion. Councilwoman Knight moved Eo vote againsE SB 529. Seconded by Councilwoman O,Mahony. Councilman Pagliaro noted this bil_1 woul-dreguire the airport. to spend at least $4 mil-f ion each year oninsul-ation of homes in noise areas, he thought city should support. SB 529. Others were concerned about property owners whouse program having to give aviation easements to t.he airporE..The mot.ion carried 3-2 on ro11 caff vote, Councilmen pagliaro andLembi voting no. Hospital Hearing. C/CAG: Councilwoman O'Mahony said she and Councifwoman Knight at.t.ended the hospital forum and she waspleased t.o fearn that Peninsula Hospital would be a ful1-servj-ce, acut.e care in-patient center while Mill-s Hospital woul_d be ahealth center or out.-patient center. She al-so reviewed activi-ties at. C/CAG meeting. Convention and Visitors Bureau: Councilman I-,embi at.tended aboard meeting wit.h new dj-rector who is instituting staff proce-dures; Lembi was concerned abouE funding for this body as citiesare cutt.ing or even eliminating funds. the cities need to be shown just what the Bureau does in bringing visiEors and money tothis county; he discussed new marketing focus on the San Francis-co Peninsulai noted the World Cup is coming and wil-t be thel-argest event ever held in the entire bay area. Chamber of Commerce: Mayor reporE.ed on meeting and a tour ofBurlingame group meeting sites with the office council. OLD BUSINESS Mayor announced our ciE.y would host Councj-l_ of Cit.ies this Friday and woufd vot.e on appointmencs to Criminal ,fustice and LAFCo.There was discussion of L.,AFCo voting procedure and proposed disqual i ficats ion for conflict of interests. Council-man Lembi moved approval of the Consent Calendar.ed by Council-woman Knight. and carried unanimously. Se cond - NEW BUS]NESS Mayor Harrison set an appeal- hearing for 511- Burf ingame Avenue for ,JuIy 7, 1-993. cant was a refative and he would abstain a parking variance aE Mayor noted the appl i - from iEem. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS a Commission Minut.es: Library Board. May 18; Civj-l- Service, May 1-1; Traffic, Safety and Parking. ,June 10; Planning, .Tune 14; Beautif ication, ,.fune 3 , L993 . Mayor Harrison commented on lhe l-.,ibrary Board minutes and discus- sion of estabfishing a foundation for library construction. Cj-ty Attorney said he is reviewing that idea. b. Department Reports: Treasurer, May 31; Police, May 1993. Councilwoman KnighE. echoed the earlier concern of Mrs. Darling about fire department. changes and the need to get information to ci-tizens. Airplane noj"se: Councilwoman O'Mahony tol-d about a Foster City Noj-se Commission study monitoring airplane overflight noise; it was found that noise was more the resul-t of pilot navigation rather than part j.cular airplane t]T)es,' she suggesEed discussion of this type of commission at a future study meeting. The councif suggesEed September study session. 574 c. Letter from City of Menlo Park regarding TDM fundi-ng ' d. Proclamation: Park and Recreation Month, ''Tu1y 1993' Mayor Harrison also congratulated the city clerk on her inst.alla- tion as the first woman president of the Burlingame I-,j-ons club. e . I-.,etter f rom Airport. Director Lou Turpin regarding SB 24 5 and sB 529. f. L,etter from Hunger and Homeless Coalition regarding housing element. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Harrison adjourned to a cl-osed session on labor negotia- tions ats 9:09 P'm. AD.]OURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:20 p.m' Judith A. Malf City Clerk ri