HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1994.07.07BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION .July 7, 1994 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Plyer. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Plyer, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, McGowan, Root, and Ward Absent: Commissioner McDonald Staff: Director Quadri Guests: Jack Friend, George Prevot (2301 Poppy Drive) MINUTES - Minutes of the June 2, 1994 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Frank Sulgit, 1560 Los Montes Dr. informing him that the Commission denied his request to waive the replacement requirement from a 24" box size tree to a 15 gallon size and that he had the option to pay $175 to the tree replacement fund. Letter to George Prevot, 2301 Poppy Dr, informing him that the Commission tabled his request for removal of 2 Camphor trees, for further study, to the July 7, 1994 meeting. Letter to Irma and Norman Reif, 1656 Skyline Blvd., informing them that their request concerning removal of 1 eucalyptus will be reviewed and a decision rendered at the July 7, 1994 meeting. Letter from Albert and Odette Vierra, 1104 Clovelly, requesting that the city tree that blew down during a wind storm not be replaced because they like their landscaping better without the tree. Memorandum of Record from George Prevot, 2301 Poppy Dr. stating 13 personal observations of the June 2, 1994 Commission meeting. OLD BUSINESS Request for Removal of 2 Camphor Trees at 2301 PopDv Drive - Director Quadri reported that the first complaint re these trees was received in 1986 concerning roots displacing sidewalk and entry steps; leaves on roof and lawn, and in gutter; trees were trimmed and thinned at that time and again in 1990. In 1991, Mr. Prevot complained of sidewalk and entry step damage and requested removal. Commission postponed consideration pending determination of sidewalk repair; in 1992, sidewalk was repaired and Mr. Prevot was issued a claim form for alleged damage to entry steps. Letters from Mr. Prevot requesting removal and or topping 12 - 15 feet due to damage to entry steps & foundation, fire hazard, and leaves, were received November 1993 and March 1994; Mr. Prevot was informed to submit his request in writing to the Beautification Commission. In April 1994, Mr. Prevot submitted his request for the removal of 2 Camphor trees. Director Quadri stated that Mr. Prevot has not submitted a claim form and no root barriers have been placed to date for the possible damage to the entry steps; Council's policy is to repair sidewalks as opposed to tree removal; root barriers could be placed but there is no apparent root damage to private property. IL Recruest for Removal of 2 Camphor Trees at 2301 Poppy Drive - (Cont'd ) Chairman Plyer recognized Mr. Prevot. Mr. Prevot stated that this has been an ongoing problem for 40 years and it would be more cost effective to remove the trees instead of the continued trimming and sidewalk repair. Commissioner Gilmore stated that it is city policy to keep healthy trees and repair city sidewalks instead of removing the trees. Chairman Plyer added that the Commission's charge is to uphold the stipulations of the City ordinances and policies in regard to trees; in reference to Mr. Prevot's memorandum, Chairman Plyer stated that all the Commissioner's have reviewed the site and he has been there 3 times, that Mr. Prevot's memorandum contains many untruths. Director Quadri added that the Council approves a budget of $450,000 for tree maintenance and over $300,000 a year for sidewalk repairs to protect and maintain the trees; additionally, if Mr. Prevot's request is denied by the Commission he may appeal that decision to the Council. Director Quadri stated that 2 letters requested the trees be cut back 10' to 12'; that a decision could be made to cut back the trees and root barriers placed. Mr. Prevot indicated the reason he got the arborists report from Davey was because he really wants the trees removed because roots are damaging his property. Director Quadri stated that the report from Davey states that a determination of structural damage caused by roots cannot be determined and quite possibly may be caused by "settling". Mr. Prevot then requested that only 1 tree be removed to determine whether the roots have caused structural damage. Commissioner Root asked Mr. Prevot if trimming back the trees and placing root barriers would be an acceptable solution. Mr. Prevot stated "What good would it do? The damage has already been done"; he added that would add even more cost and the years of trimming and sidewalk repairs is something that should be taken into consideration. Commissioner Root moved to deny the request for removal of 2 Camphors; seconded. Discussion followed. Director Quadri stated that the trees will be cut back and possibly root barriers will be installed if Mr. Prevot decides not to appeal to Council; that, it would not be cost effective to do that work if Council were to approve the request for removal. Following the discussion, the Commission voted 6 - 0 to deny the request for removal of 2 Camphor trees. Director Quadri advised Mr. Prevot he may appeal to the Council in writing and submit to the City Clerk before the July 18th Council meeting; the Council will then set a hearing date. Request for Removal of 1 Eucalyptus at 1656 Skyline Blvd. - Director Quadri stated that Mrs. Reif of 1656 Skyline Blvd. first contacted the Park Department in 1988 requesting removal due to cracks in her driveway and garage. At that time the Park. Department dug down 2 feet and found no roots heading in direction of driveway or garage; Mrs. Reif was told to write to the Beautification Commission. Again in 1990, Mrs. Reif requested removal; site was inspected and resident was informed to request in writing to the Beautification Commission. In 1991, Arbor Care, (while on city contract to trim Euc grove in that area) severely pruned that particular eucalyptus as instructed by Mrs. Reif; this was not authorized by the Park Department. In 1994, Mrs. Reif again requested removal due the crack in her driveway & garage, roots invading her sewer line, and debris caused by the tree. Mrs. Reif was again instructed to apply in writing to the Beautification Commission requesting removal. Mrs. Reif applied in writing to the, Commission May 1994. -IN Request for Removal of 1 Eucalyptus at 1656 Skyline Blvd. - (Cont'd.) Director Quadri reported that the tree is 25' from the garage and Eucs in this area are contract pruned on a 4-5 year cycle; due to severe pruning in 1991 by Arbor Care tree will never be a specimen tree; even though roots were not found to be the cause of the cracked driveway and garage, roots will invade an old sewer line that has cracked. Mrs. Reif reports an annual expense of approximately $100/yr. for sewer cleanout. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Gilmore moved the Euc be removed because it will not recover from being severely pruned and that the tree is in close proximity of improved areas and causing repeated sewer problems; seconded. Discussion followed. Commissioner Ward asked if there was a provision that a property owner be required to bear the expense of removal. Director Quadri stated that the Commission has granted removals "at expense of homeowner" in the past when trees are healthy. Following the discussion, the motion carried on a 4 - 2 vote; Commissioners McGowan and Ward dissenting. NEW BUSINESS Request to waive replacement of city tree at 1104 Clovelly Lane - Director Quadri stated that the residence has had 3 trees that required removal in the same location. A Hawthorne was replaced by a Magnolia but it was necessary to replace the Magnolia because the resident planted sod up to base of the tree, killing the tree. The Evergreen Pear replacement tree blew over in a recent storm and was scheduled for replacement; since there is no separate planting strip, tree site is in the city right-of-way in the front lawn area. City policy requires that when possible replacement trees are planted at no expense to homeowner. Resident requests no replacement because they have since filled the existing site with lawn and feel their landscaping is neat and attractive without a tree and, further, that there are homes on their street and in their neighborhood that do not have trees. Commission will render a decision at the August 4, 1994 Commission meeting. REPORTS OUADRI - California Park and Recreation Society is sponsoring discounts to Great America and Marine World as part of "CPRS Month" during the month of July. Discount coupons provided in the Commission packets. Director Quadri stated that there needs to be some clarification in the Reforestation Ordinance with regard to the types of trees used as replacements for the removal of significant trees. Recently, a 24" box dwarf apricot was used as a replacement; this doesn't seem to fit the intent of the ordinance to replace significant trees; the other area of concern is the use of fruit trees as replacement for significant trees that are lost due to storms when the property does not meet the amount of "trees per square foot of property" section of the ordinance. Director Quadri reported that he received a phone call from a merchant on Broadway who serves on a committee of the BID regarding newsracks on Broadway and the BID's interest in coming up with something more orderly for newsracks in that business district. Director Quadri suggested that with this request coming from BID and the anticipated work with the Burlingame Avenue Merchants Association, it may be best to have Commissioner McGowan who has expressed an interest in Broadway and Commissioner Gilmore -Friend who worked on the newsrack ordinance to meet (along with Director Quadri) with the BID committee to discuss their �. plans; likewise, Commissioners Lauder and Root (and Director Quadri) could work with a representative from the Burlingame Avenue Merchants REPORTS - OUADRI - (Cont'd.) Association to discuss tree planting, newsracks, and other items. The Commission agreed. ROOT - Commissioner Root reported that the Nominating Committee has decided on the following slate of officers to be presented at the August 4, 1994 meeting: Commissioner McGowan - Secretary Commissioner Root - V. Chairman Commissioner Plyer - Chairman WARD - Commissioner Ward asked about the different policies on city and private landscaping encroaching and/or obstructing city property. Director Quadri stated that addresses can be submitted to the Park Department; if it is city -owned landscaping the Park Department will trim back; if it is a privately owned landscaping the Park Department will send a warning notice for residents to comply. MCGOWAN - The Broadway BID will be sending a letter to the Commission requesting Commissioner McGowan serve as liaison to the BID. Commissioner McGowan also spoke with the City Engineer, Frank Erbacher re bike paths on Broadway --the City Engineer also explained to Commissioner McGowan that there are 4 jurisdictions on Broadway from California Drive to 101. GILMORE-FRIEND - Asked if anything had been done with debris, etc. on eastside of railroad between Broadway and Millbrae Ave. Director Quadri stated he had read that some action had been taken; Commissioner Lauder stated that she had called CalTrain and reported it also. LAUDER - Commissioner Lauder stated that the colors for the design on the t-shirts for the CalTrain Station Centennial were chosen by the Historical Society in protest of the color CalTrain chose to paint the station several years ago; adding, that even if CalTrain won't change the color back to the way people remember it the graffiti should be painted over in time for the celebration. Director Quadri stated that the graffiti can be reported to the City Attorney for action. There being no further business, and no business FROM THE FLOOR, the meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary ''1 .-IN