HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1997.01.02BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION JANUARY 2, 1997 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Vice -Chair Schinagl. ROLL CALL Present: Vice -Chair Schinagl, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Plyer, Root, and Ward. Absent: Chairman McGowan Staff: Park Superintendent Richmond, Arborist Porter, Parks & Recreation Director Williams, Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: Tim Auran, Jack Friend MINUTES - Minutes of the November 7, 1996 meeting were approved as submitted. Letter from Supternntendent Richmond to Galli Bertain Properties informing them that the Commission approved the removal of six private trees at 1421 Bellevue. Memo from City Attorney Coleman to the Commission re: Removal of Eucalyptus trees on the corner of El Camino Real and Howard, with attached correspondence from the United Methodist Church to CalTrans and from the United Methodist Church to the City of Burlingame re the maintenance and danger of the Eucalyptus trees on El Camino. In addition, a copy of the City Attorneys letter to CalTrans re city ordinances in regards to trees and jurisdiction of the state highway. Memo from Director Williams to Beautification Commission re: El Camino Real Tree Removal Issues, with attached letter from City Engineer Erbacher recommending that CalTrans consider having public forums re their proposal of the El Camino Real Rehabilitation and their proposal to remove 25% of the trees. Copy of memo from City Manager Argyres to City Council, with attached tree removal proposal from CalTrans. Letter from Chairman McGowan to Paula Blanchfield thanking her for agreeing to be the speaker at the Spring Garden Seminar on March 15th. OLD BUSINESS Landscape Award Presentation - Commissioner Gilmore -Friend reported that Chairman McGowan will be available to present the Landscape Award to the Ramada Inn and that Georgette Naylor has requested that as many Commissioners as possible attend the Annual Chamber Meeting and Installation Luncheon on January 17. Superintendent Richmond stated that the City will cover the expense for Chairman McGowan to attend. Arbor Day/Spring_Garden Seminar - Superintendent Richmond reported that plans are being made to have the Arbor Day ceremonies at Washington Elementary School on March 7th and that arrangements have been made with Paula Blanchfield to speak on "Designing the Small Garden" on �-' March 15th. NEW BUSINESS CalTrans Plan to Remove 115 Trees Along El Camino Real - Superintendent Richmond reported that this item was placed on the agenda for the purpose of updating and discussing. This plan was presented by CalTrans representatives to City staff in December. The item was placed on the City Council agenda in December. Many residents attended the Council meeting and spoke to the issue during public comments. The City Manager has requested that CalTrans provide more information about the traffic studies that brought them to their conclusion that 115 trees need to be removed due to site hazards. He has directed the Police Department to investigate the accident rate on El Camino. The City Attorney has requested Environmental Impact reports from CalTrans. Commissioner Root asked if CalTrans has stated why they will not replace the trees? Superintendent Richmond stated "no." Commissioner Plyer asked what will happen prior to the actual removal. Superintendent Richmond stated that the City has recommended that CalTrans hold public forums on the removal proposal. Commissioner Plyer indicated that he is interested in addressing this issue and is concerned about how much time the Commission has. Director Williams stated that CalTrans is anxious to get started but a contract of this size would probably take some time to put out to bid. The Commission can discuss tonight and may wish to make recommendations at its next meeting. Commissioner Plyer noted that he thought the recent article in the San Mateo County Times by Sarah Weld and Don Bums were excellent articles and crystallized the issue. He stated that the City and the State should not be adversaries, that a positive solution should occur. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend asked that if an Environmental Impact Report is requested would not that spare some time? Superintendent Richmond stated the City Attorney has asked CalTrans to provide the City with a copy of the Environmental Report or to explain why they feel they are exempt from that process. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend indicated that she is concerned that replanting is not part of this proposal. She noted that the City Ordinance requires residents to plant replacement trees when trees are removed. Commissioner Plyer stated that if a tree has reached its life cyle and needs removing, replacement guidelines as set forth in the Urban Reforestation Ordinance should be followed. Commissioner Ward stated that Eucalyptus do create a magnificent avenue but if experts feel these trees should come down, then they should. We cannot keep them forever. Trees have a life span. The City's concern should be that they be replaced according to the Urban Reforestation Ordinance. Vice -Chair Schinagl reported that she had heard a rumor that the wood from the removed trees was going to be sold. Commissioner Lauder stated that replanting is very important. Commissioner Root stated she fears that widening El Camino in Burlingame may be in the future plan of CalTrans. 