HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1997.06.05BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION JUKE 541997 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Will McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Plyer, Root, and Ward Absent: Commissioners Lauder and Schinagl Staff: Parks Superintendent Richmond, Landscape Inspector Quadri, and Administrative Secretary Harvey, City Attorney Larry Anderson Guests: Mr. Van Poppel and Jack Friend MINUTES - Minutes of the May 1, 1997 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to A.J. Van Poppet, 2000 Trousdale Drive, informing him that the commission had concerns regarding tenant notification of the request to remove nine private Eucalyptus trees between two apartment buildings and held over their decision to the June 5th Commission meeting. Letter from Carol Weidner, 1900 Trousdale Drive, requesting the Commission deny the request to remove nine private Eucalyptus trees at 2000 Trousdale Drive. StaffReport from Public Works Director, George Bagdon, to City Council Regarding Encroachment �-- Permit Standard Conditions and Enforcement Procedures. Letter from Vladimir A. Kondrasheff requesting replacement requirements be waived for the permitted removal of a pine tree on his mother's property at 1418 Sanchez Avenue. (Inspector Quadri informed the Commission that this permit was issued in December 1996 with the conditions that replacement be required according to the Urban Reforestation Ordinance. The tree that was remove was a large pine tree. P.G.& E. removed the portion under the primary utilities and the property owner removed the remainder of the tree. Currently, the property has only 1 tree which doesn't meet the current standards.) Letter from Michael P. and Diane M. McGill, 208 Bayswater Avenue, appealing billed charges for the illegal removal of a Magnolia tree on the City's planter strip. Request to Remove 9 Private Eucalyptus Trees ga. 2000 Trousdale Drive - Inspector Quadri stated that letters were posted notifying the tenants of the proposed removal by the applicant at 2000 and 1900 Trousdale Drive. One letter opposing the removal was received after the deadline from a tenant at 1900 Trousdale Drive. Inspector Quadri added that, if built today, the property would require one tree for every 2,000 sf of lot coverage and that he referred this to the Commission due to the number of trees requested for removaL Commissioner Plyer stated he saw no evident damage to the wall and that one of the trees is dead and another is partially brown. Inspector Quadri responded that the applicant was concerned that the trees may cause future damage due to the close proximity to the wall. Commission Plyer asked if the Request to Remove 9 Private Eucalyptus Trees k 2000 Trousdale Drive (Cont'd.) - Commission could vote that only some of the trees be removed. Parks Superintendent Richmond stated that Inspector Quadri is considering these trees as a grove and that the applicant requested the removal of the whole group of trees. Commissioner Plyer stated he would approve the removal for reasons such as fire safety and also because the trees could be climbed and access to apartments gained through open windows. He added that the intent ofthe ordnance is to protect valuable trees and due to the appearance of these trees do seem to be of great value. Commissioner Ward remarked that the ordinance states that when a tree is removed it must be replaced. This group of trees has been defined as a grove but he feels the definition of a grove would be trees that could be seen by the public. Commissioner Ward moved that permission be granted for the removal of the nine Eucalyptus trees; seconded. Chairman McGowan stated that the one tree closest to Trousdale Drive softens the effect of the buildings and that the some of the trees block the back private easement. He suggested that the other trees could be trimmed. Commissioner Plyer reported that he spoke with several tenants and that they were not opposed to the removal. He asked Mr. Van Poppel if he had any response to the notification. Mr. Van Poppel stated he has only been approached by those who are in favor of the removal. Commissioner Root asked where replacement trees would be planted. Mr. Van Poppel stated replacement trees would be planted in the same place or perhaps in front. Inspector Quadri stated when looking at the overall requirement, it may not make sense to replace one for one and that the Commission could decide to allow staff to determine the number of removals and replacements. Commissioner Ward stated that some of the trees are under the 48" requirement and that defining these trees as a "grove" does not seem to fit. Commissioner Plyer added that he did not believe granting permission to remove these trees would negatively impact the beauty of the urban forest. Commissioner Ward moved to amend the motion to state that the request for removal be granted and that replacements be required to provide a total of eight trees on the property; seconded. Motion carried on a 4 - I (opposing/McGowan) - 2 (absent) vote. Chairman McGowan restated the amended motion. Motion carried 5 - 0 - 2 (absent). Inspector Quadri informed the applicant that he would be issuing the permit for the removal and would advise him in writing the number of trees required for replacement. NEW BUSINESS Encroachment Permits in Business Districts - Chairman McGowan asked Superintendent Richmond if the Council adopted the revised guidelines for the encroachment permits. Superintendent Richmond stated that the Public Works Director proposed revisions to the encroachment permits to provide for a more uniform ordinance that could be more easily implemented. The Council approved the guidelines at the May 5th Council meeting. Superintendent Richmond thinks this is a very positive change. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend commended the Public Works Director for the revisions. Chairman McGowan stated the wording could be "tightened -up" on #5 to read: "All potted plants shall be pruned, fertilized, and watered as needed to maintain plant health and appearance" and that #3 could read: "No debris is to be swept into the gutter".Chairman McGowan stated that the placement of more garbage cans could also help with the litter. City Attorney Anderson stated that the staff report was actually a concept and that Chairman McGowan's 2 Encroachment Permits in Business Districts - (Cont'd.) - recommendations could be addressed directly to the Public Works Director. Commissioner Plyer �- responded that while these issues seem to be valid they are outside the Commission's purview; the Beautification Commission's charge is to deal exclusively with trees. He suggested a note from the Chairman to the Public Works Director thanking him for the revisions to the Encroachment Permits and noting a couple of recommendations might be more appropriate. Commission agreed that a note be sent to the Public Works Director. Mission and Procedures of the Beautification Commission - Superintendent Richmond stated that Attorney Anderson has made himself available to all the commissions for the purpose of the discussion of commission procedures and introduced City Attorney Larry Anderson to the Commission. Attorney Anderson thanked the Commission for inviting him and added this opportunity gives him a chance to meet the City's Commissioners. He also informed the Commission that they may contact him for in-house counsel. He commented that he has most recently worked for the Town of Los Gatos and previously with the City of San Mateo. He added that both communities, like Burlingame, care for their trees and consider trees to be an asset to their communities. Attorney Anderson distributed information to the Commission and explained the City of Buringame's organizational framework as a general law city, administrative/ legislative decisions, Brown Act requirements, the Political Reform Act, and the Fair Political Practices Commission. In closing, Attorney Anderson commented on Commission procedures during meetings: 1) When making findings, express why a decision was made. 2) A tie vote on a motion results in a failure of the item and then applicant may appeal the decision to the Council. However, second motions can be made after the first motion has been decided. 3) Separate motions may be made to break up a decision that has separate considerations. Chairman McGowan thanked Attorney Anderson for his presentation. Appointment of Nominating Committee for August Election of Officers - Commissioners Root and Ward volunteered to serve as the nominating committee for the 1997 election of officers. The Committee will propose a slate of officers (Chairperson, Vice -Chairperson, Secretary) at the August 7 Commission meeting. July 3rd Commission Meeting - The Commission discussed the July 3rd Commission meeting and agreed that the meeting be cancelled due to the July 4th holiday. Commission will meet at the regularly scheduled meeting on August 7th. REPORTS Richmond - 1) P.G.&E. removal of nine City trees under primary utility lines has been completed. 2) CalTrans and the City held public hearings regarding the planned removal and replacement of Eucalyptus trees on El Camino. Larry Costello attended the meeting to provide information with regard to the resistograph device used to determine rot in trees. Tree sites on City streets and El Camino were selected for resistograph testing. UC Extension will conduct research on the testing in an attempt to qualify the resistograph as a useful tool to determine rot in trees. Commissioner Ward asked if there was a list of the test sites. Superintendent Richmond stated he believed there was and that he would try to make that information available to the Commission. 3) To date, the Park office has not received any Landscape Award applications. McGowan - Chairman McGowan reported that the trees at 2020 Hillside Dr. (S.E. comer of `— Vancouver and Adeline) were topped by P.G.&E. but still hang very low over the sidewalk. 3 REPORTS (Cont'd.) - Root - Commissioner Root reported that there are two dead City trees at 1249 Drake Avenue and asked if there will be landscaping at the Fire Department on California Drive. Superintendent Richmond stated any plans for landscaping at the Fire Department would happen internally and to his knowledge no plans have been made. Gilmore -Friend - Commissioner Gilmore -Friend asked what is done with the wood when a City tree is removed. Superintendent Richmond stated that the wood is left in the planter strip for the resident for 24 hours and then is hauled away. The wood is sometimes taken to the landfill and sometimes to the Park yard. Plyer - Commissioner Plyer reported that a City tree was removed at his neighbors house and the newly replaced sidewalk was damaged He asked ifthe sidewalk would be repaired? Superintendent Richmond stated that when damage like this occurs the crew is to report it so the damage may be referred to the Public Works department for repair. Superintendent Richmond added that generally, an asphalt patch is placed by Public Works to eliminate any immediate hazard and then repair is contracted out. There being no further business and no business from the floor, Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m Respectfully submitted, �ZVKarlene Harvey Recording Secretary '-IN "\ 4