HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1999.07.01OR BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION DULY 1. 1999 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:32 p.m. by Chairman McGowan. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman McGowan, Commissioners Ellis, Lauder, Locke, and Rossi Absent: Commissioners Gilmore -Friend and Ward Staff: Parks & Recreation Director Williams, Park Superintendent Richmond, Administrative Secretary Harvey, and Landscape Inspector Quadri Guests: John Coovert, R.R. Miller, Hoover Avenue residents: Betsy Jorgensen, Teddi Grant - Adel, Carol Hatfield, David Plyer, Dale Mazini, Abina Sullivan MINUTES - The minutes of the June 3, 1999 were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Staff Report from Inspector Quadri and permit application to remove 13 Eucalyptus trees at 2300 Adeline Drive (Sisters of Mercy). Letter to Denis O'Brien informing him that the Beautification Commission moved to continue his request to the July 1 meeting for the removal of six protected Eucalyptus trees at 524 El Camino and that, a current report from a certified Arborist be submitted as to the condition and safety of the trees. Memo from Director Williams to the Commission informing them that the property owner of 524 El Camino appealed the decision to continue to the June 21 Council meeting in order to avoid delays to the project at 530 El Camino Real. Letter to Commissioner Ward informing him that the City Council observed a moment of silence to reflect on his current medical struggle. Letter to Elisabet Sahtouris, 1477 Floribunda, from the City Clerk notifying her that the City Council held a public hearing on the appeal of the Beautification Commission decision on removal of a tree at 535 Almer, and upheld the decision to allow removal of the Acacia tree. Memo from Director Williams to the Commission regarding the Proposal for Tree Planting on California Drive. Memo from Director Williams to the Commission regarding the Proposed Changes to the Commission's Enabling Ordinance. Letter from Betsy Jorgensen, 1514 Hoover Avenue, with attached signatures from 18 area residents supporting the removal of 13 Eucalyptus trees at 2300 Adeline Drive (Sisters of Mercy). FROM THE FLOOR - RR. Miller, 1105 Dufferin, stated that of 116 homes in his area 20 have no street trees. He displayed an aerial map of 30 years ago showing how many trees were once in the City. Chairman McGowan explained that the current City policy is to plant a tree when a resident requests a street tree or to replant a tree when a City street tree is removed. Mr. Miller submitted a map showing where there are no street trees in the area from Dufferin Avenue to Rosedale. OLD BUSINESS Permit Application to Remove Thirteen Protected Eucalyptus Trees ar, 2300 Adeline Drive (Sisters of Mercy.) - Inspector Quadri stated he referred this permit application to the Commission due to the large number of trees to be removed and the impact to the immediate and surrounding neighborhood. He commented that the accompanying Arborist Report only identifies the trees being considered but does not speak to the condition of each individual tree. Inspector Quadri stated that the Commission should recommend that the property owner obtain another Arborist Report itemizing what the problems are on each tree before the permit is approved. Commissioner Rossi noted that the Arborist Report states the trees being close to 100 years old, and asked if that was accurate. Inspector Quadri stated, yes, but that the comment stating that they have reached their life span of 100 years is not accurate. Commissioner Locke asked if the Eucalyptus were susceptible to blow over. Inspector Quadri stated that if the trees were maintained, and the wind sail reduced, they would be less susceptible to wind throw; Oaks that are not maintained are susceptible to limb breakage. Superintendent Richmond added that Oaks are susceptible to blow over if they have Oak Root fungus. Commissioner Rossi commented that perhaps some of the Eucalyptus trees could be removed but —*N maybe not all thirteen. Commissioner Locke stated that the Commission was recently presented with a similar situation in that there was no Arborist Report on the unsafe condition of the trees to justify their removal. She added that she feels the Commission needs more information to justify approving the removal of these protected trees. Commissioner Lauder noted that the trimming of one of the Eucalyptus trees would greatly benefit a nearby Redwood tree. She also stated that if the Pines in the area are lost due to pine pitch canker, and the Eucalyptus trees numbered 1 - 5 are removed, the current screen will be lost. Commissioner Ellis asked Inspector Quadri if trimming the Eucalyptus trees would help the other trees in the area. Inspector Quadri stated that an Arborist Report could make that determination. Chairman McGowan recognized applicant John Coovert. Mr. Coovert stated that the decision to remove the trees is because the trees are planted so close to one another that the roots are intertwined; the Eucalyptus trees are non-native, and the other trees are being choked out. Mercy is trying to bring the property back to what it once was, "The Oaks". He added that 10 - 12 Oak trees have been planted each year on the property; the Eucalyptus trees would also be replaced with Oak trees. He concluded that this is a very expensive project but their main concern is for their neighbors safety. ,..� 2 Permit Application to Remove Thirteen Protected Eucalyptus Trees na 2300 Adeline Drive (Sisters of Mercy) - (Contd.) - David Plyer, 1530 Hoover Avenue, stated that many of the neighbors who signed the petition were �-' present in the audience. He added that safety is a major concern for the neighbors and that the Arborist Report does recommend removal for general safety reasons, that the request to remove these trees is to save lives. He stated that removal of these trees would not change the urban forest and that the applicant has planned to plant Oak trees in the same area where feasible. He asked the Commission to imagine living under these trees and to consider the removal and replacement of the Eucalyptus trees as an exchange of trees rather than an elimination. Elisa Vicacoma, 1502 Adeline, stated that she is frightened when the wind blows or when there is a storm and requests that the trees at least be trimmed. Betsy Jorgenson, 1514 Hoover Avenue, stated that she spoke with Ken Meyer who submitted the existing Arborist Report. He indicated to her that by only removing the diseased Eucalyptus would only cause the others to become more susceptible to failure. Dale Mazini, 1524 Hoover Avenue, commented that on windy days the trees are bent over their homes. Abina Sullivan, 1528 Hoover Avenue, reported that on stormy days and nights big branches and bark strips fall into the street and makes a terrible mess and on one occasion the street sweeper had to come by because the street was impassible. �.. Inspector Quadri noted that in reference to the Arborist Report, a tree identified with a "lean" quite possibly could have a stronger root structure and with regard to one of the audience comments, Ken Meyer may have stated to her that if one tree is removed from a grove, the remaining trees could be adversely affected, but the existing Arborist Report does not clarify those descriptions or state those comments. NO Chairman McGowan stated the question is really Eucalyptus trees vs. Oak trees; if the Eucalyptus trees were removed the Oak trees would flourish. The Mercy property was previously known as "The Oaks". The Eucalyptus trees are non-native and being near the fire break are very flammable. He stated that he is sympathetic to removal but would also like to see a more complete Arborist Report. Commissioner Rossi stated that there are good arguments on both sides and is moved by how the neighborhood has come together on this item. He commented, however, that there is no apparent evidence of danger and he doesn't believe that the Arborist Report makes a good case. He suggested that in the future, when at the time such an application is submitted, that the applicant be asked to submit an Arborist Report describing the condition of each tree. He added, that if these Eucalyptus trees have reached their life span as the Arborist Report suggests, and that most Eucalyptus trees in the City are fairly close in age, loss of these trees at once will be a big impact to this City's urban forest. 3 Permit Application to Remove Thirteen Protected Eucalyptus Trees P, 2300 Adeline Drive (Sisters of Mercy) - (Contd.) - Commissioner Locke commented that taking into consideration the age of the trees, the residents bought their homes knowing the trees were there. She wondered if the behavior of the trees had changed over time or are they now dangerous but weren't before? She noted that she is in favor of removing a dangerous tree but the burden of proof justifying removal should be the responsibility of the applicant; that removal of a protected tree because it is a nuisance and makes a street messy, or because someone is feeling afraid is not a good justification. Chairman McGowan clarified that most of the residents present had owned their homes for 40 or more years and that the trees are older and over that time have grown taller. Commission discussed replacement with Oak trees. Inspector Quadri confirmed that the permit application specifically states that they will replant with Oak trees. Commissioner Locke noted that clearly, they could not be planted where the removals occur because of the spreading canopy of the Oak; that, replacements would need to be planted further back from where the existing Eucalyptus trees are. Superintendent Richmond stated that the application did not state they would replant in the same location. Following the discussion, Commissioner Rossi moved that the application be approved to remove 13 Eucalyptus trees and replant with Oak trees; seconded (Lauder). Motion carried 4 - 1 (opposed/Locke) - 2 (absent). Inspector Quadri informed the applicants that pending any appeals, the permit would be issued after the close of the next Council meeting of July 6th. Beautification Commission Ordinance (3.28� - Chairman McGowan noted that the Commission received a memo from Director Williams with his suggestions regarding the proposed changes to the ordinance. Director Williams commented that the City Attorney has been on vacation and has not had a chance to review or comment on the June 24 memo to the Commission. Committee Chair Locke stated the committee was interested in conveying what the Beautification Commission does, so that someone could clearly understand the Commission's function by looking at the ordinance. The Commission reviewed and discussed Director Williams suggestions and the Committee's proposed changes. Following the discussion, Chairman McGowan and Committee Chair Locke agreed to make recommended changes and submit to the Commission for further review. Selection of Replacement Trees on Broadway - Superintendent Richmond stated more evergreen varieties for the Commission to consider might be the Eucalyptus ficifolia and the Eucalyptus nicolai; the Pittosporum can be viewed on Burlingame Avenue in front of La Pinata. Chairman McGowan commented that their is a Podocarpus on Primrose Road near the old Wells Fargo Bank. Superintendent Richmond stated Carrotwoods could be seen in San Mateo between 3rd and 4th Avenues. Commissioner Lauder stated that the Commission may also want to consider alternating Chinese Pistache and Aristocrat Pear. Following a brief discussion, Commission agreed to continue discussion to the August 5th meeting. "1 4 Staff Report Regarding Street Tree Planting on California Drive - The Commission discussed the proposal submitted by Director Williams to plant approximately 98 Aristocrat Pear trees in every reasonable location on California Drive from Broadway to Burlingame Avenue. Director Williams stated that the proposal recommends this project, costing approximately $40,000 - $60,000 dollars, be funded by BART money already earmarked for the tree replacement fund. He added that existing trees would not be removed as part of the project and that the sidewalk cutting, purchase of sidewalk grates and installation, and the purchase and planting of the trees be contracted -out. The proposal further recommends that City staff not take over tree maintenance until one year after trees have been planted. The Commission further reviewed the proposal. Commissioner Locke asked where Director Williams came up with the costs? Director Williams said figures were obtained from a contractor. Director Williams stated that the sidewalk grates were the most expensive part of the project. Commissioner Rossi asked if the sidewalk grates were necessary. Superintendent Richmond responded that the grates are for wheelchair safety and also prevents the planting wells from becoming compacted. Following further discussion, Commissioner Rossi moved that the proposal to plant Aristorcrat Pear trees on California Drive be recommended to City Council for approval, seconded (Locke). Motion carried 5 - 0 - 2 (Absent). Triangle at Broadway Entrance to Burlingame - Director Williams reported that he met with the CalTrans representative. CalTrans lacks staffing for these kinds of projects but they are amenable to working with Burlingame. Director Williams added that just recently CalTrans crews were going to place bark chips in the area, but public works staff had some concerns about the type of chip used. Director Williams concluded that future plans for the area include fixing the irrigation, volunteer cleanup and perhaps the planting of iceplant to create a more formal look. Pershing Park Tree Dedication - Item has been postponed until a later date. Election of Commission Officers - Nominating Committee members Ellis and Lauder presented the slate of new Commission officers: Chairman - Commissioner Locke Vice Chairman - Commissioner Rossi Corres. Secretary - Commissioner Lauder Commissioner Lauder moved that the slate of officers be accepted; seconded (Ellis). Motion carried S - 0 - 2 (Absent). The new terms of office will begin in September. REPORTS - Richmond - 1) A Shoreline Cleanup has been scheduled for September 18th. The event will be well publicized. The coordinator from the City of Burlingame will be Phil Monahan from the Public Works Department. 2) Plantings of ceanothus and red buds were selected for the Hillside Circle at Alvarado project. Supervisor Disco's current plans for the site is to develop a demonstration garden with drought tolerant plants. 3) The City Arborist is monitoring the Mayten trees at 401 Ansel; currently the trees are alright. M REPORTS (Contd.) McGowan - Chairman McGowan reported that there are nails and glass in the alleyway at Lexington Way. - N Lauder - Commissioner Lauder thanked the Parks Division for replacing the Chinese Pistache tree on Oak Grove in front of the tennis courts. She also reported that a Liquidambar tree is cracking the planter in front of 1423 Burlingame Avenue. Superintendent Richmond stated that he had previously reported that concern to Jane Gomery in the Public Works Department but that he will report it to her again. There being no further business, Chairman McGowan adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, fKa*rIene­Ha7rvey Recording Secretary "*N "IN