HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1988.12.01BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION December 1, 1988 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, December 1, 1988 at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Gilmore. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Gilmore, Commissioners Hagstrom, O'Mahony, Peeters, Root, and Ward. Absent: Commissioner Erickson Staff: Director Quadri MINUTES Minutes of the November 3, 1988 meeting were approved with the following corrections: Under REPORTS/O'Mahony should read, . . . 'Along ECR at Peninsula & Howard, from the gas station near the transmission shop, the ground area around the trees needs cleaning up and an old boat trailer should be removed'. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Pagliaro thanking Dorothea Hughes for her service to the City on the Beautification Commission and that at the November 7, 1988 Council meeting her successor was appointed. Letter from Mayor Pagliaro to Mark Peeters informing him of his appointment to the Beautification Commission by the Council at the November 7, 1988 Council meeting. Copy of article announcing the Spring Garden Seminar to appear in the December Rec Brochure. REPORTS OUADRI - Received a memo from the City Manager approving City funds to purchase a banner for the Spring Garden Seminar not to exceed $350. Banner should be designed so that it may be used each year. Director Quadri reviewed Commission assignments from Council, and discussed coordination of City efforts in meeting the needs of the community. Council is currently working with merchant groups through the Chamber of Commerce in an attempt to identify and, where possible, assist in improving the various retail areas of the City. Received a letter from a resident on East Carol thanking the Park Department for the tree planting program. Sycamore pruning has started in the section off Oak Grove. Corbitt and Winchester have been completed. This was the first area that the trees were lowered to achieve a more balanced effect from when P.G.&E trims under utility lines. Sycamore pruning will continue �. into the Spring. L.. REPORTS (Cont'd.) GILMORE - Spoke with Stephen Hearst of the San Francisco Examiner and Deborah Witten from the Boutique Villager about the proposed ordinance for modular newsracks. Both were willing to cooperate with the City. HAGSTROM - Two elms in front of 1312 Alvarado are bare and the tops seem to be black. Director Quadri will inspect. Ivy is growing in many city trees. Residents could be informed through an article in the newspaper to remove the ivy. Director Quadri also reminded the commission to call in addresses to the Park Department. Parking lot next to the Post Office on Capuchino is very "messy and trashy". Director Quadri will report to the Public Works Department. ROOT - Will call and get some costs for the Spring Garden Seminar banner. The Commission discussed ideas for the design of the banner. PEETERS - Announced that the CSM Horticulture Club is have a plant sale December 13, 14, & 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the green houses on campus. Featured plants will be ground covers, annuals, and house plants. Proceeds will be used for scholarships. OLD BUSINESS Spring Garden Seminar - Commissioner Hagstrom suggested East Bay M.U.D. may be able to provide a speaker for the seminar; the newspaper also has names of speakers listed in the garden section. Director Quadri will check with East Bay M.U.D. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Gilmore would like to plant a tree as a memorial to Lieutenant Dorothea Hughes, daughter of former Commissioner Hughes. Director Quadri suggested that a tree planting could be arranged as part of the Arbor Day ceremonies in March. Commission felt Arbor Day would be an appropriate time. There being no comments FROM THE FLOOR the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karaene Harvey Recording Secretary