HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1996.04.04BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION APRIL 4, 1996 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder (late), Plyer, Root, Schinagl, and Ward Staff: Director Quadri Guests: Dave Greenaway (CalTrain), Tim Richmond, and Jack Friend MINUTES - Minutes of the March 7, 1996 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Director Quadri to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knox, 1121 Clovelly Way, informing them that the Commission received their request to waive replacement of a city tree and will render a decision at their April 4 meeting. Letter from Director Quadri to David Greenaway, Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board informing him that the Commission received his request to remove 3 trees on the California Drive right-of-way at Trousdale and will render a decision at their April 4 meeting. Memorandum from John Williams, Recreation Director, announcing award winners of the CPRS - District IV Volunteer Recognition and Professional Awards Program; Richard Quadri, Director of Parks received the Distinguished Professional Award; Volunteers recognized from Burlingame were Clara Crook, for service on behalf of senior citizens; Daren Schofield, for his work with neighbors and City staff to replant elm trees on Cambridge and Oxford; and Michael Souza, for producing the popular map of Washington Park which identifies all of the trees found in the park. OLD BUSINESS Request for Waiver of Replacement Tree at 1121 Clovelly - Director Quadri reported that the resident requests the city tree that was removed not be replaced because the resident likes their yard without a tree and upkeep will be easier. Commissioner Plyer stated it is important to note that since the city easement at this address is actually in the front lawn serious consideration should be given and that the tree was removed through no fault of the property owner. Commissioner Plyer moved that the request for waiver be approved; seconded. Chairman McGowan stated he sympathizes that the people are seniors and upkeep may be more difficult; Commissioner Ward stated that many retired people live in areas where there are Sycamores that require "upkeep" and waiving replacement due to these reasons could set a precedent; Commissioner Schinagl stated that trees are replaced for the next generation, if the house were to sell there would be no tree. Commissioner Ward stated he believes government should not over regulate, but is worried approving this request would set a precedent . . . Commissioner Plyer stated he is not worried about setting a precedent because most people want trees. Director Quadri stated if the Commission comes up with specific findings to justify waiving the replacement requirement, a precedent would not be set. '--.-Commission asked if there were any specific reasons the property owner requested the waiver other than "upkeep". Director Quadri stated nothing specific was mentioned and the applicants are not present to address the Commission. Request for Waiver of Replacement Tree at 1121 Clovelly - (Cont'd.) - Commissioner Ward moved that this item be tabled to the meeting of May 2nd and that property owners be asked to clarify their specific reasons for requesting that replacement requirements be waived; seconded. Motion carried 5 in favor; 1 abstention (Lauder); and 1 opposed (Gilmore -Friend). Director Quadri will notify applicants and ask for clarification on their request. Request from Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (CalTrain) To Remove 3 Trees on City Right-of-way Southeast of Trousdale Drive - Director Quadri reported that CalTrain requests trees be removed because of view hazard as motorists exit on to California Drive. Commissioner Plyer stated that this driveway from the CalTrain parking is not actually an exit but is an entrance. Mr. Greenaway explained that restriping of the lot is planned and "No Exit" signs will be posted; however, signs are ignored and by removing the trees motorist will have clear view of northbound traffic and more importantly, the northbound traffic will be able to see the cars exiting from the lot. Chairman McGowan stated he might agree to the removal of 2 of the trees but the most southernmost tree (by the telephone pole) does not present a view hazard. Mr. Greenaway stated that tree is within the "visual limit line" and needs to be removed . . . Mr. Greenaway added that even if this request is approved, the budget could disallow the removal of these trees. Director Quadri stated he understood this request to be due to a safety concern and that there had been no other options. Mr. Greenaway explained that if budget on this project came up short the trees would not be removed and CalTrain would then assume the risk. Commissioner Plyer added that he too is concerned that there are other options but he is also concerned about liabilities. Commissioner Ward stated that the Commission takes safety concerns very seriously. Commissioner Plyer asked Director Quadri if replacement trees would be required. Director Quadri stated rather than replacement, a contribution to the tree replacement fund could be required for each tree at an approximate cost of $250 per tree. Commissioner Ward moved permission to remove 3 trees be granted with the requirement that a contribution be made to the tree replacement fund; seconded. Motion failed on a 4 - 3 vote; McGowan, Shinagl, Lauder, and Root opposing. Chairman McGowan advised Mr. Greenaway that this decision may be appealed to the City Council. REPORTS UADRI - Reported on meetings held with BART representatives to discuss mitigation for their proposed tail track into Burlingame. BART is required to answer concerns raised by the public to their draft environmental impact report, and is using these meetings to get a sense of community response. Subjects have included a soundwall and removal of a grove of 93 Eucalyptus. These discussions do not change the City's position regarding BART. BART has indicated they are aware of the Commission's position on the trees, but they are proceeding on the assumption that the project will proceed. MCGOWAN - Has attended both the Burlingame Ave. and the Broadway Streetscape meetings. At this point, the 2 Magnolias on the east end of Burlingame Avenue (shopping area) will remain. Chairman McGowan stated he explained at the Broadway Streetscape meeting that the existing Magnolias are not the large Southern Magnolia and have reached their height maturity. He reported that there were many in the audience that were opposed to the wholesale removal of these trees and it was decided that the trees would be assessed on an individual bases; those that are candidates for removal would be replaced. Chairman McGowan reported that before anything is done a master plan will '*---need to be approved by the City Council . . . further these streetscapes will be very costly and to date, there are no monies available. REPORTS (Cont'd.) ROOT - Stated that the Landscape Award registration form needs to be submitted to the Chamber for publication in their newsletter. Karlene will send information to the Chamber. �- GILMORE-FRIEND - San Mateo County Times article quoted items from the last Commission meeting but some of the information was incorrect . . . she received a call from a reporter at the Boutique asking for clarification. Director Quadri stated the minutes from each meeting are sent to the local newspapers. WARD - Commissioner Ward wanted to thank Director Quadri personally for his dedication, leadership, direction, and his years of service to the citizens of Burlingame; and stated that it has been a pleasure serving with him on the Beautification Commission. ROOT - Commissioner Root invited the Commission to a party at her home on Friday, May 3rd at 6:00 p.m. to honor Director Quadri in his retirement. There being no further business and no business FROM THE FLOOR Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary