HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1998.11.05The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:32 p.m. by Chairman McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Locke, Root and Ward Absent: Commissioner Schinagl Staff: Park Superintendent Richmond, Arborist Porter, Director Williams, and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: Jack Friend NU MUTES - Minutes of the October 1, 1998 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Spring Garden Seminar announcement for inclusion in Spring Recreation brochure. Letter to Commissioner Root from Mayor Spinelli regretfully acknowledging her resignation from the Beautification Commission and thanking her for her eleven years of dedicated service on the Commission. Letters from Edna Steele, 18 El Quanito Way, objecting to the removal of three private Monterey Pine trees at 7 Kenmar Way, and asking that as part of the required conditions of the removals, three replacement trees be planted at the back property line. Letter to Mike and Gene Weeks, 7 Kenmar Way, from Inspector Quadri informing them of the appeal on their permit application to remove three private Monterey Pines, and that the Commission will review and render a decision at the December 3 meeting. Letter from Harold and Margaret Romanowitz, 3088 Alcazar, requesting an extension of their permit to remove two private Pine trees in order to meet replacement requirements. Draft(s) of street tree information for distribution to new residents in the City of Burlingame. Letter from the Beautification Commission to Poplar Recare Center, recognizing and commending them for the litter removal in the City's downtown parking lots. OLD BUSINESS Revision of City Street Tree Lists - Committee Report - Commissioner Locke asked the Commission if there were any comments or recommended changes on the revisions to the street tree lists submitted at the October 1 meeting. Chairman McGowan commented that the list appeared to be complete but recommended that the Prunus ceresifera ' Akebono' be placed on the 3' - 6' list due to the spread of the tree. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Gilmore -Friend moved that the recommendations, as well as Chairman McGowan's suggestion, to the revised street tree lists be forwarded and approved by the Parks & Recreation Director John Williams; seconded. Motion carried on a 6 - 0 - 1 (absent) vote. 1 P.G.&E. Soil Injected Growth Regulators for Trees Under Primary Utilities - Arborist Porter reported that he contacted P.G.&E. representative, Chris Hughes, and asked if P.G.&E. would consider doing any extra thinning on the selected trees since the growth regulator may cause denser growth. Mr. Hughes indicated that could be discussed following the trial. Chairman McGowan asked when the trials would be conducted. Arborist Porter responded that it would either occur in January or February of 1999 or in January or February of 2000. Commissioner Lauder asked where the trials would be conducted. Arborist Porter stated that Peninsula Avenue and Sanchez Avenue are being considered and that only the Sycamores, Liquidambars, and Locust trees are the species being considered at this time. He added that the trial will last for two years and the results on the selected sites will be analyzed and discussed. P.G.&E. will contact the property owners and they will have the right of refusal if they do so in writing. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Locke moved that Commissioner Gilmore -Friend's motion be taken from the table, and that permission be granted to P.G.&E. to test the growth regulator `Profile' (consistent with the labeling), in small areas of the City on Sycamore, Liquidambar, and Locust trees; seconded. Motion carried on a 6 - 0 - 1 (absent) vote. Public Information Regarding City Trees - Director Williams reviewed the proposed public information regarding trees with the Commission. Commissioner Locke stated she was satisfied with the tree regulations/ordinance documents being presented separately from the recreation/leisure information. The Commission discussed and recommended some possible changes. Director Williams will consider the recommended changes and present redrafted documents at the next Commission meeting. NEW BUSINESS Arbor Day - Friday. March 5th - Superintendent Richmond stated that the Arbor Day ceremonies will be held on Friday, March 5th, and the planting of several Willow trees at Pershing Park is being considered. He asked the Commission to also think about some safe, appropriate sites to hold an Arbor Day celebration. Spring Garden Seminar. Saturday - March 61h - Commissioner Locke presented a list of possible seminar topics for the Commission to consider. The Commission discussed combining a couple of the topics as well as some possible speakers. Commissioner Lauder and Chairman McGowan will contact some possible speakers and report back to the Commission at the December 3 meeting. REPORTS - Richmond - 1) Supervisor Disco will have the crews clean up the Hillside Circle bus stop area this winter, he will then assess the site and develop a plan for future relandscaping. The anticipated Eagle Scout project fell through when the scout did not follow through with a plan for the project. 2) Superintendent Richmond stated staff can be reached at their new E-Mail addresses at: TRichmond@Burlingame.org.; Director Williams at: JWilliams @Burlingame.org.; and Secretary Harvey at: KHarvey@Burlingame.org.. 3) A Liquidambar tree was removed on Easton Drive for sidewalk repair; extensive root removal would have caused the tree to be unstable. Often, there is little time to notify the resident of proposed removals because the determination to remove the tree cannot be done until the sidewalk is removed. This can cause some alarm to the residents. Chairman McGowan recommended that perhaps posting a sign on the tree proposed for removal would be helpful. N REPORTS - Richmond (Cond.) - 4) Timberline, this year's tree contractor, will soon be trimming the Eucalyptus groves in front of the Burlingame Plaza, on both sides of El Camino Real. 5) A new pest has begun to appear on the Red Eucalyptus variety. The first insect appeared in Southern California and has now moved up to Northern California. The Lerp Psyllid looks like scale and the trees defoliate. To date, it has not been determined how to eradicate it or whether the psyllid will cause the tree to die. McGowan - 1) Asphalt has been placed up to the base of a Deodar Cedar at the Burlingame High School track and looks like it is under stress. Superintendent Richmond stated that the City Arborist will inspect. 2) The planters on California Drive, belonging to Left At Albequerque, have dead plants in them. 3) The lights in Parking Lot J, behind Crosby Commons, are out and have been for a long time. Superintendent Richmond advised to report items (2) and (3) to the Public Works Department. Gilmore -Friend - Asked when the new Commissioners will be appointed. Director Williams stated that Council may appoint at the December 7 City Council meeting. FROM THE FLOOR Director Williams reported that the Parks & Recreation Department has been very busy with Capital Improvement Projects and updated the Commission on the progress of the Golf Range, Ballfield, and Dog Park. He added that the BHS swimming pool plans have been approved by the State so the next L step of sending out for bids can begin. Paloma and Alpine Parks have been updated and reopened; the next playground slated for improvements will be the Laguna tot lot. The plans have been completed for a new workspace at the Parks Corporation Yard in Washington Park as well as the plans for the Village Park Preschool addition. There being no further business and no further comments FROM THE FLOOR, Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, <� * 1wcu'k Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary