HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1998.06.04BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION JUNE 4, 1998 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners, Gilmore -Friend, Locke, Root, Schinagl, and Ward Absent: Commissioner Lauder Staff: Park Superintendent Richmond, Parks & Recreation Director Williams, Landscape Inspector Quadri, and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: Alma & Conrad Dacanay (1428 Cabrillo Avenue), Violet Guerra (1433 Cabrillo Avenue), Jack Friend, and Richard Kelly (1436 Cabrillo, arrived after the first item of Old Business). MINUTES - Minutes of the May 7, 1998 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter Conrad & Alma Dacanay (1428 Cabrillo Ave.) informing them that the Commission had received their application to remove one Redwood tree as well as an appeal of that removal from Richard Kelly (1436 Cabrillo Ave.) and that, the appeal would be heard at the June 4, 1998 Commission meeting. Letter to Richard Kelly (1436 Cabrillo Ave.) informing him that his appeal to the request to remove one Redwood tree at 1428 Cabrillo Ave. would be heard at the June 4, 1998 Commission meeting. Letter from the Beautification Commission to the City Council requesting that the present underground zone for utilities be expanded to include areas on Floribunda and adjacent streets to enable trees to grow to their native, natural size and shape so as not to be disfigured by P.G.&E.'s practice of topping. Memorandum from the City Attorney with comments on the Commission's revisions and his redraft of the Urban Reforestation Ordinance. OLD BUSINE Appeal of Decision to Remove One Private Redwood Tree na 1428 Cabrillo Avenue - Inspector Quadri stated that the property owners of 1428 Cabrillo applied for the removal of one Redwood tree. Pending any appeals, permission was granted to remove the Redwood tree based on the findings that the tree had a split trunk, causing a weak attachment that posed a potential hazard to applicant's and adjacent properties, and that, the tree's structural problem could not be corrected by pruning. Inspector Quadri added that the applicants will be required to plant a replacement tree. Following CORRESPONDENCE' (Contd.) the standard notification, an appeal was received from Richard Kelly of 1436 Cabrillo. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend asked if the reasons for the appeal were stated. Inspector Quadri replied no, but thought the appellant would be in attendance at this meeting. Chairman McGowan recognized the applicants, Conrad and Alma Dacanay. Mr. Dacanay stated he is worried about the tree because a large branch fell in the area where his children play. He added the tree has a split trunk and with all the rain he is even more concerned. Violet Guerra, 1433 Cabrillo Avenue, spoke in opposition stating that she is concerned about safety but is also concerned with maintaining the beauty of the neighborhood. She asked if there were any other measures, other than removal, that could make the tree safe. Inspector Quadri stated that the tree has no disease or insect and his decision was based on the tree's structure. He added, that the Commission could require a report from a private arborist. There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman McGowan closed the hearing. Chairman McGowan stated he would not vote to remove this Redwood tree. He stated the tree is old, and is not likely to grow any larger, and that, many Redwoods don't fall down. He added that the split trunk could be cabled. Commissioner Locke asked Inspector Quadri if the limb loss indicated a problem with the trees health. Inspector Quadri stated that since there were no signs of disease, the limb loss could be due to lack of maintenance. He added that his decision was based on the inherently weak structure of a split crotch and that pruning to remove the potential hazard would only compromise the balance of the tree. Commissioner Locke asked what might cause the failure of this tree. Inspector Quadri responded that a strong wind blowing from other than the dominant direction could cause failure. Commissioner Ward moved that based on Inspector Quadri's findings, the appeal of the decision to remove the Redwood tree at 1428 Cabrillo Avenue be denied seconded Motion carried 4 - 2 (opposed/McGowan and Locke) - I (absent/Lauder). Reforestation Ordinance Revisions - Inspector Quadri reported that City Attorney Anderson reviewed the revisions to the ordinance and made some minor corrections. He added, if the Commission approves of the corrections the attorney will submit the revised ordinance to the City Council for the first reading at their July 6th Commission meeting. The Commission approved the corrections and Chairman McGowan thanked the committee for all their work on the ordinance revisions. Revision of City Street Tree List - Commissioner Locke explained that the committee has looked at most of the trees on the four existing lists and have started to identify the trees that should not be on the list. The list of potential deletions will then be reviewed by the City Arborist; he will then report back to the committee with his recommendations. The committee will then proceed to the next step of selecting trees to replace those that are deleted. Park Superintendent Richmond stated the committee discussed deleting Podocarpus, Brachychitons, Melaleuca, varieties, and Tristania Conferta (rarely selected varieties); the large Southern Magnolia (too large and very slow growing); Metrosideros, Pyrus kawakamii and Kwanzan `flowering cherry's', (disease and branching 2 Revision of City Street Tree List - (Contd.) structures); Koelreuteria paniculata's (grow too large to be planted under utilities); and Hawthorns (not planted in small planting areas (frequently hit by trucks]). Superintendent Richmond stated the committee will also focus on choosing varieties that are more recognizable to the public. NEW BUSINESS Cancellation of July 2nd Commission Meeting - Superintendent Richmond reported that there is no pending business for July and, in the past, the Commission has canceled the July or August meeting. Due to the holiday on July 3rd, Superintendent Richmond was wondering if the Commission would want to cancel the July 2nd meeting. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Gilmore -Friend moved that the July 2nd Commission meeting be canceled seconded Motion carried 6 - 0 -1 (absent/Lauder). Appointment of Nominating Committee for the Election of Officers - Chairman McGowan stated the Commission will elect officers at the August meeting and appointed Commissioners Gilmore -Friend and himself to serve on the nominating committee. REPORTS - Richmond 1) More debris has been removed from the parking lot behind Howard Avenue (where the temporary library was); curbs have not been replaced to date and landscaping cannot be done until there is water service in the planting areas. 2) A Warning Notice has been sent to 512 Primrose Road requesting ivy be removed from the City's sidewalk and street tree. 3) Several Pine trees at Bayside Park were removed to accommodate the field lighting project. 4) The tree pruning contractor has almost completed the Eucalyptus pruning north of Oak Grove on California Drive and will be removing a couple of Eucalyptus on Burlingame Avenue. If there is time left on the contract, several Eucalyptus on the north side of Oak Grove (East of Carolan) will be pruned. 5) Lantana has been planted in the aggregate boxes in front of Crosby Commons on Burlingame Avenue. McGowan - Chairman McGowan thanked Superintendent Richmond for the Lantana plantings on Burlingame Avenue. 1) Chips have been placed around the newly planted Eucalyptus trees on El Camino but they have been stacked around the trunks. Superintendent Richmond stated he would contact CalTrans. 2) The Council reviewed the Beautification Commission's letter regarding undergrounding utilities in the Floribunda area. Chairman McGowan stated that he spoke to the issue at the Council meeting. The Public Works Director reported to the Council that monies for undergrounding utilities had been committed to the Airport Blvd. project but Council could change the priority to the Floribunda area. Private property owners would have to pay $1,00043,000 for single family residence or $8,000-$15,000 for a condominium. Council decided not to change the priority. Ward - Commissioner Ward asked Superintendent Richmond what the current status was on the El Camino Elm testing conducted by UC Extension. Superintendent Richmond reported that staff will soon be meeting with Larry Costello to discuss the results. REPORTS - (Contd.) Locke - Commissioner Locke asked Superintendent Richmond about the planned Eagle project in the area at the top of Hillside Dr. (near the stairs). Superintendent Richmond stated the Park -IN Supervisor, Bob Disco, will be assisting a young man trying to earn his Eagle Scout badge in selecting and planting some vines in the area as well as a general cleanup of the area. Commissioner Locke asked Director Williams if the cleanup at 101 and Broadway had been done. Director Williams responded that it appears the work has started and he will be monitoring the progress as time goes on. Williams - Director Williams reported that meetings have taken place with BART representatives regarding the tailtrack and the placement of a hedge or a visual wall along California Drive, east side, 2100 feet south of Murchison to Dufferin. BART has proposed an 8' hedge in that area to replace the Casurina's. Due to the high maintenance of maintaining a hedge and the time it will take for the hedge to provide a visual screen, Parks & Recreation staff proposed an 8' visual wall with Boston Ivy planted on the Westside of the wall as well as some other shrubs and trees every so often. Director Williams also stated that all the Eucalyptus trees behind Guittard will be removed, but that BART has agreed to replace two for every one tree removed. Director Williams added that the City Arborist has recommended that the removal of the Casurina's along California Drive be a phased removal in order to reduce the visual impact caused by the removals in that area. Director Williams informed the Commission that this item will be discussed at the June loth Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. FROM THE FLOOR Mr. Richard Kelly (1436 Cabrillo Avenue) stated he had no complaints about the Redwood tree at 1428 Cabrillo coming down if it needs to. He added his concerns were that he doesn't want the residents to convert the area (where the tree is) into a parking lot and that, he wants to make sure a replacement tree gets planted back on the property. Chairman McGowan thanked Mr. Kelly for his comments and told him that the Commission's decision could be appealed to the City Council within ten days. There being no further business and no further comments FROM THE FLOOR, Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary 4