HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2004.08.05BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION August 5, 2004 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Hesselgren. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Hesselgren, Commissioners Carney, Grandcolas, McQuaide, and Webb Absent: Commissioners Ellis and Lauder Staff: Parks Superintendent Richmond, Arborist Porter, Supervisor Disco, Secretary Harvey Guests: Bette Levings (1325 Cabrillo), Mary Ann Martinez, (1321 Cabrillo), Maureen Chenette (1115 Bayswater), Aurora & Winfred Ruperto (1113 Bayswater), Stephen Hamilton, Jennifer Pfaff, and Bobbi Benson. KDWTES The minutes of the June 3, 2004 Beautification Commission meeting were approved as written. CORRESPONDENCE Letter (s) to John Campos (212 Stanley Rd.), Bette Levings & Mary Ann Martinez (1325 Cabrillo Ave.), and Maureen Chenette (1115 Bayswater Ave.) informing them that their appeals for tree removals had been placed on the August 5, 2004 Commission meeting agenda. Memo to Commission from Director Schwartz regarding Commission Direction for Community Volunteers. FROM THE FLOOR - Bobbi Benson reported that she has been in discussions with Bank of America on Chapin and El Camino with regard to their landscape maintenance. She commented that her most recent activities included: 2 hours spent on plant maintenance on the Burlingame Avenue planters and dead budding the roses on the Park Road parking lot planters. She will be pursuing maintenance issues on the Broadway Streetscape and has also asked Vince Falzon ofthe Public Works Department to place extra trash receptacles on Burlingame Avenue because the existing trash receptacles overflow. She will be working with the Adopt -a -Highway group at the 101Broadway triangle; and has contacted Ray Fox of CalTrans regarding maintenance issues on El Camino Real from Burlingame Avenue to Trousdale. She stated that there are no Master Gardeners Programs in the area, but that horticultural volunteers are needed in all the cities of San Mateo County. She has addressed this issue in an article in an upcoming issue of the San Mateo County Times. Chairperson Hesselgren thanked Ms. Benson for her work and enthusiasm in this area. OLD BUSINESS - Appeal of the Denial to Remove a City owned Liriodendron Tree (aD, 212 Stanley Road - Arborist Porter stated the greatest concern ofthe property owners was the aphid infestation ofthe City -owned Liriodendron trees in front of their address, and the lean of the one tree that is closest to their driveway. He reported that he had visited the site today and found no evidence of aphid infestation concluding that the aphid infestation had been effectively controlled by the Merit pesticide injection. Arborist Porter added that the tree had grown leaning, and though it does not pose a hazard, could recommend reshaping and heading back from the driveway to improve the aesthetics of the tree. Superintendent Richmond added that Supervisor Disco monitored the aphid infestation over the summer months and it appeared that the Merit injection method was successful. Superintendent Richmond added that the long term success rate could not be guaranteed. Commissioner Carney noted that roots from the trees have cracked and raised the curb. Arborist Porter responded that it was not significant and could easily be repaired. Commissioner Hesselgren commented that she walks the area daily, that the tree looks healthy, and that there is no apparent residue from aphid infestation on the streets and sidewalk. Appeal of the Denial to Remove a City owned Liriodendron Tree a-, 212 Stanley Road - (Contd.) - The applicants were not present for comment. Commissioner McQuaide clarified that in June, the Commission tabled their decision to monitor the effectiveness of the Merit injection and then Commissioner McQuaide moved that the request be denied for the removal of the City -owned Liriodendron tree because the Merit pesticide application had been successful in controlling the aphid infestation; seconded, Webb. The motion carried 5-0-2 (Absent/Ellis and Lauder). Volunteer Maintenance Projects - (StaffReport) - Superintendent Richmond stated that the Commission affirmed their participation in the process at the last Commission meeting. He stated that in a memo dated July 18a`, Director Schwartz gave direction to the Commissioners with the following possible options: A. Approval of the Commission will be required for all volunteer efforts proposed by individuals and by organizations. B. Approval of the Commission will be required for volunteer projects proposed by organizations. C. Staff will notify Commission, but no Commission approval will be required for any project. D. An option yet to be developed. The Commission discussed the 4 options. Commissioner Carney stated that there should be some Commission oversight on the volunteer projects. Commissioner Grandcolas commented that the Commission could serve as some kind of clearinghouse to monitor proposed volunteer activities. Commissioner Webb stated he was concerned that volunteers would take on too much work and then be gone and asked who would then take care of the areas? Superintendent Richmond responded that Supervisor Disco would be monitoring the volunteer activities. The only projects available for volunteers are those that existing park - rnaintenance staff cannot attend to on any regular basis. Supervisor Disco commented that the Park Workers are happy to have additional help. Chairperson Hesselgren suggested that the Commission could choose Option A, and then reevaluate the progress and/or problems in several months. Following the discussion, Commissioner Carney moved that the Commission adopt Option A that, Approval of the Commission be required for all volunteer efforts proposed by individuals and by organizations; seconded, Grandcolas. Motion carried 5-0-2 (Absent/Ellis and Lauder). Burlingame Avenue Planters - Stephen Hamilton from Citizens for a Better Burlingame reviewed with the Commission the progress of the work currently being conducted by volunteers on the planters in front of Copenhagen and La Scala Restaurants. He stated that the volunteer group has donated approximately $250 of their own money and the Burlingame Garden Center donated a tree to be planted in one of the planters. Volunteer management has been successful with 20 volunteers gathering to do the initial planting and then individual volunteers maintaining the planters. Mr. Hamilton stated that he will be recommending to the Downtown Burlingame Business Improvement District that they own the Adopt -A -Planter program. Sam Malouf has agreed in principal to fund $400 and also adopt a planter. The BID will be considering this concept at their next meeting. The Adopt -A -Planter program has been successful in other cities such as Los Gatos and Morgan Hill. Mr. Hamilton reported that of the 20 planters on Burlingame Avenue, 6 planters have been adopted, none of which have an operating irrigation system. The merchants have agreed to assist with hand watering from hose bibs that are fronting some of the businesses on the avenue during the summer. Cost for reinstalling irrigation in the 20 planters would cost approximately $60-80,000 and the lowest bid thus far for hand watering approximately 55 times a year, would be $10,000 a year; other bids are being sought. 2 Burlingame Avenue Planters - (Contd.) lIr. Hamilton stated that once the program has been approved by the BID, announcements for a public planting and a community breakfast could be planned for early October. A public planting could then be held twice a year. Mr. Hamilton concluded that he believes the Adopt -A -Planter program fits within the guidelines and hopes the Beautification Commission can endorse this program. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Grandcolas stated that the concept fits within the guidelines and moved that the Beautification Commission endorse and support the Adopt -A -Planter program for Ike Burlingame Avenue Business District; seconded, Webb. Motion carried 5-0-2 (Absent/Ellis and Lauder). NEW BUSINESS Request for the Removal of a Private Cedar Tree (a, 1325 Cabrillo Avenue - Arborist Porter reported that he denied the application in June 2004 because the Cedar tree was healthy, well maintained, and structurally sound. Superintendent Richmond stated that the commission may consider other aspects such as the economic enjoyment of the property and the possible disruption of public utilities. Commissioner Grandcolas asked what the costs may be for the removal of such a large tree as opposed to trimming? Arborist Porter stated that if a crane was used, the cost could be from $5,000 to $8,000 and trimming could cost $500 to $1,500 every 3 to 4 years. Commissioner Grandcolas asked how long ago the tree had last been trimmed? Arborist Porter responded that the tree was last trimmed 2 years ago, was well done, and the tree has been well maintained. Commissioner Webb asked as to the legitimacy of Roto-Rooter being needed 3 to 4 times a year as claimed by the neighbor? Arborist Porter responded that there was no information submitted with the application to support that claim. Chairperson Hesselgren recognized the applicant, Mrs. Levings. Mrs. Levings stated that her neighbor, Mrs. Martinez, has had problems with the pine needles and the roots from her tree but added, that the tree is more work than it's worth. Mrs. Martinez was present and stated that the pine needles get in her gutters and the roots are in her sewer. She stated that Roto Rooter spent 7 hours getting the roots out of the sewer; that, the roots are so big they are breaking her sewer line and are on top of her ground; that, fallen branches have broken her roof 2 times; and that, the tree has many dead branches and pine needles. Chairperson Hesselgren asked Mrs. Levings if she had ever considered root pruning and the placement of root barriers? Mrs. Levings replied that she had not. Commissioner Webb asked how close the Pine tree is to the other trees on the property? Mrs. Martinez said that the trees are not very close to each other. Commissioner Grandcolas stated that his property also has 2 large Pine trees that drop needles; but the City of Burlingame is a Tree City and the trees bring benefit to the community, even if at a cost to the property owner. He noted that there are new gutter covers that can keep the pine needles out of the gutters and the Commission has consistently told applicants that trimming roots, placing root barriers, and routinely maintaining their trees are viable options to removal. 3 1_teauest for the Removal of a Private Cedar Tree a(�,1325 Cabrillo Avenue - (Contd.j - Commissioner Webb stated that this tree should be planted in a forest; that, it could be dangerous, and there "IN are other trees on the property. Commissioner McQuaide stated that the Cedar tree is beautiful and has a life span of upwards of 100 years. She asked Arborist Porter the approximate age of this Cedar tree? Arborist Porter stated that the tree is anywhere from 50-100 years old. Commissioner Grandcolas asked how much more the tree would grow? Arborist Porter responded that the tree had reached maturity, but the canopy would still grow. Chairperson Hesselgren stated she is sympathetic to the applicants and neighbors concerns, but the concerns are maintenance issues, that root pruning, placement of root barriers, and proper pruning could alleviate their problems. Commissioner Carney stated that she sympathizes with the cost involved for the applicant; that, this is an issue as to hardship on people and that is not considered by the Commission. However, she stated the tree is a healthy tree and things can be done to eliminate the problems caused by the tree. Commissioner Webb asked Arborist Porter how close the tree was to the sewer main? Arborist Porter stated he did not know where the sewer lateral was on this property, but added that tree roots do not break sewer laterals; some sewer laterals are still the old, clay laterals that have broken due to age, and then the roots invade at the break. The sewer lateral needs to be replaced. Commissioner Webb asked if the roots of this tree were cut, would the tree be unstable? Arborist Porter responded that an on site inspection and excavation would need to be conducted by an independent arborist to make an evaluation with regard to root pruning. Following the discussion, Commissioner Carney moved that the denial be upheld to remove the Cedar tree at 1325 Cabrillo Avenue because the tree is healthy, well maintained, and structurally sound seconded, Grandcolas. Motion carried 4 -1 (Webb) - 2 (Absent/Ellis and Lauder). Chairperson Hesselgren thanked and advised the applicant of appeal procedures to Council. Request for the Removal of a City -Owned Walnut Tree (act 1115 Bayswater Ave. Superintendent Richmond stated that the applicant is requesting removal because the walnuts from the tree are chronically dropping. Arborist Porter referred applicant to the Commission because the street tree ordinance allows for consideration of the removal of trees that have "nuisance" fiuit. Arborist Porter commented that there are a number of Walnut trees in the City and Walnut trees are not your ideal street tree but that this tree is beautiful and would affect the neighborhood if removed. He added that he sympathized with the applicant because the fallen walnuts do make a mess. Commissioner Grandcolas asked who is liable if someone were to be injured on the sidewalk? Arborist Porter stated that claims can be filed with the City Attorney. Commissioner Carney asked ifthe plant growth around the Walnut tree could affect the health of the tree and because there are utility wires above, should the tree be trimmed? Arborist Porter responded that the tree is not affected by the plant growth and the secondary wires, telephone, and cable lines are of no concern. Commissioner Grandcolas asked if trimming the tree would cut back on the walnut problem? Arborist Porter responded that the tree was trimmed 2-3 years ago, but that trimming and thinning would remove some of the walnuts. Commissioner Grandcolas asked what the life expectancy was of a Walnut tree? Arborist Porter responded that the Walnut tree is not as long lived as other species, but could live anywhere from 30 up to 80 years. -IN Chairperson Hesselgren recognized the property owner, Mrs. Chenette. 4 &Jc uest for the Removal of a Private Cedar Tree (a,1325 Cabrillo Avenue - (Contd.) - Trs. Chenette stated that the tree is a safety hazard when all the walnuts have dropped and that she needs �. to sweep 2-3 times a day because the squirrels keeping eating and dropping the walnuts on the sidewalk. She added that because there is no mandatory street sweeping schedule, a big collection ofwalnuts collects in the gutters and gets under the tires of cars. Mrs. Chenette stated that the sidewalk needs to be repaired because itis raised too high, but the dropped walnuts are a lot higher than the raised sidewalk and causes a hazard. She concluded that the tree is a beautiful tree, but she cannot continue to sweep 24/7 and requests removal because it is a safety hazard. L Ms.Ruperto of 1113 Bayswater stated that she has lived at her address since 1986 and she sees Mrs. Chenette sweeping and cleaning her yard; that many walnuts come from this tree. She commented that when the squirrels eat the walnuts, the walnuts drop on the ground and she is concerned because children pick them up and eat them. She concluded that she is worried that the children may get rabies. Chairperson Hesselgren responded that the problem with the walnuts could be alleviated by the tree being trimmed; that, the walnuts crush under foot and do not pose a tripping hazard; and that, there is no evidence of diseases being caused by dropped walnuts. She added that the walnut problem only lasts anywhere from 3 0.60 days. AAer a brief discussion, Commissioner Grandcolas moved that because the tree is a healthy tree and poses 1whazards, the denial be upheld to remove the Walnut tree at 1115 Bayswater, with the condition that the City trim the canopy of the tree to help eliminate some of the walnut production; seconded, McQuaide. Motion carried 5-0-2 (Absent/Ellis and Lauder). Chairperson Hesselgren thanked and advised the applicant of appeal procedures to the Council. fZ TORTS - Superintendent Richmond - 1. Agenda for September will include a hearing on the usefulness of a View Ordinance in Burlingame. Randy Schwartz will present relevant material, and the Commission will receive sample ordinances from other cities. The material should be read carefully before the meeting, because a public hearing will be involved. 2. The September agenda will also include a brief presentation by Victor Voong of Public Works who will explain the new sidewalk replacement policy from the Public Works perspective. The Commission should prepare any questions in advance. 3. The Tree Contract is out to bid; bids will be opened on August 17'. 4. The Parks Division has two retirements this month: Leadworkers, John Chilcott and Frank Rancatore, will be retiring. Those positions, and a third leadworker position (December retirement), will be replaced with only a single person. 5. Several individuals are working under the supervision ofBob Disco on volunteer maintenance projects. Commissioner McQuaide - Commissioner McQuaide reported that she cleaned up garbage and removed dead growth on the l0lBroadway triangle with Commissioner Lauder and Nancy Locke. She added that it was fun, only took 1-2 hours, and that they are looking for other volunteers to clean the area once a month. REPORTS - (Contd.) - Chairperson Hesselgren - Chairperson Hesselgren reported that Rector Cadillac removed two more trees, leaving no trees at .."N the site. Arborist Porter responded that the two trees blew down and needed removing. Chairperson Hesselgren noted that the site should have a total of 15 trees. Arborist Porter responded that he will send a letter to the Honda Dealership to begin the process of getting trees replanted on that commercial site. Chairperson Hesselgren also reported that she picks up garbage every morning on the eastern side of Washington Park at the end of Concord Avenue, and suggested a trash receptacle be placed in that area. Supervisor Bob Disco responded that he would look into the possibility of locating a receptacle in that area. There being no further business, Chairperson Hesselgren stated that since the late, former Mayor, Gloria Barton began her civil service by first serving on the Burlingame Beautification Commission, it would be fitting that this meeting of the Burlingame Beautification Commission be closed in her memory. The meeting was then closed in memory of the late, former Mayor, Gloria Barton at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karle Harvey Recording Secretary on -%N