HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2004.10.07BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION October 7, 2004 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Hesselgren. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Hesselgren, Ellis, Grandcolas, Lauder, and McQuaide Absent: Commissioners Carney and Webb Staff: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz, Parks Superintendent Richmond, and Secretary Harvey Guests: Bobbi Benson MINUTES The minutes of the September 2nd Beautification Commission meeting were approved with the following corrections: Under: OLD BUSINESS - Election of Officers - Vice Chair Carnev presented the slate of officers from the Nominating Committee: Chairperson - Laura Hesselgren V. Chair - Jeanne Carney Secretary - Leslie McQuaide Commissioner Grandcolas moved that the slate of officers be elected as submitted Motion carried 6 - 0 -1 (absent/Hesselgren). CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Nancy Landazuri (11070 Santa Teresa Dr., Cupertino) informing her that the Commission denied her appeal of the denial for the removal of a private Cedar tree at 1805 Ray Drive at the September 2nd Beautification Commission meeting. Letter from Superintendent Richmond to Edwin Hannay (Rector Cadillac/1010 Cadillac Way), thanking him for discussing tree replacement choices at that site with Arborist Porter, and that the selection of the Chanticleer Pear tree (that was planted along California Drive three years ago) was an excellent choice and would enhance his enterprise. FROM THE FLOOR - Bobbi Benson stated that Mike Peterson from CalTrans has been responsive to her requests regarding sidewalk repairs on El Camino (North of Bellevue) and that the Burlingame Women's Club has agreed to plant a tree and flowers in front of their building on Park Road. Bobbi Benson also reported that the Adopt -A -Planter program is going very well, that 13 of the 21 planters have been adopted and that the CIB will be sponsoring a community plant on Sunday, October 2e, at 7:30 am. OLD BUSINESS - Tree View Ordinance - Committee Appointments - Chairperson Hesselgren announced that Commissioners Grandcolas and Webb would serve on the Tree View Ordinance committee. 6 OLD BUSINESS - Tree View Ordinance - Committee Appointments - (Contd.) - Director Schwartz stated that the Council has asked the Beautification Commission to examine whether to establish a view ordinance in the City of Burlingame. He also stated that the Alturas Avenue residents will want to discuss their view issues and asked if they should be directed to the Committee or to the Commission as a whole. Commissioner Grandcolas stated, and the Commission agreed, that a discussion with residents could be placed on a future Commission agenda. Commissioner Grandcolas stated that, thus far, the Committee has only discussed management of this project, trying to determine and define a scope and definition of views that is narrow enough to grasp. Commissioner Ellis asked if a private tree removal under this ordinance would come before the Commission. Commissioner Grandcolas responded that he believes the Commission should only consider the City trees with view issues, that private trees with view issues should be handled through a separate mediation committee. Commissioner McQuaide stated that the City of Diablo has many trees, is a very lush and beautiful City, and has a tree ordinance in place that also speaks to view issues; she stated she would obtain a copy of that ordinance for the Committee's review. The Commission agreed to hear the concerns of residents at the November meeting. The information gathered will be referred to the View Ordinance Committee. There will be no action by the Commission at the November meeting. NEW BUSINESS - Spring Garden Seminar Preliminary Planning - The Commission discussed whether to continue or postpone this annual event. Commissioner Ellis noted that the Commission and Staff have almost outnumbered those in attendance over the last several years. Commissioner Lauder added that the lack of attendance is a real concern. Superintendent Richmond stated that the Commission could consider as an alternative to the seminar, putting more efforts into the Arbor Day Celebrations. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner McQuaide moved that the Spring Garden Seminar be postponed for a year and reconsideration be given at that time; seconded, Ellis. Motion carried 5 - 0 - 2 (Absent/Carney and Webb). Volunteer Application - Action Item - Superintendent Richmond presented an application submitted by Robert Curincita who will be pruning the Camillia bushes in Washington Park. Commissioner Ellis moved that the volunteer application be approved for the Camillia bushes to be pruned in Washington Park by the volunteer; seconded. Motion carried 5 - 0 - 2 (Absent/Carney and Webb) Street Tree Removal Policy - Chairperson Hesselgren stated that the Council has requested that the Commission establish a policy to assist in determining City tree removals with regard to sidewalk damage. She added that the Council is looking for consistency if or when a property owner requests removal of the City tree due to sidewalk damage/repairs. Superintendent Richmond stated the policy needs to operate under the premise that the approval for the removal of a City tree would be at the property owner's expense. He also stated that the current policy approves the removal of a tree if it is unhealthy. NEW BUSINESS - Street Tree Removal Policy - (Contd.) - Commissioner Grandcolas stated that he was in this year's section slated for sidewalk repair and he received the letter from Public Works instructing property owners of the new sidewalk repair policy and alternatives for repairs. Commissioner Grandcolas noted that he "shopped around" for a contractor and was able to have several sidewalk squares replaced for only $250. The Commission further discussed cost of sidewalk repairs, different street tree species with regard to root damage, cost of tree removal, educating the community (repair section by repair section) with regard to the urban forest and the potential loss of the forest canopy. Superintendent Richmond stated that criteria or conditions should be established before removals are approved with regard to specie of tree, age, shallow rooted, etc. Chairperson Hesselgren added that cost for removal and financial hardship should be a consideration as well. The Commission then discussed the different types of criteria that might be considered before approving removal of a City tree. Commissioner McQuaide noted that a good starting point could be to include the criteria mentioned in the May 24, 2004 memo from Superintendent Richmond and Arborist Porter, Regarding: Evaluating Sidewalk Damage - Non Action Discussion, which stated . . . the City Arborist considered the following elements in arriving at a decision to approve the removal [of a City tree] (the elements are considerations only and are neither equally weighted nor mutually exclusive): 1) Health 2) Species. Is it appropriate to the location and width of planting strip? 3) Can the sidewalk be rerouted to save the tree? 4) Damage caused by roots to: a. Curb/gutter b. Sidewalk c. Driveway 5) Proximity to driveway apron 6) Projected stability of tree after required root pruning 7) Structure of tree (this includes topping by PG&E) 8) Tree'; significance to the streetscape on the entire block (neighborhood) Commissioner McQuaide added that other cities may also have the same problems and that she would be willing to research policies in other cities. Chairperson Hesselgren suggested that whatever policy is developed applying to City trees, would probably also need to apply to private trees. Superintendent Richmond offered several models that might form the basis for a removal policy recommendation. He suggested that the Commission consider these three or develop others. 1. PRESENT AND FUTURE COSTS Base the removal approval on monetary considerations only. What will it cost to repair currently, and given the species and the space constraints, what will be the projected future `-' cost of repairs (for example, a liquidambar in a narrow planting space is likely to require similar repairs within the next 5 years)? NEW BUSINESS - Street Tree Removal Policy - (Contd.) — 2. CUMULATIVE ISSUES In this model an array of issues would be considered. Each issue that is problematic is assigned a point. Cumulative points beyond a defined threshold indicate that removal is appropriate. The array might include: species, width of planter space, proximity of tree to driveway apron, proximity to other fixed landscape elements, structure of tree, health of tree, age of tree relative to species life expectancy, stability of tree after projected repairs, whether or not the tree is under utilities, etc. This model is based on the document to which Commissioner McQuaide referred above. 3. WEIGHTED SCALE This model would attempt to blend the above models along with general impacts of removal. For example, one might assign relative weightings (very low, low, average, high, very high) to various collections of information. A relatively high overall rating would indicate that removal is appropriate. Those collections might include: Present and future cost: (VERY HIGH might be characteristic of a Liquidambar in a narrow strip, located close to the driveway apron, with future damage likely after current repair) Health and structure of tree: (VERY HIGH might be an unhealthy, poorly structured tree) Significance of the tree to the neighborhood: (VERY HIGH might be a tree that is insignificant to the neighborhood) Impacts on or from other fixed elements: (VERY HIGH might be a tree that is under utilities, has major roots that would have to be removed to clear underground utilities, is lifting entry path on the property, etc.) Following the discussion, Chairperson Hesselgren requested that the Commission talk to, educate and get feedback from their neighbors; begin to develop a list of tree species [that may be vulnerable]; consider how an educational program could be developed to be presented to the community (section by section, where the sidewalk repair program is being done); and to consider the possibility of a policy that has a "weighting" structure or to bring forward other models for discussion to the next Commission meeting. REPORTS - Sunerintendent Richmond — l. City crew completed side trimming of City owned Eucalyptus trees along the railroad tracks, north of Oak Grove Ave. 2. City crews provided landscape installation at Easton Library. 3. BFI compost distribution will occur this Saturday from 8 a.m. to Noon at the BHS parking lot. 4. Steve Porter met with Rector Motors regarding replacement trees on the property. ..., Rector management selected evergreen Pears as replacements for the trees that were storm damaged and removed. Rector will install the new trees in the near future. REPORTS — (Contd.) - Mc uaide - Commissioner McQuaide reported that she has prepared a rough draft of a disclosure `-- statement with regard to City and Private tree for Real Estate agents to make available to the client but will hold off on finalizing until other priorities have been resolved. Commissioner McQuaide reported that the area on El Camino fronting the B e Plaza has weeds and trash. Superintendent Richmond stated that the jurisdictions are City of Burlingame and CalTrans and will inspect the site to determine if any maintenance can be done. Hesselgren - Chairperson Hesselgren stated that because of a work commitment she is unable to attend the BIC meetings the last Tuesday of every month from 8:00-9:30 am and the Council has requested that a representative from the Beautification Commission attend. None of the Commissioners present volunteered so Chairperson Hesselgren stated she would check with Commissioners Carney and Webb as to their availability. Lauder - Commissioner Lauder reported that she attended the Art in Public Places Committee meeting and recently conducted litter removal at the 101/Broadway triangle. Commissioner Lauder concluded that the Marigolds look pretty that have been planted in front of City Hall. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, I Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary 5