HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1997.05.01BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MAY 1, 1997 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Will McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Plyer, Root, Schinagl, and Ward Staff: Parks Superintendent Richmond, Landscape Inspector Quadri, and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: Mr. Van Poppel, G.W. and EvaThomson, and Jack Friend MINUTES - Minutes of the April 3, 1997 meeting were approved as submitted. Letter to G. William and Eva Thomson, 1709 Easton Drive, informing them that their request for a City -owned Cypress tree to be removed was denied on a 3 - 3 - 1 (absent) vote by the Commission and that the decision may be appealed to the City Council within 30 days. Letter to Emma E. Czapkay, 9 Stanley Road, informing her that her request for a City -owned Gingko tree to be removed was denied on a 6 - 0 - 1 (absent) vote by the Commission and that the decision may be appealed to the City Council within 30 days. Letter to A.J. Van Poppel, re his request to remove nine private Eucalyptus trees at his apartment �-- building at 2000 Trousdale Drive and informing him that the Commission will consider his request at the May 1 meeting. Memo from City Manager to all Commissions re Advisory Status and Brown Act. Letter to G. William & Eva Thomson, 1709 Easton Drive, from Superintendent Richmont clarifying the finality ofthe decision made by the Commission but that they still may appeal to the Council. In addition, there are no limits as to the number of times that they may return to the Commission with the same issue. Memo to City Engineer Erbacher from Superintendent Richmond informing him that the Mr. and Mrs. Thomson will not be appealing the Commissions denial to remove the City -owned Cypress tree and that Mr. Thomson would like to proceed with the repairs which the City agreed in its site meeting of February 27. Memo to Beautification Commission from Inspector Quadri re clarification of notification requirements of tenants when property owner has requested removal of trees on private property. OLD BUSINESS Request to Remove 9 Private Eucalyppus Trees ar 2000 Trousdale Drive - Inspector Quadri stated he referred this to the Commission due to the number of trees involved and that the trees are between two apartment buildings and removal would create privacy issues for the tenants. Commissioner Plyer had raised the issue at the last meeting that someone should notify the tenants. �' Since the ordinance does not provide for the notification of tenants, Inspector Quadri met with the Request to Remove 9 Private Eucalyptus Trees k 2000 Trousdale Drive - (Conti .) - City Attorney for clarification. There are two ways to approach the issue: 1) Amendment to the ordinance that provides for notification of tenants. (The cost of notification can be absorbed by the City, or a fee charged to cover the cost.); 2) Require notification by the applicant on a case by case basis. (Notification could be accomplished in a manner acceptable to the Commission: i.e. mail, posting notices on bulletin boards, on front door, etc.). Chairman McGowan recognized Mr. Van Poppel (son of the applicant), Manager of the apartment building. Mr. Van Poppel stated the trees are rubbing against building and he believes that there could be damage in the future to the wall in the underground parking. He added, that the trees have been trimmed but on windy days they still hit the building. The tenants have complained about the trees. Commissioner Plyer asked Mr. Van Poppel if he would notify the tenants. Mr. Van Poppel stated he would notify the tenants if he were requested to do so. Commissioner Plyer stated the tenants should be notified to allow them the opportunity to express their opinion. Commissioner Ward responded that he didn't agree that tenants should be notified. It should be up to the property owner if he wants to notify the tenants. Chairman McGowan stated that tenants pay good rent: if their area is impacted it is important for them to know that. Commissioner Plyer added that the City should not be responsible for notifying the tenants, but if the property owner notified the tenants it would be a safer way to go. Property owners are often absentee landlords and don't inform their tenants of changes to the property. Chairman McGowan commented that there are two apartment buildings involved. Some of the tenants may like the trees and asked if notification is required how will the Commission know if the property owner has complied. He also asked if the tenants at 1900 Trousdale would be notified. Inspector Quadri stated notification could be posted on bulletin boards, by mail boxes, or door to door. As part of the general notification process, City staff could provide notices for the property owner to post. Following the discussion, Commissioner Ward moved that Mr. Van Poppel notify his tenants and that ofthe building next door that the trees are being removed; Commissioner Gilmore -Friend seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Inspector Quadri stated that notice will be posted, and tenants given 10 days to respond before Commission review ofthe request on June 5. Superintendent Richmond asked if the Commission would like amendment of the ordinance to be placed on next month's agenda. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated she would prefer not to amend the ordinance but would rather approach these issues on a case by case basis. The Commission agreed. CalTrans Removal/Replacement Proposal pdate) - Superintendent Richmond stated that a public information meeting has been scheduled for May 14th at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. CalTrans and City Staff will be making presentations with regard to the Eucalptus trees on El Camino. Dr. Larry Costello from the U.C. Extension will make a presentation on the new device being studied that measures density and health of trees and how CalTrans and the City will be participating in the study. NEW BUSINESS - Chairman McGowan noticed that after the rams had stopped some of the potted plants in front ofthe businesses in the Burlingame Avenue area were not watered or maintained. As reported by Superintendent Richmond at the last meeting, maintenance of the plants was not included �-- as a condition of encroachment permits. Chairman McGowan asked if the Commission would to make a recommendation that the encroachment permit be strengthened by requiring plants in pots be maintained. 2 NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd.) - Superintendent Richmond stated that this was not an agenda item, was out of order, and could be placed on next months agenda. Commissioner Ward stated if the City �. allows merchants to put potted plants in front of their establishments, they should be required to take care of the plants. Commissioner Lauder agreed. Commissioner Plyer added that allowing the sidewalk seating has created a mess and should also be regulated better. The Commission asked that Encroachment Permits in Business Districts be placed on next months agenda. Superintendent Richmond added that he would get Encroachment Permit information from the Director of Public Works. REPORTS RICHMOND - Superintendent Richmond reported on the following items: 1) The Parks Division installed the root barriers at 2209 Ray Drive; 2) The cooperative tree removal/replacement program with P.G.&E. will begin soon with the removal of several Catalpa trees on Vancouver, (trees under primary utilities were rotting at base). The replacement trees will be paid for by P.G.& E. and the Parks Division will be responsible for the replanting. 3) He has invited the City Attorney to come to the June Commission meeting and be available for questions from the Commission. 4) The spring street tree planting has begun; 80-90 trees will be planted. SCHINAGL - Commissioner Schinagl reported that CalTrans removed the weeds on El Camino in the Ray Drive area. Superintendent Richmond asked if Commissioner Schinagl had reported the weeds to the CalTrans office. Commissioner Schinagl said she had not but thought staff had. Commissioner Schinagl noticed a wreath and a cross had been hung on an El Camino tree between Adeline and Hillside Drives. She asked if things can be nailed to trees. Superintendent Richmond stated things should not be nailed to trees but that Public Works routinely goes through the City and `-' removes what they can. Commissioner Schinagl reported she had read in the newspaper that the City is considering developing a dog park at Skyline Park. She added that she has heard that the building of three houses are being proposed right next to the park. Superintendent Richmond stated the dog park proposal will be handled through the Park and Recreation Commission, but that he would keep the Commission apprised of any public forum agendas. FROM THE FLOOR Jack Friend stated he thought a good philosophical discussion for the Commission to have would be whether they are serving the City or whether they are serving the property owners or all the citizens of the City. There being no further business, Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 6:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, J Karlene Harvey �� Recording Secretary 3