HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1997.08.07iit YI - rOMITSWI _ 1 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Chairman McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Plyer, Root, Schinagl, and Ward. Staff: Park Superintendent Richmond, Arborist Porter, Parks & Recreation Director Williams, Sr. Landscape Inspector Quadri, Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: Mike & Diane McGill, Peter Lipson, Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Thompson, and Jack Friend MINUTES - Minutes of the June 5, 1997 meeting were approved as submitted. Beautification Commission - Legal Aspects submitted by City Attorney Anderson. Letter from Inspector Quadri. to A.J. Van Poppel, 2000 Trousdale, informing him of the Commission's decision to grant permission to remove 9 private Eucalyptus trees with the requirement that 24" box size trees be planted to bring the total number of trees to eight. Letter from Inspector Quadri to Carol Weidner, 1900 Trousdale, informing her that the Commission considered her opposition to the private tree removal at '2000 Trousdale, but voted to grant permission for the removal with the provision that replacement trees be planted to bring the total number of trees on the property to eight. Letter from Superintendent Richmond to Michael & Diane McGill, 208 Bayswater, informing them that the Commission received their appeal of billed charges for the illegal removal of a city -owned Magnolia tree and would review his decision at the August 7 meeting. Letter from Superintendent Richmond informing Vladimir Kondrasheff that the Commission received his request that replacement requirements at 1418 Sanchez be waived for private tree removal and that the Commission would review his request at their August 7 meeting. Commission Attendance Report, January to June 1997. Letter from Harold & Margaret Romanowitz, 3088 Alcazar, requesting an additional extension to complete tree replacement requirements due to the delay in replacement of their driveway. OLD BUSINESS Superintendent Richmond requested that item "A", New Business, be moved to follow item "B", Old Business, to accommodate applicant. Commission approved change in agenda. 'OLD BUSINESS (Conf dJ Appeal of Billed Charges for IDegal Removal of a City -owned Magnolia Tree a& 208 Bayswater Superintendent Richmond commented that the City Arborist responded to a call from a neighbor regarding the illegal removal of a city -owned Magnolia. Arborist Porter stated when he arrived there was green foliage and branches in the back of a pickup truck. Arborist Porter informed the person responsible for the removal that he was in violation of city ordinances and that the property owner would be expected to cover the costs to plant a tree. The individual stated that the property owner intended to replace the tree, however, Arborist Porter explained to him that the current spacing requirements between trees would not allow for a tree to be planted back in that area. Superintendent Richmond stated that the formula used to value a tree was from the current ISA Evaluation Standards. Based on the current formula, the tree was valued at $800. The current planting standards requires trees to be spaced appropriately. The two existing Birch trees at the address do not leave enough room to meet the current planting standards. Even though the Magnolia tree was valued at $800, Director Williams assessed the property owner for only $317.26 to cover all costs for the planting of a 24" box size tree elsewhere in the City. A similar situation occurred on Floribunda where a resident illegally pruned two City trees necessitating the removal of one of the trees. Due to the current planting standards, a replacement tree could not be planted back in the same area. The property owner was required to cover the costs of a 24" box replacement tree to be planted elsewhere in the City. Superintendent Richmond added that if the Commission chooses to adjust the bill, reduction of labor costs might be something to consider. Commissioner Plyer stated that the City should hold the contractor responsible rather than the property owner. Mr. McGill stated that he and his wife are first time homeowners and that they were not aware of the City Ordinances; they were just trying to improve their property. The previous property owners had planted the Magnolia tree so they assumed the tree was now their property. Mr. McGill added that the person he hired to remove the tree was a licensed contractor but he was unaware whether or not the contractor had a City business license. Commissioner Plyer stated that he was concerned about billing the applicant when the tree was planted by the previous owner. Superintendent Richmond explained that if a tree is illegally planted in the City's planter strip, it becomes the property of the City. Following the discussion, Commissioner Lauder moved to deny the appeal, but to reduce the assessed charges by $100.88 (labor costs); seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman McGowan recommended that information packets regarding City ordinances be provided to new residents. Commissioner Plyer added he thinks licensed vendors would like to have more direction and information. Superintendent Richmond stated he would inquire as to what, if anything, is sent out to new residents and report back to the Commission at the next meeting. 