HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1994.03.03BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION March 3, 1994 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Plyer. Chairman Plyer welcomed William McGowan as the newly appointed Commissioner and congratulated Commissioners Ward and Gilmore -Friend on their reappointments to the Commission. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Plyer, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, McDonald, McGowan, Root, and Ward Staff: Director Quadri Guests: Jack Friend and Marti Knight MINUTES - Minutes of the February 3, 1994 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Director Quadri to Gary Cohn of Bruin Realty, informing him that the Commission deferred action on his request to install lights in the street trees at 347 Primrose to its March 3rd meeting. Letter from the City of Millbrae thanking them for their support in their continuing redevelopment efforts in Millbrae. Letter from Director Quadri to Don Burns of The Times thanking him for consenting to be the featured speaker at the annual Spring Garden. Seminar. Letter from Director Quadri to Mayor O'Mahoney inviting her to the Arbor Day ceremonies on Monday, March 7. Letter from Director Quadri to Mr. Hanney, President of Rector Motor Car Co., that the city -owned Eucalyptus at 1010 Cadillac Way were again pruned without a permit and non-compliance with city pruning standards. Letter from the City Attorney to William Ryan, 1555 Los Montes informing him that the Park Department will do corrective pruning on the sycamores at his address over the next few years at his expense; and that he may not trim the trees "at all" during that time. Letter from Director Quadri to Thom Lee informing him that a tree has been donated by John and Carolyn Root in memory of his wife Suzan, and will be planted at the Arbor Day ceremonies on March 7. Letter from Director Quadri to William C. McGowan congratulating him on his appointment to the Beautification Commission. Letter(s) from Mayor O'Mahoney on behalf of the Council advising of the appointment of Commissioner McGowan and reappointments of Commissioner(s) McGowan, Gilmore -Friend, and.Ward. Letter to Commissioner McDonald from Schroder Insurance Agency re alternatives the City of Walnut Creek is considering for tree lighting. OLD BUSINESS Arbor Day - March 7, 1994 - Director Quadri stated that 4 trees will be planted on the Paloma side and 2 on the Fairfield side during the .� ceremonies at McKinley School. Commissioner Lauder asked who would maintain the new trees. Director Quadri stated that McKinley School has agreed to extend their maintenance to the new street trees. Spring Garden Seminar - March 19, 1994 - Director Quadri reported that Don Burns will be speaking on the varieties of landscaping options in the City of Burlingame. Request to Install Decorative Lights in City -owned Elm Trees at 347 Primrose Road - Director Quadri submitted pictures of the Elms, 1 of which may not survive. Director Quadri stated that there has been interest in tree lighting in this area; in the past, the Chamber of Commerce provided tree lights at their expense on several trees. The Park Department would have no problem approving this providing that the installation, maintenance, and power be at the expense of the property owner. Commissioner McDonald received information about the different ways the City of Walnut Creek is'considering for tree lighting in their shopping area; she will also be checking with the City of Martinez. Commissioner Root asked how it would be handled if other merchants want lights on trees fronting their businesses. Director Quadri stated that if this were approved it would provide a test case for future requests. Commissioner Plyer asked if this should go to Council first. Director '1 Quadri stated that the City Manager felt there was enough interest in this and that it had been approved in the past when the Chamber requested it several years ago. Final approval would come from Council. Commissioner Ward moved that permission be granted for lights to be placed in the 2 Elm trees at 347 Primrose providing installation, maintenance, and power be at the expense of the property owner; seconded. Commissioner McGowan asked if hours of lighting would be considered and if heat from the lights would in any way harm the tree. Director Quadri stated that the Park Department would work with the applicant on hours of lighting and that the lights would not harm the trees. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend asked who would provide the power source. Director Quadri stated that an electrician would install a power source to Public Works Dept. standards. Following the discussion, the motion was approved unanimously. REPORTS UO ADRI - Sycamore pruning will be completing soon and contract pruning is continuing on the Eucalyptus on the southside of Oak Grove. Larry Costello from UC Extension inspected the Elm project on El Camino; the elms are doing well and that there is no DED present. Director Quadri reported that more samples from the Eucs at Bayside Park suspected of having Sudden Death have been sent to UC Davis for further study; the disease has not been noticed in 6 years -- this could somehow be related to the drought. No additional trees in this grove seem to have been affected. Several exotic plants have died in the Fragrance Garden in Washington Park and will not be able to be replaced. Plants will be replaced with plants that are visually appealing as well as fragrant. The sign which is in disrepair and out of date will be removed and a handout will be designed listing the existing plants. The Public Works Department is painting the cupola. FLYER - Chairman Plyer reported that the sidewalk behind Petrini's in the Plaza has fat on it and is slippery. Director Quadri stated that the City Engineer and the City Attorney would be interested in hearing about the problem again because they have tried to work with Petrini's to resolve the problem. Chairman Plyer will contact them. GILMORE-FRIEND - Would like to see the Spring Garden Seminar on the Chamber calendar next year. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend reported that Norma Vielbaum of 1516 La Mesa spoke with her re the La Mesa islands. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend told her to send her concerns in writing to the Park Department. Director Quadri stated that some clearing has been done on that island as well as some new plantings; there is no irrigation so plantings occur in conjunction with the rainy season. WARD - Commissioner Ward expressed his concern about the equipment being parked along El Camino Real at Ray Drive. Director Quadri stated that the property belongs to the State and that they are parking there while a project in the area is being completed; the Park Department is monitoring and is trying to keep the trees and the elm project from being affected. LAUDER - Commented that some of the private tree pots on Burlingame Avenue (purchased and maintained by individual merchants) are not being maintained; some of the large planters maintained by the City could use some work also. In addition, Commissioner Lauder asked when the frost damaged city trees would be replaced. Director Quadri stated that the City had no say as to what was planted in the pots only that they not become hazardous to pedestrians; some of the pots have broken because the trees have outgrown the pots. Trees on Burlingame Avenue have not been replaced because an overall plan has not been decided; some merchants don't want trees. A plan will be submitted to the Commission in the next few months. MCGOWAN - Commissioner McGowan stated that he is happy to be part of the Beautification Commission and had questions re sidewalk repair, El Camino tree maintenance; landscaping in parking lots and throughout the City and litter programs. Commissioner McGowan stated that there is a lot of litter around Burlingame Avenue and at the vacant property on Burlingame Avenue at E1 Camino. Commissioner McDonald stated she will speak to Sam MaLouf of the Merchants Asso. re the litter on Burlingame Avenue. Director Quadri stated that Starbucks put out additional cans to handle the overflow but that there is no garbage pickup on the weekends; he will mention the litter on the vacant property to the City Attorney. FROM THE FLOOR Marti Knight noted that there was an article re the Arbor Day ceremonies in The Times. Marti Knight asked Director Quadri about the ivy on the soundwall i.e. the leaves are off. Director Quadri stated that this type of ivy is semi -deciduous and will come back in the spring. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary _-'s,