HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1987.03.05BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COM14ISSION March 5, 1987 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, March 5, 1987 at 5:35 p.m. in the City Hall by Chairman Hagstrom. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Hagstrom, Commissioners Erickson, Gilmore, Hughes, O'Mahony, Root, and Shevchuk. Staff: Director Quadri MINUTES Minutes of the February 5, 1987 meeting were approved as submitted. COMMUNICATIONS Letter to Ms. Mildred Hagstrom from Gloria Barton, Mayor, advising Ms. Hagstrom's reappointment to the Beautificaiton Commission. Letters to Rosalie O'Mahony and Carolyn Root form Director Quadri congratulating them on their appts. to the Beautification Commission. Letter to Mrs. Mary Carr, 2627 Easton Drive, from Director Quadri informing her that the Commission stands by its denial to remove trees in front of her property and advising that appeal of this decision must be addressed to the City Council. Letter to Carla Vitali, 1561 Eastmoor, from Director Quadri informing her of the Commission's denial for removal of birch tree. Letter to Joe Farkas, 3005 Rivera Dr., from Director Quadri, asking if Mr. Farkas still wants tree removed due to their expressed satisfaction of the tree trimming. Letter from Dr. & Mrs. James Hansen, 1386 Hillside Dr., requesting the removal of 2 hawthornes because "the trees are old and 'woody', and most unattractive . . . secondly, they are extremely messy when flowering -- or in the 'berry' stage. Letter to Alexander Graham, from Director Quadri requesting he contact Director Quadri to discuss his speaking at the Spring Garden Seminar on Saturday, March 21, 1987. Memo from Viola Yoschak, Secretary to the City Manager, re: Follow Up on RSVP for Commissioners' Dinner. Letter to Petrini's, from Dorothea W. Hughes (Secretary/Beautification Commission) requesting the refuse at the rear area on Magnolia be cleaned. Memo from Director Quadri to the Commission re request for removal of tree at 3045 Rivera. "It is staff opinion that the tree is not causing the mildew problem and does not significantly shade the house. there is not sufficient justifica- tion for removal of this tree." REPORTS QUADRI - Pershing Park is progressing. Contract tree pruning on Eucs is still in progress. Along S.P. parking between Oak Grove and Burlingame Avenue. The 1987-1988 budget will be presented to the Commission at the May meeting. Department of Forestry will be testing for Dutch Elm Disease next month; 5 elms were lost last year due to the disease. HUGHES - Nothing can be doneabout the newspaper racks at the Broadway Post Office, according to the City Attorney. Commissioner Gilmore asked if standards could be set by the Planning Commission. Director Quadri stated that he will ask the City Attorney to provide same information on newspaper racks that was provided to the City Council. REPORTS (Cont'd.) GILMORE - Taylor Intermediate won the Clean Campus contest for February. ROOT - What is the jurisdiction of the Beautification Commission? Director Quadri indicated that the Commission's primary responsibility is as a 'Forestry' Commission; occasionally areas that are heavily littered or unsightly are discussed, as well as other matters assigned by Council. SHEVCHUK - The Director of Public Relations from U.S. Sprint will be attending the Arbor Day ceremonies and will be handing out Weebols to the children that say 'I Love Burlingame'. Commissioner Shevchuk added that she will read a poem about Burlingame's trees. OLD BUSINESS Tree Removal/3045 Rivera Drive - Applicant, Mrs. Nelson was not present. Commission reviewed staff report. After discussion and review of the claim that the tree causes mildew, Commissioner Gilmore moved that although the Commission sympathizes with Mrs. Nelson's problem with mold, the removal of the tree will not remedy the situa- tion, and therefore the request for removal be denied; seconded. Motion was car- ried unanimously. 8th Annual Arbor Day Celebration - Director Quadri reported that Steve Scott from the Department of Forestry will present the Tree City U.S.A. award to Mayor Barton on March 6. Smokey the Bear, Sparky the Dalmation (f/Burlingame Fire Dept.), and children representing 7 elementary schools will also be present at McKinley School. Spring Garden Seminar - Director Quadri reported that the advertising for the March 21st event did not make it in the Spring Rec Brochure. In addition, he has had difficulty in contacting Alex Graham, the scheduled speaker for the event. After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed to move the seminar to June 20, thereby allowing for advertising in the Summer Rec Brochure. Commissioner O'Mahony will ask Alex Graham to contact Director Quadri. Election of 1987-88 Officers - The Nominating Committee presented the following slate of officers: Jeannie Gilmore - Chairman Mildred Hagstrom - Vice Chairman Ardith Erickson - Secretary There being no further nominations from the floor, Commissioner Shevchuk moved that the slate of officers be accepted as a unanimous ballot; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Tree Removal/1386 Hillside Circle - Director Quadri stated that resident requests removal of 2 hawthorne trees because "the trees are old and 'woody' and most unat- tractive . . . secondly, they are extremely messy when flowering -- or in the 'berry' stage." Commission will review and render a decision at the April 2, 1987 Commission meeting. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 6:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, T� Kar ene Harve Recording Secretary