HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2004.03.04BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION March 4, 2004 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Hesselgren. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Hesselgren, Commissioners Carney, Ellis, Grandcolas, Lauder, and McQuaide Absent: Commissioner Webb Staff: Parks Superintendent Richmond, Arborist Porter, and Administrative Secretary Harvey MINUTES Under Reports - Commissioner Lauder, minutes were corrected to read: Commissioner Lauder added that she. Nancv Locke. and Mariko Roberts (CalTrans) are in the process of choosing trees to replace the Willow trees that have died [at thel0lBroadway Triangle]. The minutes were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Superintendent Richmond to Bob Haddad, 831 Crossway Road, that the Beautification Commission voted unanimously to deny the permit for the removal of one Camphor tree at his address because the tree was a viable and healthy tree and that maintaining the roots, and the pruning and thinning of the tree, could have been alternatives to removal. Additionally, the Commission recommended City Staff and applicant negotiate a cash settlement for the illegal removal and replacement with a 3 6 " box size tree or appealing this decision to the City Council. Letter to the Garden Study Club of the Peninsula thanking them for their $50 donation toward the Arbor Day Tree planting at Bayside Park. FROM THE FLOOR - City Manager Jim Nantell addressed the Commission regarding the Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act that the League of Cities is proposing to have placed on the November ballot. In essence, the measure would prevent the State from being able to take any more funds from the Cities unless it is approved by a simple majority of the voters. He stated that at the request of the Council, he is meeting with and encouraging City Commissions, Special Interest groups, and citizens ofBurlingame to help in circulating petitions to obtain 1100 signatures from registered voters in the City of Burlingame. Other Cities in the San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties are doing this and are also making contributions towards this effort. He concluded that anyone interested in circulating a ballot may contact Parks & Recreation Director Randy Schwartz at the Burlingame Recreation Center. OLD BUSINESS A. Public Education Regarding Tree Practices & Policies - Chairperson Hesselgren stated the Committee consisting of her and Commissioners Carney and Lauder met and discussed many different ways to inform the public and contractors regarding City tree practices and policies. Commissioner Lauder presented the list of items for discussion. Following the discussion, Commissioner Grandcolas suggested that the Commission identify 4-5 suggested items that can currently be accomplished by the Commission. The Commission then identified the following items: 1) Neighborhood precinct walk, going door to door with information flyers regarding City tree policies. (Commissioner Lauder) 2) Discussing and presenting tree policies to local realtors and title companies, emphasizing the beneficial aspects of trees with regard to property values. (Commissioner McQuaide) 3) Placing tree policy flyers on the City of Burlingame Water Bill. (Staff} A. Public Education Regarding Tree Practices & Policies - (Contd) 4) Boy and Girl Scouts handing out tree policy flyers at Music in the Park and Art on the —IN Avenue. (Chairperson Hesselgren) 5) Tree Policy flyers mailed out with Recreation Class registration receipts. (Tim Richmond) 6) Broaden next year's Arbor Day event to include information and City information about tree policies. (Tim Richmond) 7) Follow through on Commercial and Residential Projects to verify requirements have been met with regard to tree planting and developing a 5 year protection plan for both Commercial and Residential. (Staff Commissioner Hesselgren noted that all of the trees that were required for the Rector/Cadillac site at Cadillac Way, between Carolan and Rollins Road, were never planted. She said she believes there are 6 more trees needed. The Carolan Avenue side of the property (owned by Mike Harvey Acura) has nothing planted except the green strip of grass. In checking with the City Planner, Arborist Porter responded that the "green strip of grass" on the Carolan Avenue side of the property was the only requirement in that area. He stated he would check and clarify the number of trees required for the Rector/Cadillac site, and then would work with the current property owner to determine an appropriate species to be planted. He concluded that he would report back to the Commission at subsequent meetings. B. Review of Commission Meetings and Structure - Superintendent Richmond reviewed the Commission Rules of Procedure, Urban Reforestation Ordinance (Private Trees), and the Street Tree Ordinance (City Trees) with the Commission. He noted that when hearing appeals, the Commission can consider and weight the items listed in Section 11.06.060 when considering an appeal before them. He commented that Section 11.06.09 refers to building or construction on a private property where protected trees exist and that, Arborist Porter makes recommendations with regard to private trees for --� the Planning and Building Departments. Arborist Porter commented that if a tree which is not "significant, falls within the footprint of a proposed project, and ifthe plan cannot somehow be changed to accommodate the tree, removal with replacement requirements are usually approved. Spring Garden Seminar - Saturday, March 20, 2004, 9:30 to 11:00 am. Alane Weber -Rielly will be speaking on Compostingfor the Home Gardener; the Commission will provide breakfast cakes and cookies. Commissioner Ellis has delivered the banner to be hung over Burlingame Avenue. REPORTS - Superintendent Richmond - 1) The Commissioners Dinner will be at the Sheraton Hotel on Friday, March 12th. 2) Arbor Day will be celebrated at Bayside Park on Monday, March 8 at 10:00 a.m. 3) The appeal by the Eastmoor residents was tabled by Council. 4) Sycamore pruning continues west of Vancouver and north of Easton 5) Field use picks up dramatically in March - (youth and adult baseball/softball) 6) Washington Park playground renovation proceeding, after rain delays. 7) No major tree losses or damage in intense storm two weeks ago. 8) Parks Office received a number of calls about the Eucalyptus removals on El Camino. Chairperson Hesselgren - Chairperson Hesselgren noted that the squirrel barriers are still in the tree on Lexington. Arborist Porter responded that a second letter will be sent to the property and if not removed after 2 weeks, the City's crew will remove and bill the property owner for labor costs. Commissioner Lauder - Commissioner Lauder submitted to staff a list of City trees with ivy growing up the trunk. She added that she would like to see more of a uniform tree planting because the current --� practice is unattractive. Arborist Porter responded that planting a monoculture is usually not a good idea because if the species contracts a blight or disease it could infect all the species in the same area as exampled in the planting of Elms on Oxford and Cambridge. 2 REPORTS Cont'd.) Commissioner Grandcolas - Commissioner Grandcolas reported that he tried to stop Asplundh Tree Company (contracted by PG&E) while they were topping the trees under the primary lines on Walnut \.. Avenue. He then drew an example of the stub .cuts that he observed. He was told by the crew leader that this was how they needed to trim the trees. Commissioner Grandcolas also observed in the ordinance that a permit is required to trim City owned trees, but the Asplundh employee told him that it was not required. Commissioner Grandcolas suggested that a committee formed to gather facts and data to determine options that may be available with regard to trimming trees under primary utilities. Commissioner Grandcolas, Lauder, and Ellis will serve on the Committee. Superintendent Richmond suggested the Committee first meet with Arborist Porter to discuss options. The Committee will report back to the Commission at a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Lauder concluded that the City of Burlingame is a Tree City USA, and it looks very bad when Asplundh "flat tops" the trees. Commissioner McQuaide - Commissioner McQuaide noted that some new trees have been planted on El Camino Real and Chairperson Hesselgren noticed that some newly planted trees (that had blown over) between Bayswater and Oak Grove have been restaked. There being no further business, Chairperson Hesselgren adjourned the meeting at 7:50 pm. Respectfully submitted, tarlene Harvey Recording Secretary 3