HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2007.10.04BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION OCTOBER 4, 2007 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by `— Chairperson McQuaide. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson McQuaide (left early), Benson, Grandcolas, Carney, Lahey, and Wright Absent: Commissioner Ellis Staff: Superintendent Richmond, Supervisor Disco, and Secretary Harvey Guests: Annette Tam (260 Crescent Avenue) MINUTES — The minutes from the August 2, 2007 meeting were approved as submitted. Letter from Supervisor Richmond to Annette Tam, 260 Crescent Avenue, acknowledging receipt of her letter appealing the denial of the request to remove the City -owned Sycamore tree fronting her address and that the appeal would be forwarded to the Beautification Commission for review, and a decision would be rendered at the October 4, 2007 Commission meeting. Memorandum from Superintendent Richmond reporting on the Sudden Oak Death disease affecting the Oak trees in Mills Canyon. Copy of group email announcing the Tree Planting Ceremony at 1800 Easton Drive on Saturday, October 13th at 9:30 am. Letter from City Manager Nantell to City of Burlingame Commissions regarding: Council Policy on Commission Attendance and Resolution 16-84 Providing for the Removal of Commissioners for Non - Attendance. Email from Jennifer Pfaff regarding tree removals and replacements at 1604 and 1610 Chapin Avenue. Staff Report from Supervisor Bob Disco regarding tree removals and replacements at 1604 and 1610 Chapin Avenue including attachments: 1) Email from homeowner at 1604 Chapin Avenue to Community Development Director regarding tree removals and replacements at 1604 Chapin Avenue and 2) Email from Parks Administrative Secretary regarding timeline of removals and replacements at 1604 and 1610 Chapin Avenue. FROM THE FLOOR None The order of the agenda was changed to accommodate the appellant from 260 Crescent Avenue. NEW BUSINESS Appeal of the Denial of the Request for Removal and Replacement of City -owned Sycamore Tree at 260 Crescent Avenue Supervisor Disco reported that the appellant has requested removal of the Sycamore because she believes the roots are cracking her staircase. The property owner was advised that the tree, though under utilities and "topped" was healthy, had good structure, and root pruning and root barriers could be conducted at the homeowner's expense. There were no visible signs of the root near the area of the foundation so cause of damage to the staircase could not be determined. Commissioner Benson noted that the tree seems to be very far from the wall of the staircase. Superintendent Richmond wondered if the staircase fell within the front setback and noted that it has an unusual configuration with the stairway dropping down. Chairperson McQuaide commented that the stairway being that close to the setback should not have been allowed. Anneal of the Denial of the Request for Removal and Replacement of City -owned Sycamore Tree at 260 Crescent Avenue — (Contd.) Commissioner Benson asked if the roots were cut and root barriers placed would the root stop growing. Supervisor Disco clarified that the cut root would stop growing and barriers would prevent other roots from accessing area for some time. Commissioner Grandcolas recalled that former City Arborist, Steve Porter, had once stated that a foundation or wall will deflect roots and act like a root barrier and that a root could not actually "crack" a foundation. Supervisor Disco responded that proximity, size of root, and enough pressure from a root might conceivably cause a foundation to "crack" but is not usually the case. Commissioner Grandcolas asked if trees "under power lines" are justification for removal. Supervisor Disco stated in his estimation, no. Commissioner Lahey asked if the area around the bushes near the fence was dug out, could the root be found. Supervisor Disco responded, yes, if they potholed the area and dug down they likely could see if a root was there or not. Chairperson McQuaide opened the hearing to the floor. Commissioner Lahey asked Ms. Tam about the addition. Ms. Tam stated the addition was a basement that was converted into a family room by the previous owner. Commissioner Lahey asked if Ms. Tam had considered if the crack may have been caused by something other than the tree roots. Ms. Tam responded that she has only lived there for 2 years, but her gardener told her to have it checked out. Ms. Tam also stated that she lives near a creek. Chairperson McQuaide closed public comment. Chairperson McQuaide stated the tree is healthy, removal of trees because they are under PG&E lines is not a justification, there are few trees in the area and removal of the tree would negatively impact the neighborhood, and that, the remodel design should have been altered to be further from tree. Commissioner Grandcolas stated that removing trees because they are under power lines is never a reason for removal, that the area already has too much concrete and not enough greenery, and trees add value to properties. He added that clay soil expands and contracts and can cause cracking, and since it is indeterminate that the tree roots have cracked the staircase, denial to remove the tree should be upheld. Commissioner Carney added that even if it were to be determined to be the root, that there are other ways to "get to the root of the problem" like installing root barriers. Commissioner Lahey stated she concurred with Supervisor Disco's opinion, that cracking could be the ground settling other than the root, and that digging to find the root, root pruning and placement of root barriers could resolve the problem if necessary. Commissioner Benson noted that according to the Davey Tree Company report submitted by Ms. Tam, they are prepared to cut the roots. Following the discussion, Commissioner Lahey moved to uphold the recommendation to deny the removal of the City owned Sycamore tree at 260 Crescent Avenue because there are other solutions available to mitigate the concerns, such as root pruning and installation of root barriers if necessary, seconded, Wright Motion carried 6 — 0—1(absent). OLD BUSINESS Landscape Award Proposal Update Commissioner Wright stated that she and Commissioner Lahey have revised the award to only be made available to businesses in the City of Burlingame and that they are hoping for approval by the Commission so it may be forwarded with a recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Lahey added that awards for residential properties can be added at a later time. The Commission discussed and reviewed the revised "Burlingame Beautification Commission Award". Following the discussion, it was the general consensus that the Commission individually submit further "IN revisions via email or mail for final approval to be made at the November I' Commission meeting. Commissioner Lahey agreed to make any revisions discussed during the meeting and to email a revised document to the Administrative Secretary who will distribute to the Commission for revisions. 2 Arbor Day 2008 — Superintendent Richmond reported that staff met with the Burlingame Elementary School District and received enthusiastic approval for tree planting on school properties for the 2008 Arbor Day ceremony. He added that the parochial elementary schools will also be contacted. The Arbor Day ceremony would then be celebrated at 8 different school planting sites. The Commission will be asked to help organize the celebrations, determine logistics, etc. Commissioner Benson suggested that the individual schools organize the ceremonies with their student councils and/or school beautification commissioners. Superintendent Richmond stated he and Supervisor Disco would be meeting with the principals and would suggest that students and student committees organize the ceremonies at each of their schools. Chairperson McQuaide stated that once staff has met with the principals and has received more information and input, the Commission can then divide up any responsibilities needed for the Arbor Day 2008 Celebration. Centennial Tree Planting Superintendent Richmond noted that any information or publicity regarding donations for the large tree planting at Cannon Island as part of the Centennial celebration will need to be finalized for the Recreation brochure by November I". Chairperson McQuaide submitted a draft of a possible announcement to be placed in the Winter Recreation brochure. Supervisor Disco stated that he would prefer planting a hardwood tree such as a Copper Beech or Pin Oak and that he had received a quote from a contractor who will prepare the site and plant the tree. Prices range from $300 for a 24" box size tree to $6,000 for a 72" box size tree. After a brief discussion, it was the general consensus of the Commission that a 72" box size tree be the preferred size, that $6,000 could be raised from the community and businesses, and that the draft submitted by Chairperson McQuaide be approved for placement in the Winter Recreation brochure. Chairperson McQuaide left at 7:1 S pm after turning over the meeting to Vice -Chair Grandcolas. Rotation of Chairperson at November 1.2007 Commission Meeting Superintendent Richmond reported that since appointments for the Commission would not happen until after this meeting (and since Commissioner Carney's term is up and she would be next on the rotation to serve as Chairperson), rotation of the Chairperson would not be able to occur until the December Commission meeting. He concluded that Chairperson McQuaide agreed to remain as Chairperson until that time. Vision of the Burlingame Beautification Commission Commissioner Benson stated that when the ordinance for the Commission was reviewed at the last meeting, it seemed to allow for more leeway than was originally thought and the Commission would just need to be more proactive in taking on various projects to beautify the City, forming committees, and planting more trees. Commissioner Benson also added that the Commission needs to be more responsive to the public by trying to address their concerns; so the public knows that the Commission welcomes their input. Commissioner Grandcolas stated that the input received from Easton Drive residents was a good process and more should be done through forums where the public can present ideas and provide input. The Commission further discussed the different City Committees and public forums that are currently being offered by the Council i.e. cleanup committee, Safeway plans, downtown area plan, etc. Superintendent Richmond commented that the Council would need to be made aware of any other organized forums the Commission may want to conduct. Commissioner Lahey stated she thought the ordinance as stated for the Commission is very comprehensive in setting the vision and direction for the Commission and was not clear as to why a new vision needed to be discussed. Vice -Chair Grandcolas stated that there had been a sense that the scope of the Commission needed to be broader but that perhaps a broader vision may not be necessary. The Commission agreed that identifying a broader vision is not necessary at this time based on the existing ordinance. Designation of Lower Easton Drive as an Historic District Superintendent Richmond asked if anyone, other than Chairperson McQuaide, had comment on this item. Commissioner Benson stated that all that is needed to make such a designation is for the Council to vote to make such a designation. Since there were no further comments, and Chairperson McQuaide had left, the item was tabled to the November 1'` meeting. REPORTS — Superintendent Richmond 1. Easton Forestation - The replacement Citriodora will be planted on 10/13 at 9:30 in the morning at Easton Library. Small pieces of the removed tree will be available to the public. Parks has 7 additional 15 gallon Citriodoras available for planting; one will be placed in front of the Rec Ctr. We may place some more along Burlingame Avenue in the vacant sites. 2. Tree Grant Progress - Grant request for funding of up to 450 trees for currently vacant planting spaces in the City was submitted once the State budget was passed. Parks & Recreation anticipate funding; notification occurs up to six weeks following submittal. Part of the proposal was to have volunteer monitors of the newly planted trees. The hope is that Beautification Commissioners will form the core group of the monitors. Monitors will check periodically on the condition of a group of Grant funded trees —health, on going watering, vandalism, etc. Our proposal has the planting contracted out, so that our City crew can continue to do our regular replacement planting while the Grant planting is occurring. 3. Sudden Oak Death in Mills Canyon has now been confirmed by lab tests by the County. The Parks Division has asked Kevin Kielty to do general mapping and i.d. of the spread of the disease. Parks also asked him to recommend a treatment plan. Best treatment time with Agri Fos is November, so we want to be prepared to treat selected trees. 4. First Detector Program - This program enlists a large group of trained individuals who are familiar with new pest problems and are capable in recognizing and reporting the pests. 5. Tree Planting for Winter has begun. About 75 trees are scheduled for planting. 6. November Meeting - Bob Disco was prepared to discuss the Fragrance Garden, but it was moved it to November, so we would have adequate time for discussion. The planting plan will be in your November packet, so you'll have time to look it over in advance of the meeting. Commissioner Lahev Commissioner Lahey reported that the Cleanup Task Force recently focused on Burlingame Avenue and Broadway, spending 2 hours at a constant pace, and were able to cleanup trash, cigarette butts, and socks! The next Cleanup is scheduled for October 28t' and the Committee will be enlisting help from the Scouts. She concluded that it is a very positive community event and anyone interested can find out more information on the City of Burlingame E-Newsletter. Commissioner Benson Commissioner Benson announced that the City has employed a Downtown Area Maintenance Worker for $72,000/year to provide ongoing maintenance on Broadway and Burlingame Avenue. She added that many volunteer groups and clubs have become involved in the "Cleanup" and there is a growing awareness in the Community about the trash problem in our City. Commissioner Grandcolas added that the Police should do a "sweep" in the business districts for those who litter the area with cigarette butts and trash. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Kar a Harvey Recording Secretary V00