HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2000.06.01BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION JUNE 1, 2000 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Chairperson Locke. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Locke, Commissioners Ellis, Hesselgren, Lauder, McGowan, and Webb (arrived @ 6:15 p.m.). Absent: Commissioner Rossi Staff: Parks & Recreation Director Williams, City Arborist Porter, Administrative Secretary Harvey MINUTES - The minutes were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Superintendent Richmond to Betty Ward informing her that the tree planting in memory of Bill Ward, will be held at Heritage Park on Saturday, June 10 at 10:00 a.m. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. The order of the agenda was changed because Commissioner Webb had not yet arrived. OLD BUSINESS Tree Planting k Heritage Park in Memory of William Ward - June loth - Chairperson Locke stated that all the arrangements have been made. Chairperson Locke will make the opening introductions and attendees will have an opportunity to share some memories of Bill as well as assist with the tree planting. Commissioner Lauder has offered to provide light refreshments following the ceremony. Shoreline Improvements Discussion - Chairperson Locke suggested this item be discussed at the end of the meeting because Commissioner Webb had not yet arrived and he had a particular interest in this item. NEW BUSINESS Reauest for Permit Extension to Meet Reulacement Reauirements for Private Tree Removal a(�, 1516 Drake Avenue - Arborist Porter stated the applicant has requested an additional extension because they plan to plant the replacement tree back in the same area following necessary repairs to the patio. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner McGowan moved that the applicant be granted a six month extension in order to meet the tree planting requirements; seconded Motion carried S - 0 - 2 (absent/Rossi and Webb). Trash Receptacles in the Burlingame Avenue Business District - Commissioner McGowan stated that he had surveyed the area. He presented to the Commission a map of the existing cans in the Burlingame Avenue area and a map of some suggested locations where as many as 16 trash receptacles could be placed. He noted that there very few trash cans on the side streets as you leave Burlingame Avenue. Commissioner McGowan concluded that given the amount of restaurants and fast food businesses in the area it seems there should be more trash receptacles provided. Trash Receptacles in the Burlingame Avenue Business District - (Cont'd.l - The Commission reviewed the maps and discussed the trash particularly behind the Burlingame Hotel. Following the discussion, Commissioner McGowan moved that, in order to maintain the beauty of our public landscaped areas, the Beautification Commission recommend to the City Council and to City staff that 16 new trash receptacles be added and placed in the Burlingame Avenue Business area as per the .Iune 1. 2000 - Downtown Trash Receptacle .Survey: seconded Motion carried S - 0 - 2 (absentlRossi and Webb). Nominating Committee Appointment for August Election of Officers - Chairperson Locke asked if anyone would volunteer to serve on the Nominating Committee. Commissioners Ellis and Lauder agreed to serve and will present a slate of officers to the August 3rd Commission meeting. REPORTS Porter - 1) Arborist Porter reported that trees have been planted on the South side of Broadway at Chula Vista as part of the Broadway Streetscape. 2) A large Italian Stone Pine tree in Washington Park will soon be removed; the tree died due to the contraction of a fungus combined with a beetle infestation. Locke - Chairperson Locke reported that she believes the Wisteria planted in the Hillside Cr./Alvarado area is dead. Arborist Porter stated he would inform Supervisor Disco. Hesselgren - Commissioner Hesselgren reported that a large, private Redwood tree was recently removed on Winchester Avenue. She asked if the property owner had applied for a permit and if -� adjacent property owners had been properly notified. Arborist Porter stated he would check into the matter and report back. Lauder - Commissioner Lauder reported that she spoke to CalTrans representative, Herman Ramirez, regarding the "triangle" area 101 at Broadway. Mr. Ramirez suggested that members of the Commission consult and meet with the CalTrans Landscape Specialist, Mariko Roberts, and discuss some landscaping possibilities for the area. Commissioner Lauder added that Mr. Ramirez indicated that he would try and secure some funds from CalTrans for landscaping. Following a brief discussion, Chairperson Locke and Commissioners Lauder, Hesselgren, and McGowan agreed to meet on July 21 st to discuss possibilities for the area. Commissioner McGowan volunteered to take photographs of the area prior to their meeting. McGowan - Commissioner McGowan reported to Arborist Porter that ivy is growing up into the Elm trees on the 500 block of Primrose and that the Magnolia trees on Chapin Avenue (in front of Mollie Stone's) are suffering. Arborist Porter stated that a Warning Notice would be sent to the property owner on Primrose Road for ivy removal and that deep root irrigation and liquid fertilization is being conducted on the Magnolia trees on Chapin Avenue. Ellis - Commissioner Ellis reported that the sidewalk in the 300 block area of Dwight looks very dangerous. Arborist Porter stated that he believed the sidewalk repair contract will be working in that area in the next fiscal year, but that he would refer this item to the Public Works Department. Commissioner Webb was now present and so at this time, the Commission returned to their discussion on the Shoreline Improvements Discussion - Commissioner Webb stated that he received information from Mr. Amstrup regarding an overall plan of the shoreline dating back to 1965. 2 Shoreline Improvements Discussion - (Cont'd) - He added that there is still a portion of shoreline �-- property adjacent to the "Pataya Princess" that State Lands wants to lease out. Commissioner Webb concluded that if different groups would work together State Lands might allow parkland to be developed there. Chairperson Locke stated that the Beautification Commission's charter has significant limitations as to how much input they can have on this particular item; things such as hardscape, engineering, and design are out of the Commission's jurisdiction and are more likely handled in other City departments. Director Williams added that, according to the City Attorney, the Commission's charter prevents them from doing very much on this item at all. Commissioner McGowan stated that the Commission is allowed to make recommendation to Council but cannot take an active role in implementing process unless invited to do so. Commissioner Hesselgren commented that she believed the proposal of a park would be outside the Beautification Commission's jurisdiction, that perhaps the Park & Recreation Commission would be the more appropriate Commission for this discussion to be held. Following further discussion, Commissioner McGowan moved that, for the further beautification of Burlingame and the enjoyment of it's citizens, the Beautification Commission recommends that the City Council consider the State Lands Commission parcel on the bay (East of Kincaids), for possible use as a landscaped bayfront open space park, instead of commercial development; seconded Motion carried 6 - 0 - I (absent/Rossi). Commissioner Webb noted that this parcel could be a jewel of the whole area and added that he would like to see the development of a Master Plan for the shoreline area. There being no further business, Chairperson Locke adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, r r Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary