HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1995.06.01BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION June 1, 1995 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Plyer. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Plyer, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Root, and Ward Absent: Commissioners McGowan and Schinagl Staff: Director Quadri Guests: Jack Friend MINUTES - Minutes of the April 6, 1995 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Janice Scattini, 1359 Columbus re two tripping incidents in front of her residence. Evaluation of tree at 1359 Columbus submitted by Commissioner McGowan from Mayne Tree Expert Co. Letter from Director Quadri to Paul Ragghianti, 1616 Quesada Way informing him that due to lack of room on his private property, payment may be made to the tree replacement fund. (Check for $175.00 received.) Letter from Marilyn McDonnell, 1436 Cortez Avenue requesting permission to plant 3-15 gallon size European Birch trees rather than 1-24" box size tree requirement for private removal replacement. Letter from Steve Mendenhall requesting permission to remove and replace a .city tree at 1613 Sanchez to expand a driveway at a newly constructed residence. OLD BUSINESS 1359 Columbus - Director Quadri commented that the City Council did not intend their decision allowing removal of the magnolia tree to set a new policy in regards to tree removal in the City of Burlingame. This clearly was a tough decision and, as in the past, the Council will support tree preservation in the city. Residents at 1359 Columbus are required to replace the tree with a 24" box size tree at their expense. NEW BUSINESS Landscape Award Committee Appointment - Director Quadri stated that this had been an annual event since 1975, but in 1991 presentation of the award was postponed until the end of the drought. The award will be presented to 1 small business and 1 large business in the City of Burlingame at the Community Picnic in September. Chairman Plyer appointed Commissioner(s) Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, and McGowan to serve on the Landscape Award Committee. The committee will report back to the July Commission meeting with a list of nominees for the commission to consider. Nominating Committee for Election of Officers - Chairman Plyer appointed himself as well as Commissioner(s) Schinagl and Ward to serve on the �,,iominating committee. The committee will report back to the commission with a list of nominees for the election in August. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd.) - --NI Request to plant 3-15 -gal size trees for removal of private liquidambar 1436 Cortez Avenue - Director Quadri stated permission for removal of a private liquidambar was granted with the replacement requirement of 1-241, box size tree. Resident requests permission to plant 3-15 gallon size European Birch trees. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Ward moved permission be granted to plant 3-15 gallon size trees; seconded. Motion carried on a 5-0 vote; Commissioners McGowan and Schinagl absent. Request to remove City tree at 1613 Sanchez for driveway expansion - Director Quadri reported the request comes from the contractor of a newly constructed residence. When plans were initially submitted, driveway expansion was not included on the plans; structure currently has a 3 car garage with a 10' driveway. Contractor requests permission to remove and replace the city tree to expand driveway to accommodate the 3 car garage. Director Quadri stated had the plans (originally submitted 3 years ago for landscape review) included removal of the tree for expansion of the driveway, permission would have been granted with a 24" box replacement requirement . . . Or, if space was not available a $175 contribution to the tree replacement fund would be required. Commissioner Ward moved that because ample room for a replacement tree is not available the contractor be required to contribute $175 to the tree replacement fund; seconded. Motion carried on a 5-0 vote; Commissioners McGowan and Schinagl absent. REPORTS IIADRI - Arbor Care has completed trimming the Eucalyptus trees on Burlingame Avenue, the Redwood trees at Victoria Park, and the removal of a large old Pine in Washington Park. The Park Department planted 67 street trees for the April planting. Director Quadri believes planting requests were down due to the long rainy season. PLYER - Chairman Plyer requested the Park Department office notify Commissioners McGowan and Schinagl of their committee appointments. GILMORE-FRIEND - Commissioner Gilmore -Friend shared a news article on promoting the planting of large trees with large leaves for shade and another article about a city that presents awards for "unique" trees. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend reported that city trees were burned during the street resurfacing. Director Quadri stated that the trees will recover. WARD - Commissioner Ward reported that the hedge at 132 Occidental is halfway over the sidewalk and at the corner of 200 Occidental a large plant obstructs the view of oncoming traffic at the Howard stop sign. LAUDER - Commissioner Lauder reported that there are 15 newsracks in front of the food mart on Broadway. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend added that newsracks at the Broadway post office extend into the city parking lot. Director Quadri stated that the Park Department sent letters to newspaper agencies r violations; most did not respond to the May 15th deadline. The City Attorney has notified the agencies demanding compliance and of a change in the ordinance that is being proposed so non-compliance can be dealt with more effectively. REPORTS (Cont'd.) - ROOT - Commission Root reported that the Spring Garden Seminar banner was torn by the wind; repair and or replacement should be considered. There being no further business, and no business FROM THE FLOOR, Chairman Plyer adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary