HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2000.04.06BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION APREL 6. 2000 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Vice -Chairperson Rossi. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chair Rossi, Commissioners Ellis, Hesselgren, Lauder, McGowan, and Webb Absent: Chairperson Locke Staff. Parks & Recreation Director Williams, Parks Superintendent Richmond, Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: Rochelle Malliett, Colman Conneely MINUTES - Secretary Harvey noted that the date on this month's Agenda should be corrected to read April 6. The minutes of the March 2, 2000 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Superintendent Richmond to the Garden Study Club of the Peninsula thanking them for the $50 contribution for the Arbor Day tree planting. Letter(s) from Superintendent Richmond to Dave Wachtel (Calif. Department of Forestry) and Wacek Dennaoui (TCI Cablevision) thanking each of them for their participation and cooperation in the Arbor Day ceremonies at Laguna Park. Letter to John Chiapelone (Burlingame Garden Center) thanking him for his informative and enjoyable presentation at the Spring Garden. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. OLD BUSINESS CalTrans 'Adopt -a -Highway' Program/Triangle Area Off Southbound 101 k Broadway - Vice -Chair Rossi postponed discussion on this item to the latter part of the agenda. Memorial Tree Planting in Memory of William Ward - Due to some conflicts with dates, the Commission has decided to postpone the memorial tree planting until Mrs. Ward can make arrangements for her family to be present at the tree planting. NEW BUSINESS Proposed Charette for Shoreline Improvements - Commissioner Webb presented renderings of the shoreline from the last Charette. He commented that the shoreline needs a new master plan development; that the wetlands have been filled in for the construction of new hotels; and that there has not been a plan for recreational improvements in the area. He presented pictures of the shoreline to the Commission and stated that asphalt has been dumped along the shoreline which causes pollution. Commissioner Webb suggested that the Beautification Commission align themselves with NEW BUSINESS - Proposed Charette for Shoreline Improvements - (Cont'd ) - groups that work to improve and protect the baylands, that, the Commission develop a template with certain standards that also address the ecological balance of the area, and that, new developments be required to follow the standards and improve the adjacent shorelines. Commissioner Webb concluded that, according to his discussions with City Engineer Erbacher, the shorelines are owned by private owners and the only time to initiate change is when the property changes hands. Vice -Chair Rossi responded that the Commission may want to make a recommendation to the Council but it would be the jurisdiction of the Planning staff to negotiate with the property owners. Commissioner Webb suggested that shoreline improvements be put on the next agenda. Vice -Chair Rossi concurred that this item should be agendized because it is a separate issue from the Charette. He recommended that Shoreline Improvements be placed on the May agenda. The Commission concurred. Commissioner McGowan stated that it was brought to his attention that an upcoming Charette will be sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and that Director Williams may have more information with regard to the Commission's involvement in the Charette. Director Williams responded that the Chamber of Commerce was responsible for the last Charette and that Council supported that activity. He added that the City Council encourages anyone serving on City commissions to participate as individuals in such community wide events but that, the Charette would not be something that the Commission would be in charge of, or would it be sponsoring a Charette unless the Council directed them to do so. He commented that the Parks & Recreation Department has no jurisdiction in that area and because of the different agencies involved in the area, the process of getting anything accomplished is cumbersome. Director Williams stated that he had hoped that Jerry Winges from the Chamber would be present to address the Commission with regard to the Chamber's upcoming Charette, but that had not been possible. Vice Chair Rossi recognized Colman Conneely, (General Manager, Sheraton Gateway Hotel). Mr. Conneely stated that he serves on the Chamber Board of Directors and that he would speak in Mr. Winges absence. Mr. Conneely commented that the Chamber of Commerce wants to be involved in addressing issues affecting the Burlingame shoreline and the surrounding area East of 101. He stated that the bayfront has been ignored and that, even though the BCDC has total control of the shoreline area and has established guidelines, it is not good at responding to calls or monitoring the area. Commissioner Webb stated that perhaps the Beautification Commission could serve as "watch dog" over the BCDC. Director Williams stated he would talk to the City Attorney before the next meeting to find out what the Commission can or cannot do with regard to the Shoreline and any improvements. Commissioner McGowan asked Mr. Conneely if the Chamber had set a date for the Charette. Mr. Conneely stated that the Chamber will be using materials from the last Charette, but a date had not yet been decided; the Charette is still in the planning stages. ..11-N 2 OLD BUSINESS - (Cont'd.) - CalTrans 'Ado tp a -Highway' Program/Triangle Area Off Southbound 101 nu Broadway - Vice Chair Rossi recommended that this item be held over to the May meeting when Chairperson Locke can be present to address the item. The Commission concurred; item will be held over to the May 4th Commission meeting. REPORTS Richmond - 1) The newsracks in front of La Pinata on Burlingame Avenue have been moved to allow handicap accessibility from the passenger side of a car parked in the handicap parking place. 2) The City Attorney has indicated that, as of yet, the City of Burlingame has not entered into negotiations with the City of San Francisco for the strip for sale on the East side of California Drive (just north of Oak Grove) but that the City of Burlingame may consider making an offer in the Fall. 3) Mr. Hennessey, from the Joint Powers Board, has indicated that the material along the railroad tracks is from the track construction; and that currently, there are no new tracks being laid. Superintendent Richmond stated that PW Superintendent Scott indicated that when the PW Department removes the spoils for the channel along the tracks, the spoils are left briefly to dry and then are removed from the site. 4) The specifications for the landscaping along the BART tailtrack is nearing completion. 5) John Cahalan, Landscape Architect, will be conducting a comprehensive study, with regard to utility issues along the West side of California Drive and also regarding issues of planting trees near the Fire Department garage exits, before the final proposal is crafted. Superintendent Richmond added that the area on California Drive around Stack's Restaurant is part of the Burlingame Avenue Streetscape project and will not be part of the California Drive Landscape project. 6) Sycamore tree pruning has been completed. Sycamores in the southeast quadrant of the City are scheduled to be trimmed in the Winter of 2000. 7) The Parks Division will take delivery of a second aerial lift for the tree crew this month. Webb - Commissioner Webb reported that there are piles of debris built up around the Eucalyptus trees near the railroad tracks and asked who would be responsible for clearing away the debris. Superintendent Richmond stated that there are many different jurisdictions in the area but he will have the City Arborist inspect the Eucalyptus trees and report back to the Commission at the next meeting. McGowan - Commissioner McGowan thanked Director Williams and Superintendent Richmond for having the newsracks in front of La Pinata moved. He added that Burlingame Avenue is very dirty with trash on the weekends and noted that there are very few trash cans on the side streets. Director Williams commented that he has noticed a can in need of attention behind La Pinata Restaurant and suggested the Commission assess how many garbage cans currently exist and how many are needed on the side streets. Commissioner McGowan asked that this item be placed on the June agenda. Commissioner McGowan also thanked Secretary Harvey and Superintendent Richmond for organizing the Spring Garden Seminar and the refreshments for the day. 3 REPORTS - (Cont'd.) - Lauder - Commissioner Lauder commented that the Arbor Day ceremonies and the Spring Garden Seminar went very well. She also stated that the new landscaping at the Park Corporation Yard entrance looks fresh and is very nice. Superintendent Richmond stated that Ben Caldwell, who designed the award winning landscaping in the atrium at the Recreation Center, also designed the new landscaping at Park yard entrance. There being no further business, Vice Chair Rossi adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, r Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary 4 bo "IN