HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1988.07.07Ll BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION July 7, 1988 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, July 7, 1988 at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Gilmore. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Gilmore, Commissioners Erickson, Hagstrom, O'Mahony, Root, and Ward. Absent: Commissioner Hughes Staff: Director Quadri Guests: Mr. & Mrs. Vignati (1640 Balboa Ave.); Mrs. Ossipoff (1645 Balboa Ave.) MINUTES Minutes of the June 2, 1988 meeting were approved as submitted. COMMUNICATIONS None. REPORTS QUADRI - Insurance underwriters for the City commented positively on the City parks and the extensive work on the City's trees. South San Francisco Beautification Committee will be entering the Amateur Floral Arts Section at the County Fair and will be displaying a balcony garden and would encourage the Beautification Commission to also enter (deadline July 11, 1988). The position of Asst. Park Director has not been filled yet; of 21 applicants, 8 were invited to the Oral Board; of the 8 interviewed, 4 are under consideration for the position and will now interview with the Director next week. �. GILMORE - Thanked staff for displaying the list of Beautification Commission priorities. Would like Commission to pursue the purchase of a banner for the Spring Garden Seminar. Director Quadri stated that the Friends of the Library would like to help sponsor the seminar and a representative from the library would be willing to meet with the Commission to further discuss. Commission agreed to meet with the representative at the next Commission meeting. Director Quadri will invite Ester Cummins to meet with the Commission. Commission Gilmore would like the Spring Garden Seminar banner to be #6 on the list of priorities for the Commission. Thanked Commissioner Ward for his input on the Landscape Award Committee. O'MAHONY Thanked staff for the flyer on the Landscape Award which was included in the July Chamber newsletter. Tall grass and weeds need to be attended to on the 800 block of California; could be a fire hazard. Director Quadri will report to the Public Works Department for weed abatement. ROOT Tommissioner Root asked if something could be done with the strip of astro turf on the Broadway/Rollins Rd. median. Director Quadri stated that the entire length of Broadway from California Dr. to Rollins Rd. is under review and the median is under consideration for extention to Carolan. HAGSTROM - Debris on E1 Camino between Adeline & Ray Dr. has been removed by Cal - Trans but a new pile has been dumped by a tree. ERICKSON - Area across from 7-11 Market on Rollins Road needs to be cleaned up. Director Quadri stated the Sheriff's crew are working their way up Rollins Road and that area will be done. Order of Agenda was changed to accommodate the guests. OLD BUSINESS Request i•or Removal/1640 Balboa Ave. - Commissioner Gilmore stated that she felt permission to remove the liquidambar in front of 1640 Balboa should be granted due to the extnesive landscaping the homeowners will be doing. Commissioner O'Mahony commented that the plans for the Japanese garden are excel- lent and feels permission should be granted. Commisssioner Hagstrom was concerned because similar situations are existing on Balboa and granting permission could cause a domino effect. Director Quadri stated that the tree is within the 5 foot City right-of-way and is currently causing no more damage to the sidewalk than other trees in the area; that the proposed new walkway can be moved; that there is no structural damage to private property and the proposed landscaping is not open to public view. The Park Department has done root pruning on several trees in the 1500 & 1600 block of Balboa and feels all such attempts should be made before considering removal. It is the recommendation of staff that permission to remove the tree be denied. Mrs. Vignati stated that root pruning is not a permanent solution; the roots will grow back. Director Quadri stated that the City will repair the sidewalk and will at that time prune the roots; root barriers can be placed to redirect the roots. Many of the older trees in the City are out of place but the City's policy is to attempt other remedial methods before considering removal. Mrs. Ossipoff (1645 Balboa Ave.) indicated that several years ago roots were re- moved in front of her home due to sewer problems, the roots have grown back and \-- again cause sewer problems. Mrs. Vignati stated that they would be willing to replace the tree with a suitable variety from the Official Street list. Commissioner Ward moved that permission be granted to remove the liquidamber at 1640 Balboa Ave.; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Director Quadri asked if there would be any stipulation for replacement. Commis- sioner Hagstrom then moved that the tree be replaced with a 24 in. box tree from the approved list. Director Quadri advised that a permit could not be issued until after the July 18 Council meeting in the event of an appeal. The Park Department will inform the Vignati's following that meeting. Newsrack Committee - Director Quadri reported that he met with Jerry Fuchs of the Boutique Villager to discuss newsracks and their placement in the City. Mr. Fuchs comments were as follows: The Chronicle will supply modular units at a cost of $100 to newspapers for use; he believes most papers will pay except for the smaller publications, e.e., Plain Truth, Real Estate Guide, etc.; does not see a problem with regulating placement of racks for legitimate safety purposes, i.e. pedestrian traffic, handicap access, bus stops, etc.; any system that requires waiting lists is considered an arbitrary system. Mr. Fuchs stated that he would be willing to cooperate with the Commission and would also be willing to help. Director Quadri stated the City Attorney's comments were as follows: The City can require the use of modular units if the City buys all the units; restrictions cannot appear as arbitrary; Carmel's Ordinance contains some useful sections but many changes in the wording would be necessary. Director Quadri indicated that the City Manager appreciates the Commissions sug- gestions. If Council approves the concept the City Attorney and staff will draft the proposed ordinance. M Newsrack Committee (Cont'd.) Commission discussed different approaches; modular units placed by the Chronicle; total ban of all newsracks; the City purchasing modular units; requiring permits for newsracks; and safety factor ordinances. Commissioner Hagstrom moved that any decisions be postponed until the next meeting allowing for further study; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Landscape Award Committee - Commissioner O'Mahony stated the Committee members ex- changed selections and will be meeting on July 21st to select choices for nomina- tion at the August, 1988 meeting. The Committee will submit 3-4 properties for each category (small and large business) and any others can be submitted at that time. Commissioner Erickson has drafted an article for the Boutique & Villager and Commissioner Root will submit article. There being no comments 'FROM THE FLOOR' meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary