HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2003.02.06BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION FEBRUARY 2003 �fJ �— The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Chairperson McGowan. M ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson McGowan, Ellis, Carney, Lauder, Locke, and Webb Absent: Commissioner Hesselgren Staff: Director Schwartz, Superintendent Richmond, City Arborist Porter, and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guest: Mary Elsie Robertson MINUTES - The minutes of the December 5, 2003 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Staff Report to Council regarding appeal of the denial to remove a city owned Magnolia tree at 1649 Coronado. Letter from Charles Eigenbrot, Troop 28, thanking the Commission for its hospitality during his troops attendance at the December 5 h Commission meeting to complete requirement for the Communications Merit Badge, noting that it was a "helpful illustration of the usefulness of good communication skills ably demonstrated by commission members". Letter from Mary Elsie Robertson, 931 Park Avenue, appealing the denial to remove a private Redwood tree in the back yard of her address. Letter from Tim Richmond, informing Mary Elsie Robertson at 931 Park Avenue, that her appeal of the denial to remove a private Redwood tree in her back yard would be placed on the February 6" Beautification Commission agenda. Letter to Matt Leddy, CSM Horticulture Department, thanking him for agreeing to be the featured speaker at the Spring Garden Seminar at the Burlingame Recreation Center, March 15"', 2003, at 10:00 a.m. Spring Garden Seminar Flyer. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. NEW BUSINESS Arbor Day - Superintendent Richmond reported that the Arbor Day Ceremony will be held at Bayside Park. The Rotary Club of Burlingame has made a generous donation to go toward tree planting so the monies will be used to plant a Redwood Grove between the ball field and field #3. An additional Redwood tree will be planted in memory of Marcus Silva, a Parks Division employee, who suddenly passed away on 1'. Commissioner Lauder suggested the Commission send a letter of condolence to Mr. Silva's family. Administrative Secretary Harvey will forward address information to Commission Secretary, Ellis. NEW BUSINESS - (Contd.) - Spring Garden Seminar - Commissioner Ellis reported that repairs have been made to the banner and will deliver the banner to the Recreation Center for hanging. Secretary Harvey will provide Commissioners with additional flyers with the mailing of the February 6' meeting minutes. Appeal of the Denial to Remove a Private Redwood Tree na, 931 Park Avenue - ACTION - Arborist Porter reported that he denied the request to remove the Redwood tree because the tree had reasonably good health and structure and the cited reasons for removal did not fall within the approved guidelines. He added that he most recently inspected the tree with binoculars and found no evidence of disease. Chairperson McGowan asked the Commission if they had any comments or questions of Arborist Porter. The Commission asked Arborist Porter questions with regard to health, structure, life span; potential problems with the elements: erosion, wind; as well as the potential for damage caused by roots or whole tree failure. Arborist Porter stated that the tree is a mature tree, but could get bigger. The tree's slight lean is caused by the prevailing winds, but should not pose a hazard because of the tree's good health and that Redwood trees are not a specie known for experiencing whole tree failure. He noted that there was no evidence of erosion in the area and the existing root damage to the fence is minimal. He concluded that with thinning and heading back the tree will continue to be a healthy, sound specimen. Chairman McGowan recognized Mrs. Robertson. -� Mrs. Robertson stated that maintaining the tree is very expensive. She has had the tree "laced" every three to four years at a cost of $600-$700 each time. She stated that in viewing her neighbors backyard, the tree is so dense and heavy that there is no sunshine in their backyard. She also stated that the tree had been topped in the past which can weaken a tree. She fears the top will snap off in the wind. She added that, the tree was planted in the wrong place, and is 28' from her house; if it fell, it would hit her house. She asked the Commission, if she were not allowed to remove the tree, who would be liable? Chairman McGowan noted that the Commission cannot consider economics as part of justification for removal of the tree and if the tree is maintained, and that the resident should contact her homeowner's insurance company for any concerns regarding liability. Arborist Porter commented that the "topping" of the tree can be corrected by pruning; that, the whole top would not break out, but small individual branches could. He added that thinning and heading back the tree could resolve the property owners concerns. Commissioner Webb asked Mrs. Robertson if her neighbors were concerned about the about the tree. Mrs. Robertson said "No", that "They are renters". Superintendent Richmond reported that adjacent property owners were notified ofthe denial of the request and the subsequent appeal to the Commission, but there had been no response to date. 2 Appeal of the Denial to Remove a Private Redwood Tree (a), 931 Park Avenue - (Contd.) - Chairman McGowan stated that, although he is sympathetic with Mrs. Robertson, the tree is in reasonably �-- good health, top can be correctively pruned, and general maintenance of the tree can correct the issues raised. Commissioner Locke noted that the neighborhood does not have a lot of significant trees and removal of this tree would impact the Skyscape of the neighborhood. Commissioner Webb stated that the tree was planted in the wrong place and feels that if a tree presents a major problem and has the possibility of destroying property, permission for removal should be granted. Arborist Porter commented that Redwood Trees are listed at the bottom of the ISA list for having the least propensity for whole tree failure. He added that in his experience he has only seen one Redwood that fell over and that was due to severe root pruning. Commissioner Webb stated that the combination of a high water table weakening the roots, and the branches becoming sails in the wind, could cause a tree like this to come down. Arborist Porter responded that this tree is in the flat lands and there was no indication that there are problems with this trees root system. Chairman McGowan advised the Commission of their options in rendering a decision on this item: 1) the Commission could request the property owner to submit an independent Arborist Report with regard to the safety of the tree; or, 2) the Commission could uphold the appeal and grant permission for the removal; or 3) the Commission could deny the appeal and the applicant would be advised of appeal procedures to the City Council. Commissioner Locke in response to Commissionergb�, that the tree was planted in the wrong place, stated that the tree is in close proximity to a deck(that v(�as added, and that the deck should not have been placed so closely to the tree; that the tree was there first. She added that, the odds are very much against this tree falling down. Commissioner Carney stated that she is sympathetic with the property owner but the tree is a healthy tree. Following the discussion, Commissioner Lauder moved to deny the appeal because the Redwood tree is healthy; seconded (Carney). Motion carried S - I (opposed/Webb) - I (absent/Hesselgren). Chairman McGowan advised Mrs. Robertson that she would be notified of the Commission's decision and appeal procedures to Council in the mail. Criteria for Removal of City Owned Trees Superintendent Richmond referring to the criteria document submitted to the Commission stated that Parks Division stafffocuses on the health and structural defects when considering removal of a City tree. On occassion trees are removed due to sidewalk repair when no other options are available e.g. handicap accessibility. The current philosophy is to routinely trim every city tree on a four year cycle. Statistically, the inventory oftrees is changing over time, as trees are removed and replaced with more suitable species throughout the City. Criteria for Removal of City Owned Trees - [Contd. - The Commission discussed different aspects of the street tree program. Arborist Porter stated that there "1 are situations when a City street tree is a nuisance, (causing several problems for the City as well as the resident), and he will make the hard decision to remove the tree if there are no other options to mitigate the problems. Superintendent Richmond noted that, the scale of the urban forest in Burlingame will be reduced over time because many of the species of trees of that are currently planted, are often smaller than the tree removed. Commissioner Locke stated that as the Commission is asked to consider removal of City trees, it should be a consideration that the inappropriateness of trees planted in the past be a part of the Commission's decision making process. The Commission agreed that this should be a consideration when hearing removal appeals for City street trees. Superintendent Richmond concluded that with the processes already in place, as well as the discretion practiced by the City Arborist, very few requests for City street tree removals are appealed to the Beautification Commission. Director Schwartz added that trees add economic value to the homes and are a real asset to the City of Burlingame. REPORTS Director Schwartz - Welcomed by Chairman McGowan as the Parks & Recreation Director of Burlingame and Millbrae, Director Schwartz commented that Burlingame Parks & Recreation staff will be sharing the extra load as he serves half time for the City of Millbrae Parks & Recreation Department. Currently, his duties are to oversee two separate departments, each operating separately; and that merging the two departments at this time is not part of the equation. Superintendent Richmond - 1. Tree planting is ongoing. 2. Eagle Scout project to map trees of Washington Park is progressing. The project includes the identification and listing of all Memorial Trees in the Park. 3. Tree Crew attended seminar on tree failure at Filoli in January. 4. The Manfreddi's appealed to Council. Council upheld their appeal and set conditions that the Manfreddi's bear the cost of removal and replacement with a 24" box tree from the approved list. 5. Parks Division received its annual pesticide audit by the County and was approved for another year of applications. Division is working with a consortium of cities in an effort to prevent pesticide runoff. Group is working on a draft model IPM policy. When completed, it will be made available to the Commission. 6. City Street Tree Ordinance v. Protected Tree Ordinance Option of paying $400 into the tree replacement fund is only available in private tree removals. It is not an option with City Street trees. McGowan - Chairman McGowan stated that many of the new Eucalyptus trees on El Camino are "flopping" over and he has heard of some residents of Burlingame calling CalTrans to "adopt -a -tree". Arborist Porter commented that he is aware that CalTrans is looking into liability issues that might occur with volunteers working on the trees. He added that the City's tree crew is overloaded and is unable to take on the extra work along the State highway. Commissioner Locke stated that unfortunately, it makes the City crews look bad because everyone thinks the trees on El Camino belong to the City rather than --INI the state. 4 REPORTS - McGowan (Contd.) - Chairman McGowan asked when the dead Mayten trees at Floribunda and Almer would be removed and replaced? He also noted that the lawn in that area is frequently watered, so replacements should be of a specie that can take frequent watering. Arborist Porter stated that the trees will be planted in April, but he will inspect the site again. Carney - Commissioner Carney stated that the planting area at the corner of California Drive and Oak Grove is looking good. Commissioner Webb added that it would be nice to landscape the North corner in the same way. Superintendent Richmond advised that he North corner is not City of Burlingame property. Locke - Commissioner Locke reported that she attended the community workshop, the North Rollins Road Development noting that the area plan is still very fluid. She encouraged the Commission to participate and reported that the next meeting will be in May. Commissioner Locke asked if the tree on Hillside Circle (that came down in the December storm) would be replaced? Arborist Porter stated that the trees lost in the storm will be replaced in April and September of this year, but that he would confirm replacement of that particular tree. Commissioner Locke submitted an article on American Elms. Webb - Commissioner Webb asked Chairman McGowan to report on the Bayfront meeting. Chairman McGowan reported that the area will not be considered for residential because the area is too far removed for police and fire; area will remain hotel, restaurant, and offices. The City is waiting for the right project to arrive that is: sensitive to heights and FAA height standards; includes plans for open space and NI-. completion of the bay trail; and, will generate revenue for the City. Lauder - Commissioner Lauder asked about the condition of the vines around the fencing on California Drive and Oak Grove? Superintendent Richmond reported that some had been vandalized and others have failed. He added that the Parks Division planted the vines at the request of the Public Works Department, that, request for replacement would need to come from the Public Works Department. Commissioner Lauder commended Superintendent Richmond, Arborist Porter, Administrative Secretary Harvey and the Parks Division for the excellent job during the November and December storms. There being no further business, Chairman McGowan extended the Commission's condolences to the family of Marcus Silva and asked that the meeting be adjourned in his memory. Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, iarlene Harvey Recording Secretary