HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2000.05.04BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION MAY 4, 2000 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:35 p.m. �-' by Vice -Chairperson Rossi. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Locke (arrived late),Vice Chair Rossi, Commissioners Ellis, Hesselgren, Lauder, and Webb Absent: Commissioner McGowan E 'Z666'1 Staff: Parks & Recreation Director Williams, Parks Superintendent Richmond, City Arborist Porter, Administrative Secretary Harvey MUgMS - Commissioner Webb asked the minutes be corrected to read under: NEW BUSINESS - Proposed Charette for Shoreline Improvements (paragraph 5), Commissioner Webb stated that perhaps the Beautification Commission could serve as "watch dog" for the City's guidelines and regulations in the Anza area development. The minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Pictures submitted by Commissioner Webb of the current condition of the shoreline and related history of shoreline development. Memo from Superintendent Richmond to the Commission informing them that, according to Jerry Winges, the Chamber of Commerce has no new plans for a new bay front Charette, but that the Chamber will be reviewing findings from the last Charette that was held several years ago. Memo from Director Williams to the Commission regarding the Commission's Role in Waterfront Issues. Letter from Arborist Porter to Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal offering the option to pay $175 into the tree replacement fund or requesting an extension from the Commission to meet planting requirements for private tree removal at 1516 Drake Avenue. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal (1516 Drake Avenue) requesting an extension in order to meet planting requirements on their tree removal permit. Due to the heavy rains, applicants have not been able to remove the stump and the patio floor to plant a tree in the same area. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. The order of the agenda was changed because Commissioners Webb, Ellis, and Lauder needed to leave for other last minute commitments. OLD BUSINESS Shoreline Improvements Discussion - Commissioner Webb submitted a document titled Addendum to Public Access Guidelines for the Anza Area. Burlingame to the Commission and suggested the Commission approve and submit to Council for consideration. Commissioner Webb explained that he believes long term goals should be implemented to establish some controls in the bay front area until a master plan is implemented and the whole area developed. He added that the riprap and the retaining wall should be addressed sooner rather than later. OLD BUSINESS - Shoreline Improvements Discussion - (Cont'd.) - Commissioner Webb stated that cities up and down the bay front do many things to maintain the shoreline and that funds were established years ago for protecting the shoreline. He concluded that the City should enforce mitigation efforts and make the developers responsible. Chairperson Locke stated that the Beautification Commission has significant limitations as to their jurisdiction over this area; that, the Commission can make some recommendations and try to influence the Council, but Commission cannot set policy. Commissioner Rossi stated that the Commission could clearly state or recommend that the preservation of the shoreline be a priority; and that, Burlingame's "beautification" standards be also implemented on the bay front. He added that, perhaps the Commission should ask the City Attorney to advise the Commission as to how to move forward with a recommendation to Council, that would express the Commission's concerns about protection of the shoreline. The Commission discussed its role with regard to the bay front issues and the Commission's purview. Director Williams commented that the Commission must keep in mind the nexus of the Beautification Commission's duties, i.e., landscaping or tree planting, with issues raised about the shoreline area. He added that, in the shoreline area, there are three different land use scenarios: private, state, and city. Private and state property are sometimes dealt with very differently than with City property. Chairperson Locke stated that she was not ready to approve the addendum submitted by Commissioner Webb. She added that she would like to table this item to allow for time to review the addendum and discuss at the next Commission meeting. It was the consensus of the Commission that this item be tabled. CalTrans Adopt -a -Highway' Program/Triangle Area Off Southbound 101 (1 Broadway - Chairman Locke asked Commissioner Lauder to address this item. Commissioner Lauder stated that when the CalTrans representative, Mr. Ramirez, addressed the Commission at the February meeting, he stated that one of the options for maintenance of the "triangle" was to contact him and request maintenance of the area. She added that Mr. Ramirez stated he would then schedule his maintenance crew to come and do the work. Commissioner Lauder suggested, that the Commission could try this option rather than "adopting" the area. Following a brief discussion, Chairperson Locke moved that the Commission accept the offer from the CalTrans representative to provide labor and funding to maintain and make incremental improvements to the "triangle" at Broadway off southbound 101, (with appropriate input from the Beautification Commission with regard to plantings/landscaping); seconded (Lauder). Motion carried 6-0-1 (absent/McGowan). NEW BUSINESS Cancellation of June 1. 2000 Commission Meeting - Superintendent Richmond stated this item was placed on the agenda because, at the time of posting the May agenda, it appeared there would be no business. However, a request for a permit extension has since been received and the shoreline discussion has now been tabled to the "next" meeting. After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed not to cancel the June Beautification Commission meeting due to pending business items. Commissioners Ellis and Lauder excused themselves at 6:20 p.m. 4 REPORTS Richmond - Superintendent Richmond asked that Arborist Porter address the Commission at this time regarding Commissioner Webb's concern about the pile up of debris around the grove of Eucalyptus trees along the railroad tracks. Arborist Porter stated that he inspected the Eucalyptus trees in the area and found the trees to be in good health. He noted that there is a build up of approximately 2-3 feet of leaves and bark but believes there is good transpiration of water and air. He did not see any rot at the base of the trunks. Arborist Porter concluded that the trees have some die back on the tops, due to competition for water in the area, but the die back will be pruned out during the scheduled trimming of these Eucs in the next fiscal year. Commissioner Webb requested that the contractor responsible for cleaning out the wash in the drainage ditch, be required to spread the material out and that it not be piled up around the trees. Arborist Porter stated that Park Staff will try to monitor that contract more closely, but that a call to the Park office reporting such incidents would be helpful. Superintendent Richmond reported on the following items: 1) The new Burlingame Soccer field opened on April 15th. 2) Landscape Architect John Cahalan is working with P.G.&E. and the Water Department to accurately survey the utilities on California Drive before moving ahead with the tree planting project. 3) Contract pruning of the Eucalyptus trees on Easton Drive has been completed. �. 4) Karlene is in contact with Betty Ward; Betty will inform the office when she and her family can be available for a tree planting ceremony in memory of Bill. 5) Ten Elm trees will soon be chemically injected for the control of Dutch Elm Disease. Commissioner Webb read a draft of a possible motion on the shoreline improvements. The Commission discussed the draft and after a brief discussion, Commissioner Webb stated he would make some changes and present a motion at the next Commission meeting. There being no further business, Chairperson Locke adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary