HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2004.05.06BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMNUSSION May 6, 2004 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Hesselgren. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Hesselgren, Commissioners Carney, Ellis, Grandcolas, Lauder, and Webb (arrived late). Absent: Commissioner McQuaide Staff: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz, Parks Superintendent Richmond, Arborist Porter, Supervisor Disco, and Administrative Secretary Harvey Guests: Nina Hoskinson (1915 Broadway), Bobbi Benson (550 El Camino Real #103); John Campos (212 Stanley); Ste#w#Vamilton, Dan AnderW and Jennifer Pfaff (Citizens for a Better Burlingame) MINUTES Under FROM THE FLOOR, the comments in the minutes by City Manager Jim Nantell, were corrected to read : "... the measure would prevent the State from being able to take any more funds from the Cities unless it is approved by a simple majority of the voters. He stated that at the request of the Council, he is meeting with City Commissions, special interest groyps and citizens o Burlingame to inform them o the initiative. " The minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Ideas to Promote Tree Policies Within the City of Burlingame (March 4, 2004 Beautification Commission Meeting). Copy of Staff Report from City Manager Nantell to Honorable Mayor and City Council regarding Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act. Letter to jkdo�klane L. O'Rielly Weber, Botanical Art, thanking for her interesting presentation at the 25a' annual Spring Garden Seminar. Letter to Wacek Dennaoui, TCI Cablevision, thanking him for televising the Arbor Day Ceremonies. Letter from Ario Gregorie suggesting the City require the "state to plant 5 trees for every one they cut down" ... [on El Camino Real], and that replacement should be with "mature 20 foot trees".. . Memo from Parks Superintendent Richmond regarding Volunteer Maintenance Proposals for City Owned Facilities. Letter to Richard & Nina Hoskinson, 1915 Broadway, informing them that their appeal of the denial for the removal of a protected Cedar tree would be placed on the April 1' meeting agenda. Letter to Richard & Nina Hoskinson, 1915 Broadway, informing them that, due to schedule conflicts, the Beautification Commission was unable to obtain a quorum for the April 1' meeting, and their appeal would be postponed to the next regularly scheduled Beautification Commission meeting of May 6a', 2004. FROM THE FLOOR - Bobbi Benson stated she was a new resident of Burlingame from Dallas, Texas and was a member of the Dallas County Master Gardeners Association. She has been picking up litter in the planter, strip on El Camino and that she has noticed a lot of litter on Burlingame Avenue, Lots K and Kl, Primrose Road and Lorton Avenue and suggests the City add more trash cans for litter removal. She added that she has been communicating with Molly Stones regarding planting in the planter strip on El Camino. She stated that she loves Burlingame and is happy to do anything for the City of Burlingame. Chairperson Hesselgren thanked Ms. Benson for her comments and suggested she contact the=Wt ry Eem*tee for volunteer activities related to her interests. �`•; �4,0=erl John Campos, 212 Stanley Road, stated that he has two Tulip trees in the City's planter strip that are planted too closely together constantly drip sap from aphids and drop black residue, have roots that have lifted the sidewalk and are invading the sewer lateral. Mr. Campos stated that he is not anti tree but is requesting that one of the Tulips be removed and replaced with a Gingko tree. Chairperson Hesselgren thanked Mr. Campos for his comments and advised him to submit his request in writing in order to be placed on the June agenda. OLD BUSINESS - Appeal of the Denial to Remove a Cedar Tree na,1915 Broadway - Arborist Porter stated he denied the removal of the Cedar tree based on criteria that the tree is healthy, there was no significant property damage, and the reasons requested by the applicant were not justified based on criteria used with regard to structure and health. Parks Superintendent Richmond stated that the applicants appeal appears to be based on conditions 1 and 7 of the review process in the ordinance with regard to "proximity to existing or proposed structures, yards, driveway ..." and, ... "the economic consequences and obligations of requiring a tree to remain." He added the City Arborist only considers disease, health, and structure issues as well as damage to permanent structures, such as the house foundation; the Commission, however, may consider other issues. Commissioner Lauder stated it is a beautiful Cedar tree and asked Arborist Porter if pruning for weight reduction, trimming out deadwood, and root pruning would help to alleviate some of the concerns. Arborist Porter responded that root pruning could be done to alleviate damage. Chairperson Hesselgren asked if the root heading toward the gas line could be pruned? Arborist Porter stated that the root could be severed without causing any harm to the tree. Commissioner Ellis asked how old the tree was and how fast it will grow? Arborist Porter stated the tree appears to be 50-60 years old and will reach full maturity at about 100 years. The foliage (crown) will grow at a rate of approximately 6-8" each year; it is a mature tree so the trunk will only grow about 1/4" in diameter each year. The Commission further discussed with Arborist Porter the close proximity and repair to the hardscape (patio & neighbors driveway), root pruning, root barriers and other possible alternatives to removal. Chairperson Hesselgren then recognized the applicant, Ms. Nina Hoskinson. OLD $USINESS - Appeal of the Denial to Remove a Cedar Tree n,1915 Broadway - (Contd.) — Ms. Hoskinson stated that the trees roots are starting to crack her neighbor's driveway, and they are unable to grow anything under this "acid type tree". ` Chairperson Hesselgren asked applicant if she has maintained or trimmed the tree? Ms. Hoskinson said "no", that it is a nice tree and has not needed maintaining. Commissioner Lauder asked if the neighbor had considered planting "acid loving plants". Ms. Hoskinson said "No", that the neighbor ended up moving most, of the plants out from under the tree to other locations. Commissioner Ellis noted that upon her inspection she did not see any evidence of roots growing into the neighbors yard and the large crack in the driveway looked like it could have been caused by age. She did state, however, that the roses planted very close to the covered area were not blooming as well as those that were in the sun. Commissioner Ellis remarked that the branches of the tree cover the roof and believed cutting the branches back and. maintaining the tree would be very_ helpful in alleviating some of the concerns. Commissioner Grandcolas agreed that maintainingthe tree would be helpful and noted he has the same specie tree in his yard. He added it is hard growing plant under the canopy but success can be achieved by trimming back, thinning out, and removing litter. Commissioner Lauder commented that a tree in an area where children play may be the child's first experience with nature, providing shade, and shelter and is a great teaching tool. She added that with proper maintenance and care, the applicant may be able to live in harmony with the tree. Following the discussion, Commissioner Grandcolas moved that the Commission deny the appeal of the denial to remove the Cedar tree because it is a healthy tree and mitigation can be accomplished by the cutting of the roots and trimming of the tree without causing harm to the tree; seconded, Lauder. Motion carried S - 2 (absent/McQuaide and Webb). `-- Chairperson Hesselgren thanked the applicant and advised of appeal procedures to Council. With permission of the Commission, Chairperson Hesselgren moved the agenda to NEW BUSINESS to accommodate representatives from the Citizens for a Better Burlingame (CBB) wishing to make a presentation. NEW BUSINESS Volunteer Maintenance Proposal - Superintendent Richmond explained that a community group had approached Director Schwartz wishing to organize volunteers to conduct maintenance projects on city owned facilities. The Commission is being asked to consider the overall concept of volunteer maintenance. If the Commission affirms the concept, it will make that recommendation, and Director Schwartz will use the recommendation as he sees fit. Presuming a recommendation is approved, the Commission will then need to define its involvement in the proposal/implementation process. Those considerations may require additional Commission meetings. Finally the Commission will consider an experimental maintenance project proposal by CBB members. Chairperson Hesselgren opened the hearing on volunteer maintenance proposals to public comment. Several residents spoke affirmatively of the concept. Bobbi Benson noted that the President of the Masters Gardeners in Dallas headed up a "Green Team" to do plantings as directed. Volunteers were found through advertising and getting local businesses involved. NEW BUSINESS - Volunteer Maintenance Proposal - (Cont'd.) — Chairperson Hesselgren asked for Commission comment. Commissioner Webb asked how large the projects would be and if City Staff would be involved. Superintendent Richmond stated that the volunteers would provide the people power and supplies; staff would provide minimal direction, approval and oversight. Director Schwartz stated that in the past, the City has only had individuals, such as Eagle Scouts, volunteer to assist the Department. A framework has already been established for individual volunteer efforts, now it will be the Commission's task to establish criteria for volunteer groups and to determine the Commission's level of involvement in these projects. Following the discussion, Commissioner Ellis moved that the Commission recommend that subject to Council comment/approval, the Commission hear, consider, and approve or reject, volunteer beautification/maintenance proposals; seconded, Grandcolas. Motion carried 6 - 1 (absent/McQuaide). Chairperson Hesselgren then invited representatives from CBB to present their experimental maintenance proposal for Commission consideration. Steven Hamilton, Treasurer for Citizens for Better Burlingame, Dan Anderson, and Jennifer Pfaff discussed with the commission the 'Adopt a Planter' program as an experiment of how the Volunteer Maintenance Proposal would work. The experiment is currently occurring as a volunteer project under Parks Division supervision. Dan Anderson noted with the budget cuts, the planters have gone into disrepair and volunteers can help to bridge the gap to improve the landscaping in the planters. Steven Hamilton then showed a slide presentation of the current 'Adopt -a -Planter' proposal. The current trial is in the planters fronting La Scala and Copenhagen Restaurants on Burlingame Avenue. He noted '1 that since there is no irrigation in the planters, plants will be watered from the merchants sources. Vandalism, volunteer management, care and watering, Burlingame Avenue renovation, and recognition of volunteers are items that will need to be addressed as the project moves along. Key questions that the Commission would address would be what will be planted and how will volunteer management be conducted. Dan Anderson stated that there are other available planters on Burlingame Avenue. The Burlingame Garden Center has offered to work with the group with the pricing of plant material as well as other assistance and has even most recently offered to remove and replace a dying tree in one of the planters. Steven Hamilton stated an example of what the process might look like: The proposals would first be presented to the Parks & Recreation Department staff for approval, staff would then inform the Beautification Commission of the particular proposal, and then the Commission would be responsible for publicizing and recommending approval by City Council. Following the presentation, Commissioner Grandcolas stated that the proposal was well researched, well studied and very thorough and moved that the Commission affirm the trial program; seconded, Lauder. Motion carried 6 - 1 (absent/McQuaide). Chairperson Hesselgren thanked the CBB members for their presentation and asked that the Volunteer Maintenance program be placed on the June agenda for further discussion. 4 Review of Spring Garden Seminar - Superintendent Richmond stated that Alane Weber -Rielly made a very good presentation on composting for the home gardener. The seminar had been well publicized in the newspaper and the recreation brochure, and the banner was hung on Burlingame Avenue, but there were only 9 members from the public in attendance. Superintendent Richmond wondered if the Commission should consider canceling the event because of the lack of public interest that has been experienced over the last 5 years. The Commission discussed possible reasons for the decline in attendance from the types of topics presented, to over -saturation or duplication of topics offered elsewhere and on the internet, to changing the time to a week night rather than a Saturday. Following the brief discussion Chairperson Hesselgren suggested the Commission revisit this item in the Fall and be prepared to discuss different ideas. Chairperson Hesselgren then returned the meeting agenda to OLD BUSINESS. OLD BUSINESS Public Education Regarding Tree Practices & Policies - Chairperson Hesselgren, with permission of the Commission, requested that due to the absence of Commissioner McQuaide who was to make a report on this item, this item be held over to a future meeting. Tree Trimming Policies Under Public Utilities - Commissioner Grandcolas submitted copy of the committees goals, issues, and objectives relative to P.G.&E's current practice "flat topping" (instead of "tunnel -cutting") of City -owned trees under primary utilities. Superintendent Richmond stated that Arborist Porter had recently met with P.G.&E.'s Quality Assurance Specialist, Kathleen Haufmann, to discuss a tree issue; Kathleen Haufmann is also a Certified Arborist. In the course of their conversation, she offered to come to a future Beautification Commission meeting to discuss issues of mutual concern (either from the floor or as an agenda item). Arborist Porter will contact Ms. Haufmann and ask if she would be available to address the Commission either at the June or September Commission meeting. REPORTS - Superintendent Richmond - l. Soil injection for aphid control on selected City street trees completed. Selected fertilization with injection/tank is now being performed. 2. Burlingame Avenue Downtown Improvement Committee is formulating plans for the Avenue. Mayor O'Mahony suggested that a Beautification Commissioner would be a good addition to that group. Acting Chairperson Lauder attended the April 27'h meeting. Chairperson Hesselgren will try to attend the next meeting and Commissioner Carney will act as backup. 3. Park Supervisor Bob Disco tested for and was awarded Certified Arborist certification. 4. Cal Trans representatives made a presentation to Council on Monday, April e about the removal of the 11 Eucalyptus trees on El Camino. 5. 35 street trees were planted in April. The next planting will be in October. 6. Bids were opened March 31st for the contract to install the vegetation screen on the east side of California Drive north of Dufferin. The project was approved in 1999 by Council before the BART project began. It involves removal of the existing plants, except for several native Oaks, to be replaced with shrubs, trees, and irrigation. 7. Grand Opening for the new playground at Washington Park occurred on April 17a'. 8. Council passed an ordinance giving property owners responsibility for sidewalk repairs fronting their property. Commission will discuss at future meetings, the possible effects of the new ordinance and how it may impact the Commission. 9. A view ordinance concept was mentioned at the last Council meeting. The Commission will likely be involved in any such discussions. M REPORTS - Superintendent Richmond (Contd.) - 10. Steve met with PG&E rep regarding a power line/tree issue. In the course of their conversation, she offered to come to a future Beautification Commission meeting to discuss issues of mutual concern (either from the floor or as an agenda item). 11. Steve is working with Rector Motors on the selection of the replacement of landscape trees that blew down. Chairperson Hesselgren - Chairperson Hesselgren noted that she has been contacted by 4 citizens asking if there is any reason why so many "No Parking" signs are required on the green storage fence on the corner of California Drive and Oak Grove and, if the "Got Junk" signs will be removed? Superintendent Richmond will contact the Public Works Department. Commissioner Lauder - Commissioner Lauder asked if a green fence will also be installed in the area of Broadway and California Drive? Superintendent Richmond will ask the Public Works Department to clarify and will report back to the Commission. There being no further business, Chairperson Hesselgren adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm. Res ectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary -'IN 6