HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2005.08.04BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION August 4, 2005 Chairperson Hesselgren called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission to order at 5:32 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Hesselgren, Commissioners Carney, Grandcolas, Lauder, McQuaide, O'Connor, and Webb Staff: Parks Superintendent Richmond and Secretary Harvey Guests: Bobbie Benson MINUTES The minutes of the June 2, 2005 Beautification Commission meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Commission Attendance Report — January to June 2005. Tree View Ordinance Committee Report. Letter from Superintendent Richmond to Mrs. Sara O'Connor, 1556 Balboa Ave., informing her that her request for City tree removal had been denied and the process to follow to appeal that decision. Memorandum from City Attorney Anderson: Ralph M. Brown Act FROM THE FLOOR - Bobbi Benson reported that the planters on Broadway were planted with perennials on June 10'' and took the volunteers only 30 minutes to complete. She stated that the merchants are taking care of the plants and Supervisor Disco has taken care of the irrigation. She added that the merchants association wants the large pots by the bank at \,. El Camino as well as 12 tol6 other "off Broadway" planters to be planted; the merchants will provide the plants and will need to agree to water and then she will conduct the planting. The Commission thanked Bobbi for all her work in the City. OLD BUSINESS - Tree View Policy - Superintendent Richmond clarified that at the last Commission meeting the Commission voted against recommending a Tree View Ordinance but instead to develop a recommendation for a Tree View Policy. Commissioner Grandcolas (who served on the Tree View committee along with Commissioner Webb) was instrumental in developing key points in the original recommendation and has agreed to lead the discussion as the Commission begins to develop a recommendation for a policy. Commissioner Grandcolas stated that he agreed with Commissioner O'Connor's suggestion at the last meeting, the policy be called the "Bay View Policy", which he thought would better define the intent of the policy. Commissioner Grandcolas continued that much of the language in the original draft was taken from the City of Belmont's policy. He stated that Belmont's topography is similar to Burlingame and like Burlingame, Belmont had no prior ordinances relating to views and trees. Additionally, the Belmont policy appears to be a good mechanism for resolving neighbor disputes with regard to trees. Commissioner Grandcolas then reviewed with the Commission the "good points" and the "bad points" of the City of Belmont's policy as it may relate to the City of Burlingame. Commissioner Grandcolas then recommended that as the Commission works to develop a policy, they use the Belmont Policy and line out/add language to make it applicable to Burlingame. Commissioner Hesselgren stated she would scan the Belmont policy and distribute an electronic file of the Belmont policy for the Commission to work on. OLD BUSINESS - Tree View Policy — (Contd.) — The Commission then discussed different elements that could be included in a Bay View policy. Following the discussion, Commissioner Grandcolas stated he would make revisions to the initial draft of the Tree View Policy based on the Commission's comments, and will present a revised document to the Commission at the next meeting for further revisions. Lone Ranee Reforestation Plan for Easton Drive — Committee Status Report — Commissioner McQuaide stated that the committee had not yet met, but she had emailed Commissioner Lauder (she did not have Commissioner O'Connor's email address) with some of her ideas as to the types of species that might be considered. She stated that although she is not a fan of Eucalyptus trees, there are other Eucalyptus varieties that could be considered that may be more visually preferred and in keeping with the existing character on Easton Drive. Commissioner McQuaide then submitted a list of considerations. Commissioner Lauder stated that she would prefer to see Redwood trees or Oak trees or even perhaps Monterey Cypress as there are Cypress trees in one section on Easton Drive. The Commission discussed the different specie suggestions. Commission Webb suggested that the Commission first develop a master of plan of the Easton area. Commissioner Lauder suggested that it might be good to survey the residents in the area and Commissioner. Grandcolas added it might be best to present the residents with several options to be planted in front of their residence. Commissioner Carney agreed and stated that perhaps the Commission could develop a list of appropriate replacements to be used in that area. Superintendent Richmond stated that once decided by the Commission, a hearing could be set to give the public an opportunity to comment on the types of species recommended. Following the discussion, Chairperson Hesselgren stated that there are existing vacant planting sites that need trees now and there are likely to be removals here and there in the future, so it is important for there to be a plan in place for replacements. She stated that it would be best to develop a plan that focuses on replanting with Eucalyptus variety(s) and another plan that focuses on replanting with a couple of other selected species. She then asked the '1 Committee to meet before the next meeting, focus on two separate plans, and prepare some recommendations to submit to the Commission for further consideration. Commissioner Grandcolas excused himself and left at 6:25 pm. NEW BUSINESS Nominatine Committee Report/ Election of Officers — The Committee presented a slate of nominees to be considered for election: Commissioner McQuaide Commissioner Grandcolas Commissioner Lauder Chairperson Vice Chair Corresponding Secretary There being no further nominations for the floor, Commissioner Lauder moved that the slate of nominees be elected; seconded, Carney. Motion carried 6 — 0 — 1 (absent/Grandcolas). REPORTS — Superintendent Richmond — 1. Potential appeal at 812 Laurel was resolved. Supervisor Disco was able to see the exposed root of the tree during street/curb and gutter repair. The root had to be removed in order to enable repairs, but it then compromised the stability of the tree. The homeowners are selecting a replacement tree. 2. Sarah O'Connor, property owner at 1556 Balboa spoke with Karlene concerning her "From the Floor" comments at the June meeting. We also checked with the Street and Sewer Division on services they had provided at that 'IN address. There were no root issues in their recent service call. The line was also scoped. The problem was that the sewer service line under the house was uncapped; hence, the sewer odor. That was a private issue, and a plumber resolved it. REPORTS — Contd.) Superintendent Richmond — 3. A mature Catalpa tree in the Front Park (WP) had a significant crack at the joint of a major lateral. Tree was removed; safety of tree was the issue. We will likely replace with another Catalpa. 4. The Parks Division often receive calls in the summer for inspection of City street trees, many of which, just need watering. This is not something the Parks Division would routinely do. Some watering is done if personnel are available, but every stressed tree cannot be watered by crews. On occasion, residents request fertilization when the real issue is irrigation. 5. Meeting with Council is tentatively scheduled before the September 6 Council Meeting. There will be a simple agenda of issues on which the Commission is currently working. If and when the date is firm the office will notify Commissioners. 6. Bayfront clean up scheduled for September 17. 7. Director Schwartz had a discussion with the PG&E regional rep for tree matters. He asked if she would be willing to participate in a BBC sponsored information session. She is willing. If the Commission would like to pursue the matter, it could be placed on the agenda and a suitable venue for the session decided upon. Lauder — Stated she is enjoying the pumpkins that are growing at the Parks yard. Webb — Stated he would like to see the Northeast comer of Oak Grove at California Drive cleaned up like the other corner on Oak Grove and new plantings in front of the Public Works storage yard. Superintendent Richmond stated that the plantings on the South comer and in front of the storage yard were a Public Works project in which Parks assisted and any upgrades would need to go through Public Works. He also stated that there is no water source there for new plantings and the northeast comer is controlled by several non -City agencies/jurisdictions. Commissioner Webb also stated he would like to see the power poles out in the bay removed and would like the P.G.&E. representative to comment on that possibility. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary