HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2004.09.02BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMNIISSION September 2, 2004 �-- The regularly scheduled meeting ofthe Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Vice Chair Carney. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chair Carney, Ellis, Grandcolas, Lauder, McQuaide, and Webb Absent: Chairperson Hesselgren Staff: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz, Parks Superintendent Richmond, Arborist Porter, Secretary Harvey Guests: Mike Stallings (1512 Arguello); Stephen Hamilton and Jennifer Pfaff AUN UTES The minutes of the August 56' Beautification Commission meeting were approved with the following corrections: Under: NEWBUSINESS-NominatingCommitteeAppointmentfor Sep ter, Chairperson Hesselgren and Commissioners Carney and McQuaide will subs presented to the September Commission meetinz for the election of officers. Under: REPORTS - Hesselgren - .... Arborist Porter responded he would send a letter to the Cadillac Dealership. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Maureen Chenette (1115 Bayswater) informing her that the Commission denied her request for removal of the City -owned Walnut tree because the tree was healthy and posed no hazards. Letter to Bette Levings (1325 Cabrillo) and Mary Ann Martinez (1321 Cabrillo) informing them that the Commission denied their request to remove a private Cedar tree at 1325 Cabrillo because the tree was a healthy, beautiful tree and general maintenance could mitigate their concerns. Letter from Nancy Landazuri (11070 Santa Teresa Dr., Cupertino) appealing the denial for the removal of a private Cedar tree at 1805 Ray Drive. Letter to Nancy Landazuri (11070 Santa Teresa Dr., Cupertino) informing her that the Commission would consider her appeal of the denial for the removal of a private Cedar tree at 1805 Ray Drive at the September 2nd Beautification Commission meeting. Copy of letter to Property Owners re: Notice to Repair Sidewalk Within Thirty (30) Days (and attached) Sidewalk Replacement Project 2003, City Project No. 80960. Letter from Arborist Porter to Edwin Hannay (Rector Cadillac/1010 Cadillac Way) requesting an opportunity to meet and discuss the restoration of 15 trees that were required as part of the remodeling project in 2001-2002. FROM THE FLOOR - Stephen Hamilton reported that he delivered ' Adopt -A -Planter' packets to all the Commissioners as well as Director Randy Schwartz and Superintendent Richmond. He reported that the Burlingame Improvement District (BID) will assist financially with planter adoptions; commitments have already been received to adopt 10-11 planters. It is anticipated that planters will be adopted for $500 and a plaque naming the donor `- will be placed on the planter. FROM THE FLOOR - Cont' d.) - Flyers will be distributed to businesses and service organizations regarding the program. The first annual community planting will be held on Saturday, October Yd at 7:30 am. '1 Vice Chair Carney thanked Mr. Hamilton for the update on the program and stated that the Beautification Commission supports the program and endorsed the Adopt A Planter concept at the August 5, 2004 meeting. Mr. Hamilton stated the City Council will also be informed of the program, by the BID, in hopes of receiving their support and endorsement as well. Since the applicant appealing the denial for the removal of a private Cedar tree at 1805 Ray Drive was not present, Vice Chair Carney moved to the next item of new business. NEW BUSINESS - Sidewalk Repair Policy - Victor Voong, Public Works Department - Superintendent Richmond introduced Victor Voong, Engineer from the Public Works Department who oversees the sidewalk repair program in the City of Burlingame. He added that Mr. Voong had been invited to give information to the Commission and address any questions the Commission might have regarding the new sidewalk repair policy. Victor Voong submitted a copy of the notice sent to property owners regarding the new sidewalk repair policy, the City ofBurlingame Sidewalk Program question and answer sheet, the Overview of Sidewalk Replacement Program, and the Map of 2003104 Sidewalk Program. He explained that because of the budget shortfall, it was necessary for the City Council to adopt the new sidewalk repair policy taken from the Streets and Highway Code which holds the homeowner responsible for maintaining the sidewalk fronting their property. He explained the procedure currently being used to notify property owners in the upcoming areas targeted for repairs: If the sidewalk repair is not repaired within 30 days by a private licensed contractor (hired by the property owner), the City will hire a contractor to perform the necessary "IN repairs; the cost of the repairs would then be forwarded to the County Assessor's Office to be collected with the property tax bill after a public hearing is held by the City Council to hear any protests and finalize the costs. The Commission reviewed and discussed the program with Victor Voong. Following the discussion, Vice Chair Carney thanked Mr. Voong. Mr. Voong told the Commission that if they had any further questions regarding the new policy, they could contact him at the Public Works Department. Tree View Ordinance Introduction - Director Schwartz stated that at a previous study session, the City Council directed the Commission to consider a Tree View Ordinance for the City of Burlingame. Currently there is nothing in place to protect views with regard to trees; only with regard to construction. He added that there are many different facets and opinions on this subject and establishing an ordinance like this will require a very involved process. He stated that the packets of information that have been provided to the Commission include several ordinances from other cities as well as the Tree Ordinance Guidelines from the International Society ofArboriculture. He stated that if the Commission wants all members to be part of the discussion for all phases, then this item would be agendized for the next several upcoming meetings. However, he stated staff recommends a committee of 3 Commissioners be appointed to work "off line", conduct research, and report back to the Commission so the Commission can make a final recommendation to the City Council. Superintendent Richmond added that on 2 separate occasions, past Commission's have been asked to consider a Tree View Ordinance for the City of Burlingame. Vice Chair Carney then asked Mike Stallings if he would like to address the Commission. Mike Stallings stated he lives at 1512 Alturas Drive and is interested in the City of Burlingame establishing a Tree View Ordinance. Mr. Stallings stated that he has lived on Alturas Drive since 1992 and has requested every year to have the City's trees on La Mesa Drive cut to open up the "Vista" view that once existed on Alturas Drive. 2 Mr. Stallings stated that when the trees were planted years ago, heights and views were not a consideration. He stated that he is interested in being part of the process to establish a Tree View Ordinance and coming to a point of mutual agreement for he and his neighbors to have the City trees (that block their views) to be lowered or replaced. Director Schwartz stated that Mr. Stallings has submitted photos to the Parks and Recreation office and indicated that anyone on the Commission may visit his (Mr. Stallings') property to view the issue first hand. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Webb moved that the Commission form a committee of 3 to research the possibility of establishing a Tree View Ordinance in the City of Burlingame; seconded, Grandcolas. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Absent/Hesselgren). Commissioners Grandcolas, Webb, McQuaide, and Carney volunteered their interest in serving on the Tree View Ordinance Committee. Director Schwartz stated that Chairperson Hesselgren will make appointments to the Committee upon her return and then the Committee can bring information back to the next Commission meeting. He suggested that as part ofthe initial process, the Commission should consider hearing from the other property owners on Alturas Drive. Superintendent Richmond concluded that Chairperson Hesselgren would be given the information presented at this meeting and would appoint a 3 person Committee to study the issue. He added Mr. Stallings would be kept informed of the process and the progress of the Committee. Art In Public Places Policy Consideration - Director Schwartz reported that this issue has recently come up with the passing of former Mayor Gloria Barton. He explained that a group has requested permission to donate a statue, depicting a child reading a book, be placed around the library in memory of Gloria's �.. interest in reading. Since this request is a "first instance" and might possibly open a "Pandora's Box"if not monitored, staff is anticipating that Council may want a policy in place before granting permission to the request. In order to save time, it has been recommended that a Committee of 6 be established from the existing Commissions who may handle the areas they oversee where 'public art' might be displayed, i.e., 2 members from the Beautification Commission, 2 members from the Parks and Recreation Commission, and, 2 members from the Library Board. The newly formed Committee would be asked to review the different aspects of what a public art policy (or ordinance) might look like and then, if the Council so desires, would be asked to set policy or establish an ordinance. The volunteers to this newly formed committee would not be reporting back to their respective commissions. Following Director Schwartz's comments, Commissioners Lauder and Ellis volunteered to serve on the committee. Appeal of the Denial for the Removal of a Private Cedar Tree (i , 1805 Ray Drive - Superintendent Richmond stated that the appellant appealed the denial to remove the private Cedar tree based on the nearness ofthe tree to existing structures and the economic enjoyment ofthe property. He added there was no other documentation or engineers report substantiating the appellant's claims and the appellant is not present. Arborist Porter responded that the tree is healthy, structurally sound, and the conditions sited by the appellant with regard to loss of light to the house, too close to the house foundation and roof, and pine needles creating a fire hazard, does not fall within the criteria justifying removal. NEW BUSINESS - Appeal of the Denial for the Removal of a Private Cedar Tree Q,1805 Ray Drive - Cont'd. - Commissioner Lauder asked Arborist Porter if he noticed any evidence of surface roots or roots lifting the bricks. Arborist Porter responded that he saw no evidence of surface roots or roots near the foundation of the house. Commissioner Grandcolas asked if the needles from the tree present a fire hazard. Arborist Porter responded that there did not appear to be an existing fire hazard, but that the roof could be cleaned and the tree should be maintained. Commissioner Ellis asked how old the Cedar tree was and what was the life expectancy of a Cedar tree. Arborist Porter stated that tree appears to be around 50 years old and could live another 50-80 years. Superintendent Richmond asked Mr. Porter to respond to the resident's complaint that there are too many trees on the property. Mr. Porter stated that the property is thick with trees, making the property dark, but that none of the trees on the property have been maintained for years. He added, that if all the trees on the property were pruned and opened up, the yard would be beautiful. Commissioner Webb remarked that removal of this one Cedar tree would not be missed on this property, that it was the wrong choice of tree when planted, is only 12' from the house, that it creates a lot of darkness on the property and belongs in the forest. Arborist Porter responded that this Cedar tree is significant to the neighborhood and is the only tree that can be seen from the next block over. Vice Chair Carney noted that pruning of this tree would help tremendously and Commissioner Lauder added that pruning of all the trees on this property would help to beautify the front garden. Following the discussion, Commissioner Ellis moved to deny the appeal of the denial of the removal because the Cedar tree is a healthy tree and the concerns cited by the property owner can be mitigated by pruning; seconded, Lauder. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Absent/Hesselgren). --*N REPORTS - Superintendent Richmond - 1. Gloria Barton memorial tree was planted in the front of Washington Park. A memorial bench will follow this fall. Donations maybe made for this memorial. Checks will be accepted until costs have been covered and may be made out to: The City of Burlingame (noting Gloria Barton Memorial). 2. Arborist Porter sent a letter to Rector concerning vacant planting spaces. 3. Commission is developing a substantial agenda, apart from routine appeals, and will be a busy year, requiring a lot of preparation. Attention and attendance will be required to give these issues the attention they deserve. 4. The Tree Crew had an emergency removal of a Catalpa tree on Vancouver. The tree was failing and was being held up by the overhead utility lines; the Tree Crew had noticed that the tree had lifted in the ground. 5. Bayfront Cleanup will be Saturday, September 18. Donna Allen ofU.S. Filter will be coordinating the activity. 6. Contractor continuing work on the landscape barrier on Calif. Drive near the BART tail tracks. The Contractor plans to begin irrigation installation on Tuesday; and then, plant material will follow. McQuaide - Commissioner McQuaide reported that she has prepared a rough draft of a disclosure statement with regard to City and Private tree for Real Estate agents to make available to clients. Commissioner McQuaide reported that the top of the City's liquidambar tree in front of her address, blew out causing damage to her car. The City's Tree Crew removed the tree and will be replacing the tree in October. 2 REPORTS - (Cont'd.) - \.. Webb - Commissioner Webb asked when the mulch give away will be conducted. Superintendent Richmond responded that BE sponsors the give away two times a year in the back of the Burlingame High School parking lot. Lauder - Commissioner Lauder reported that she donated a Redwood tree (that she had been caring for over the last several years) to the Parks Division and that the tree will be planted amongst the Redwood Grove at Bayside Park. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary