HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2000.01.06BURLINGAME BEAUTiF'ICATION COMMISSION JANUARY 6.2000 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:32 p.m. by Chairperson Locke. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Locke, Commissioners Ellis, Hesselgren, Lauder, McGowan, Rossi, and Webb (arrived late) Staff: Park Superintendent Richmond and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guest: Donald Corey (arrived late) Chairperson Locke welcomed Commissioner Hesselgren and asked her to introduce herself. Commissioner Hesselgren stated that she works as a Commercial Property Manager and has lived in Burlingame for 40 years and is pleased to be serving on the Commission. MINUTES - The minutes of the December 2, 1999 meeting were corrected to read: Under ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson Locke, Commissioners Ellis, Gilmore -Friend, Lauder, Rossi, and McGowan. Minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Linda and Marc Yelnick, 2947 Frontera Way, informing them of the Commission's decision to deny their appeal for the removal of nine Pine trees and seven Cypress trees at their address. �-- Letter to Scott and Martha Ann Milliken, owners of 1750-1752 Sequoia Avenue, informing them of the Commission's decision to deny their appeal for the removal of a Brazilian Pepper at their address. Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Romanowitz, 3088 Alcazar, from Arborist Porter reiterating that at the November 2nd meeting, Commission action was that two replacement trees be planted at their address by December 2nd or that payment of $350 into the tree replacement fund would be required; but based on their phone conversation, he would grant a 30 day grace period for the trees to be planted. Commission Attendence Report, July - December 1999. Burlingame Beautification Commission Rules of Procedure. Letter to the City Council (received December 29th and postmarked December 27th), from Scott and Martha Ann Milliken, 1750/52 Sequoia Avenue, appealing the Commission's denial of their appeal to remove a private Brazilian Pepper tree. Letter from Superintendent Richmond to Scott and Martha Ann Milliken, 1750/52 Sequoia Avenue, informing them that the 10 day appeal window had lapsed and their appeal to City Council could not be accepted. CORRESPONDENCE - (Conte Copy of letter from Arborist Porter sent to the property owner at 101 Bayswater, and the adjacent property owners, informing them of the need to remove 2 city -owned Pine trees due to instability caused by impending root pruning for sidewalk, curb, and street repair. Letter(s) from Mayor O'Mahony to Laura Hesselgren and John Webb advising them of their appointments to the Beautification Commission. Letter from CalTrans representative, Carl Biancini, regarding the Adopt -a -Highway program. FROM THE FLOOR - There were no comments from the floor. OLD BUSINESS CalTrans `Adopt -a -Highway' Program/Triangle Area Off Southbound 101 (ate Broadway - Chairperson Locke stated Commissioner Lauder contacted CalTrans regarding the Adopt -a -Highway program. Commissioner Lauder reported that she spoke with Carl Bianchini regarding process and Mr. Bianchini sent correspondence explaining the program. Commissioner Lauder noted that the program usually involves adopting a larger portion of highway. She suggested it may be helpful to have Mr. Bianchini come to a future meeting to discuss the program. The Commission discussed the program and whether to pursue cleanup of this area. Chairperson Locke stated that it is a small, but highly visible area and is the first introduction to Burlingame. Commissioner Webb commented that he understood that CalTrans would be widening the pedestrian walkway for better access and thought it was scheduled for the end of 1999; adding that perhaps, this '_*N could be included. He suggested that someone stay in tune with that project. Commissioner Ellis asked if volunteers could just cleanup the triangle without going through the formalities of Adopt -a - Highway. Following the discussion, Chairperson Locke asked Commissioner Lauder to continue discussion with the CalTrans representative. Superintendent Richmond stated he would provide the name of the CalTrans representative that Director Williams had worked with for general cleanup in the area. NEW BUSINESS Chairperson Locke asked that Item B - Review of Commission Meeting Procedures be discussed first. Review of Commission Meeting Procedures - Chairman Locke explained that the Commission had recently had some challenging hearings and at last months meeting it was suggested that hearing procedures be reviewed. She stated that Superintendent Richmond has referenced to the Commission the Commission Rules of Procedures. She asked that he address the Commission regarding the hearing section in the procedures document. Superintendent Richmond stated that it is important that the Commission only discuss those items that are agendized. He directed the Commission to Page 4 of the document which refers to hearings. He noted that when the Commission is considering an appeal, the motion must be based on the appeal and then findings should be included as part of that motion. 