2 NEW BUSINESS - CalTrans Plan to Remove 115 Trees Along El Camino Real - (Continued) Director Williams noted that CalTrans has not suggested removing unhealthy trees in this proposal. The issue is for line of site only, i.e., it is a traffic issue. Commissioner Ward stated that the Methodist Church was told by CalTrans that the four trees to be removed at El Camino and Howard are weak due to root rot. CalTrans' wish to minimize costly maintenance could be behind this response. Director Williams stated that we are dealing with two different CalTrans sections, the local and the district. The local Foster City office addressed the issue at the Methodist Church. Commissioner Plyer asked if any state elected officials are involved. Superintendent Richmond stated that Senator Kopp was at the Council meeting and has since sent a letter to CalTrans requesting he be sent information supporting their proposed plan. Vice -Chair Schinagl asked for comments from the floor and recognized Tim Auran. Tim Auran introduced himself and stated he serves on the TSP Commission for the City of Burlingame. Mr. Auran stated that replacement of the trees is very important but that perhaps the removal plan could be over a period of 10 years rather than the proposed three years. Mr. Auran stated that he has asked a Title Company officer to investigate any pertinent information from the time when El Camino was granted to the State by the County. He added that the Historical Society is looking for old pictures or other historical information about the Eucalyptus on El Camino. Mr. Auran recommended that a coloring contest for school children or a photo contest of the eucalyptus be organized to help raise public awareness and keep CalTrans negotiating. �-' Commissioner Plyer asked if staff believes that CalTrans is unwilling to negotiate. Superintendent Richmond stated no, not to this point but that the City wants CalTrans to be more specific as to the data that brought them to this conclusion. Arborist Porter was asked his opinion on the tree removal on El Camino and Mr. Porter stated that he would like to see the bases for CalTrans conclusions. He noted that alternatives to removal could be accomplished by lowering the speed limit on El Camino and/or installing signs that state no right hand turn on red. The City should make sure CalTrans has sound reasons for their conclusions. Vice -Chair Schinagl asked Commissioner Lauder to draft a statement for the Commission concerning the planting of replacement trees as set forth in the Urban Reforestation Ordinance. The statement will be reviewed at the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Root asked Superintendent Richmond to keep the Commission informed on this situation. REPORTS/RICHMOND - The Fall street tree planting has been completed with the planting of over 100 trees; Sycamore pruning has begun and will continue until the Spring; the Parks Division has purchased a new aerial lift truck. Superintendent Richmond also reported that thus far, there had been little storm damage reported. Superintendent Richmond reported that the City's tree pruning contractor (Arbor Care) is in the Easton area now and that a large Eucalyptus will be removed because it is in a state of decline and has a large wound on the trunk. Superintendent Richmond showed pictures of the tree and stated that this example is what City staff considers good reason for removal of a large tree. Arborist Porter REPORTS - Richmond - (Continued) -� noted that the tree has been declining over the years, has basal heart rot, has rotted punky wood under the bark, and the top is declining. Commissioner Ward asked what the approximate cost would be to remove a tree that size. Superintendent Richmond estimated the cost could be as much as $3500. ROOT - Reported her concerns about pedestrian access to the Broadway overpass from Old Bayshore; the pedestrian egress on the west side of the overpass at Rollins Road; and the inoperable walk/don't walk light: she believes the overpass to be unsafe for pedestrians. Director Williams stated the issue of a new overcrossing has been discussed for some time and that the new Public Works Director will surely have this issue on his review list. WILLUMS - Announced the Commissioners Dinner will be held on Friday, March 14th. There will be more information to follow. There being no more business and no comments FROM THE FLOOR, Vice -Chair Schinagl adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Q__ Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary ''1 4