HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1999.01.07BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION JANUARY 7, 1999 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Vice -Chair Locke. ROLL CALL Present: Vice -Chair Locke, Commissioners Ellis, Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Root and Ward Absent: Commissioner McGowan Staff: Park Superintendent Richmond, Administrative Secretary Harvey, and Parks & Recreation Director Williams Guests: Jack Friend and Ken Castle MINUTES - Commissioner Lauder noted that "Jill Heineman" is spelled "Jill Heinemann". Minutes of the December 3, 1998 meeting were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Harold and Margaret Romanowitz, 3088 Alcazar Drive, informing them that the Commission granted an extension on their tree removal permit to June 30, 1999, in order to meet the planting requirement of two 24-inch box size trees. Letter to Travis and Alexa Culwell, 2109 Hillside Drive, informing them that the Commission granted an extension on their tree removal permit to May 6, 1999, in order to meet the planting requirement of one 24-inch box size tree. Letter to Mike and Gene Weeks, 7 Kenmar Way, informing them that the Commission voted to deny the appeal to their tree removal request and to issue them a permit to remove three Monterey Pine trees in the backyard of their property. Letter from Mayor Janney, extending her sincere appreciation toVirginia Schinagl for her four years of service on the Burlingame Beautification Commission. Letter(s) from Mayor Janney, advising Jo -Ellen Ellis and Craig Rossi of their new appointments to the Beautification Commission and to William McGowan of his reappointment to the Commission. Letter to Richard Rossi, 2411 Easton Drive, informing him that the Commission granted an extension on his tree removal permit to June 3, 1999, in order to meet the planting requirement of one 24-inch box size tree. Letter from the Beautification Commission to Sela Maka, expressing their deep sadness and sympathy in the death of her husband and City of Burlingame Tree Trimmer, Kesomi Maka. CORRESPONDENCE (Contd.) _*N Letter(s) from Director Williams to newly appointed Commissioners Craig Rossi and Jo -Ellen Ellis, congratulating them and providing them information pertinent to their assignment. Memo from Director Williams to Beautification Commissioners regarding and providing information on City Ordinances pertinent to the Beautification Commission. E-mail from Commissioner Locke to the Beautification Commission regarding her recommendations for renovation of the "City Park" at Alvarado & Hillside Circle. Roster of Council, Commissions and Staff. Memo from Director Williams to the City Council and the Beautification Commission regarding the status of tree inspections and removals on El Camino Real. Card from Sela Maka thanking the Commission for expressing their condolences in the unexpected passing of her husband, Kesomi Maka. OLD BUSINESS Public Information Regarding City Trees - Vice -Chair Locke stated that the Commission began to review the information and language provided to the public with regard to City street trees and private trees and that Director Williams presented a document to be sent to new residents in Burlingame. At the November meeting the Commission suggested some minor changes. Superintendent Richmond added that the Spring 1999 Recreation Brochure, which is mailed to every resident in the City, has information regarding City trees on page 41. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated the information in the Recreation Brochure was well done, made sense, and caught her eye. Commissioner Rossi asked if tree companies are notified of the tree ordinances in the City of Burlingame. Superintendent Richmond responded that, in the past, licensed tree operators have been informed and that perhaps, informing them again could be considered. Ken Castle, 1411 Drake, asked to speak to this issue. Mr. Castle stated: most people in the City are not familiar with the ordinances regarding trees; his neighbor removed a protected tree, and because he was not caught in the act by a City employee, the neighbor was not fined. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend stated that the City is very concerned about protecting and preserving the trees in Burlingame; replacement trees are required and efforts are made, when possible, to identify and fine individuals performing illegal removals. Commission decided to continue Public Information Regarding City Trees to the February 4th meeting. Arbor Day - March 5th —Superintendent Richmond stated Arbor Day ceremonies will be held at Pershing Park on March 5th at 10:00 a.m. Representative children from the local elementary schools as well as City Officials will be invited to participate. bo 4 OLD BUSINESS - (Contd.) Spring Garden Seminar (March 6th) - Superintendent Richmond stated Commissioner McGowan would be confirming with Elga Perez (City of San Mateo Landscaping Division) the topic and title of her presentation at the seminar. Commissioner Lauder stated she has arranged for the banner to be displayed from February 22nd to March 8th. Superintendent Richmond stated the seminar will be held in the Social Hall at the Recreation Center from 9:30-11:30 a.m.; Parks staff will provide the coffee/beverage and the Commission is asked to provide cookies or finger food. NEW BUSINESS Reauest for Extension to Meet Tree Replacement Reauirements at 2411 Easton Drive - Superintendent Richmond stated the resident is requesting an extension to complete a landscaping project and to install irrigation. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend moved that the Commission grant the permit be extended to June 3. 1999 in order to meet the planting requirement of one 24-inch box size tree, seconded Motion carried 6-0-1 (absent. Review of Commission Duties and Tree Ordinances - Superintendent Richmond commented that the Street Tree Ordinance refers to public trees that are in the City's rights of way. He presented a map showing the different rights of way in the City of Burlingame where City trees are planted. Superintendent Richmond explained measurements start from face of curb and can extend anywhere from 2-10' into the front lawn areas of properties. Superintendent Richmond stated that the ordinance provides for the Parks & Recreation Director to control the planting of trees, shrubs or ground cover in the planter strip; with the exception of street trees, residents can plant shrubs or ground cover of their choice providing they do not encroach onto the street or sidewalk or cause any visual or personal hazard; unless otherwise permitted, only City crews can plant, remove, and maintain City street trees. Tree lists have been designed for varying planter strip sizes as well as a list specifically designed for trees to be planted under P.G.&E primary lines. Superintendent Richmond added that the Commission just recently completed the latest revision of the Official Street Tree List. The Urban Reforestation Ordinance refers to any tree on private property that has a trunk circumference of 48" or more, measured at 54" above the base of the trunk of the tree. The ordinance was initially enacted to prevent the removal of a large Redwood tree during a construction project. Property owners are required to make application for the removal of a `significant" tree or the pruning of a tree's crown or roots by more than one-third. The City's Landscape Inspector inspects and renders decisions on proposed private removals, notifies adjacent property owners, and monitors the replacement of approved removals; the Inspector is also responsible for plan checking (with regard to proposed tree removals) and monitoring the replacement of approved tree removals on construction projects. Tree replacement conditions allow for trees to be planted anywhere on the private property but must be a 24" box size landscape tree or optionally three IS -gallon size trees. Denials or appeals of private tree removals can be appealed first, to the Beautification Commission and, then, to the City Council. Commissioner Rossi asked if tree planting is required as part of construction. Superintendent Richmond commented that the Urban Reforestation Ordinance is triggered whenever a construction project is proposed and tree removals and or tree replacements become part of the plan checkibuilding project. NEW BUSINESS - Review of Commission Duties and Tree Ordinances - (Contd The Brown Act essentially dictates that any quorum of Councilpersons and or Commissioners not hold a "meeting" or relative discussions outside of a public forum, and that would include any one on one sequential discussions. Superintendent Richmond explained that Commission Procedures generally assists and directs the Commission with regard to public meetings. Superintendent Richmond highlighted the section with regard to public comments and stated the Commission needs to be clear that the public comments must be closed by the chair before the Commission begins to discuss the item i.e., back and forth comments and discussion between the public and Commission should not occur. Vice -Chair Locke commented that some of the items in the Beautification Commission Ordinance appear obsolete, such as the Commission considering and making recommendation on the annual budget of the Parks Department or the Commission assisting in the planning of public parks, buildings, etc. Superintendent Richmond stated that it is not or has not been a common practice for the Commission to function in that way, but the Beautification Commission could assist in developing priority lists if they chose to do so. Director Williams stated the Parks and Recreation Commission does not develop parks or projects but the Commission is often asked for comments or input. Vice -Chair Locke stated that the Commission might want to review the Beautification Commission Ordinance and consider the need for any revisions. Commissioner Gilmore -Friend moved the Beautification Commission Ordinance (3.28) be placed on the February 4th agenda for revision considerations; seconded Motion carried 6-0-1(abseno. '-N REPORTS - Richmond - 1) Approximately 20 trees are being removed on the far South end of Bayside Park for the capping of the landfill for the new ballfield. 2) Timberline Tree Company has completed the trimming of the City's Eucalyptus trees in front of the Burlingame Plaza on the westside of El Camino and the Medical Building on the eastside of El Camino; the next tree trimming section will be North of North Lane along the CalTrain parking lot. 3) CalTrans will soon be removing 13 Eucalyptus trees that were identified as hazardous due to numerous vehicular hits and resulting disease; CalTrans identified 26 Eucalyptus trees but City Arborist Porter would only concur with the removal of 13 trees. CalTrans has indicated that replacement of the trees will be immediate and will be the Eucalyptus N icrotheca variety. The Resistograph and other tools are proving to be useful in developing criteria to determine when removal of a tree is appropriate. 4) The E-mail from Commissioner Locke regarding the renovation at Alvarado and Hillside Drive has been referred to Supervisor Disco and specifics will be reported back to the Commission at the next meeting. He added that that area has not been designated as a "City Park". Vice -Chair Locke commented that she was pleased that the City Arborist was able to convince CalTrans to remove fewer trees; Superintendent Richmond stated that Arborist Porter and CalTrans Representative John Stepp have a good working relationship, have worked hard, and have made some real concerted efforts to establish a criteria that is appropriate and useful. ia EI REPORTS - (Contd.) Gilmore -Friend - Reported that a neighbor reported to her that it appears the City Hall area has not been pruned, swept, or "tidied" lately. Superintendent Richmond stated he would have the crews check the area and that it is routinely cleaned.. FROM THE FLOOR Burlingame resident Ken Castle spoke to the Commission with regard to the City Council's recent decision to allow removal of all the Magnolia trees on Broadway as a part of the "Streetscape ' renovaiton project. He stated that the Council's rationale for removal of the trees included the needs to widen the sidewalks, and replace storm drains and water mains. He indicated that the Broadway Improvement District had made a formal request that the Magnolias be retained, but the Council approved the Public Works Director's plan to remove and then replant the trees. Mr. Castle commented that it would take 30 years for the new trees to grow to maturity and provide any attractive aesthetics. He stated that the Council was using the same justification for the removal of the Magnolias as CalTrans had tried to use for the removal of the Eucalyptus trees on El Camino Real. Mr. Castle believes that there will be a large group of concerned citizens and merchants appearing in force at the next -Council meeting. He believes this issue falls within the purview of the Beautification Commission and he encouraged the Commission to recommend that the City Council reconsider its decision to do a wholesale removal of the Magnolia trees on Broadway. Director Williams asked Chairman Locke for permission to briefly describe the processes leading up to the recent City Council decision on this matter. He noted that full fledged studies of both Burlingame Avenue and Broadway "streetscapes" were conducted in 1996. A consultant was hired to work with advisory committees for both streets. A broad mix of City officials, resident and merchants participated inn the studies. Chairman Will McGowan represented the Beautification Commission in the studies. Parks & Recreation staff and the Commission as a whole did not participate in the process. Williams noted that it has proved impossible to execute the Broadway improvement plan, as approved, without the removal of the Magnolia trees. On January 4, 1999 the City Council chose not to select the alternate plan presented to them. The alternate presented would save many of the trees, but would lose many of the benefits negotiated in the original plan. Williams noted that this project is not a Parks & Recreation Department project, but he will provide the Commission with a report next week so Commissioners can better understand the issue. The Commission may place this matter on its agenda for discussion at the Commission's regular February meeting if Commissioners so desire. FROM THE FLOOR - (Contd.) Vice -Chair Locke thanked Mr. Castle for his comments and advised the Commissioners present to inform themselves on this matter, as they may be approached by citizens. Commissioner Gilmore- Friend moved that this item be placed on next month's agenda: seconded Motion carried 6-0- 1 absent. There being no further business and no further comments FROM THE FLOOR, Vice -Chair Locke adjourned the meeting at 6.50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary 9 FSO