HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1995.04.06BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION April 6, 1995 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Plyer. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Plyer, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, McGowan, Root and Schinagl Absent: Commissioner Ward Staff: Director Quadri Guests: Jack Friend and Janice Scattini MINUTES - Minutes of the March 2, 1995 meeting were corrected to read under REPORTS: ROOT - Commissioner Root stated that, in speakinq with Malcolm Towns, she found that the art work was created by the children from Franklin Elementary School; and, at the end of the meeting, the meeting was adjourned by Vice -Chair Root at 7:35 p.m. CORRESPONDENCE Memo from City Attorney updating Commission on current rulings on pornographic newspaper racks. Memo to City Council and Bay Area Rapid Transit District from William McGowan (Corresponding Secretary) representing the Beautification Commission's opposition to the removal of mature eucalyptus trees along the east side of the proposed BART storage and emergency maintenance facility east of the railroad tracks in the northernmost Burlingame. `'Letter from City Attorney to Balloons and Bears, 1236 Burlingame Ave., (addressing the Beautification Commission's concern of merchandise encroaching on the City sidewalk) insisting that they keep merchandise within the boundaries of their property. OLD BUSINESS Request for Removal and Replacement of Magnolia a 1359 Columbus - Director Quadri stated that Commissioner Schinagl was absent for the March 2 Commission meeting and asked Commissioner Schinagl to certify that she had read the minutes of March 2; Commissioner Schinagl replied "Yes". Director Quadri also stated that Commissioner Ward had asked if he could cast an absentee ballot but the City Attorney had replied "No". Chairman Plyer recognized Mrs. Scattini. Mrs. Scattini stated that she would be submitting an additional letter in regard to 2 more trip and fall incidents occurring due to the large root from the Magnolia tree. Commissioner McGowan stated that approximately 100-, of the city trees in Burlingame are Magnolias and an additional 110-o are Liquidambars. Both varieties have the potential for root problems; other sites have experienced similar situations but have been solved without removal of the tree; saving the tree is the best solution and can be accomplished by moving the sidewalk around the tree, repairing the curb, and possibly painting the curb red so �.. k cars won't pardirectly in front of the large root; City has fought for saving trees in the past such as the Eucs on El Camino and has worked with homeowners to save Citv trees by renairina front walks & drivewav accesses_ REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF MAGNOLIA Q 1359 COLUMBUS AVE. (Cont'd.) - He is opposed to removal of this tree that has been there for approximately 65 years. Commissioner McGowan then presented an appraised value of the Magnolia tree along with an estimated cost of removal submitted by Ken Meyer of Mayne Tree Expert Company. The appraised value of the tree is $15,752 . . . the estimated cost of removal would be $1,250. Commissioner McGowan stated that this tree is a valuable piece of civic property and adds value to the surrounding properties in the neighborhood; removal of this tree could set a precedent due to the fact there are many trees with root problems in the vicinity. Commissioner McGowan moved to deny the request for removal and that the City repair the sidewalk and curb and apply whatever mitigating actions necessary to solve the problems caused by the roots; seconded. Chairman Plyer called for discussion on the motion. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated that people have landscaped with rocks around severe root problems . . . voted for removal at the last meeting, but has somewhat changed her mind; would like to see City pay for sidewalk repair and make area safe. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated that the Commission has really "agonized" over this decision. Mrs. Scattini stated that roots are too big to repair; hazard from roots cannot be resolved with rocks; no matter how the sidewalk may be moved around the tree, roots will remain a hazard; accidents keep occurring and cause her great stress; "looks" are not the issue. Commissioner Root stated that a resident on Bloomfield has resolved the root problem by planting a ground cover over the large roots in the planter strip. Commissioner Schinagl stated painting the curb red in front, of the residence "-is not the answer; by moving the sidewalk around, (in the evening) an unsuspecting pedestrian could step off the sidewalk. Commissioner Schinagl stated that the residents have pleaded their case well and quoting from Ecclesiastes she stated that it is time to "pluck up" this tree and replace it. Commissioner Lauder asked about building a deck over the roots to prevent people from trying to walk over them or perhaps, putting soil on top of the roots and planting a ground cover. Director Quadri stated that soil could not be placed on top of the roots, that plantings would need to be started in the soil available next to the tree and then could grow over the roots. Chairman Plyer asked if the Park Department could remove the tree for less than it could be contracted out for. Director Quadri stated that cost difference would not be significant. Chairman Plyer continued that living things have a life cycle and that the Commission has a responsibility to face the problems presented by trees; the Magnolia at 1359 Columbus Ave. is growing into the smaller tree next door, crowding it out . . over time, if this tree were removed, the smaller tree would grow broader and fill in the space. Director Quadri stated that this situation was first presented to the City 10 months ago . . . and since the last Commission meeting, the sidewalk hazard has been repaired with asphalt. The Commission needs to render a decision so residents are not delayed any further. On December 14, 1994 the City Attorney, (in response to a phone call from Mrs. Scattini) sent a memo to the Public Works Dept. stating that the resident had received 3 different answers from 3 different city employees, and requested a decision be reached to resolve this situation. REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF MAGNOLIA @ 1359 COLUMBUS AVE. (Cont'd.) -Mrs. Scattini asked what more needs to occur to warrant removal of this tree; how much more damage . . . how much more of a safety issue does it have to be? Commissioner Schinagl called for a vote on the motion to deny the request for removal and that the City repair the sidewalk and curb and apply any mitigating actions necessary to solve the problems caused by roots; seconded. Vote was 3 in favor of denial of request for removal (Comm's. Lauder, McGowan, and Root) and 3 opposed to denial of request for removal (Chairman Plyer, Comm's. Gilmore -Friend and Schinagl); 1 absent (Ward). Chairman Plyer then asked for a vote on the tabled motion from the March 2 meeting to remove and replace the tree at City expense. The vote was 3 in favor of removal at City expense (Chairman Plyer, Comm's. Gilmore -Friend and Schinagl) and 3 opposed to removal and replacement at City expense (Comm's. Lauder, McGowan, and Root); 1 absent (Ward). Director Quadri advised appeal procedures and stated that he will submit all related correspondence to the City Council; item will probably be placed on the Council agenda of April 17th to set a hearing date. Mrs. Scattini thanked the Commission for all their time spent on this issue. REPORTS UADRI - CalTrans has reported that the Eucalyptus trees with ivy growing in them on E1 Camino at Barriolhet, are private trees; Director Quadri stated that the City's tree preservation ordinance only speaks to removal and significant pruning of private trees. LAUDER - Commissioner Lauder stated that the increased parking problem with the new restaurants on Burlingame Avenue could be somewhat remedied by "providing more bicycle racks. ROOT - Reported that there are 10 newsracks in a row, without any space between, in front of Pacific Bell Telephone Company on Burlingame Avenue. Director Quadri stated a survey of all racks has been completed, and the owners will be notified. SCHINAGL - Across from 1349 Columbus, a pine tree is tipped over at the property where construction is underway. Director Quadri will inform building department. On El Camino (north of Adeline) westside, there are tall weeds. Director Quadri will report to CalTrans. LAUDER - Near the basketball court in Washington Park, a newly planted Pine tree is leaning. Director Quadri will report. GILMORE-FRIEND - Commended the Park Department for the care they give Washington Park; recently took a "refreshing" walk through the Park. There being no further business, and no business FROM THE FLOOR, Chairman Plyer adjourned the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ',.. Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary