HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1997.11.06BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION NOVEMBER 6. 1997 `.. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Plyer, Root, and Ward. Absent: Commissioner Schinagl Staff: Park Superintendent Richmond, Parks & Recreation Director Williams, Inspector Quadri and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: Carl Minerva and Jack Friend MINUTES - Chairman McGowan noted a correction to the October 2, 1997 Commission minutes under REPORTS/McGowan .... reported that two years ago two magnolias blew down in a storm at 1215 Bayswater Avenue but were never replaced. Superintendent Richmond noted a correction in the October 2 minutes under NEW BUSINESS/Street Tree Policies .... Superintendent Richmond stated that in the past, the Commission has agreed to the removal of objectionable trees such as itin Gingkos, .. . Secretary Harvey stated the date of the Spring Garden Seminar should actually be March 21, 1998, because March 22 is a Sunday. Minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Superintendent Richmond to Carl Minerva, 36 Arundel Road, informing him that the Commission received his request to waive the required 24" box size replacement tree and replace instead with a 15 gallon size tree and that the Commission would review the matter at the November 6 meeting. Letter from Superintendent Richmond to the California Teachers Association regarding the application process for a maintenance agreement or Special Encroachment Permit to plant trees on the City right-of- way. Spring Garden Seminar flyer for Spring Recreation Brochure. Commission Application form from Jill Lauder. OLD BUSINESS Request to Waive 24" Bog Replacement Requirement for Private Tree Removal ak 36 Arundel Road Inspector Quadri stated that when applicants apply for private tree removal permits they also receive a copy of the Urban Reforestation ordinance. The ordinance states that if anyone wants to appeal the decision or the conditions of the removal, written notification should be sent within the 10 day waiting period prior to the issuance of the permit. There were no appeals, and the permit was issued on November 6, 1996. Mr. Minerva then applied for an extension of the permit, and was granted a 6 month extension on April 6, 1997. On September 29th, Mr. Minerva filed an appeal to waive the 24" box replacement requirement and reduce the tree size to 15 gallon. Commissioner Plyer stated that permission to remove the large redwood tree was justified in his opinion. It was too close to the fence and too large for the backyard. OLD BUSINESS - Request to Waive 24" Box Replacement Requirement for Private Tree Removal na 36 Arundel Road (Cond. Chairman McGowan recognized Mr. Minerva. Mr. Minerva stated that a 24" box size tree is too large of a size requirement, is too costly, and too labor intensive for a novice. Mr. Minerva added that he is retired and feels it is an expense that a homeowner should not have to pay. Commissioner Root stated that Mr. Minerva's letter states he has 21 trees on his property. She then asked Mr. Minerva what kinds of trees these were. Mr. Minerva stated he has flowering pears, bottlebrush, fruit and nut trees. Inspector Quadri commented that according to the ordinance these types of trees are not considered landscape tree. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated that if applicant is willing she would recommend that two - 15 gallon size trees be planted instead of one 24" box size tree. Commissioner Plyer commented that the ordinance was approved by council. If Commission were to grant a 15 gallon replacement, might that cause future problems? Inspector Quadri advised that the ordinance states three sizes of trees as replacement requirements: 24" box, 30" box, and 36" box. Inspector Quadri added that the ordinance does leave discretion up to the Director, but in the past the Commission has compromised with three - 15 gallon size trees instead of one 24" box size replacement tree; the Commission would need to state findings. Mr. Minerva stated he wants to plant the replacement trees in front but there would only be room for two - 15 gallon size trees. Following further discussion, Commissioner Plyer moved that replacement requirements for the tree removal at 36 Arundel be waived. There being no second, the motion died. Commissioner Gilmore Friend moved that because there are many trees on the property, because there are two City -owned trees in the front planter strip and because space is limited, the 24" box size requirement be waived and the applicant be required to plant two -15 gallon size trees; seconded (Root). Motion carried 5 -1 opposed (Ward) -1 absent (Schinagl). Inspector Quadri informed applicant that he would be notified of the Commission's decision in writing. NEW BUSINESS December 4 Commission Meeting - Superintendent Richmond stated that there is no pending business for the December 4 meeting and stated if the Commission intends to cancel the December 4 meeting, due to the holiday on Thursday, January 1, the Commission could not reconvene until Thursday, January 8. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Gilmore Friend moved that the December 4 meeting be canceled and that the Commission reconvene on Thursday, January 8; seconded (Ward). Motion carried 6 - 0 -1 absent (Schinagl). REPORTS Richmond - Superintendent Richmond reported on the following items: 1) Approximately 100 street trees were planted during the Fall planting. 2) The magnolia tree on Columbus has been restaked. (Reported by Chairman McGowan at October meeting.) 3) There are no plantingilandscape requirements on building projects in the Business Districts. (Asked by Chairman McGowan at the October meeting.) 4) Two Eucalyptus in Washington Park have been removed by the tree contractor and two more on Burlingame Avenue are scheduled for removal due to decay. 5) If there any items the Commission wants placed on the agenda, the Park office must be notified one week in advance so agenda can be published. 6) The 21 trees removed on El Camino Real have been replaced by the Eucalyptus microtheca and will grow to 40'. The large Eucalyptus globulus are no longer planted in small planting spaces. 2 OR REPORTS - Richmond (Cond.) 7) A Pine tree was removed by tree contractor at 2841 Canyon Road due to instability at the base, and general decline. 8) An entire file of various correspondence and documentation regarding Mr. & Mrs. Thomson and their request for removal of the street tree and the proposed repairs to the sidewalk and driveway at 1709 Easton Drive has been forward to the City Engineer for his information. Ward - Commissioner Ward asked Superintendent Richmond if the research conducted on the El Camino Eucalyptus tree rounds had been completed. Superintendent Richmond stated that the research has not been completed, but a public hearing will probably be set when the results are available. Flyer - Large rounds of wood from trees removed by Asplundh have been left on Westside El Camino, north of Ray Drive. Superintendent Richmond indicated that P.G.& E. contracts with Asplundh to work on trees under primary utility lines. The Pines were in decline and on City property so the City tree crews will be removing the wood. McGowan - Chairman McGowan noted that there are cars being stored on the City easement at 2 Winchester Place. Commissioner Plyer commented that the Beautification Commission is a tree commission and has no authority over this particular situation. Superintendent Richmond advised Chairman McGowan to contact the police department if he believes that these cars are in violation. Chairman McGowan reported that Goldfines was placed around the Cedar Deodar at the Main Library and asked if it may have been put in too deeply. Superintendent Richmond stated the City Arborist will inspect. Chairman McGowan commented that it will be interesting to watch the new nuisance ordinance, with regard to private properties, recently adopted by the Hillsborough Town Council. Root - Commissioner Root asked if it would be appropriate for the Commission to promote the planting of "Fall color" trees. Commissioner Ward stated the City's street tree list has a large selection of "Fall color" street trees. Commissioner Root asked if many residents are requesting trees with "Fall color". Secretary Harvey stated that a large percentage of the planting requests are those tree species that have "Fall color". Plyer - Commissioner Plyer commended the placement of the new flag in Conference Room A and stated that this may be his last meeting with the Beautification Commission. He added that he still intends to serve the City of Burlingame but has applied to serve either on the Senior Commission or on the Civil Service commission; he has enjoyed his service on the Beautification Commission but feels either of the other two commissions are more in line with his interests. The Commission thanked Commissioner Plyer for his service. Commissioner Plyer stated the only thing he feels needs changing is the wording in the Urban Reforestation ordinance that if a tree dies of natural causes the resident is not required to replace the tree or pay into the tree replacement fund. FROM THE FLOOR There being no more business and no comments FROM THE FLOOR, Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, �.. Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary