HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1994.06.02BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION June 2, 1994 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Plyer. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Plyer, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, McDonald, McGowan, Root, and Ward Staff: Director Quadri Guests: Jack Friend, Marti Knight, George Prevot (2301 Poppy Drive) and resident from 2204 Poppy Drive MINUTES - Minutes of the May 4, 1994 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from George Prevot (2301 Poppy Drive) asking his request for removal of 2 Camphor trees be referred to the Beautification Commission. Letter from Frank Sulgit (1560 Los Montes Drive) requesting 24" box size replacement be waived and a 15 gallon size be planted instead. Letter from Director Quadri to George Prevot (2301 Poppy Drive) informing him that his request will be reviewed at the May 5, 1994 Beautification Commission meeting. Letter from Director Quadri to Frank Sulgit (1560 Los Montes Drive) informing him that.his request will be reviewed and a decision rendered at the June 2, 1994 Beautification Commission meeting. Letter from George Prevot (2301 Poppy Drive) and aerial photograph of 2 camphor trees at his address. Letter from Irma and Norman Reif (1656 Skyline Blvd.) requesting a city eucalyptus tree be removed due to root damage to driveway, lawn, and sewer lateral, debris in roof gutters, and falling branches. OLD BUSINESS Request for Removal of 2 Camphor Trees at 2301 Poppy Drive - Director Quadri reviewed correspondence from Mr. Prevot (dating back to 1986) requesting removal due to accumulation of leaves; at that time request for removal was denied by the Park Dept. and trees were trimmed; in 1991, request for removal was referred to the Commission. Commission denied removal but stated trees were in need of trimming and recommended root barriers be placed. In 1992, sidewalk, curb, and gutter were repaired by the City at which time root pruning was done. At the end of 1993, Mr. Prevot wrote to the Engineering Dept. requesting removal of the 2 Camphor trees due to root damage and the fear of trees causing serious damage if ignited. Letter was referred to the Park Dept. and following several attempts, in April, 1994.Mr. Prevot was convinced again to pursue his request through the Beautification Commission. Subsequent letters from Mr. Prevot have cited problems with abnormal growth of trees and leaves clogging gutters. Mr. Prevot was present and presented a report from Davey Tree Company about the trees in question. Mr. Prevot stated that the roots are again beginning to breakup sidewalk; roof gutters are getting clogged all the time; steps are cracking and foundation is being moved; trees are brittle and branches are falling off and hazardous. Mr. Prevot added OLD BUSINESS - Request for Removal of 2 Camphor Trees at 2301 PODUy Dr. (Cont'd.) that the cost of equipment and labor involved in maintaining the trees and repairing sidewalks is not cost effective and that a long term view would be better, that removing and replacing is less costly. Chairman Plyer explained to Mr. Prevot that it is the Commissions obligation to uphold City ordinances. Commissioner Lauder stated that the trees are beautiful and could use some trimming but could not justify removal. Director Quadri said trimming would not be done until a final decision was made on the removal request. Commissioner Gilmore - Friend asked if the trees were trimmed would that solve the problem. Director Quadri stated that merely trimming the trees would not address all of Mr. Prevot's issues; Mr. Prevot agreed. Commissioner McGowan asked what the procedure is if a City tree damages a private walkway; Director Quadri responded that the resident can submit a claim through the City Attorney's office; Mr. Prevot stated that he is in possession of a claim form but has not submitted a claim to date. Commission Ward asked where other Camphors are in the City; Director Quadri stated that there are several blocks of Camphors located on the 400--600 blocks of Burlingame Avenue. Commissioner Root asked if the City has installed root barriers in the past at this location; Director Quadri stated that he does not believe that root barriers have ever been installed. Resident from 2204 Poppy Drive (who assisted Mr. Prevot in repairing his damaged step) asked Director Quadri how far roots go from a tree; Director Quadri stated roots generally grow to where water is available but will usually stay close to the surface. Commissioner McGowan asked if roots can be seen on the surface of the lawn or were observed when repair of the step was made; resident stated that roots are not apparent on the surface of the lawn and were not observed during step repair. Director Quadri stated that staff has not received or had an opportunity to review the Davey Tree Company report submitted at tonights Commission meeting. Following a brief discussion and because staff needed to review the report submitted, the Commission decided to table this item until the July 7 meeting. Chairman Plyer requested that staff study the report, report on the extent of root pruning done in the past, inspect damage to stairs by sidewalk and stairs by front door, and determine if root barriers would be helpful. Waiver of Replacement size Recruirement for Private Tree Removal at 1560 Los Montes Drive - Director Quadri presented a diagram to show the difference between planting a 15 gallon size or a 24 inch box size container, and that permits are issued for private tree removal stating the replacement requirements. Commissioner Ward stated that he inspected the site and felt a 24" box size tree could be planted if resident were to do a little more digging and reminded resident that he could pay $175 into the tree replacement fund instead. After a brief discussion re replacement requirements for private tree removal, Commissioner Ward moved that in compliance with the Urban Reforestation and Tree Protection Ordinance resident be required to plant a 24" box size tree on the private property or contribute $175 to the tree replacement fund; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Nominating CommitteeAppointment for August Election of Officers - Chairman Plyer appointed Commissioners Root, Gilmore -Friend, and Lauder to the Nominating Committee for the August election of officers. REPORTS - Director Ouadri Director Quadri submitted copies of the existing Permit Application for the removal of significant private trees and explained his frustration with applicants who argue about replacement requirements after the protected tree is removed; adjacent property owners are also notified during the approval process that replacements for removals are required. The City of San Mateo has a refundable deposit when the permit is issued and is not refunded until the replacement tree is planted. Director Quadri asked the Commission to review the permit and report back with suggestions at the next meeting. Burlingame Avenue Street Tree Planting - Director Quadri requested that 2 Commissioners be appointed and a representative from the Burlingame Avenue Merchants Asso. be involved in deciding an overall tree replacement plan for the avenue; there have been a variety of different requests as opposed to some merchants wanting trees and others not wanting any tree in front of their place of business. Commissioner Lauder suggested that upon presentation of the overall plan pictures of mature trees would be helpful. Following the discussion, Commissioners Lauder and McGowan were appointed to assist in meeting with representatives from the Burlingame Avenue Merchants Asso. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend - The alleyways behind Carlos Avenue are overgrown and asked which department oversees notification of property owners to clear their alleyway. Director Quadri suggested Commissioner Gilmore -Friend call the Street and Sewer Dept. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated that she will be submitting an article for the Chamber newsletter re the Beautification Commission and their work and efforts in the City. Commissioner Root - Tree is diseased at 1408 Montero and should be inspected. Commissioner Root also suggested that it may be a good idea to look at changing the name of the Beautification Commission to reflect the work of the Commission mostly involving trees. Commissioner McGowan - Commissioner McGowan will be addressing the Broadway Improvement District on June 14 at 2:00 p.m. at Taste Restaurant. Commissioner McGowan spoke with Bill Key re the Train Centennial and also discussed the plum trees and other trees on City property should be deadwooded and trimmed for the centennial celebration. Commissioner McGowan asked Director Quadri if he has received any information on the tree removal on 101 between Millbrae Avenue and Broadway. Director Quadri stated that he did not have that information. Commissioner McGowan thanked the Park Department for trimming the tree near the Lorton parking lot. There being no further business and no business FROM THE FLOOR, meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary