HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1996.08.01BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION AUGUST 1, 1996 �fhe regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Plyer, Root, Schinagl, and Ward Staff: Park Superintendent Richmond, City Arborist Porter, and Sr. Landscape Inspector Quadri Guests: Jack Friend and Marti Knight MINUTES - Minutes of the June 6, 1996 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE New Organizational Chart for the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Department. Letter from Park Superintendent Richmond informing Bob Johnston, 1133 Killarney, that the Commission will consider his request to waive the replacement requirements for a tree to be planted in the City right-of-way at the August 1 meeting. Letter from Park Superintendent Richmond informing Michael Arbues, 13 Bancroft, that the Commission will consider his appeal of the denial of his request to remove 15 to 20 feet from the top of his private Redwood tree at the August 1 meeting. Letter from Park Superintendent Richmond informing Walter Beucus, 129 Costa Rica, that the Commission will consider his request to allow the unauthorized planting of a Birch tree to remain in the City planter strip at the August 1 meeting. Letter from Park Superintendent Richmond informing Dr. G. K. Sandbulte, 1317 Bayswater, that at the June 6 meeting the Commission denied his appeal to pave the City planter strip, but suggested he consider bricks set in sand to resolve his concerns. Commission Attendance Report. Apveal of Denial to top private Redwood tree at 13 Bancroft - Sr. Landscape Inspector Quadri stated the request was denied because the application did not accurately reflect the request. Applicant stated he wanted Asplundh Tree Company (contracted by P.G.&E) to trim 20-30' from a 120-150' redwood tree located under primary utilities. Asplundh had agreed to trim the tree below the secondaries but was aware of the restrictions of the ordinance. The tree is actually 60, tall and proposed trimming would have been more than 1/3 of the crown constituting a removal. Based on the inaccuracy of the application, neighboring properties could not be notified. Applicant was told to resubmit an application requesting removal but applicant requested the decision be appealed to the Beautification Commission. City Arborist Porter stated the amount of pruning requested would render this an unviable tree. Applicant was not present. Chairman McGowan stated it is a split tree (competing branches) but cabling could help, and it leans toward the street. Commissioner Ward asked how much trimming would remove the "split". Inspector Quadri stated it would be more than 1/3 of the crown. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend asked if the applicant could refile and �,%— request removal. Inspector Quadri stated yes. Commissioner Lauder asked if trimming could be done to save the tree. ti OLD BUSINESS Any al of denial to top private Redwood tree at 13 Bancroft - (Cont'd.) Inspector Quadri stated that proper pruning could be done to save the tree -� but Asplundh would trim it at no charge because it is near P.G.&E.'s primary utilities; however they would only agree to trim below the secondaries. Following the discussion Commissioner Plyer moved to deny the appeal based on discrepancies on the permit application as sited in the May 7 staff report; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Inspector Quadri will notify the applicant. Costa Rica - Park Superintendent Richmond stated that Mr. Beucus informed the department that he had planted a Birch tree in the City planter strip. A permit had not been issued for the tree planting and the Birch tree is not on the official street tree list. City Arborist Porter stated that the tree is planted in a 3' planter strip and when it matures will affect the sidewalk as well as the City water meter which is only a few feet away. Additionally, the Birch tree is not on the official list because they do not do well in planter strips and are susceptible to infections caused by fungus; they are short lived. Trees on the list are much more suitable for the existing conditions. Applicant was not present. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend asked if the tree could be transplanted. City Arborist Porter stated yes. The City would plant a tree for the resident at no charge and, if space is available, another tree could be planted for a charge to the resident. Commissioner Plyer asked if Birch trees need to be planted in 31s. City Arborist Porter stated that other than being helpful in windy areas this is usually done for aesthetics. -N Following the discussion, Commissioner Root moved that due to the above stated reasons as why the Birch tree is not on the official tree list, the request be denied and the applicant be required to remove the Birch tree from the City planter strip; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Applicant will be notified of the Commissions decision. 1133 Killarney - Park Superintendent Richmond stated when the Park Division removed a City tree a year ago resident requested replanting be held off because he was doing landscaping. The Park Division did not plant at that address the following season but sent resident a street tree list for the next season. There was no response from the applicant, so the Park Division planted a suitable replacement tree. Applicant called the Park Division and stated he had not received a street tree list and that landscaping was still not completed; he asked that the newly planted tree be removed and stated that he did not want a tree replanted in the City right-of-way because there is an existing tree on his front property, and the widening of his driveway and the addition of a pathway had decreased the size of his landscaping. Applicant was referred to the Beautification Commission. Applicant was not present. Commissioner Plyer stated the property owner is responsible for maintaining the tree; when the City easement is in the front lawn area he feels reluctant to force tree planting. City Arborist Porter stated that the policy of the Park Division is to replace trees where City trees have been removed in order to keep the City of Burlingame green. Commissioner Schinagl stated that this is a small landscaping area. OLD BUSINESS Request to keep privately -planted Birch tree in City planter strip at 129 Costa Rica - (Cont'd.) Following the discussion, Commissioner Gilmore -Friend moved that the tree replacement requirement be waived because there is an existing private tree in the front yard and the new configuration of the front yard has decreased the planting area; seconded. Motion carried on a 6 - 1 vote (McGowan opposing). Applicant will be notified of the Commissions decision. Landscape Award Committee Appointment - Park Superintendent Richmond stated there were 2 properties that submitted applications. The Commission discussed the lack of interest and the difficulties in publicizing the announcement. The Chamber of Commerce only ran it once in their newsletter and the Boutique & Villager ran it once. The Commission also discussed the process and whether they should 'consider other properties as well as the 2 properties that submitted applications. It was the consensus of the Commission that they review the process at a later date but this time consider only the properties that submitted applications. Commissioner Root stated that another application will soon be submitted. Commissioner Plyer stated that since there are so few applications, all Commissioners should inspect the sites. Commission agreed and will report back at the next Commission meeting. REPORTS RICHMOND - Reported that Director Williams spoke to the person who had complained about the activities in Washington Park and reported information to the Police Chief. Subsequently, the Police Chief has memoed all police officers and has increased police presence in all the City's parks. ' Tree removal under primary utilities in cooperation with P.G.&E. will begin within the next several weeks. After Asplundh (P.G.&E.'s contractor) removes the trees, the Park Division will stum]p and plant suitable replacement trees. P.G.&E. will reimburse the City for the replacement trees. ' Contract pruning will begin within the next week. Arbor Care Tree Company will begin this years contract by trimming and removing dead trees adjacent to the railroad in back of the businesses on Rollins Road; they will then prune the Eucalyptus trees on Easton. Two American Elms were removed at 401-407 Primrose Road due to Dutch Elm Disease. Trees will be replaced during the fall planting. MCGOWAN - Chairman McGowan reported that there is a dead private tree at 9 Bancroft. Park Superintendent Richmond will check to see if tree poses a hazard to the public right-of-way. Next door to 100 Lorton, plastic and rocks have been placed in the City's planter strip and may affect the transfer of air and water to the City tree; in the same area, there is a Monterey Pine tree touching power lines. The City Arborist will inspect. The garbage cans in front of Starbucks are always overflowing; perhaps more cans should be placed. Park Superintendent Richmond believes the Public Works Department arranges garbage can placement with BFI. Commissioner Plyer stated behind Petrini's is a mess and alfresco dining causes a mess; he has complained about the mess behind Petrini's and for a short while it gets better, but then it just goes back to the way it was. REPORTS - (Cont'd.) PLYER - Asked if the Organization Chart for the new Parks & Recreation Department had been approved by Council. Park Superintendent Richmond stated yes. GILMORE-FRIEND - The street sweepers sweep near the apartments early in the morning when all the cars are parked; thinks it would be better to sweep later in the morning when all the cars are gone. Commissioner Plxer stated that the City of San Francisco has street sweeping parking restrictions that help to assist the street sweeping. He added the City of Burlingame's street sweepers come on a regular basis so residents need to take some responsibility. SCHINAGL - The planter pots on Burlingame Avenue in front of the Tavern Grill and the ones near Starbucks have been vandalized. Park Superintendent Richmond stated that those planters are owned and should be maintained by the individual merchants. A resident who lives on Howard Avenue wants to know if her tree has been inspected lately. Park Superintendent Richmond advised that the resident call the Park Division. LAUDER - Reported that there is a dead City tree at 860 Oak Grove Avenue. City Arborist Porter will inspect. There being no further business and no business FROM THE FLOOR, Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary