HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - BC - 1999.09.02NOTICE BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 2, 1999 5:30 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM "A" AGENDA I. ROLL CALL H. MINUTES OF DULY 1, 1999 MEETING III. CORRESPONDENCE IV. FROM THE FLOOR (At this time, persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter. The Ralph M. Brown Act prohibits the Commission from acting on \,. any matter which is not on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes) V. OLD BUSINESS A. Beautification Commission Ordinance (3.28) B. Selection of Replacement Trees on Broadway VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Request for One Year Extension on Permit to Remove and Replace One Redwood Tree @ 1428 Cabrillo Avenue B. Request for Six Month Extension on Permit to Replace Two Palm Trees @ 1016 Morrell Avenue C. Request for Extension on Permit To Replace Two Pine Trees @ 3088 Alcazar D. Request for Extension on Permit to Replace One Acacia Tree @ 1325 California Dr. VII. REPORTS A. Park Superintendent B. Chairman C. Commissioners ONR CITY CITY OF BURLINGAME BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM O'�PO RAT[D u DATE: SEPTEMBER 24, 1999 TO: BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION FROM: TIM RICHMOND, PARKS SUPERINTENDENT RE: TREE PROTECTION ORDINANCE I met with City Attorney Larry Anderson to discuss the role of the Commission in granting extensions for permitted private tree removals. Larry indicated that the ordinance allows for only one six month extension, which is granted by the Parks and Recreation Director or his designee. The Commission is assigned no role in granting extensions of any kind. The Commission would only become involved if the Director denied an extension and the permittee appealed the denial. Permits are valid for a maximum of one year, i.e. six month permit plus a six month extension. After one year the permit seeker must reapply. Similarly, the Commission has no role in granting extensions for tree replacements. If the permittee fails to replace as required, the only avenues are legal or actions by the Department. These are unappealing. Larry said that a valid solution would be to state on the permit that a dollar amount would be assessed if the permittee failed to fulfill the replacement conditions of the permit. The assessment amount would have to be based on a demonstrable cost from a local vendor. Karlene found a cost of $400 for purchase and installation of a 24" box tree by a local nursery. The Department will begin using this procedure. The $400 cost will become a part of the conditions of the permit. The permittee will sign that he/she understands the condition. If a permittee fails to replace within the one year limit, he/she will be billed $400. The above seems to be simple and workable. CITY O URRLINGAME September 23, 1999 CITY OF BURLINGAME' PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTNIENT MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John Williams IT—" SUBJECT: F.Y.I. - El Camino Real 'frees Study CalTrans has completed the removal of the 13 trees that CalTrans and the City Arborist had agreed were a problem on El Camino Real. During this process they have also had to remove another 10 Elm trees that were sufTering with Dutch Eirn Disease,The I; trees that were removed were trees which had been injured by collisions with cars, trucks and buses and had some significant rot or structural problems. City stafrand CalTrans staff had agreed that we would take this opportunity to try out new testing techniques on the trees to be removed. City Arborist Steve Porter worked with CalTrans Arborist John Stepp in the development of a testing process for the trees being removed. We believe that CalTrans did a very thorough and professional job of testing all the trees before, during and after the removal process. It appears as though the testing process that was developed can be used to test for disease in all of the Eucalyptus trees on El Camino Real. CalTrans is now ready to enter the next phase and test all remaining Eucalyptus trees in Burlim,ame. Depending upon the time it takes to fund the testing, this process could take between six months and one year. I expect that, during the testing process, CalTrans will find at least some trees with health and safety problems. On a related matter, CalTrans is nearing the end of its annual routine trimming program on El Camino Real. The City Arborist advises me that the trimming crews appear to be doing a satisfactory job of trimming. The "hard" pruning that has been performed should be beneficial to the health of the trees in the future. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about El Camino Real trees. cc: Dennis Argyres Larry Anderson George 13a�,don Frank Erbacher Tim Richnxond Steve Porter CITY ocrry OF BURLINGAMEr���� B�RGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT CD1PDwT[D MEMORANDUM``' September 23, 1999 f0: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Beautification Commission FROM: John Williams rs SUBJECT: F.Y.I. Memo - Newsra( After many months of travail, the demonstration modular newsracks in the designated green color are in place at the Capuchino Post Office and in front of the Luggage Center on Lorton. I urge you to take a look at the installations and to consider whether or not you think these racks are appropriate for the Broadway and Burlingame Avenue business districts. Jane Gomery of the Public Works Department staff has been instrumental in helping select the racks, siting the newsrack locations, and in our dealings with newspaper vendors. I appreciate her assistance. The major problem we encountered has been the foot -dragging of the smaller newspapers and publications in paying for their boxes. The newsracks and installations are expensive and some of the publications took months and much prodding before they purchased their boxes. It was nice that the Chronicle agreed to install the demonstration newsracks, but I doubt that we can count on free installation services in the future. Now that all can see what is proposed, staff will begin work on redrafting the City's newsrack Ordinance. I believe that we should also setup a software program to track newsracks in the City. The current set of records is hopelessly outdated and inaccurate. I will report back on what will be required when we bring the proposed new Ordinance to the Commission and Council. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about newsracks. cc: Dennis Argyres Larry Anderson George Bagdon Tim Richmond Jane Gomery 0 rN"ir~ yy . ro { {> I I �y,, �f: •B .. y.. +,i/-� 'rJ � ��}� a rf -i.',• �,t 71 MII'J M14Wn. �. it .i,r. I '�'�aw�m�ranlww�nuu�oaurowlnnp!,ar I +N �� wli$I.� �'I Il����lp 6'p� ,� tlli I gll�d u II9111q I Ip I II�Ii�,�hl�llll f II ,�Ij I IIII Ipi I.�lilill IIIIII I � ,IIII � Ilea il,l o'I r II JI `Chanticleer' Callery Pear or `Cleveland Select' Callery Pear Py ca Ch Pyrus calleryana `Chanticleer' Factsheet 92 (P.P. 2489, trademarked) Height: 35' to 40' Width: 15' to 20' Hardiness Zone: 5 to 7 Crown: narrowly conical, medium texture Foliage: leaves glossy green, turning brilliant gold -red to plum in the fall, earlier than 'Bradford' by about three weeks Flowers: same as species — white, abundant, malodorous Fruit: 1/2 ", dull gold to russet, persistent Description: The original tree was selected in Ohio and introduced in 1965. Its conical form, maintained through maturity, has a tailored appearance. Advantages: Especially suitable where space to spread is limited. It enters dormancy earlier than 'Bradford', and is resistant to fireblight. It is thornless, and much less susceptible to wind breakage. Limitations: None reported. Site and Culture: Species information applies. Transplant B&B in spring. Adaptable to many soils, and tolerant of pollution and drought. Pruning should begin when trees are young and continue until a strong scaffold for the mature size has been established. Planting two or more "t cultivars together may increase fruit set. Notes: ©1989 by The Pennsylvania State University. Municipal Tree Restoration Program, School of Forest Resources, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 /� Q'.\:\FBI 111 \1If p�C O�pNF ODNRIllinois ���� Department of PENNSYLVANIA OHIO DEPARTMENT OF Conservation H9 and &d togdhler 0a NATURAL RESOURCES tom. CITY c� CITY OF BURLINGAMEY�� H„R®E PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue. Burlingame. California 94010-2899 \ i _ ♦ ♦ AV Tele hone (650) 696 37 0 Parks Trees (6_0) 696 245 '"""T`°% Fax (650) 696-7216 E-mail: hurlrec(a aol.coni August 6, 1999 Conrad & Alma Dacanay 1428 Cabrillo Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: EXTENSION OF PERMIT TO REMOVE & REPLACE 1 REDWOOD TREE @ 1428 CABRILLO AVE. - BURLINGAME Due to a lack of quorum, the Burlingame Beautification Commission meeting of August 5th was cancelled. Your request for an extension of your permit will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of September 2, 1999. You will be notified of the decision in the mail. Should you wish to attend, the Commission meets at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, in Conference Room A, at 5:30 p.m. Sincerely, Tim Richmond Parks Superintendent RIJUn M a� CITY C� CITY OF BURLINGAME �� BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, California 94010-2899 Telephone (650) 696-3770 PParks / Trees (650) 696-7245 c••••..... Fax (650) 696-T? 16 • E-mail: burlrec(ir;aol.com September 3, 1999 Conrad and Alma Dacanay 1428 Cabrillo Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: REQUEST FOR A ONE YEAR EXTENSION ON PERMIT TO REMOVE A PROTECTED REDWOOD TREE @ 1428 CABRILLO AVENUE - BURLINGAME At its regular meeting of September 2, 1999, the Burlingame Beautification Commission approved \.. your request for an extension on the Protected Tree Removal permit to July 8, 2000 in order to prepare for the unanticipated large cost of the tree removal. Please note that replacement conditions of 7-6-98 City Council meeting still apply: The replacement tree should be a 24-inch box size Evergreen tree (inspected and approved by the inspector prior to planting), and must be a planted in the same location as the Redwood tree. Please contact the Parks Division at (650) 696-7245, when you are ready to meet the replacement requirements of the permit. Since , c Tim Richmond Parks Superintendent TR/kh CITY CITY OF Bti RLINGAME BURL�E PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame. California 94010-2899 x ti�o��@,� Telephone (650) 696-3770 Parks Trees (650) 696-7245;.�; Fax (6--50) 696-7216 E-mail: burlrec'u aol.com August 6, 1999 George McCracken 1008 Morrell Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: EXTENSION OF REMOVAL PE RMIT TO REPLACE 2 PALM TREES @ 1016 MORRELL AVE. - BURLINGAME Due to a lack of quorum, the Burlingame Beautification Commission meeting of August 5th was cancelled. Your request for an extension of your permit will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of September 2, 1999. You will be notified of the decision in the mail. Should you wish to attend, the Commission meets at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, in Conference Room A, at 5:30 p.m. Sincerely, 9'�' n k�`` Tim Richmond Parks Superintendent TR/kh CITY CITY OF BURLINGAME e��& BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT _ 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, California 94010-2899 „�. Telephone (650) 696-3770 • Parks / Trees (650) 696-7245 Fax (650)696-7216 • E-mail: burlrec@aol.com September 3, 1999 George McCracken 1008 Morrell Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION TO MEET TREE REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS @ 1008 MORRELL AVENUE - BURLINGAME �... At its regular meeting of September 2, 1999, the Burlingame Beautification Commission approved your request for an extension of your Protected Tree Removal permit to January 22, 2000 in order to meet tree replacement requirements. Please notify the Parks Division at (650) 696-7245 when the planting of two 24-inch box size trees has been completed. Sincerely, t Tim Richmond Parks Superintendent OR i II i CITY c� CITY OF BURLINGANIE BURL[ AME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 8>0 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame. California 94010-2899 x Telephone (6-0) 696-3770 • Parks Trees (650) 696-7245 �... Fax (650) 696-�'_ 16 • E-mail: burlrec'a aol.coin August 6, 1999 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Romanowitz 3088 Alcazar Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: EXTENSION OF PERMIT TO REPLACE 2 PINE TREES @ 3088 ALCAZAR - BURLINGAME Due to a lack of quorum, the Burlingame Beautification Commission meeting of August 5th was cancelled. Your request for an extension of your permit will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of September 2, 1999. You will be notified of the decision in the mail. Should you wish to attend, the Commission meets at City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, in Conference Room A, at 5:30 p.m. Sincerely, (—� ek%C. Tim Richmond Parks Superintendent OR 000 CITY o CITY OF BURLINGAME <� BU RLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame, California 940'10-2899 o " Telephone (650) 696-3770 Parks / Trees (650) 696-7245 c• Fax (650) 696-7216 E-mail: burlrec@aol.com September 3, 1999 Mr. and Mrs. Romanowitz 3088 Alcazar Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: REPLACEMENT OF TWO PINE TREES @ 3088 ALCAZAR AVENUE - BURLINGAME At its meeting of September 2, 1999, the Burlingame Beautification Commission considered your request for a sixth extension to replace the removal of two private pine trees on your property. The Commission moved that, since replacement trees could be planted anywhere on the private property \.1 and that the issuance of the permit dates back to January 3, 1996, the permit be extended for only three months to December 2, 1999. Please notify the Parks Division at (650) 696-7245 as soon as the planting of two 24-inch box size replacement tree has been completed. Sincerel , Tim Richmond Parks Superintendent Enclosure: Urban Reforestation and Tree Protection Ordinance CC: Larry Anderson, City Attorney ��.� CITY OF BURLINGAME Y,-k-e BURLINGAME PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 850 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame. California 94010-2899 Telephone (650) 696-3770 Parks / Trees (650) 696-7245 '1A • """"° Fax (650) 696-7216 E-mail: burlrec a aol.com September 3, 1999 Nasser Almassi 1325 California Drive Burlingame, CA 94010 RE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION TO MEET TREE REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS @ 1325 CALIFORNIA DRIVE - BURLINGAME At its regular meeting of September 2, 1999, the Burlingame Beautification Commission approved your request for an extension the Protected Tree Removal permit to December 2, 1999 in order to meet tree replacement requirements. Please notify the Parks Division at (650) 696-7245 when the planting of one 24-inch box size tree has been completed so that we may schedule an inspection. Sincerely, A Tim Richmond Parks Superintendent