2 OLD BUSINESS (ConW `-' Request to Waive Replacement Requirements for Private Tree Removal na 1418 Sanchez Inspector Quadri reported that property does not have the required number of trees and so property owner was required to replace with a 24" box size tree. The property owner was given the option to pay $175.00 into the tree replacement fund but indicates a hardship exists; he and his brother are caring for an elderly mother who resides at the property. Commissioner Root asked if the property owner was aware of the replacement requirements prior to the removal of the protected tree. Inspector Quadri stated "yes". Commissioner Ward stated that the ordinance is clear that when a protected tree goes down it must be replaced. Commissioner Plyer responded that he felt the fee should be waived, that he doesn't agree with the ordinance; that it is their property and their tree. Inspector Quadri reported that out of 35 permits issued from January 1997, 14 properties did not require replacement trees. He added, that properties do have to meet the requirements according to the ordinance. The property at 1418 Sanchez does not meet forestation requirements. Commissioner Plyer asked if a tree was planted on the property would the property then meet the requirements. Inspector Quadri stated, "yes". Commissioner Ward moved to deny the request to waive the replacement requirement, extend the permit to December 18th, and that, the property owner be informed of lower cost options for tree purchases; seconded. Motion carried 6 - 1, (Schinagl opposing). Due to a previous engagement Commissioner Root excused herself from the meeting. New Business Item A - Tree Removal & Replacement Proposal @ 1705 Murchison (Calif. Teachers Association) - Inspector Quadri reported that plans have been submitted for a new building project for the California Teachers Association. The project will require the removal of many trees of which some are of protected size. An arborist report has been submitted along with the plans. Chairman McGowan recognized Peter Lipson, the architect on the project. Mr. Lipson presented a conceptual drawing of the project and stated that since a remodel and seismic upgrade was not feasible the building would need to be rebuilt. Most of the trees proposed for removal are in fair to poor condition, and on1y18 of the removals are of protected size. Mr. Lipson added that in addition to other existing trees on the property, the plans call for the planting of 168 trees. Some of the trees that are planted will be in the City right-of-way and will require a maintenance agreement with the City. Inspector Quadri stated that the Commission will be asked to render a decision on the concept with regard to the Urban Reforestation ordinance at their September 4 Commission meeting. Election of Officers - Commissioner Ward presented the slate of officers for the 1997 - 1998 Beautification Commission: Commissioner McGowan - President Commissioner Schinagl - Vice President Commissioner Ward - Secretary Commissioner Gilmore -Friend moved that the slate of officers be accepted as submitted; seconded. Motion carried 6 - 1 (Root - absent). REPORTS -IN Richmond - The resistograph studies will continue of August 1 lth and 18th on El Camino. Five elms and five Eucalyptus trees on the east side of El Camino will be'tested and then removed. The City of Burlingame and CalTrans have mutually agreed on the trees to be used for the study. Superintendent Richmond reported that he and the City Arborist will be meeting with representatives from P.G.& E. to discuss the current pruning techniques being used under the primary utility lines. Superintendent Richmond added that up to now the verbal agreement between the City and P.G.& E. was for the complete tree to be trimmed and not just "topped". Currently, P.G.& E. contractors reduce the crown by an unacceptable percentage and neglect to raise and side prune the tree. This has caused numerous trees under primary utilities to grow low over sidewalks causing pedestrian hazards. The City Attorney has directed City staff to prepare trimming specifications that P.G.&E. will need to agree to before the Parks Division can issue their annual permit. Superintendent Richmond stated that 6 Elm trees were recently removed in the areas of Oxford, Cambridge, and Chula Vista due to Dutch Elm Disease. He also noted that there are many infected Elms on El Camino Real. Superintendent Richmond reported that the plum trees in the downtown area of Burlingame Avenue have been removed, 18" tree wells have been put in place and trees will soon be planted. McGowan - Chairman McGowan commended the Parks Division for the planting of the purple petunias at the Burlingame Train Station. Superintendent Richmond commented that Park Supervisor Bob Disco was responsible for the plant selection in that location. 'I\ Chairman McGowan reported that he read an article in the Pacific Horticulture publication written by Park Maintenance Worker Mark Evans from the Parks Division: Chairman McGowan also reported the following items for Parks Division inspection: 1) A young Pine tree has been planted in the City's planter strip at 101 Bancroft. 2) The walnut trees at 1155 Bayswater are hanging low over the street. 3) At 1506 Forest View, plastic sheeting and decorative rock have been placed in the planter strip. Lauder - Commissioner Lauder reported that the Cedar tree in Washington Park near the Vernon entrance is in decline. Superintendent Richmond stated that they have been aware of this and are watching it closely. Commissioner Lauder also reported that P.G.& E. have notified her that the City's Sycamore under primary utilities would soon be trimmed and she was wondering if she should say something to them about the trimming. Superintendent Richmond encouraged Commissioner Lauder to mention to the P.G.& E. representative the "complete" trimming of the tree. chin - Commissioner Schinagl stated that she noticed the new trash cans on Burlingame Avenue. Superintendent Richmond responded that the new trash cans are part of the Streetscape project. 4 REPORTS - (Cond.) flyer - Commissioner Plyer stated that should the item on 1418 Sanchez be reconsidered, it would be his intention to vote "no" on the item. There being no more business and no comments FROM THE FLOOR, Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4&1- AAC� Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary