HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1988.06.02BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION June 2, 1988 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, June 2, 1988 at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Gilmore. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Gilmore, Commissioners Erickson, Hagstrom, O'Mahony, Root and Ward. Absent: Commissioner Hughes. Staff: Director Quadri Guests: Anne Parsons (Rep. Broadway Merchants Asso.); Francisand Ruth Vignati, 1640 Balboa Ave. MINUTES The following correction was noted: Under "REPORTS - HAGSTROM" -- should read "This might be a program the Chamber of Commerce may be interested in". The minutes were approved as corrected. COMMUNICATIONS Letter to Rich Langevin, Asst. Park Director, from the Beautification Commission thanking him for "all the work put into the Burlingame Parks Department over the last five years". Letter to Karen Key of the Chamber of Commerce from the Beautification Commission requesting an article about the 1988 Beautification Commission's Landscape Award be put in the monthly Chamber Newsletter. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Francis Vignati, 1640 Balboa Wy., requesting permission to remove the city tree in front of their home due to tree roots causing "exten- sive" damage to walkway, driveway, and sidewalk. Copy of check received in the amount of $9,575.00 from State Farm Insurance for the illegal removal of 2 Eucalyptus trees at 1598 Columbus Ave. (Director Quadri clarified that the homeowners insurance paid for the illegal removal of these city trees because of negligence on the behalf of the homeowner.) REPORTS O'MAHONY - There has been no current correspondence with the Broadway Merchants. ROOT - Still trying to get an art coordinator to work with the schools and the City on the children's art. The weeds along California Drive are getting overgrown. Director Quadri stated the juvenile work crew will be working in that area. HAGSTROM - Debris is being dumped between Adeline and Ray Dr. on El Camino by the state. Director Quadri stated that it is a state project, and he has requested the debris be kept away from the trees but will inquire as to when debris will be removed. OLD BUSINESS Newsrack Committee - Director Quadri reported that he spoke with Jerry Fuchs of the Boutique & Villager and will be meeting with him near the end of July re newsracks in the City of Burlingame. At this time Anne Parsons of the Broadway Merchants Asso. addressed the Commission: The Merchants Asso. is concerned about the proliferation of the newsracks on Broad- way; some of the papers are not legitimate papers; there are many real estate books, Auto View, and Bingo Bugle. Director Quadri stated there are 35 different newspapers represented throughout the City. Anne Parsons suggested that perhaps Newsrack Committee - (Cont'd.) the racks could go on the side street, sidewalks on Broadway are only 9' wide. With the racks taking 3' of the walkway that leaves only 6' for pedestrians. `-- Commissioner Gilmore stated that the Commission is working on a policy that would make the racks more uniform (i.e., modular racks), and will keep the Broad- way Merchants Asso. informed as to the progress. Commissioner O'Mahony will act as liaison. Landscape Award Committee - Commissioner O'Mahony reported that the Committee dis- cussed publicity. A flyer will be included in the July Chamber Chatter re the Landscape Award with information about criteria the Beautification Commission will be using in choosing recipients. There will also be an informational article submitted to the Boutique & Villager suggesting some "pointers" on land- scaping and listing some of the past award recipients. Commissioner Hagstrom was concerned that some businesses may feel they will not be considered. The Commis- sion agreed that the article should include information to call the Park Depart- ment if a business wishes their property to be considered. Budget Review After a brief discussion of the Park Department budget, Commissioner O'Mahony moved that the Commission endorse the budget and recommend the Council approve; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS - Request for Removal/1640 Balboa Ave.- Mr. and Mrs. Vignati presented plans to the Commission showing plans for a Japanese garden. Plans include replacing the drive- way and sidewalks as well as the sewer cleanout; after going to this expense they fear roots from the existing tree will return; root pruning has been done in the past but have returned and caused damage to the sidewalk and driveway. Director Quadri advised the Commission inspect and review and render a decision at the sk.-- July, 1988 meeting. Alvarado Island - Item was dropped from the agenda because there was no one to make a presentation. There being no business from the floor the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary