HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1995.08.03BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION AUGUST 3, 1995 ',.,-2he regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Plyer. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Plyer, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, McGowan, Root, and Ward Absent: Schinagl Staff:. Director Quadri Guests: Jack Friend, Richard Lavenstein, Marti Knight, and Daniel Begovich MINUTES - Minutes of the July 6, 1995 meeting were approved as submitted. Letter to Richard Lavenstein informing him that the Commission will review his request for removal of 11 private trees at 2-42 Adrian Court at the August 3rd meeting. Letter to Daniel Begovich, 2801 Hillside Drive, informing him that the Commission will review his request for removal of 3 City trees at his address at the August 3rd meeting. Letter to Janice and Peter Scattini, 1359 Columbus Avenue, reminding them of the Council's requirement that a 241, box size tree be planted to replace the City's magnolia. %,_,.'jetter from Daniel Begovich, 2801 Hillside Drive, changing his request to the removal of only "one large tree". Cover letter from R. Eugene Lovelady (tenant opposing tree removal at 2-42 Adrian Court) and copy of report from Mayne Tree Expert Co. on the general health, growing conditions, potential impacts the trees have on the property as well as prevention and/or mitigation of these impacts. Letter from Richard Lavenstein asking that his request for removal of 11 private Monterey Pine trees at 2-42 Adrian Court be withdrawn at this time due to opposition from some of his tenants. OLD BUSINESS Chairman Plyer asked that the Commission consider the request for tree removal at 2801 Hillside Drive as the next item of business. Commission concurred. Request for Removal of 3 City Trees @ 2801 Hillside Drive - Director Quadri reported that the Tree Supervisor met with applicant to discuss the 3 trees considered for removal. . . due to the condition of the Hawthorne tree, the Park Department will remove and replace. According to the Tree Supervisor, the Hackberry can be trimmed by the Park Department and will become a viable tree. Director Quadri stated that based on this meeting Mr. Begovich has changed his request to the removal of only 1 tree (Sycamore) to install a larger driveway to accommodate a new garage. Director Quadri also stated that the way this property is situated makes bending the driveway around the tree awkward. Chairman Plyer recognized Mr. Begovich. Recruest for Removal of 3 City Trees @ 2801 Hillside Drive - (Cont'd.) Mr. Begovich stated that his new 2 car garage with storage will be 26.5 feet wide and will require his driveway to be moved 7 feet further south necessitating the removal of the Sycamore. "**N Commissioner McGowan asked if there was any room within the property to accommodate turning around and exiting driveway . . . applicant responded "No". Commissioner Ward moved that a permit be granted to remove and replace the tree at property owners expense, and that the replacement tree be from the approved list; seconded. Chairman Plyer called for discussion: Discussion involved possibilities of reconfiguring driveway within the property to allow for a 3 point turn. Applicant felt, aesthetically, reconfiguring the driveway was not a possibility. There being no further discussion Chairman Plyer called for the vote: motion carried on a 4-2 vote; Commissioners McGowan and Lauder dissenting . . . Commissioner Schinagl absent. Director Quadri stated the Park Department will issue a permit to the applicant for removal of the Sycamore and that replacement with a 24" box size tree from the approved list. Request for Removal of 11 Private Monterev Pine Trees @ 2-42 Adrian Ct. - WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT . Chairman Plyer recognized Richard Lavenstein who was present in the audience and asked if he wished to address the Commissior'1 at this time. Mr. Lavenstein stated he was only there to see how the Commission conducted their business. Landscape Award Selection - Director Quadri stated the presentation of the Landscape Award began in the 70's as a way to encourage the beautification of commercial properties. . . Two years prior to the drought, awards were presented to large and small businesses but the award has not been presented since 1989 due to the drought. Properties such as 411 Primrose, Kuletos, and Peninsula Hospital will be eligible next year as their landscaping will have met the requirement of continuous landscaping for no less than 1 year. Chairman Plyer stated an application process might encourage properties to apply. Commissioner Root suggested that if the application went out early enough it would give properties time to improve their sites prior to the selection. Commissioner Ward stated if properties applied that would prevent interested properties from being passed over. Chairman Plyer then asked the Landscape Award Committee members (McGowan, Lauder, and Gilmore -Friend) to share their observations . . . Commissioner McGowan stated for the Large Business category he felt the Ramada Inn is doing a good job by providing landscaping around the hotel as well as in the parking lot and the bay front; Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated she was very impressed with the work the Ramada Inn has done. Commissioner McGowan reported that for the Small Business category, Pal Care—, has gone to a lot of "time, effort, and expense" providing landscaping arounc their site. . Wells Fargo Bank on Primrose has 3 large trees in their parking lot that they maintain on a regular basis which provides a real public service providing, shade, heat reduction, and a sound barrier --- businesses should be encouraged to plant trees in parking lots. Landscape Award Selection (Cont'd.) - Commissioner Lauder stated that the landscaping at the Mariott Hotel (Large Business category) is very pretty and attractive. .Commission further discussed the difficulty in finding sites -worthy of awarding; Commissioner McGowan stated that the drought has had an impact on how businesses landscape. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend hoped that by reinstating the award and publicizing more businesses will be encouraged to improve their landscaping. Ballots were distributed to the Commission for selection. The Marriott Hotel 1800 Bayshore Highway was selected for the 1996 Landscape Award and will be the only award presented this year. Award will be presented at the Community Picnic on September 17th at Washington Park. Election of Commission Officers - Chairman Plyer reported that the Committee tried to select individuals who have yet to serve. The proposed slate of officers is as follows: Commissioner Jill Lauder - Secretary Commissioner Virginia Schinagl - Vice -Chair Commissioner William McGowan - Chair Commissioner Root moved that the slate of officers as stated be accepted; seconded. Motion carried 6-0; Commissioner Schinagl absent. NEW BUSINESS Permit Extension for Private Tree Removal @ 1372 Bernal - Director Quadri stated the permit has lapsed so he can grant no extension on this removal. `,,P.G.&E. has agreed to remove the private tree at no cost to the applicant because it is under primary utility lines. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend moved to extend the permit from July 1; seconded. Motion carried 6-0; Commissioner Schinagl absent. REPORTS IIADRI - Annual tree contract has been sent out to bid; bid opening will be August 8. The contract will include the removal of 8 Elm trees with Dutch Elm Disease in the Oxford/Cambridge area as well as Eucalyptus pruning in the Skyline area. Director Quadri explained that there is no longer a quarantine on Elms in California and no more help from the state for City's and/or property owners. Commissioner McGowan asked if the Elms on El Camino are being affected. Director Quadri stated that the disease seems to be restricted to the Oxford/Cambridge area. Director Quadri reported that in looking through the Commission records, there is nothing to indicate that Landscape Awards were presented to residential property owners. The ties on the trees mentioned by Commissioner McGowan at the last meeting have been checked by the Tree Supervisor and reportedly are fine; the young Chinese Pistache tree at 1407 Montero, reported by Commissioner Root, will be replaced during the October planting. Director Quadri stated that he inspected the area for tree planting mentioned 1...by Commissioner Lauder at the July meeting and felt that some tree planting might be appropriate in that area but will need more consideration. PLYER - Chairman Plyer reported that he has been maintaining the easement behind his house over the years, and was surprised to see the summer youth clearing his and neighboring easements. Director Quadri stated the Street & REPORTS - PLYER ( Coot' d . ) Sewer as well as the Water Department hires youth to work on summer crews and is not sure what criteria those departments use to decide maintenance in the easements . . but according to the maps, those are not City-owned-ti easements. GILMORE-FRIEND - Reported to Commission re article in the Boutique & Villager on newsrack ordinance amendments . . . she feels this gives the ordinance more "teeth". ROOT - Requested that Director Quadri restate the policy for Commission absences. Director Quadri stated that Commissioners should contact the Chairman and/or the Park office in the event of absence; Commissioners are allowed a minimum of 3 absences each year. The Park Department does not have the authority to "excuse" absences; Council reviews Commission attendance every 6 months, and will notify those Commissioners who have exceeded the number of allowed absences. MCGOWAN - Commissioner McGowan spoke with Tricia Pinney at the Recreation Department prior to sending the letter re dogs in the Park during special City events. Tricia told him if the Commission pursued not allowing dogs in the park during special events not only would it be difficult but it could create a lot of unhappiness with pet owners. Commissioner McGowan asked if the Commission wanted to still write the letter to Tricia as well as copying Council. Director Quadri reminded the Commission that at the last meeting, Commissioners had stated not only their concerns about the dogs at events such as Art -In -The -Park but also about concerns they had heard from other citizens. . . the letter was to address those concerns to the proper department, copying Council. The Commission agreed to send the letter to the -� Recreation Department from the Commission re concerns about dogs being allowed in parks at community events, copying Council. Commissioner McGowan reported that there are weeds and trash in the parking lot where the new library is located. Behind the new library near the new garbage bin, a large screen T.V. as well as other trash has accumulated and the lighting in front of the library is very poor. Director Quadri will report to the Librarian. Commissioner McGowan offered to donate letterhead for the Beautification Commission. Director Quadri will inquire as to whether this is appropriate. There being no further business, and no business FROM THE FLOOR, meeting was adjourned by Chairman Plyer at 6:50 p.m. Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary -`