HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2001.11.01BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION NOVEMBER 1, 2001 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Vice Chair Hesselgren. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chair Hesselgren, Conunissioners Ellis, Lauder, McGowan, and Rossi Staff. Superintendent Richmond, City Arborist Porter, and Administrative Secretary Harvey Absent: Chairperson Locke and Commissioner Webb Guest: Leroy Kloezeman, John Gong, and Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz MINUTES - Commissioner Lauder requested that underREPORTS/Locke, the minutes be corrected to read: "Commissioner Lauder commented that she called Mike Peterson of CalTrans to inquire if they had made a decision on the planting of a third tree in the 1011Broadway triangle area. " CORRESPONDENCE Document: City of Burlingame Boards and Commissions. Letter from Linda Abbey, 2415 Adeline Drive, regarding her concerns about the parking lot construction project at the Mercy High School campus. Letter from Mercy High School Campus Executive Director to Ms. Abbey addressing her concerns about the parking lot construction project. Letter to Commissioners Ellis and McGowan advising them of their reappointments to the Burlingame Beautification Commission. Letter to LeeRoy Kloezeman, 2948 Summit Drive, advising him that the Commission's tie vote, resulting in a failed appeal to remove a private Eucalyptus tree, could be appealed to the City Council or by reapplying for a permit to remove the Eucalyptus tree. Letter to Richard and Barbara Young, 812 Fairfield Road, advising them that the Commission voted to deny his appeal of the City Arborist's approval to remove two Black Acacia trees on his neighbor's property at 809 Paloma Avenue. Letter to Vincent Cauchi, 131 Loma Vista, advising him that the Commission voted to deny his appeal of the City Arborist's denial to remove a City owned Pine tree behind his neighbor's address at 127 Loma Vista Avenue. Email dated October 16' of same letter to Vincent Cauchi at 131 Loma Vista. (Mr. Cauchi called to say he had not received the first letter which also informed him that "the decision can be appealed to the City Council in writing within 10 days of receipt of this letter. " [ 10 day period therefore extended from date of email]). Letter to John Gong, 11 Kenmar Way, advising him that the Commission voted to deny his appeal of the City Arborist's denial to remove a private Palm tree at his address. CORRESPONDENCE - (Contd.) Letter from LeeRoy Kloezeman, 2748 Summit Drive, reapplying and appealing to the Beautification --, Commission the City Arborist's denial to remove a private Eucalyptus tree in order to move low hanging utility lines in the center of his backyard. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. OLD BUSINESS Appeal of the Denial to Remove One Private Palm Tree (a, 11 Kenmar Way - Vice Chair Hesselgren asked the Commission to comment on this item. Commissioner Rossi stated that at the last meeting, the Commission discussed "future" damage that could be caused by the tree. Rossi said he countered that the Commission should not approve removal based on possible "future" damage, that the City Arborist's report said the spikes cited by the property owner could be remedied by shaving them off the trunk and that the minor damage to the walkway could be mitigated. Commissioner Rossi then asked Arborist Porter if the tree was stable. Arborist Porter responded that the tree was very stable. Vice Chair Hesselgren then recognized Mr. Gong from the audience. Mr. Gong submitted pictures to the Commission of like Palm trees in the neighborhood and stated he thinks his tree will grow to the same size, causing further damage to his walkway. He fears damage to his home if the tree were to "topple over". Arborist Porter responded that the tree is healthy, the dead fronds can be removed, and it is unusual for a Palm tree to fall over. Commissioner McGowan stated that the tree is very close to the house. As Palm trees mature, the '1 trunks have a tendency to thrust upwards, taking up more space. He added that Palm trees are not considered significant landscape trees and that the applicant has agreed to plant three Birch trees if removal is approved, which would be in keeping with the neighborhood. Commissioner Rossi responded that he could not approve removal of the Palm tree based on the criteria submitted by the applicant and moved to deny the appeal based on the Arborist'sfindings; seconded Motion carried 3 - 2 (opposed) - 2 (absent). Appeal of Denial to Remove One Private Eucalyptus Tree (a, 2748 Summit Drive - Arborist Porter reported that applicant, Mr. Kloezeman, reapplied to remove the private Eucalyptus tree and he has again denied the application with the additional findings that removal could impact protected trees on neighboring properties. Arborist Porter added that he could not justify removal of this healthy tree based on the information currently provided. Commissioner Rossi commented that if the applicant were to make application to expand on his property and the tree was within the foot print of the expansion, staff would be able to approve removal of this tree; and P. G.&E. has told the applicant that the only way to effectively address the low hanging lines in the center of his backyard is to remove the Eucalyptus so that a new pole can be installed, thereby moving the utility lines to the rear property line. Commissioner Rossi stated that the applicant has stated that if he could not move the utility lines he wouldn't be removing the tree; that, to remove the tree to relocate the utility lines will cost a lot of money; and that the applicant is interested in putting in a deck and a children's play structure which would require moving the utility lines. Commissioner Rossi concluded that he was in favor of upholding the applicant's appeal. -- N 2 Appeal of Denial to Remove One Private Eucalyptus Tree (a, 2748 Summit Drive - (Contd.) Commissioner Ellis stated that she is concerned about the neighboring trees that may be impacted and asked the City Arborist in what way would they be impacted. Arborist Porter responded that to date, he has received no specific plan from P.G.& E., but that the P.G.& E. Arborist indicated to him that topping 2-3 of the neighboring Pine trees may need to occur as well as the possible removal of one of the trees. Commissioner Ellis asked why P. GA E. has not submitted a plan. Vice Chair Hesselgren responded that P.G.& E. would charge the applicant a $1,000 non refundable fee for a specific plan. Commissioner McGowan, with the help of Mr. Kloezeman, drew a diagram for the Commission to help visualize the plan. Vice Chair Hesselgren recognized Mr. Kloezeman. Mr. Kloezeman stated that the Engineer from P.G.& E. told him that removing the Eucalyptus tree to put in a new pole and relocate the utility lines would not impact neighboring trees. He added that moving the utility lines would increase and improve the value of his property and visually would benefit his neighbors as well. Mr. Kloezeman stated he is frustrated because the utility lines (approximately 7 or 8) are very ugly and hang so low in the middle of his yard. He added that his neighbor's Pine tree is being used as a utility pole by the cable and telephone companies. Commissioner Ellis asked if there are height regulations for utility lines. Staff responded that they were told by the building department that there were no requirements in the City's building codes about the heights of utility lines. Commissioner Lauder asked if the utility companies make a practice of using trees for poles. Mr. Kloezeman responded that if the installed pole runs out of room, by default the utility companies will tie into a tree. Commissioner Rossi thanked the applicant for addressing the Commission for the third time regarding this issue. He encouraged the applicant to appeal to Council if the Beautification Commission could not uphold his appeal; that he should be able to improve his property. Commissioner McGowan stated that the applicant has made every effort to save the tree; that the applicant should be allowed the full enjoyment of his property. He added that it is a shame that these low utility lines are allowed. Commissioner Rossi moved the applicant's appeal be upheld and that, a permit be issued for the removal of the Eucalyptus tree due to the low utility lines that prohibit the property owner from enjoying his property; seconded Commissioner Lauder asked if this would set precedence for other property owners that want to "improve" their yards. After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed that the low hanging utility lines through the center of the back yard was unique and would not set precedence. Motion carried S - 2 (absent). Tree Planting on Old Bayshore Boulevard - Status - Commissioner McGowan stated that he and Commissioner Hesselgren met with City Planner, Meg Monroe, and a representative from the Planning Commission. Planner Monroe indicated that this would be along range project requiring commitment from the Commission and would involve decisions with regard to set backs and design. Commissioner McGowan asked this item be tabled until the appointment of the new Beautification Commissioner could be made. Commission agreed to table this item to the December 4' meeting. 