HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1994.05.05BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION May 5. 1994 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was �. called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Plyer. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Plyer, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, McDonald, McGowan, Root, and Ward Staff: Director Quadri Guests: Jack Friend and Marti Knight MINUTES - Minutes of the March 3, 1994 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter and $50.00 donation from the Garden Study Club for Arbor Day tree planting. Letter from Director Quadri thanking Garden Study Club for their $50.00 donation for Arbor Day planting. Letter from Director Quadri to Bruce Hagen, (California Dept. of Forestry) thanking him for his participation at the Arbor Day ceremonies at McKinley School. Letter from Director Quadri to Pacific Cable Television thanking them for cooperating in the Arbor Day ceremonies at McKinley School. Letter from Mary Peros (Burlingame Elementary School Trustee) thanking the Beautification Commission for their interest in the schools and the "lovely" trees planted during the Arbor Day ceremonies. Letter from Director Quadri to Gary Cohn, Bruin Realty, informing him that the Beautification Commission approved his request for the placement of lights in the 2 City Elm trees at 347 Primrose Road providing that specific guidelines be followed. Letter from Director Quadri to Don Burns from The Times thanking him on behalf of the Beautification Commission for his informative and enjoyable presentation at the 17th annual Spring Garden Seminar. Memo to all Commissions and Boards from the City Attorney regarding current procedures for meetings as set forth in the Brown Act. Letter from George Prevot, 2301 Poppy Drive, requesting removal of 2 Camphor trees due to abnormal growth and leaf drop that clogs his gutters annually. Letter from Frank Sulgit, 1560 Los Montes Dr., requesting waiving the requirement to replace a private Pine tree with a 24" box tree and, instead, to plant a 15 gallon size tree. OLD BUSINESS 101 Broadway Interchange - Item was placed on the agenda per request of Commissioner McGowan. Director Quadri stated that the Commission had previously considered planting ideas for the right side of the Broadway/101 south exit. OLD BUSINESS - 101 Broadway Interchange (Cont'd.) - Commissioner McGowan presented to the Commission a conceptual drawing of suggested landscaping from the Broadway exit at 101 to California Drive; he explained that many jurisdictions are involved i.e. private, CalTrain, CalTrans, and City, and that all would need to be involved �. along with the Broadway Improvement District. In speaking with David Constantino the BID would like to establish a redevelopment agency to make improvements along Broadway much like was done on B street in San Mateo. Commissioner McGowan stated that this is a "Tree City USA" and should reflect that; there is so much concrete and glass in that area that landscaping with drought tolerant shrubs and trees would reduce glare and soften structures. Commissioner McDonald thought this was an excellent idea for this area that it has looked bad for many years; Commissioner Ward stated that it would be important to find out if the private property owners are interested in a plan like this . . . that it really should come from them; Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated that a master plan would be in order but drought tolerant plantings and access to irrigation needs to be considered; Commissioner Root asked what would be planted at the immediate right of the exit off 101 . . . Commissioner McGowan stated that Photinia and/or Pittosporum to screen the backs of the buildings; Commissioner Plyer feels area is not all that bad . . . the traffic engineer may be concerned about landscaping and the affect on traffic views and Commission Plyer would not like to see a bike path in that area, that it is too dangerous. The Commission stated that they were generally supportive of improving that area but an overall plan for the area would need to come from the Broadway Improvement District and encouraged Commissioner McGowan to continue meeting with BID. REPORTS - Director Ouadri 110 street trees were planted in the month of April. Trees were also planted in Washington Park with reforestation monies that have been collected for private tree removal; contract tree pruning has almost been completed. Council passed a resolution granting a $250 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons involved in graffiti. Commissioner Plyer asked about the Asplundh trucks seen in the City. Director Quadri stated that P.G.&E. has a new contract with Asplundh for the trimming of both private and City trees under primary utilities. Commissioner McGowan Asked about the removal of trees and foliage on 101 from Millbrae to Broadway (north and south). Director Quadri stated that the area is the jurisdiction of CalTrans. Commissioner McGowan stated that there is a proliferation of shopping carts in the apartment districts in the City and it is very unattractive; Commissioner McGowan would like the Commission to write to the stores and asking them to keep their carts in the lots and also to sell carts in their stores. Director Quadri stated that the carts are picked up by someone employed by the stores to do just that, however the Beautification Commission is really a tree commission and that things of that nature is out of the Commission's purview; complaints can be registered on an individual basis to the store(s). L Commissioner Lauder Asked if the City has any say about the P.G.&E. trimming of City trees under utilities. Director Quadri stated that trimmers are required to trim the sides as well as the top when City crews are trimming in the same area. Commissioner Lauder reported that a young Chinese Pistache across from the Tennis Courts is slumping over and may need to be double staked. Director Quadri will inspect. On California from Oak Grove to Broadway Train Station the easement is browned out; has someone been spraying? Director Quadri will inspect and report back. Commissioner McDonald Received information from the City,of Martinez re tree lights; monies come from private donations, merchants, and service groups. Gilmore -Friend Stated that she has received a complaint from a merchant about a newsrack. Director Quadri stated that merchants complain because the newsracks look terrible and patrons have to walk around them. However, when inspected, racks are usually within compliance of the ordinance. The City is bound by the constraints of the ordinance. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend asked what work has been done on the La Mesa island. Director Quadri stated that some of the scotch broom has been removed and some plantings have gone in; a crew works on the island once a week. L Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated that along the eastside of the railroad track from Millbrae Avenue to Broadway (by the grove of trees), rusted debris, old cars, etc., are being dumped . . . a real eyesore when traveling on the train. Director Quadri stated that he will inspect but that the area may be CalTrain right-of-way or even private property. Root Asked about replacement trees on Burlingame Avenue. Director Quadri stated that he is working on a plan that includes the existing trees as well as suggestions of replacement trees from 4 of species including those that have Fall color, some that are deciduous or evergreen, and flowering trees; when plan has been completed it will be,presented to the Burlingame Avenue Merchants. Plyer Stated that since this is a "Tree" Commission perhaps the name "Beautification" Commission is misleading and that, maybe in the future it could be changed if appropriate. There being no further business and no business FROM THE FLOOR, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, L Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary