HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2003.09.04BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 4, 2003 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Hesselgren. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Hesselgren, Ellis, Carney, Lauder, Locke, and Webb One Vacant Position Staff: Parks Superintendent Richmond and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guest: Doug Gettel (Eagle Scout Candidate) MINUTES - Commissioner Locke noted that the August 7"' minutes should be corrected to read on Page 2 of the 6' paragraph: McGowan asked about the lifted driveway. Commissioner Hesselgren asked ifroot barriers had been used. Zell said that his grandmother and the neighbor had tried root barriers unsuccessfully. Commissioner Locke askedfor clarification on the root barrier used by the neighbor. She noted that what she saw was not a formal root barrier but something more like a two by four planter box. Minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Dennis Zell, 1800 Ashton Avenue, informing him that the Commission voted 5-0-2 (absent) to deny his appeal of the denial to remove a City -owned Liquidambar tree at 1800 Ashton Avenue because the tree is healthy, is part of a street tree grove on that block, and that there is available mitigation with regard to the roots. Copy of News Release from CalTrans regarding "CalTrans, Burlingame Agree to Replace Limited Number of Trees on El Camino Real". Copy of email from Peter Beesley of P.G.&E. regarding P.G.&E. tree pruning in the City of Burlingame. FROM THE FLOOR - (None) NEW BUSINESS Washington Park Tree Man Revisions - Presentation by Eagle Scout Candidate - Superintendent Richmond introduced Doug Gettel, Eagle Scout Candidate, to the Commission and stated that last Fall, Doug contacted the Parks Division with ideas for an Eagle Scout project to reinventory and remap the Trees of Washington Park. Parks Supervisor, Bob Disco, a past Eagle Scout, assisted Doug in developing a mapping project with an emphasis on the memorial trees in Washington Park. Doug showed the Commission the outdated Trees ofWashington Park map from 1974 and explained that he used this map as a base. He divided up the project and had younger scouts assist in tree locations, etc. He explained that he first eliminated the trees on the map that no longer existed in the park and then redrew the map with the existing trees in the park. in order to identify the trees that bad been planted in memoriam, he searched Parks Division files and developed a list of memorial trees including the names ofthe individuals memorialized, the tree species, and the location of the planting. Existing numbers on the species list was used along with the use of "A. B. C." for additional trees in the same general area. Doug then submitted to the Commission the revised Trees of Washington Park map and stated that this new map will now be available for Park Division use as a handout to the public. He stated that he has also developed a binder with pictures of the trees and an explanation of the project that will be used toward his Eagle Scout status. Doug commented that since the project began in the Fall, it allowed him to see the Fall colors and leaf drop. He added that he used 27 books from the Burlingame Library, the Cal Poly website, and Supervisor Disco to assist in the specie identification. He concluded that he enjoyed the project and working with Bob Disco and that before the project he had little knowledge about trees but now has a greater knowledge of trees. Commissioner Locke asked Doug if any trees were his personal favorites. Doug responded that the Mayten Tree, (near the Washington Park Rose Garden) and the Tea Tree (by the path just off of Vernon Avenue) were his personal favorites as well as the biggest tree in the park, the Monterey Pine Tree (just off the path to the ballfield). Washington Park Tree Map Revisions - Presentation by Eagle Scout - (Contd.) - Commissioner Locke asked how often he would recommend updating this map. Doug commented that some changes have already taken place this last summer due to some new plantings and removals so updating on a regular basis would be a good idea. 111 Commissioner Lauder thanked Doug for his work on the project and the excellent pictures of the trees. Commissioner Carney suggested that the Historical Society may be interested in the information Doug has put together. Doug stated he has spoken with the Historical Society and has already provided them with some information. Superintendent Richmond asked Doug to tell the Commission a little about himself. Doug stated he is a Senior at Burlingame High School and his hobbies include scouting, backpacking, golf, tennis, and running. He added he plays the saxophone and has special interests in the fields of Math and Science. He plans to continue his education in the UC college system. Commissioner Ellis thanked and commended Doug on his work and Commissioner Carney moved that a letter of commendation for Doug's work on this mapping project be sent to his Scout Master; seconded (Webb). Motion carried 6 - 0 - I (vacancy). 