HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2006.05.04BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMM SSION MAY 4, 2006 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Grandcolas. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chair Grandcolas, Carney, Ellis, Lahey, and O'Connor Absent: Commissioners Lauder and McQuaide Staff: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz, Superintendent Richmond, and Secretary Harvey Guests: Jennifer Pfaff, Thomas Homblower (2100 Easton Drive) MINUTES — The minutes of the April 6, 2006 Beautification Commission meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Director Schwartz, to Michael Stallings, 1512 Alturas Drive and to William Dugoni, 1511 La Mesa Drive, informing them that agreement between property owners for the removal of the City -owned Red Oak tree at 1511 La Mesa Drive had been reached and that, if no further appeals from adjacent property owners were received by April 25, 2006, a permit would be issued to the view owner for the removal of the tree and stump at his cost. Copy of Internet information, submitted by Chairperson McQuaide, regarding Recommended Plants for Homes of Allergic People. Tree Evaluation Report, submitted by Supervisor Disco, for six Pittosporum trees located at 2100 Easton Drive. What is the Urban Forest, information sheet. FROM THE FLOOR - Jennifer Pfaff read a letter to be submitted by her to the Commission regarding her concerns of the "trend" of trees being removed from private and City properties that are under new development only to be replaced with smaller specie trees. She believes that larger specie trees (with less invasive roots) could be chosen for the City planter strips and private properties and that the lack of uniformity of the tree planting in City planter strips looks "trashy". She is also concerned about the many City planter strips that have no trees and believes property owners should not be able "opt out" of having a tree planted in the City -owned planter strip fronting their homes. Vice Chair Grandcolas thanked Ms. Pfaff for her comments and then changed the order of the Agenda to conduct the hearing for the tree removal request at 2100 Easton Drive. NEW BUSINESS — Reauest for the Removal of 6 City -Owned Pittosnorum Trees at 2100 Easton Drive, Due to Allergies - Superintendent Richmond stated that Mr. Hornblower of 2100 Easton Drive requested the removal of these City owned trees because he suffers from an allergic reaction to the flowers and since there was no precedent for this type of request being considered, this item was referred to the Commission for consideration. NEW BUSINESS — Request for the Removal of 6 City -Owned Pittosgorum Trees at 2100 Easton Drive, Due to Allergies - (Contd.) — Superintendent Richmond noted that Chairperson McQuaide provided for the Commission, Internet information regarding non -allergenic plants that could be planted for those individuals with allergies, noting a "Pittosporum" tree (of a different variety that exists at 2100 Easton Drive) as one of the non -allergenic plants listed in the report. He also directed the Commission's attention to the Tree Evaluation (submitted by Supervisor Disco) that indicates all six trees to be healthy and structurally sound. Superintendent Richmond stated that Mr. Hornblower's father chose these trees when they were planted by the City in 1994. Following a brief discussion amongst the Commission, Vice -Chair Grandcolas asked Mr. Hornblower to address the Commission. Mr. Hornblower commented that the six Pittosporum trees that are planted around 2100 Easton Drive are planted closer than what the City's list states spacing should be between this type of tree. He remarked that it is the fragrance from the blooms that causes him to have bad headaches and pressure in his head, adding that he is very sensitive to fragrances. He stated that the trees bloom 2-3 times each year and that, this year, the blooms were on the trees from January to April causing him to have an ongoing headache for 3 months. He continued that he is concerned that as the trees grow to be 25-40' tall, with a 25' canopy, the potency of the fragrance will be that much more overpowering. He concluded his comments stating that because he suffers so with these headaches, it would be worth it for him to pay for the cost of removal and .� replacement and asks that the trees be replaced with Gingko trees because they don't produce any flowers or that the trees be given "haircuts" when they have the flowers. Vice -Chair Grandcolas asked if he had ever tried clipping off the flowers. Mr. Hornblower responded that he had not. Commissioner Carney asked Mr. Hornblower if he had ever been tested for allergies. Mr. Hornblower responded that he had never been tested for allergies, but that he knows it is the fragrance and avoids plants or fragrances that have a white flower (honeysuckle or jasmine), adding that over the counter remedies as suggested by the doctor have not worked to alleviate the symptoms. He noted that before the Pittosporums were planted he would not get headaches but only have "itchy eyes" from a previously existing Acacia tree, but now he has the headaches when the Pittosporums are in bloom. Commissioner Lahey commented that she would like to come up with a positive solution and understands that fragrances come from plantings around surrounding homes, but is concerned about setting precedent if removal were to be approved because people plant many different kinds of plants in their yards and where do you draw the line. Commissioner O'Connor asked staff. if the homeowner would be willing to bear the cost of trimming the buds prior to flowering, could that be done. Superintendent Richmond responded that a permit could be issued for the work to be performed on the City tree(s). Mr. Hornblower stated that he is concerned about setting precedent and cost as well; but that, removal and replacement would only be a one time cost where as trimming the buds 2-3 times a year would not only cost more in man hours, but would also be cost prohibitive. Commissioner Ellis commented that there are Pittosporums on both sides of the street, creating the look of a grove and that those trees bloom also. 2 NEW BUSINESS — Reauest for the Removal of 6 City -Owned Pittosnorum Trees at 2100 Easton Drive, Due to Allergies - (Contd.) — Mr. Hornblower responded that it is the "potency" of the blooms that are so close to his yard and home and that the trees across the street are far enough way. Commissioner Carney suggested that the item be tabled so the Commission could obtain more information before making a determination. The Commission discussed removal and replacement and other alternatives such as: root treatments or spraying to inhibit blooming and/or trimming the buds. Vice -Chair Grandcolas suggested that if removal were approved the Commission could consider planting with "female" varieties; eliminating potential problems that could be caused due to flowering. Following the discussion, Commissioner O'Connor moved that this item be tabled to the June 1st Commission meeting, and asked that staff investigate and report back to the Commission regarding the cost of removal and replacement of the six Pittosporums as well as alternative information on suppression methods that could be used as a remedy; seconded, Carney. Motion carried 5 — 0 — 2 (absent/Lauder and McQuaide). City Streets with No Trees Superintendent Schwartz stated that the Council has asked the Commission to investigate potential options for street (blocks) in the City that have few or no trees in the City planter strips. Director Schwartz suggested the Commission discuss potential areas for planting such as residential, business, Rollins Road, and determine a concept that might include prioritizing, fundraising, community information/input. He stated that most recently he and Superintendent Richmond have met with a business owner on Howard Avenue who is interested in tree planting fronting the Howard Avenue businesses that could be funded by those business owners. The Commission briefly discussed several options including tree planting themes as part of the centennial celebration in 2007. Following the discussion, the Commission asked that this item be placed on the June agenda for further discussion. OLD BUSINESS — P.G.&E. Pruning Practices in the Citv of Burlingame — Committee Report Director Schwartz reported that he has arranged for a meeting with the P.G.&E. representative for May 12�', from noon to 2:00 pm, to discuss methods of alternative pruning and goals, and to conduct an on -site visit to selected locations where trees have been recently pruned. Director Schwartz asked that any Commissioner's who are able, are invited to attend. He noted that Representative Erin Parks has already spoken to P.G.&E. crews about altering their pruning techniques. Commissioner Lahey volunteered to attend the meeting. REPORTS — Superintendent 1. Merit pesticide application completed on all but a few trees with a history of heavy aphid infestation; more of the product is on order. 2. Sycamore tree removed at 215 Chapin Lane. A major root on s/w side was main support of tree. Wall at property line made it impossible to ramp or move the sidewalk. Pictures are available. 3. Pines on Pepper have been removed as announced at last meeting. 4. Tree planting is in progress. REPORTS—Suaerintendent - (Contd.) 5. 11 Accolade Elms were ordered, three as replacements for Locusts that were removed at the Depot. The Accolades could not be shipped because of a fungus discovered on them. We now anticipate a fall delivery. 6. Karlene resolved the problems with Mrs. Bilsey from 112 Howard. There was a misunderstanding of what her phone request had been. A site visit by the Supervisor was offered, but she was satisfied with her conversation with Karlene. 7. City Manger, Randy, and I met with a DBID member, who expressed an interest in tree planting along the business area of Howard Avenue, i.e. cutting out planting squares/planting trees. Commission may wish to consider and offer recommendations for this project. 8. Annual plantings installed at City Hall, ECRBurlingame Avenue, SP Circle. 9. Adopt -a -Planter group will be planting on Burlingame Avenue this coming weekend. Ellis — Commissioner Ellis noted that the Deciduous Pear trees planted on the Westside of California Drive are looking very nice. Grandeolas - Commissioner Grandcolas reported a potential illegal removal of a protected tree on the 700 block of Walnut. Superintendent Richmond stated that staff would investigate. Commissioner Lahey excused herself from the next agenda item and left at 7:1 S pm. OLD BUSINESS - Lom Range Reforestation Plan for Easton Drive The Commission discussed the Community Forum that was held on April 4 and commented that the information meeting was well attended with around 30 people, that there were many different points of view but that generally the group seemed to want to retain a tall, grandeur look on Easton Drive and even suggested replanting with Eucalyptus trees. There were some concerns about parking; that if trees were planted in-between the existing trees, residents would not be able to park on the planting strips as is now the practice. Most who were in attendance, seemed to be interested in continuing the process and looking forward to more meetings for further input. There being no further business, Vice Chair Grandcolas adjourned the meeting at 7:25 pm. Respectfully submitted, i Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary 4