HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1988.10.06BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION October 6, 1988 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, October 6, 1988 at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Gilmore. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Gilmore, Commissioners Erickson, Hagstrom, O'Mahony, Root, and Ward. Absent: Commissioner Hughes Staff: Director Quadri MINUTES Minutes of the September 1, 1988 were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letters to Clemco Properties and Embassy Suites Hotel from Director Quadri announcing that their places of business had been chosen by the Beautification Commission for 1988 Landscape Awards, and that the awards will be presented at the Community Dinner on October 15. Letter to the Dept. of Transportation (Jim Cox) re irreparable damage of Euc tree at 1437 El Camino Real by building contractor and issuing a permit from the City of Burlingame Park Dept. for immediate removal of said heritage tree. Commission Candidate Application from Jack Heffernan, 30 Lorton Ave. to serve on the Park and Recreation Commission or the Beautification Commission. Letter to Galleria de Farsh, 1199 Broadway, from Director Quadri informing them that Planting of trees or placement of benches must be part of an area -wide beautification effort, and cannot be allowed on a piecemeal basis' . . . and that they should contact one of their representatives from the Broadway Merchants Association. REPORTS GILMORE - 'Would like to pursue purchasing a banner for the Garden Seminar -- It will cost approximately $300 -- Commission agreed. Commission will investigate fund raising possibilities. Commissioner Root will reserve a space for banner hanging in March 1989. Chairman Gilmore was pleased with the memo from the City Attorney and the draft on the Newsrack Ordinance and encouraged Commissioners to review. O'MAHONY - The local residents on Highway Rd. have asked when the foot bridge will be replaced. Director Quadri stated that Public Works has scheduled the replacement of that bridge. Commissioner O'Mahony was asked if the City would consider a park at Trousdale & ECR location where previously stood a gas station. Director Quadri stated that the land has already been purchased for private business use. HAGSTROM - The stairs at Hillside are still overgrown. Director Quadri stated he would inspect; work was supposed to have been done. Commissioner Hagstrom inquired as to the procedures when hedges have overgrown the sidewalk. Director Quadri stated that the Park Department will send a warning notice if an address is reported. ROOT - Jan Reeves who teaches after school art at Lincoln and at the Rec Center has agreed to be the art coordinator for the repair of the children's art throughout the City. Items will be removed and taken to the schools for repair. Initially, childrens' art that is on display outside will be the focus. ERICKSON - Ivy is growing on trees at Oak Grove and Winchester. Director Quadri said a warning notice will be sent if it gets out of control. The City of Millbrae has allowed the removal of a grove of Eucalyptus at the corner of Millbrae Ave. and ECR and Commissioner Erickson thinks this is "so sad". Commissioner O'Mahony added that signs were posted advertising "Free Fire Wood". Director Quadri stated that the City of Millbrae has no tree crew and has a different attitude toward trees. OUADRI - Petrini's has been contacted by the City Attorney re the greasy sidewalks and the stench behind Petrini's in their garbage area. The City Engineer and Petrini's are currently discussing some sort of indoor trash compactor. OLD BUSINESS Newsrack Committee - The Committee will review the draft of the ordinance before deciding what step to take next. Spring Garden Seminar - Director Quadri reported that Mr. Plant is unable to be the speaker for the Spring Garden Seminar. Commissioner Hagstrom suggested perhaps a landscape designer could be asked. The theme will be 'Resurrecting Your Garden Following a Drought'. Commissioner O'Mahony was hoping that the speaker could also include for future drought planting. Commission Priorities - The Commission reviewed their priorities and the progress the Commission has made this year. There being no NEW BUSINESS. or comments FROM THE FLOOR the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, �. Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary