HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2006.03.02BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION March 2. 2006 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson McQuaide. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson McQuaide, Carney, Ellis, Grandcolas, Lahey, Lauder, and O'Connor Staff: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz, Superintendent Richmond, Supervisor Disco, and Secretary Harvey Guests: Andrew Mendoza MINUTES — The minutes of the February 2, 2006 Beautification Commission meeting were unanimously approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Superintendent Richmond, to Robert & Cynthia Gilson, informing them that the Commission at the February 2, 2006 meeting, voted unanimously to deny their appeal of the denial to remove a protected Deodar Cedar at 1480 Vancouver because the tree is healthy and their concerns could be mitigated by pruning the tree. Copy of Resolution No. 8-2006 adopting Guidelines for Resolution of Bay View Disputes [with regard to trees) and Guidelines for Resolution of Bay View Dispute. Copy of draft letter regarding current P.G.&E. tree trimming practices in the City of Burlingame. Copy of draft letter inviting Easton Drive residents to a public meeting to discuss the Long Range Reforestation Plan for Easton Drive. `. Memorandum from Director Schwartz regarding City Council's Goal Setting Session. FROM THE FLOOR - There were no comments from the floor. OLD BUSINESS Eagle Scout Project — Supervisor Disco introduced Andrew Mendoza, from Troop 28, who is working towards obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout and is interested in doing a project in Washington Park. Andrew Mendoza submitted his proposal to label trees approximately 40-50 trees in Washington Park to assist the community with identifying the tree specie. The labels would be 3x4" UV protected signs and would have 2 lines of information containing the Botanical name and generic name of the tree. After researching the different options for signage, he determined that the labels placed on the trees with 2 stainless steel tacks would be the most secure option and would not cause damage to the trees. Andrew stated that the cost of the project would be approximately $500-$600 of which he will be raising the money through donations from family, friends, and businesses. He concluded that he will be enlisting the help of 34 other scouts and that once the project begins, should take about about 2-3 weekend days and would he be enlisting the help of 3-4 other scouts. Supervisor Disco stated that this project piggy backs on to an Eagle Scout project conducted several years ago of updating the Trees of Washington Park map; that the labels will coincide with the numbered trees on the map. Following the presentation Commissioner Grandcolas commended Andrew for the work and research he had done on the project thus far and stated that in recognition of Andrew's work on this project, one of the labels should have Andrew's name placed on it. Commissioner Carney then moved to accept the project and that one of the labels bear Andrew's name in recognition of this project; seconded, Grandcolas. Motion carried 6-&1(absend0'Connor). Commissioner O'Connor arrived late (due to traffic). OLD BUSINESS — (Contd.) Arbor Day ar, Arguello Drive Entrance to Mills Canyon Park - Superintendent Richmond stated that the date for the Arbor Day ceremony changed to March a due to state exams the elementary schools were conducting on March 7 h and the location was later changed to Washington Park on the recommendation of the Parks & Recreation Commission. Bay View Guidelines - The Commission reviewed the in-house document implementing procedures for discussions with residents regarding City trees who have concerns about their Bay View. The Commission reviewed the procedures and suggested some minor changes. P.G.&E. Pruning Practices in the City of Burlingame — Committee Report - The Commission reviewed the draft letter to Council. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner O'Connor moved that the draft letter be approved; seconded, Grandcolas. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS City Council Goals — (Memorandum) Superintendent Schwartz stated that during the Council Goal setting meeting, the public had opportunity to comment on areas of concern within the community. The Council referred the public statements to the appropriate departments for comment. The Commission made the following comments to the public statements as listed below: Look into tree trimming maintenance in business areas. Many trees are blocking signage on stores — The Commission understands the concern of the business owners, but prioritizes the health of the trees above the signage problems. The Commission suggests sending the businesses a letter listing the benefits of trees in business areas, such as shade protection of parking spaces and store fronts, economic value of trees. The Commission also asked staff to look at the growth rate of the trees. (Staff note: These trees have been included in the grid pruning schedule and are set to be trimmed in the winter of the 2006-07 budget year.) • Broadway trees should be trimmed more often for uniform look — Although this comment came in as a separate item, the question is similar as the one above. • Don't remove eucalyptus trees on Easton because they act as speed bumps to slow traffic — This point will be discussed along with the Easton Eucalyptus tree issues currently before the Commission. Staff points out that trees are not intended as speed bumps, nor is this function healthy for the trees. • Keep Caltrans from removing trees on El Camino — Trees along El Camino Real are under the jurisdiction of Caltrans. The Commission recommends City staff continue working with CalTrans to develop a maintenance plan for the trees that includes regular trimming, testing, removal of unhealthy trees, and replacement of any removals on a 2:1 basis. The Commission stated that several items on the list are too ambiguous for specific comment and indicate the need for public education as the practices below are already in place. The Commission suggested that this information be disseminated in the water bills or through realtors when properties are sold. Enforce beautification ordinances — Protected tree removals need a City permit, appeals are often before the Commission and fees are charged to violators. • City requires 1-2 trees in front of every residence but residents cannot modify, spray, or cut the tree — This statement is a correct reflection of the current status. Street trees are maintained by City crews in order to ensure proper arboricultural practices are applied to all of the trees. NEW BUSINESS - City Council Goals — (Memorandum) — (Contd.) • Comprehensive tree planting program on residential streets — Each year the City plants more trees than are removed. This is one of the qualifying conditions of being proclaimed a Tree City, USA — an `-- honor the City has received for over 25 years. • Evaluate streets without trees —Residents who do not have trees in front of their property may contact the Parks Division office and request a tree be planted. The City will plant and maintain the tree at no charge to the property owner, but residents are encouraged to water the trees. • Maintain trees neat to sidewalks better — It is unsure if this remark was directed at the maintenance of the trees or the trees' impact on the sidewalks which could have many contributingfactors. Commissioner Lahey then excused herself from the meeting at 6:35 pm after reporting that she had enjoyed attending the Commissioners Seminar. Long Ranee Reforestation Plan for Easton Drive — Committee Report Commission reviewed the draft letter inviting the Easton Drive residents to the public meeting to discuss the Long Range Reforestation Plan for Easton Drive. The Commission discussed the logistics for the public meeting as well as the public notification process that will be used. Corrections to the draft will be made by Secretary Lauder and forwarded back to staff (over Chairperson McQuaide's signature) for the notification to be mailed to the Easton Drive residents. Commissioner McQuaide will check with OLA Catholic Church and/or the First Presbyterian Church to arrange for a possible meeting site and date. After a date and time is set, staff will send the letter to Easton Drive residents inviting them to the forum and the public will be officially noticed and encouraged to come. Commissioner Grandcolas excused himselffrom the meeting at 6.50 pm. REPORTS — Superintendent — 1. Monies have been donated for a bench to be placed at Village Park in memory of Martin (Marty) Lieberman. 2. Crews from the California Conservation Corps have completed emergency repairs to portions of the Ed Taylor Trail in Mills Canyon that were washed out in the recent storms. Ellis — Commissioner Ellis reported that she attended the CPRS Commissioners Seminar and attended the following workshops: Soliciting Community Input, Conflict Resolution, and Legislative Tool Kit. She then thanked Director Schwartz for arranging for the Commission to attend, stating that she found it very informative. Lauder — Commissioner Lauder reported that she also attended the CPRS Commissioners Seminar and enjoyed the lecture on Conflict Resolution. There being no further business, Chairperson McQuaide adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Kar en ey Q Recording Secretary