2004 Arbor Day/Spring Garden Seminar - Superintendent Richmond stated that the date for Arbor Day has been set for Monday, March 8' and the Spring Garden Seminar is set for Saturday, March 20th. Chairperson Hesselgren asked the Commission if they were interested in discontinuing the Spring Garden Seminar due to the low attendance experienced in the last several years, or if they perhaps had suggestions as to how to increase the attendance. Superintendent Richmond commented that if the Commission decided to discontinue the seminar, the Commission's energies could be focused on broadening the Arbor Day event. Commissioner Lauder suggested "1 the Commission sponsor booths at the various local City events such as Art In The Park and the Art & Jazz Festival with an emphasis on educating the public on the City's tree policies. Commissioner Locke noted that sponsoring a booth would require more of a time commitment from the Commission. She added that the San Mateo Arboritum has free monthly seminars that draws approximately 15 attendees accept when the topic was on orchids which drew a large crowd. She suggested that different topics might be considered that would be of greater interest to the public. Chairperson Hesselgren remarked that the current time for the seminar, on a Saturday, may be a consideration as well. Following the discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that the Spring Garden Seminar be continued but, that it be shortened by one half hour by cutting out the "break" for refreshments but having the refreshments available throughout the seminar. The time set for the seminar will now be from 9:30 -11: 00 a. m. as opposed to 11:30. The Commission will discuss suggestions for topics and speakers at the next Commission meeting. Public Education Regarding Tree Practices and Policies - Commissioner Lauder stated the public seems to be unaware of the practices and policies with regard to trees. She thought the Parks & Recreation Department could sponsor booths and provide information regarding trees at Music in the Park, Art In The Park, the Art & Jazz on the Avenue, and the Bayfront Cleanup. She also suggested that flyers could be placed at businesses such as the Burlingame Garden Center or that Tim Richmond and Steve Porter could conduct a Citizen's Workshop on Burlingame's tree practices and policies. Commissioner Locke submitted a list of suggestions to improve communications with the general public, new residents, and contractors/business owners with regard to tree practices and policies in the City of Burlingame. She conunented that staff time is limited, that the Beautification Commissioners have much to offer and can do more in the way of outreach to the public such as: Talks to local civic groups, science/biology classes, scout troops, etc. Other suggestions included: press releases and "side bar" articles for Arbor Day; press release articles about property owners (unnamed) being fined due to unauthorized removals; and, mailing smallquantities of Important Information About Your Citv Parks and Trees flyers to the San Mateo Garden Center for their information table. 2 Public Education Rellarding Tree Practices and Policies - (Contd.) The Commission discussed various forms of communicating with the public. IIN—I Superintendent Richmond stated that mailings are very expensive and explained that new residents do receive a mailing from the Parks & Recreation Department regarding recreation services and the tree policies flyer. He said information is often placed in the quarterly Recreation Brochure and that City tree policies are going to be placed on the back page of the brochure in the Fall. He added that most established tree companies have received information in the past and are generally aware oftree ordinances in the Cities. Administrative Secretary Harvey stated that on average 4-5 properties are sent the Urban Reforestation and Protected Tree Ordinance each time a property owner applies for a private tree removal. Administrative Secretary Harvey identified the following items that the Parks Division office staff could pursue to improve communications with the public: 1) Placement of existing flyers at the information table at Music in the Park. 2) Submitting a "Side Bar" article regarding City of Burlingame tree policies with the Arbor Day press release. 3) Cover letter and mailing to local tree companies in the "yellow pages". 4) Placement of "flyers" and other related material at City Hall and other City public facilities. Commissioner Locke suggested that the Commission consider setting up a sub committee and/or discuss ideas that seem plausible and place on the next agenda. The Commission agreed to place this item on the next agenda. REPORTS - Superintendent Richmond - 1. Tree planting is set for October (in excess of 100 trees). 2. There was no appeal to Council from Mr. Zell from last month's denial. 3. Some interest is being expressed in having a different replacement tree for tree removals on El Camino. Superintendent Richmond will report any future developments. 4. A joint City/Cal Trans press release re: the El Camino Trees was provided in Commission packets. 5. Peter Beesley of PG&E sent an email regarding tree issues in Burlingame. This is a follow up to conversations earlier this month and includes information from his meeting with BULB. A copy of the email was in Commissioner packets. 6. Shoreline Cleanup is September 20th from 9a. to Noon. Commissioner Ellis has information regarding the event. Commissioner Ellis - Commissioner Ellis reported that the 2003 Shoreline Cleanup begins at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 20th. Participants are to meet at the Embassy Suites in Burlingame and at another area near the MillbraeBurlingame border. She added that lunch is served at the Embassy Suites and anyone requesting further information may contact Donna Allen at (US Filter - (650) 342-3727). The event is sponsored by the City of Burlingame and US Filter. Commissioner Locke - Commissioner Locke reported that there is a dead Redbud tree at Hillside Circle, the perennial bushes do not look well, and the area needs weeding. There being no further business, Chairperson Hesselgren adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey � Recording Secretary