HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1988.11.03BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION November 3, 1988 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, November 3, 1988 at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Gilmore. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Gilmore, Commissioners Erickson, Hagstrom, O'Mahony, Root, and Ward. Absent: Commissioners Hughes Staff: Director Quadri MINUTES Minutes of the November_3,1988 meeting were approved with the following corrections: Under REPORTS/Root should read, . . . 'Jan Reeves who teaches after school art at Lincoln and at the Rec Center has agreed to be the art coordinator for 15 pieces of children's art that are in need of repair throughout the city. Some may have to be removed and taken to the schools for repair'. CORRESPONDENCE Item from City Clerk's office explaining organization of City Government in Burlingame. REPORTS QUADRI - The Engineering Dept. reports that on June 14th a contract awarded for the installation of a new foot bridge at the end of Highway Rd. was awarded and should arrive by November 5th. Installation of the new bridge is expected to take several weeks. Inspected the Hillside stairs. Some maintenance of the stairs was completed by city park crews but there is some question as to property lines and jurisdiction. Water Department records show that the Embassy Suites Hotel has exceeded their allocation on its irrigation meters and that the overage was doubled for October incurring substantial penalties in excess. Commission discussed the possibilities of writing a letter of concern to the Embassy Suites about their water usage since the intent of the Landscape Award this year was specific about considering those properties that were within their water allocations. After some discussion the item was tabled for further consideration. Tree planting has almost been completed for this year. The Park Department plants two times a year. The Park Department has been able to plant 15 gallon trees as opposed to 5 gallon trees because of the monies received due to the illegal removal of the Eucalyptus tree on Hoover. 1*0 - REPORTS (Cont'd.) OUADRI - A Warning Notice has been sent to the resident at 904 Oak Grove for the removal of ivy on a city tree. GILMORE - Thanked the Commissioners who attend the Community Dinner -- it was a 'lovely' evening and recipients were grateful. HAGSTROM - Did not ask John Chiapelone about funds for the purchase of a banner for the Spring Garden Seminar. Commissioner Hagstrom feels the City should buy the banner, that Burlingame not being a poor city can afford to buy a banner, that the Commission shouldn't go outside. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Hagstrom moved that the Commission look into City funds being used to purchase a banner for the garden seminar; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. ERICKSON - While visiting the J. Wooley Park owned and maintained by the Embassy Suites Hotel, the turf area was soaked with water. Additionally, posts are in the middle of the foot bridge and cannot be seen at night because there are no reflectors on them. Director Quadri stated that the foot bridge is City jurisdiction and will refer to the Public Works department. ROOT - 'Would like to see replacement trees be those that have fall color. Director Quadri stated that residents are given a choice from the Official Street Tree list and that there are 4-5 varieties that have spectacular color. However, planter strip requirements limit the type of tree planted. The department does try to suggest trees that offer color in the spring and trees that offer color in the fall. Clifford Jones, Landscaper, said he would be willing to speak to some of the Broadway merchants about possibilities of beautifying the area. After a brief discussion, the Commission decided to give Mr. Jones' name to the Broadway Merchants Asso. via Commissioner O'Mahony. O'MAHONY - Broadway Merchants Asso. had a meeting on October 11 with about 50 merchants in attendance. They seem to be a cohesive group and are interested in beautifying the Broadway area. Commissioner O'Mahony indicated she would let them know that there are advisory sources. Along ECR at Peninsula & Howard, from the gas station near the transmission shop, the trees need trimming and cleaning out. Director Quadri stated that the Council had received a letter about the condition of the area surrounding the 'Welcome to Burlingame' sign and that general area. Director Quadri will investigate further and report back to the Commission. OLD BUSINESS Newsrack Committee - Commissioner Gilmore was pleased with the proposed ordinance for the newsracks. The Newsrack Committee will discuss the proposed ordinance with the Burlingame and Newsrack Committee (Cont'd.) Broadway Merchant Associations and with Jerry Fuchs and after taking into consideration their comments will decide on any changes or comments prior to submitting to the Council. Commissioner Erickson added that the Real Estate Forum has a newsrack chained to a tree on Park Rd.; she called the Real Estate Forum and was told that the chain was treated so it would not hurt the tree. Director Quadri will have the chain removed. The Commission discussed the proposed ordinance and the consensus was that it included the ideas the Commission was looking for. Spring Garden Seminar Commissioner Root has reserved the date with the City for the banner to be hung. Director Quadri stated an announcement will go into the Spring Rec Bulletin; Commissioner Hagstrom will check with the Garden Club for possible speakers. There being no NEW BUSINESS and no comments FROM THE FLOOR the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ' L *Ka lene Harvey 0 Recording Secretary