14 NEW BUSINESS Review of Commission Meeting Procedures - (Cont.) �-' Chairperson Locke commented that the Commission should not be inviting dialog with the applicant when the public hearing has closed. Discussion at that point is between the Commissioners only. She added that it is important for the Commission to be familiar with the issue at hand and be prepared to ask any questions they have of the applicant during the public hearing portion of the meeting. If necessary, the public hearing can be reopened for additional questions or clarification. Commissioner Rossi stated that the Commission should not negotiate with the applicant. The applicant should be heard at the appropriate time and then the meeting should move on to the Commission for discussion. He added that it is also important to clearly state the motion. Consider Renaming of "Beautification Commission' - Chairperson Locke stated that there is often confusion as to what the charter of the Commission is. The word beautification can imply a broader description than what the Commission actually does. The item was placed on the agenda so the Commission could discuss whether this is an issue or not, and if it is, to discuss names that might be a better choice. Commissioner McGowan stated that the Commission's main objective is with regard to trees and felt the "Tree" commission might better describe the work that the Commission does. Commissioner Ellis stated that the Commission has dealt with newsracks and is even now discussing the cleaning up of the Broadway/101 triangle. Commissioner McGowan responded that Council can assign different tasks to the Commission, but for the most part the Commission has not played a part for the placement of the newsracks by the Luggage Center. Commissioner Hesselgren commented that some of the City's she has had business contacts with call their "tree" commissions, "beautification" commissions. Commissioner Webb asked if this commission had some juridiction over the shoreline development with regard to the culmination of the bay trail; that, Jane Gomery (Public Works) could use the help from a group such as this. Superintendent Richmond stated that the bay trail is a state lands jurisdiction but is handled through the Public Works Department because it is in the City of Burlingame. He added that the Planning Department and the City Attorney's office also oversee any violations committed by properties along the bayfront. Chairperson Locke stated that even though it is outside the Commission's jurisdiction the Commission can often have some influence. Commissioner Hesselgren added that to her knowledge, any plans for development along the shoreline are typically handled through the City's Planning and Building Departments. Commissioner Rossi stated that even though one always needs to explain what the duties are on the "Beautification" commission, by changing the name it could narrow the scope of activities the Commission can be involved in. He would choose to leave the name of the Commission as is. Chairperson Locke concluded that the word beautification carries a lot of meaning and she thought a name like the "Urban Reforestation" commission might be more consistent with the ordinance. Following the discussion, it was agreed that no action would be taken on this item. 3 REPORTS Richmond - 1) Acknowledged Jeannie Gilmore -Friend's 12 years of service on the Beautification Commission and that he particularly appreciated her enthusiasm and her love for the City of Burlingame. 2) Acknowledged the late Bill Ward for his contributions to the Commission. He added that Bill was a very interesting, wity person and with his wide range of interests he contributed much to the Commission. 3) Welcomed Commissioners Hesselgren and Webb, thanked them for their interest in serving on the Beautification Commission, and added that he looked forward to working with them. 4) Reported that the routine pruning of the Sycamore trees had begun in the area of East of Alvarado, South of Adeline, to Easton Drive and will continue through March. Locke - Chairperson Locke reported that chips had been spread at the Alvarado/Hillside project; that Supervisor Disco will be adding more plantings when the rain begins. She noted that the wooden trellis needs to be replaced. Superintendent Richmond responded that it is in the process of being replaced. Ellis - Commissioner Ellis asked that the planting of a tree in memory of Bill Ward be placed on the February agenda. Rossi - Commissioner Rossi stated that he would be interested in the City Attorney's comments on the property owners statements in the letter received appealing to Council the Commission's denial of the tree removal application at 1752/1750 Sequoia. Superintendent Richmond responded that he would ask the City Attorney if he could annotate the letter for the Commission's information. -IN Commissioner Rossi explained the upcoming Arbor Day ceremonies and the Spring Garden Seminar to the new Commissioners. Lauder - Commissioner Lauder asked that adjournment of this meeting be in memory of Bill Ward. Before adjourning the meeting, Chairperson Locke welcomed Commissioner Webb and asked him to introduce himself. Commissioner Webb stated that he has been a resident of Burlingame for 7 years and that he has a background in landscaping. His hobby is to stay informed of what is happening with the sporting fields in Burlingame. He added that he wants to help beautify the City, and thought this would be a good commission to be on. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned in memory of Bill Ward by Chairperson Locke at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary 4