HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1997.09.04The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:33 p.m. by Chairman McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Plyer, Root, Schinagl, and Ward. Staff: Park Superintendent Richmond, Parks & Recreation Director Williams, Sr. Landscape Inspector Quadri, and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Peter Lipson, Frederika Moller, Jack Friend, and Joe Galligan NIINiTTES - Secretary Harvey noted a correction to the August 7, 1997 Commission meeting under OLD BUSINESS/Landscape Award that should read ... Superintendent Richmond reported that no nominations had been received for the Landsca a A3ywA and that the Commission can choose to withdraw the award due to the lack of interest or extend the deadline. Commissioner SchinagJ moved that the deadline for submitting nominations be extended to September 1 _ seconded. Motion carried 6 - 0 - I_absent NO • • ,I Commissioner Plyer also noted a correction under OLD BUSINESS/Appeal of Billed Charges for Illegal Removal of a City -owned Magnolia Tree k 208 Bayswater that should read ... Commissioner Plyer stated that the City should hold the contractor responsible in addition to the property owner. Chairman McGowan noted a correction under OLD BUSINESS/Election of Officers that should read: Commissioner McGowan - Chairman Commissioner Schinagl - Vice - Chairman Letter from Superintendent Richmond to Michael & Diane McGill, 208 Bayswater informing them that the Commission denied their request that the assessment for the illegal removal of a City street tree be waived, however, as part of their denial motion, the Commission reduced the assessment by $100.88, the amount designated as labor cost for replanting. Letter from Inspector Quadri to Vladimir A. Kondrasheff, representing 1418 Sanchez Avenue, informing him of the Commission's decision to deny his request to waive the tree replacement requirement, but extend the permit to December 18, 1997 and noted that 24" box size trees can be purchased for less than the $175 contribution to the City's tree planting fund. Letter from Inspector Quadri to the California Teachers Association, 1705 Murchison Drive, informing them that the Commission received their proposal for tree removal and replacement as part of their building project and will review and render a decision at the September 4 Commission meeting. Letter from Inspector Quadri to the Dharma Buddhist Realm Association, 1777 Murchison Drive, that the California Teachers Association had applied for a permit to remove and replace several protected trees at 1705 Murchison Drive and that the Beautification Commission will decide this matter at their meeting of September 4, 1997. CORRESPONDENCE (Cond.) - --N Letter from Inspector Quadri to Harold & Margaret Romanowitz, 3088 Alcazar, informing them that the Commission received their request for an additional extension to meet planting requirements for private tree removal and that the Commission will review this matter and render a decision at the September 4 meeting. OLD BUSINESS Tree Removal & Replacement Proposal na_ 1705 Murchison (Calif. Teachers Association) - Inspector Quadri reported that the Planning Commission approved the project contingent on the Beautification Commission's decision with regard to the tree removal and replacement concept. He also advised approval should include that the applicant enter into a maintenance agreement with the City for the trees planted on the City's right of way. Peter Lipson, architect of the project, was present. The Commission discussed with Mr. Lipson the variety of tree to be planted in the City's right of way. Mr. Lipson indicated that the property owner had expressed an interest in the 'Aristocrat' Pear as a possible choice. Other items discussed were the variety of other trees on the project, locations of trees, and traffic views. Following the discussion, Commissioner Schinagl moved to accept the concept as proposed with the condition that the applicant enter into an agreement with the City for the maintenance of the trees planted on the City's right of way; seconded. Motion carried 6 - 0 -A abstention (Root). Request for Second Extension to Meet Replacement Requirements for Private Tree Removal a& 3088 Alma r - (Applicant was not present at the time this item came up for discussion, so Chairman McGowan moved that this item be held over until the applicant could be present for comment; seconded. Motion carried.) 'IN Landscape Award Nominations - Superintendent Richmond stated that the deadline for applications was extended at the last Commission meeting to September 1. An application was received for Crosby and Gray Mortuary. The Commission discussed the application process and expressed concerns over having received only one application. Inspector Quadri stated that interest and momentum had dropped off since the drought. Commissioner Ward commented that the Commission needs to decide whether the Commission is going to select the nominations or if the company's will be required to apply. Commissioner Root moved that further discussion of the Landscape Award procedures be continued at the October 2 Commission meeting; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Root moved that the Commission approve Crosby & Gray Mortuary as recipient of the Landscape Award; seconded. Motion carried 6 - 1 opposed (Ward). RRquest for Second Extension to Meet Replacement Requirements for Private Tree Removal & 3088 Alcazar - Inspector Quadri stated that the applicant first applied for removal of 2 Pine trees on January 19, 1996 and was granted a six month extension on July 3, 1996. The applicant is in the process of replacing the driveway and plans to plant the replacement trees in the same location (next to the driveway) where the previous trees existed. Because the driveway had not been replaced by the end of the six month extension, the applicant applied to the Commission for a six month extension to complete the project. The last extension granted by the Commission expired on July 3, 1997. To date, the project has still not been completed, so applicant has applied to the Commission for a second extension. 'N 2 OLD BUSINESS - Request for Second Extension to Meet Replacement Requirements for Private Tree Removal & 3088 Alcazar (Con jQ - Applicant was present. Mrs. Romanowitz stated that she is in the process of obtaining bids for the replacement of the driveway and that roots under the existing driveway will be removed at the time of excavation. After the driveway has been replaced, the two 24" box size trees will be planted in the same location as the previous trees. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend moved that a second extension be granted; seconded. Commissioner Plyer stated that contractors and weather can be unpredictable and asked if the extension could be for more than six months. Inspector Quadri stated the extensions are generally in six month increments because the applicant can always reapply for an extension. Following the discussion, Chairman McGowan called for the vote. Motion carried unanimously to grant an extension of the permit to meet tree replacement requirements to January 3, 1998. REPORTS Richmond - The items reported by the Chairman at the last Commission meeting have been completed by the Parks Division i.e., the Walnut trees at Lorton and Bayswater have been raised and Warning Notices are being processed for 101 Bancroft and 1506 Forest View. Superintendent Richmond reported that he and the City Arborist met with representatives from P.G.&E. to discuss their current pruning techniques being used on City trees under primary utility lines. Superintendent Richmond stated P.G.&E. acknowledged that their trimming practices had changed over the past few years, but indicated they would be willing to do more shaping and abide by ISA standards. City tree crews will need to do some maintenance on the trees under primary utilities. Superintendent Richmond stated that City staff will be monitoring P.G.&E's trimming over the next several months. Commissioner Plyer stated it appears that P.G.& E. is only trimming for safety and not aesthetics. Commissioner Lauder commented that P.G.&E. is only pruning from one aspect of safety that, the current pruning techniques are causing the branches to grow down. This is causing pedestrian and vehicular hazards. Superintendent Richmond added that P.G&E.'s current techniques are basically industrial pruning. Superintendent Richmond reported that the sections of trees drilled with the resistograph on El Camino are now being tested by U.C. Extension. He added that in addition to the trees removed on El Camino for testing purposes, Dutch elm disease infected Elms were removed. The removals caused alarm among El Camino residents who were referred to CalTrans. Inspector Quadri commented that the Elm removals were separate from the selected removals for the resistograph testing. The trees selected for the resistograph testing were likely removal candidates and were agreed on between CalTrans representatives, U.C. Extension, and City of Burlingame representatives. Superintendent Richmond stated that currently there is no information regarding City policies or ordinances sent to residents in the City. The Recreation Division sends a one page information sheet to new residents and now information regarding tree policies and ordinances will be included. Director Williams added Parks & Recreation has access to a list of new residents from the Chamber of Commerce. Approximately 50 - 100 new residents move into Burlingame each month. McGowan - Chairman McGowan commented that even though the new Encroachment Permit has gone into effect the sidewalks in front of Starbucks still have a lot of spills. Superintendent Richmond advised Chairman McGowan to report Encroachment Permit violations to the Public Works department. Chairman McGowan reported that the parking lot by the Country Inn on Lorton Avenue is very dirty and the parking strip is weedy and trashy. Superintendent Richmond stated that he would inspect the area. REPORTS/McGowan (Cond.) - Chairman McGowan informed the Commission that the Town of Hillsborough is currently considering -1 an ordinance that speaks to unkempt properties. Commissioner Schinagl added that it is a nuisance ordinance that addresses the reasonable maintenance of properties with regard to construction debris, peeling paint, or hanging laundry in the front yard. Lauder - Commissioner Lauder reported that new sod at 1317 Bayswater is only one foot away from the base of a City tree. Superintendent Richmond stated that he would inspect the area but that, one foot away from the base of tree is generally sufficient for air and water circulation. Root - Commissioner Root asked if the City steam cleans? She added, that perhaps the City could routinely steam clean the sidewalks in the downtown business districts, and then if it is needed more often the merchants could be billed. Commissioner Plyer stated that power washing could cause damage to the aggregate sidewalks. Superintendent Richmond will find out if the City has steam cleaning equipment. Commissioner Root reported she saw someone nailing a sign on a tree. Superintendent Richmond advised that when a violation like this occurs, and if it is reported, the City Attorney will make contact. FROM THE FLOOR Joe Galligan asked if the Elms removed on El Camino Real will be replaced. Superintendent Richmond stated he would inquire from John Stepp of CalTrans regarding replacement trees for the Elm removals. John Root stated it would be good if the City had a cleanup crew to do some cursory cleaning but before the City of Burlingame loses its appeal he would recommend the City assign someone to go around to the '1 merchants telling them to go out and cleanup the areas in front of their businesses. Mrs. Thomson, 1709 Easton Drive, stated that nothing has been done on her driveway to date. She stated that Brian Karnacki from Public Works told her that the sidewalk repair contract had not yet been let. The immediate hazards were marked several months ago but asphalt patches had still not been applied. Commissioner Plyer stated that the Beautification Commission acted in good faith and disapproved removal of the City tree based on the knowledge that Public Works was going to work with the property owners to repair portions of their driveway. He asked Mrs. Thompson if she had contacted the Director of Public Works. She replied that she had only spoken with Brian Karnacki. Chairman McGowan asked Superintendent Richmond if he could get the dates as to when the sidewalk repair contract would be let and, if it is too far off, to ask Public Works to apply the temporary asphalt patch as soon as possible. There being no more business, Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kar a Harvey Recording Secretary 4