HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1997.04.03BURLWGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION APRIL 3,1997 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:32 p.m. by Chairman Will McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Plyer, Root and Schinagl Absent: Commissioner Ward Staff: Parks Superintendent Richmond, Parks & Recreation Director John Williams, Arborist Porter, Landscape Inspector Quadri, and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: G.W. and EvaThomson, Emma Czapkay, and Jack Friend MINUTES - Minutes of the March 6, 1997 meeting were changed to read (Pg. 4, under REPORTS/ROOT), "If nothing is in place to prevent a tarot card business from going in, what would happen if a massage parlor were to move in?" Minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Emma Czapkay, 9 Stanley, requesting that the city -owned Gingko tree be removed due to the roots raising the sidewalk, the driveway, and the private walkway. Letter from Director Williams to Michael and Diane McGill, 208 Bayswater, explaining fines incurred for illegal street tree removal at 208 Bayswater. �- Letter from the Burlingame Beautification Commission to Mayor Rosalie O'Mahony stating the Commission's recommendation that CalTrans be in compliance with the Urban Reforestation Ordinance in regard to any suggested tree removal along El Camino. Memo to Inspector Quadri from Superintendent Richmond informing him that the Commission took no action and saw no reason to call up the request to remove 5 pine trees at 1505 Los Altos. Letter (s) to Chamber of Commerce and Boutique & Villager requesting the Landscape Award form be included in as many publications as possible through the end of July 1997. Letter to Bryan Stein, 2217 Adeline Drive, informing him that. the Commission granted an extension of his permit and approved the planting of 3-15 gallon size trees instead of the required 1-24" box size replacement tree. Letter to G. W. & Eva Thomson, 1709 Easton Drive, informing them that the Commission received their request that the city -owned Monterey Cypress be removed and that the Commission will render a decision at their April 3rd meeting. Letter to Emma Czapkay, 9 Stanley, informing her that the Commission received her request that the city -owned Gingko be removed and that the Commission will render a decision at their April 3rd meeting. Letter to Wacek at Pacific Cable Television, from Superintendent Richmond, thanking him for his continued cooperation in the Arbor Day ceremonies. CORRESPONDENCE - (Cont'd.) Letter to Dave Wachtel, California Department of Forestry, from Superintendent Richmond thanking him for his participation in the Arbor Day ceremonies. Letter to Paula Blanchfield (Ransohoff, Blanchfield, & Jones) from Superintendent Richmond thanking her for her informative and thoroughly enjoyable seminar on "Designing the Small Garden". Memo from the City Manager to the City Council re the March 18 City Staff Meeting with CalTrans/El Camino Real Trees. Letter to A.J. Van Poppel from Inspector Quadri informing him that the Commission received and w l review his request to remove 9 privately owned Eucalyptus at 2000 Trousdale at their May 1 st meeting. (See NEW BUSINESS). OLD BUSINESS Request to Remove City -owned Cvuress Tree at 1709 Easton Drive - Superintendent Richmond stated that staff recommends denial of this request. He reported that the Cypress tree is healthy and the City contractor recently pruned the low limbs. He added that the City Arborist and Engineering met with the residents on site. The City has agreed to remove the hardscape and repair and replace the City sidewalk as well as the damaged portion of the driveway. Applicants requested that the Commission still consider removal of the tree. Arborist Porter stated the tree is healthy and mature and will not be growing much more; there appears to be nothing unique to warrant removal of this large tree. Additionally, he stated, the City has agreed to repair sidewalk damage and the damaged portion of the driveway. -IN Commissioner Plyer stated the Cypress tree and the Eucalyptus nearby seem to interfere with each other. Arborist Porter stated trimming will be done and there is enough room for both trees to exist near each other. Commissioner Plyer asked what the possible life span of this tree might be. Arborist Porter responded that the tree could live another 50-60 years. Chairman McGowan recognized Mr. and Mrs. Thomson. Mrs. Thomson asked where the roots might be 50-60 years from now. Arborist Porter stated that root pruning was proposed to stop the roots from encroaching on her property; that the roots are not going to grow that much more because the tree is a mature tree. Mrs. Thomson stated that there are already two other trees in the street channel; isn't that enough? She also was concerned because the tree prevents them from having a straight access to their driveway. Mr. Thomson stated that years ago he wanted to put in an asphalt driveway but was required to put in a cement driveway; asphalt would have been easier to replace. Commissioner Schinagl asked Superintendent Richmond if the resident could have a choice as to whether they wanted asphalt or concrete. Superintendent Richmond said it seemed like a reasonable request but that Engineering would need to be consulted. Commissioner Root asked the Thomson's about their comment that the tree roots are "nudging" their sewer system Mrs. Thomson said they had to put in a new sewer but the City told them the damaged sewer was not caused by the tree roots. Commissioner Plyer stated this tree is located in front of the driveway and recalls the Commission approving removal of a tree because, if left to remain, it would not allow a straight access to a proposed driveway. He added that residents have a right to have access to their property. OA r OLD BUSINESS - Reauest to Remove City -owned Cypress Tree & 1709 Easton Dr. - (Cont'd) Commissioner Schinagl commented she doesn't like moving the sidewalks around the trees because at night pedestrians can't see that the sidewalk turns and it could be dangerous. Commissioner �-' Lauder responded that she thinks moving the sidewalks around the trees adds interest and character to a neighborhood. Chairman McGowan stated that today this tree would not be planted in this area, but this is a mature tree and a part of the City's urban forest; he would like to see the City mitigate the problem and let the tree remain. Commissioner Root added that if the Commission were to approve the removal of this tree, other residents may also request removaL Commissioner Gilmore -Friend explained to the Thomson's that because Burlingame is a Tree City it tries to protect the trees, that this is a mature, healthy tree. She asked the Thomson's if making the repairs wouldn't help? Mr. Thomson stated repairs would help exceedingly but the damage is rapidly becoming worse. Following the discussion, Commissioner Plyer moved that the Commission approve the request to remove the City -owned Cyress; seconded (Schinagl). Commissioner Root asked if damage were to occur again after existing damage had been repaired, would it be fixed again by the City? Arborist Porter stated it would need to be reviewed again at that point and time. Superintendent Richmond said that the City routinely patches identified tripping hazards. Commissioner Plyer asked if the motion were to fad, would the City still address the existing damage? Superintendent Richmond stated, yes. There being no further discussion, Chairman McGowan called for the vote. The motion failed on a 3 - 3 (opposed [Lauder, McGowan, & Root]) - 1(absent) vote. Chairman McGowan informed the applicants that this decision could be appealed to the City Council. Superintendent Richmond stated that the applicants will be notified in writing of the Commission's decision and appeal procedures. Commissioner Plyer asked if this issue could be called up again by a Commissioner who voted in the affirmative. Superintendent Richmond stated he would ask the City Attorney. Request to Remove City -owned Gingko Tree n. 9 Stanley Road - Superintendent Richmond stated staff recommends denial of this request. The Gingko tree is healthy and of medium size; there are no obvious pest problems. The Street and Sewer department has patched existing tripping hazards with asphalt. Arborist Porter stated 6 flags of sidewalk were removed and no root pruning was required. The resident's walkway and driveway are cracked but are located 10 feet from the dripline of the tree. Arborist Porter stated he does not believe the cracking is caused by the roots from the Gingko tree. Mrs. Czapkay stated her driveway has cracks and she stubbed her toe. She added that she believes roots from the tree are coming into her property. Commissioner Plyer asked Arborist Porter ifhe saw roots when the sidewalk was removed. Arborist Porter responded that he saw no roots; that the root is 6 inches under the soil Commissioner Plyer asked if it was possible for a root to go as far as the driveway and surface. Arborist Porter replied that it was possible. 3 OLD BUSINESS - Request to Remove City -owned Gingko Tree & 9 Stanley Rd Cont'd ) Commissioner Plyer stated the Commission cannot conclude that the damage is caused from the tree if roots cannot be seen. Chairman McGowan added that concrete does age over the years and can crack Arborist Porter commented that when the sidewalk repair program is in that area, the sidewalk can be moved around the tree and the root pruner can be used along the outside edge of property alleviating any future root problems. Following the discussion, Commissioner Root moved that the request to remove the Gingko tree be denied; seconded (Lauder). Motion carried on a 6 - 0 - I (absent) vote. Chairman McGowan stated the applicant will be notified in writing of the Commission's decision and appeal procedures. CalTrans Plan to Remove 115 Trees Along El Camino Real (Update) - Superintendent Richmond reported that CalTrans representatives and City Staff met to discuss the proposal for testing the device to be used to determine the health of trees. He added that the task forces have met and will be reporting back at future meetings. Commissioner Schinagl asked if the weeds on El Camino behind the Ray Park residences could be cut down. Superintendent Richmond will determine jurisdiction and report back. Spring Garden Seminar (Follow-up) - Superintendent Richmond asked the Commission for their reactions to the seminar. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated that it was a wonderful program and suggested that the word "registration" be removed from the announcement in the catalog. She thinks people who have not registered would not come, and registration is not really required for attendance. Commissioner Lauder stated it was a good turn out but agreed that some people may not come if they have not registered in advance. The Commission agreed to not include the wording "registration" -IN for next year's seminar. NEW BUSINESS - (Discussion occurred as part of correspondence) Request To Remove 9 Eucalyptus Trees At 2000 Trousdale - Inspector Quadri stated he referred this item to the Commission because of the number of removals requested. The nine trees are between apartment buildings. Owners of the adjacent properties will be notified but the ordinance does not provide for notification of the occupants in the apartments. The trees provide privacy between the buildings. Applicant states the request is due to the trees rubbing the walls and windows and fears someday wM crack the driveway. Commissioner Plyer stated someone should be obligated to notify the occupants. Inspector Quadri stated the ordinance only requires notification of adjacent property owners but he would ask the City Attorney to clarify. Following the discussion, the Commission requested the item be placed on the May 1st agenda for review. REPORTS/RICHMOND - Superintendent Richmond reported that encroachment permits for potted plants in the Burlingame Avenue area have no stated requirements for watering or upkeep and the Commission has no regulatory or enforcement power. Superintendent Richmond stated in reference to the landscape at the Malcohn and Old Bayshore property since there were no changes to the property requiring permits, there would be no requirements for landscaping. Commissioner McGowan said it appeared there were plants at one time. ..\ Superintendent Richmond reported that the necessary waivers have been received from Mrs. Norman at 2209 Ray Drive. The Parks Division will be installing the root barriers soon. In REPORTS - (Cont'd.) LAUDER - Commissioner Lauder stated that many mothers using the playground at Washington Park have remarked how hot the playground is since the large tree was lost in a storm. She added that some have asked if it would be possible to build a temporary structure until the tree grows and provides shade. Superintendent Richmond advised that a request of that nature would need to be addressed to the Parks & Recreation Commission. SCHINAGL - Commoner Schinagl reported that she called Georgette Naylor and asked if a full page announcement ofthe Landscape Award could appear in the Chamber newsletter. Ms. Naylor stated it might be possible but she felt more of the Commission should be present at the awards hincheon. Commissioner Plyer stated the chairman and one other commissioner were present at the awards luncheon, one of which paid the $28 to attend. He added that he felt Ms. Naylor's comments were out of line. Director Wdlliams stated ifthe Commission wants a flyer in the Chamber newsletter the Parks & Recreation Department would make arrangements. He also stated he would check into monies available for more Commissioners to attend the next awards luncheon. WMLUMS - Director Williams reported that the newsracks were surveyed last fall but currently the system is not up-to-date. Many of the newsracks are not identifiable and enforcement is time consuming. The new Public Works and City Attorney have experienced success with the placement of pedastal racks in other cities. Superintendent Richmond stated the newsrack issue may be considered as part of the streetscape plans. Chairman McGowan stated he would like to see fast growing trees planted on Burlingame Avenue because it could be some time before the streetscape plans are put into place. FROM THE FLOOR - Mrs. Thomson thanked the staff and the Commission for all their time and work considering their request to remove the Cypress tree. There being no further business, Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m. RespectMy submitted, Karl Harvey Recording Secretary 5