3 Tree Planting Project on California Drive (Between Broadway & Bellevue) - Status - "ON Superintendent Richmond reported that the bulk of the trees have been planted; eight trees will be planted just South of Broadway after the installation of tree grates. Commissioner Rossi stated that youth groups or scouts are sometimes interested in civic projects, and asked if help is need with watering the trees. Superintendent Richmond responded that the contract calls for a 90 day maintenance period and thereafter, the City's tree crew will water and maintain the trees. Arborist Porter commented that the tree planting was successful and only 6 or 7 merchants raised concerns; minor adjustments were made to address those concerns. Commissioner McGowan thanked the Parks Division for all their efforts towards this project. Tree Planting on Howard Avenue - Commissioner McGowan stated the Committee has not yet met and asked item be continued to the December 4' meeting. Landscape Award Program for Commercial Properties - Commissioner Hesselgren has received information from the other cities she has contacted, but is still waiting on further information. She asked item be continued to the December 4 h meeting. Hanging Planter Baskets in Downtown Retail Areas - Commission Consideration - Commissioner Lauder stated she contacted the Lake Oswego, Oregon Chamber of Commerce to discuss the hanging baskets on the light poles in the downtown area. The Lake Oswego Chamber funds the purchase of baskets, hardware, and flowers. Mothers and daughters plant the flowers as a mother/daughter project; a cherry picker is used to place the baskets on the poles. Commissioner Lauder commented that it is very beautiful and is a signature for Lake Oswego. Commissioner Lauder stated that she also contacted the City of San Carlos regarding the hanging ''1 flower baskets on Laurel Avenue. In the City of San Carlos, one citizen plants and waters the pots. The Chamber of Commerce funds the project and frequently commends and recognizes the citizen for his efforts; the citizen has even purchased a truck to carry out his efforts. Commissioner Lauder concluded that she thinks this would be very beautiful and that she would like to be part of a group to organize and plant hanging flower baskets to be hung in the downtown retail areas. Superintendent Richmond asked if Commissioner Lauder had spoken to Jane Gomery in Public Works regarding the existing Streetscape project for these areas. Commissioner Lauder stated she would do so for a future meeting. REPORTS - Richmond - 1) The American Elm tree in Washington Park behind the Recreation Center has been removed. Larry Costello of UC Extension was skeptical about the remaining stump becoming a bench due to the Dutch Elm Disease and the possible transference of the disease to the existing healthy Elm in the same area. The stump will be ground out and 20 cross sections of branches have been saved to give to interested parties. 2) A Pine tree in the farthest back section of Washington Park was also removed because of included bark at the junction of codominant trunks. 3) The Fall tree planting of approximately 80 trees has begun and will be completed before Thanksgiving. 4) The Parks Division has hired a new Tree Worker and a new Park Maintenance worker. Superintendent Richmond thanked Commissioner Rossi for his service of the Beautification Commission. He particularly thanked him for the clarity of his vision and representing the City and property owners well. "N 0 REPORTS (Contd.) - McGowan - Commissioner McGowan asked Arborist Porter if a female Gingko tree on Bayswater could be considered for removal because of the rancid fait that is now dropping. Arborist Porter responded that removal is considered if the property owner pursues. However, he added that there are Asian gardeners in the City that he can call on to pick up the fruit. They have a way of processing it to make it into an edible fruit. Superintendent Richmond added that the Commission in the past has allowed the Arborist to make decisions on Gingko removals without going to the Commission. Commissioner Hesselgren asked if spraying to diminish the fruiting bodies had been considered. Arborist Porter stated that the agent used must be sprayed during a very specific window of time in order for it to be effective. It would be very costly and time consuming for the City to do. He added that he would, however, grant permits to property owners who might want to have a company spray the City tree at the property owner's own expense. Commissioner McGowan thanked Commissioner Rossi for his service on the Beautification Commission. Commissioner McGowan also announced that the Acting Parks & Recreation Director, Randy Schwartz, has been appointed as the new Parks & Recreation Director for the City of Burlingame. The Commission congratulated Director Schwartz on his new appointment. Rossi - Commissioner Rossi stated that he felt strongly about the tree removal issue at 2748 Summit Drive and thanked and appreciated the Commission's openness and willingness to change its mind. Lauder - Commissioner Lauder stated she will be meeting with CalTrans representative, Mike Peterson, the week of November 12' to discuss the status of the 101Broadway triangle landscaping project. There being no further business, Vice Chair Hesselgren adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 47/ Karlene arvey Recording Secretary