HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2004.06.03BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION June 3, 2004 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Hesselgren. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Hesselgren, Commissioners Carney, Grandcolas, Lauder, McQuaide and Webb Absent: Commissioner Ellis Staff: Parks Superintendent Richmond, Arborist Porter, and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: Bobbi Benson; Mr. and Mrs. John Campos (212 Stanley) MINUTES Minutes were corrected to read, Stephen Hamilton, and Dan Andersen. Under Correspondence, should read, Letter to Alane L. O'Rielly Weber. Under From the Floor, the last paragraph/last sentence should read, Chairperson Hesselgren thanked Ms. Benson for her comments and suggested she contact the Burlingame Improvement Committee for volunteer activities related to her interests. The minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Richard and Nina Hoskinson,1915 Broadway, from Superintendent Richmond informing them that the Commission denied their appeal (5 - 2 (absent) to remove a protected Cedar tree at their address because the tree is healthy and concerns could be mitigated by root pruning and trimming of the tree. Utility Tree Trimming Committee Report - GoaUlssue/Objectives/Information Resources. Memo from Superintendent Richmond regarding a non action discussion item: Evaluating Sidewalk Damage to be discussed at the June 3rd Commission meeting. Letter from John F. Campos, 212 Stanley Road, appealing the denial to remove a City owned Liriondendron at his address. Applicant's request is based on concerns that: the tree leans toward the house, the roots have displaced the sidewalk and is causing problems with plumbing and possibly the main sewer line; due to the structure of the root system and the tree's close proximity to the driveway, the City is unable to effectively deal with the aphid problem leaving their cars "swamped" with a sticky solution from March through September. Letter to John F. Campos, 212 Stanley Road, from Superintendent Richmond informing Mr. Campos that the Commission will review the appeal of the denial to remove a City owned Liriodendron tree at the June 3rd Commission meeting. Staff Report to the Commission from Superintendent Richmond regarding the Appeal of the Denial to Remove a City owned Liriodendron tree at 212 Stanley. FROM THE FLOOR - Bobbi Benson stated that Molly Stone's grocery store on Chapin Avenue has mulched and planted the planters on the El Camino side of their business and that, the Safeway grocery store on Howard Avenue is doing abetter job at picking up the litter. She stated that her next task will be to ask the Bank of America on the South side of Chapin Avenue to consider doing some planting as well. With the Commission's permission, Chairperson Hesselgren then moved the agenda to NEW BUSINESS to accommodate the applicants from 212 Stanley Road. NEW BUSINESS - Cancellation of the July_3" Beautification Commission Meeting - Due to the July 4' Holiday it was moved and approved to cancel the July 3' Commission meeting. Appeal of the Denial to Remove a City owned Liriodendron Tree (a), 212 Stan1gy Road - Referencing his staff report to the Commission, Superintendent Richmond stated that the Liriodendron trees on Stanley Road have been treated over the years for aphid infestation and treatments are usually repeated. He added that a fair amount of success has been experienced by using the soil injection method of applying Merit pesticide which goes through the roots and then to the branches and leaves. He noted that the Liriodendron's on Stanley Road were once designated as a heritage grove, but the current ordinance does not reference that designation. He stated that a couple of neighbors (who also have a Liriodendron tree in front of their homes) called into the Parks office and commented that, if aphids and sidewalk damage was the only basis for the request for removal, they believed that should not be enough justification to approve removal of the tree. Superintendent Richmond continued that there are two Liriodendron trees at this address, because one tree is so close to the driveway and the root mass of the both trees, the injection method at this address is more difficult and the controls less effective; but Supervisor Disco inspected the trees today and found no evidence of aphids at this time. The City Arborist has denied past requests to remove the one tree closest to the driveway, but now has suggested the property owners appeal his decision to the Commission. Commissioner Webb stated that it appears on the one tree that the exterior bark is rotting, that the tree is leaning and has heavy limbs on that side. Arborist Porter stated that the trees in the City are on a 4 year pruning cycle and pruning to lighten the one side will eliminate any concern; the rot on the exterior of the bark is of no concern. He continued that many trees lean, but it does not necessarily mean they will fall; this particular tree has grown with a lean and recent inspection did not indicate any current upheaving of the turf. Arborist Porter stated that some year's the aphids are worse than others. This tree is very close to the driveway and has been headed back to keep the overhang back from the driveway. Commissioner Carney stated that she noticed that the curb is split and was concerned removal could set a precedent. Arborist Porter responded that the Liriodendron tree is a large specie in a small planting strip and curb and sidewalk damage will be occurring on the whole block of Stanley Road. Commissioner Grandcolas asked Arborist Porter if the roots were causing damage to the sewer and the plumbing? Arborist Porter responded no, not to his knowledge. Commissioner McQuaide asked if removal were approved would the tree be replaced? Arborist Porter responded that a smaller specie could be planted but would not be required because the current minimum spacing requirements would be exceeded. The Commission then discussed who would be responsible for the cost of removal, options to mitigate the aphid honeydew drop, as well as the Merit injection process. Arborist Porter responded that the area for injection has very little surface available to inject the Merit, thereby making it difficult to get enough material to be effective for the aphid control. Chairperson Hesselgren then recognized the applicant, John Campos. Mr. Campos stated he has lived at 212 Stanley for nine years; the two City owned Liriodendron trees "rain" sticky stuff from the aphids and the flowers as well as black stuff. The leaning of the tree has been a big concern because it leans toward the house and he has concern for his children and family. He added that using a car cover is not practical because it gets sticky. He commented that he is only requesting the removal of the one tree by the driveway if approved he would like a Gingko tree planted or something smaller that has yellow leaves in the Fall. 2 Appeal of the Denial to Remove a City owned Liriodendron Tree (aD, 212 Stanley Road - (Contd.) Mrs. Campos commented that they have been living with this problem for years; the repeated Merit injections are not effective; the car doors get stuck shut, the sidewalk and walkway to the house is sticky causing leaves to stick to shoes and getting tracked into the house. Commissioner Grandcolas stated that this tree is a beautiful tree, currently there is little damage to the curb and sidewalk, unlike others on the block that are "spilling" over the curbs. He commented that though unlikely, if removal ofthis tree was approved, other residents experiencing similar problems might be inclined to request removal of their trees. Commissioner Carney suggested that since there is no evidence of aphids on the trees at this time, and the aphid infestation is generally worse in June, the Commission could delay their decision to see if the Merit injection has been effective. Following further discussion, Commissioner McQuaide moved that the decision on this appeal be tabled to the August 5' meeting to evaluate the effectiveness of the current Merit injection process throughout the summer; seconded Motion carried 6 - 0 -1 (Absent/Ellis). Chairperson Hesselgren thanked the applicants for their comments, that the appeal would be placed on the August 5'h agenda for further discussion, and asked the applicants to please contact the Parks Division when the aphids appear. Chairperson Hesselgren excused herself to attend a graduation and Commissioner Carney continued the meeting as Acting Chair. Discussion of Criteria Used for Tree Related Sidewalk Damage - Superintendent Richmond explained the Council recently passed as ordinance revision giving responsibility to property owners for the repair of sidewalks fronting their property and though not yet confirmed, property owners may be able to take advantage of reduced costs of repairs through City contracted sidewalk contractors. Superintendent Richmond stated he is presenting a case study of an approved removal by the City Arborist of a City tree that was causing significant sidewalk damage so the Commission can discuss with Arborist Porter the criteria used for making this decision. Arborist Porter informed the Commission of his criteria and considerations he uses when evaluating requests for tree removals due to "sidewalk damage": 1) Branching structure of tree, 2) Whether decay or injury or root problems exist, 3) Concentration on right species for the particular location, 4) The degree of damage (serious/significant) to curb, sidewalk, or driveway, 5) The tree's proximity to the driveway, 6) Whether root pruning can mitigate future damage without compromising stability of the tree, 7) Whether topping of the tree has occurred for utilities has resulted in structural problems, and 8) Whether or not the tree belongs in the size planter strip. The Commission discussed further. Commissioner Lauder expressed her concern that citizens being required to pay for sidewalk repair will impact City tree removals. Arborist Porter said it is a different way of thinking; liability for the sidewalks is still the City's but the property owner will be responsible for the repairs. Superintendent Richmond noted that he would check with the Public Works Department to see if an engineer would speak to the Commission at a future meeting regarding sidewalk repair procedures. ONN OLD BUSINESS Committee Reports - Utility Tree Trimming Committee - Commissioner McQuaide reported that she spoke with several real estate offices and received feedback about possible ways of informing Realtors and new homeowners of City tree ordinances and policies. The Committee will meet and discuss the suggestions and report back to the Commission at a future meeting. REPORTS - Superintendent Richmond - 1 . City Budget will be considered by Council at its next two meetings. A Council Study Session was held on Tuesday, June 1st. 2. One ofHelenD'Arcy's children, Sandy, met with Supervisor Bob Disco and myself to discuss funding the replanting of the Fragrance Garden area. Bob is working on a planting plan. It might be another potential volunteer maintenance project. 3. Reminded the Commission to watch the progress of the volunteer planting project on the Avenue. The group will return in August to evaluate the project for possible expansion. 4. The PG&E Arborist whom Steve had hoped to have as a guest at a future meeting, has been transferred. She is checking with her supervisor regarding the possibility of making a presentation despite the change. Commissioner Lauder - Reported that she attended the Citizens for a Better Burlingame forum. She reported that the plants in front of Copenhagen and La Scala Restaurants on Burlingame Avenue are doing well and a new cherry tree had been planted in the planter in front of Copenhagen. Commissioner Lauder reported that she and Nancy Locke scattered poppy seeds, are propagating the ice plants at the 101Broadway triangle, and that they had received a donation of 12 petite salmon pink Oleanders to be planted in the area. She stated that they noticed the area around the Willow tree is very dry and have reported that to Ray Fox of CalTrans to investigate if there are problems with the irrigation. There being no further business, Acting Chair Carney adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, i rlene Harvey Recording Secretary No