HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 2007.04.05BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION APRIL 5, 2007 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson McQuaide. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson McQuaide, Carney, Ellis, Lahey, Grandcolas, and Wright Absent: Commissioner O'Connor Staff: Superintendent Richmond, Supervisor Disco, and Secretary Harvey Guests: Nancy Locke, Anna Klonoff, and Arlene Klonoff (2958 Arguello Dr.) MINUTES — The Minutes of the March 1, 2007 Beautification Commission Meeting, were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Beautification Commission Award Draft submitted by committee persons, Lahey and Wright. Letter to Mrs. Evelyn Reed, 2022 Trousdale Drive, informing her that her appeal to the Council of the Commission's denial of her appeal for the removal of the two private Redwood trees at 2022 Trousdale Drive would be heard at the March 19'' City Council meeting. Letter to the Beautification Commission from Fiona Hamilton requesting the Commission consider the planting of a small "Centennial Grove" to be a part of the Centennial celebrations in 2008. Letter to the Garden Study Club of the Peninsula, thanking them for their contribution towards the Arbor Day tree planting. Letter to John Melvin, California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection, thanking him for his participation in the Arbor Day Ceremony at Cuernavaca Park on March 5, 2007. Letter to Mark Manual, Comcast, thanking him for video taping and televising the Arbor Day Ceremony at Cuernavaca Park. FROM THE FLOOR — Former Beautification Commissioner Nancy Locke, updated the Commission on the work she and other former commissioner, Jill Lauder, have been doing on the landscape at the Broadway/101 interchange (triangle), that was adopted by them several years ago. She is hoping to enlist the help of the Commission to recruit more volunteers for trash and litter pickup on the "triangle" on a monthly basis. She noted that a brief training, conducted by her, would be necessary but that the cleanup would only take about an hour or two each month. She encouraged the Beautification Commission to spread the word to service clubs and other groups and to have them contact her if they are interested in helping to maintain this entrance to the City. Chairperson McQuaide thanked Ms. Locke. Commissioner Wright noted that she would be willing to notify some of the service clubs; i.e. SIRS, Lions, Rotary, Kiwanis, etc. about this volunteer opportunity. Superintendent Richmond noted that he and Commissioner Lahey are on the city's "Cleanup Committee" and that they would report this need to the committee. Commissioner Grandcolas noted that the issue of litter consistently comes up at the Beautification Commission meetings, and believes the source of the litter needs to be addressed, and wondered if the Burlingame Police Department ever issues fines to people for littering. M NEW BUSINESS Easton Drive Reforestation Plan — Tree Hazard Evaluation Form Approval Superintendent Richmond noted that the Tree Hazard Evaluation form has been developed by the International Society of Arborists, and is commonly used in the field of arboriculture. Staff proposes and requests the Commission adopt this form to be used during the next evaluation of the Easton Drive trees as well as on other city -owned trees throughout the City of Burlingame. Following the Commission's review and discussion and further input from Supervisor Disco regarding the Tree Hazard Evaluation form, Commissioner Lahey moved that the Commission adopt the Tree Hazard Evaluation form for use in evaluating city -owned trees in Burlingame; seconded, Commissioner Grandcolas. Motion carried 6 — 0 — 1 absent (O'Connor). OLD BUSINESS Street Tree Reforestation Proiect — Commissioners List of Blocks with Few Trees Chairperson McQuaide reported that Commissioner Lahey submitted a comprehensive list of blocks with few trees from her designated area and that there are still several Commissioners who need to submit lists. Chairperson McQuaide then suggested that the Street Tree Reforestation project and the Centennial tree planting could be a combined project and submitted a proposed draft of a letter that could be sent to residents. After reading the proposed draft, she stated that staff had suggested that the two projects be kept separate. She stated that Supervisor Disco and Secretary Harvey had discussed a plan for two separate projects. Supervisor Disco stated that if the Commission wanted a separate centennial tree planting, the planting could be conducted in the month March of 2008, the month of the City's Arbor Day ceremony. This would give residents ample time to donate $100 and choose a tree from a list of trees specifically chosen to be planted as "centennial" trees. He also suggested that a small emblem could be placed in the sidewalk designing the tree as a "centennial" tree and that the trees could be monitored and tracked as such in the street tree computer management system. Alternatively, Supervisor Disco stated that Fiona Hamilton had an idea of the planting of a small grove on the island between Stacks and Comcast on California Drive. Supervisor Disco explained that the Street Tree Reforestation project could then follow in the Fall of 2008 with the Centennial Tree Planting as the promotional kick off for the Street Tree Reforestation project of planting trees on streets with few trees. This would then become an ongoing program tied into the regular street tree planting that occurs several times each year. Secretary Harvey left the meeting at 6: 30 pm. The Commission further discussed whether to combine the two programs. It was the consensus that the best approach would be to separate a Centennial Tree planting from the Street Tree Reforestation project. The Commission also recognized that there are very few places where a Centennial Grove might be planted. Supervisor Disco suggested that perhaps a single, very significant tree, could be planted on the island at Bellevue and California Drive; and that, a specie such as a Coast Live Oak (in excess of a 48 inch box size tree) could be planted in that central location as the "Centennial Tree", with a ceremony accompanying the planting. He added that the planting of a tree of that size would require the use of a crane, but would be an interesting spectacle to watch. The Commission was favorably impressed with the idea and saw it as a good alternative to multiple Centennial plantings throughout the City, which would be very difficult to administer. Chairperson McQuaide asked that Supervisor Disco bring more specific information on cost, availability, size, and possible species to the May meeting. OLD BUSINESS — Contd. Landscape Award Commissioners Lahey and Wright reported that they would like to re think the scope of the proposed award. They believe that the original schedule they had proposed is too constrictive; that the whole concept needs more thought. They plan to investigate a similar award that is given in Redwood City and plan to meet with committee members from that program. They have also scheduled additional meetings with individuals who may be able to assist in award designs. They are also in contact with local artist Dale Perkins concerning award ideas. The Committee will report back to the June meeting, believing that two months are needed to develop ideas and recommendations. Chairperson McQuaide agreed to place the item on the June agenda. Superintendent Richmond reminded the Commission that at some point funding would need to be discussed. Arbor Day 2008 — Centennial Planning The Commission discussed the 2007 event that was held at Cuernavaca Park. The Commission then discussed what they would like to have happen for 2008, the Centennial year. Commissioners discussed the possibility of making the Centennial Tree planting event (discussed earlier) also be the Arbor Day 2008 celebration. Commissioners suggested ways that this could be a special Arbor Day —perhaps include a school band performance, seek participation from the Chamber of Commerce, and consider changing the time of the event for one year. Chairperson McQuaide asked that the item be placed on the May agenda for further discussion. Rescheduled Meeting with Council The Commission agreed to the rescheduled meeting date with Council —June 18 at 6 p.m. Superintendent Richmond suggested that the Commission use that time to discuss with Council any current plans that the Commission is formulating. The Centennial Arbor Day proposal would be an appropriate item to discuss, as would the Commission's desire to reinstitute the Landscape Award, and that this is an excellent opportunity to make sure that the Commission's goals are in line with those of the Council. The item will be placed on the May agenda for further discussion. REPORTS Disco Supervisor Disco reported that arrangements have been made for the full evaluation of the Easton Library Eucalyptus Tree as per Council direction. The Evaluation will be performed by a team of arborists led by Kevin Kielty. It will begin with a full evaluation of the crown of the tree, followed by a root evaluation which will include extensive excavation. A full report will be prepared. Kielty will be available to Council to answer any questions about his team's evaluation. Supervisor Disco also reported that he had met with Senior Planner Maureen Brooks and the Landscape Architect from the hospital project on the changes that have been made to the El Camino median islands and the plans for relandscaping. In those meetings, he stressed the need for something other than piecemeal repairs to the landscaping. He also reported to the Commission about what he had learned with regard to the hospital tree plantings along the El Camino frontage. Supervisor Disco further reported that he had been receiving e-mail reports from the PG&E contractor specifying where his crews would be working and that this has been very helpful. Richmond 1. Director Schwartz met twice with Cal Trans reps regarding tree replacement and the maintenance of trees on ECR. He clearly stated our historical agreement for a 2 for I replacement plan concerning removals. The meetings were prompted by the removal of Elms on El Camino with no plans for replacements. Thanks to Commissioner O'Connor for her assistance through Assemblyman Mullin's office and to Jen Pfaff who accompanied Director Schwartz at the meeting. 2. Tree Crew completed Sycamore pruning in this year's section. 3. Trees in Broadway Business District were pruned by City contractor. Project jointly funded by City and BID. REPORTS — Richmond — Contd. 4. City Staff is treating City trees with chronic aphid/elm leaf beetle problems with soil injected pesticide. 5. 2007 looks to be a dry year; it will be critical for property owners to water trees fronting their properties, especially the newly planted trees. 6. Council denied appeal of denial for permit to remove two private Redwood trees at 2022 Trousdale. 7. There will be a Burlingame Lagoon Cleanup on Saturday, April 21 from 9 a.m. to Noon. Assembly point will be at the Lagoon Trail head at 250 Anza Blvd. Chairperson McQuaide Chairperson McQuaide reported her continuing interest in making Easton Drive an historic street. Commissioner Grandcolas Commissioner Grandcolas reported an encounter with a PG&E pruning crew in which he succeeded in having the Supervisor alter the type of pruning they were doing for line clearance. He also reported an ivy covered tree at Adeline and Cortez. Commissioner Lahev Commisioner Lahey reported that the Cleanup Task Force will have its first cleanup day on Sunday, April 29 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. The project will target parking lots off Broadway and Burlingame Ave. Refreshments will be supplied by Broadway Grill. Commissioner Wrieht Commissioner Wright reported having seen outstanding downtown plantings and exceptional cleanliness in Santa Barbara and Tucson. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, s � Kar ene Harvey Recording Secretary Tim Richmond Superintendent of Parks