HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1994.12.01. BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION December 1, 1994 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Acting Chair Root. ROLL CALL Present: Acting Chair Root, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, McGowan, Schinagl, and Ward Absent: Chairman Plyer Staff: Director Quadri Guests: Jack Friend and Marti Knight MINUTES - Minutes of the November 3, 1994 meeting were corrected under Commissioner McGowan' s report to read . . . "The tie is too tight on the Mimosa on Carolan Ave. in Washington Park." Minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Mrs. Gibbs 1719-1721 Sequoia informing her that the Commission will render a decision re her request for a permit to remove 3 private pines at the December 1 Commission meeting. Memo to Honorable Mayor and City Council from the City Manager re the Commission's decision to reinstate the Landscape Award as it previously existed and requesting direction from the Council as to their intent. Memo from Malcolm Towns, Fire Chief, informing Director Quadri that the boarded up house at 1480 Alvarado, although unsightly, is securely boarded up and does not present any apparent additional fire hazard. , OLD BUSINESS Landscape Award - Director Quadri reported that Council, at their November 21 meeting, voted to allow the Commission to reinstate the Landscape Award as it previously existed and that the plaques retain the original wording. Commission will form an Award Committee in Spring of 1995, with presentation at the Community Picnic in September. Request for Removal of 3 Private Pines at 1719-1721 Sequoia - Director Quadri stated that this item was brought to the Commission because there was no apparent property damage and the trees were healthy. Vice Chair Root noted that the applicant was not present and requested comments from the Commission. Commissioner Lauder stated that the trees are on a slant and that they appear scraggly. Commissioner McGowan submitted drawings of the site and stated that the slope that the trees are planted on is most likely not a natural slope, hardpan is probably underneath; the trees may be shallow rooted and could be a hazard during high winds; and that 1 tree has fallen in the past . . . wrong trees for that place. `.Vice Chair Root asked Director Quadri about the applicants statement that she wanted to replace the trees with fruit trees. Director Quadri stated that fruit trees are not considered landscape trees and are not in keeping with the intent of the ordinance for reforestation; the ordinance gives the Director of Parks discretion in tree selection and size. Commissioner Ward asked if large trees should go back in the same area. Director Quadri stated that there are many suitable varieties for this location. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend moved that a permit be issued to the applicant and that the replacement requirements of the ordinance be followed; seconded. Motion carried on a 6 to 0 vote; Chairman Plyer absent. REPORTS UQ ADRI - Director Quadri reported that approximately 110 street trees were planted for the Fall planting. Tree at City Hall was decorated with lights by Kesomi Maka and other tree crew members. Malouf's on Burlingame Ave. requested removal of the city tree in front of their shop before their reopening. The request was denied because an overall plan for tree removal and replacement on Burlingame Avenue is forthcoming from the Burlingame Avenue Merchants Asso. Shortly after Mr. Malouf was informed of the decision, the tree was illegally removed and a potted tree was put in its place. WARD - A tree hole is missing a grate on Burlingame Avenue and poses a tripping hazard. Director Quadri stated that this has been reported to the Park Department. SHINAGL - Pickup truck camper shell was left on the north side of Broadway in the train parking area; Commissioner Shinagl contacted police and it has since been removed. MCGOWAN - Asked if CalTrans was notified re ivy in the trees at E1 Camino and Barriolhet. Director Quadri stated that they have been contacted but there has been no response. Commissioner McGowan submitted copies of conceptual drawings of proposed Broadway Improvements. Director Quadri stated that he thought these plans would be submitted to the City Council sometime in the Spring and commended the Broadway Improvement District for doing an excellent job at getting the merchants together. LAUDER - Commissioner Lauder requested that the Commission have input as to the replacement of the redwood tree at the Library. Director Quadri stated that the landscape plans for that project have not been submitted yet but he will bring them to the Commission when he receives them. Commissioner McGowan asked if the suggestion was passed on that the wood from the Redwood tree be used for beams or other items during the library renovation. Director Quadri stated it was passed on to the Librarian and he thought it was a good suggestion. GILMORE-FRIEND - Asked if there is room for a rose bush to be donated to the Washington Park Rose Garden. Director Quadri stated there is room. There being no further business and no business FROM THE FLOOR, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary R O z WN t A